úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.51
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE



A sudden cloudburst set the taxi windscreen wipers to work. BNC

had poured with rain; a total cloudburst, thunder cracking and grumbling in the skies above the city.  BNC

Corrosion in pipework has been blamed for a gas escape which triggered the operation cloudburst emergency plan in February. BNC

cloudless sky


One day Tony gets up to watch and witnesses one of the few times when the sun travels across a blue, cloudless sky. BCN

The blizzard had swept on and now a full moon hung low in the dark-blue cloudless sky. BNC

 We all awoke to sunshine: a cloudless sky, pale winter sunshine, a cold day but bright. BNC

cold call

nesjednaná obchodní návštěva

In the case of private investors, only certain types of investment may be the subject of a cold call. BNC

Is it been a cold call and you've qualified it by getting an advertisement out there or is it qualified by actually getting the money in your hand. BNC

They had heard of Oyston, who had originally been contacted as a cold call, but they had never met him. BNC

cold facts

holá fakta

I'm just pointing out cold facts.  CALD

Indeed, cold facts and figures can be found in any public reference library. BNC

Statistics can be merely cold facts but these represent the great generosity and warmth of the machine knitting fraternity in the UK. BNC

cold snap

náhlé ochlazení

The recent cold snap has led to higher food prices.CIDI

A cold snap following planting may cause them to bolt. BNC

Despite the cold snap, a white Christmas was an unlikely prospect for most people.  BNC

cold sore


A cold sore, or herpes simplex, is a skin infection that is caused by a virus. WebCorp

He's five feet nine inches tall, slim, with dirty blond hair in a centre parting, and he has a cold sore on his top lip. BNC

Even more rarely, a cold sore may reappear in your eye. WebCorp

cold spell

studená vlna

Apart from the brief cold spell in late November, we have had very few hard frosts. BNC

If we get a cold spell between Boxing Day and the 21st of January, then it will be very cold.  BNC

A cold spell simply halts flowering for a little while. BNC

cold turkey


The nurses are there to encourage patients through cold turkey. CIDI

Suddenly stopping the drug may result in acute" withdrawal" effects such as delirium tremens for alcohol or" cold turkey" (which feels like a bad bout of influenza) for heroin. BNC

Aurora Jennings Blake, have made me understand a little of what addicts must have to face when they're made to go cold turkey. BNC



Christopher Lambert stars as cold-hearted chess grandmaster Peter Sanderson who becomes a serial-killer suspect. BNC

And you will hear most of all about the abattoir man, the evil, cold-hearted villain who knows no pity! BNC

We heard little about cold-heartedprofiteers, but it didn't take long to find one. WebCorp

come in from the cold

zapojit se, přistoupit

Turkey is now keen to come in from the cold and join the European community. CIDI

Over the past two years, Swedish investors have come in from the cold. BNC

If our much smaller, and much more numerous local museums are also to come in from the cold, the only route open to them is the one of providing a stimulating and memorable learning experience. BNC

common cold


The virus of herpes simplex is probably the most common human viral parasite after that responsible for the common cold. BN

Depression is as universal as the common cold. BNC

These symptoms are very similar to those associated with the common cold or flu. BNC

cool it

jenom klid, ne tak zhurta

Cool it, Jay! she told herself, this is all very new. BNC

Then from behind the bar a hunk the size of Ludo and with a nose like a squashed pear tells them to cool it: we aren't police, he says. BNC

Cool it, Steve, and tell me why you're so ecstatic. BNC

crisp snow

křupavý sníh

She held the lead and quietly plodded upward through the crisp snow that covered the long Baskan Glacier. BNC

 A full moon and crisp snow beneath crampon points. BNC

Why not just sit back and enjoy a romantic sleigh ride to the sound of horse bells through the crisp snow into the Ellmau valley. WebCorp


boční vítr

Your first attempts in a light breeze will probably get no further than the crosswind point. BCN

The crosswind was increasing and the finish was the most exposed part of the course for this wind direction with a significant chop. BNC

Almost at once they heard the music of the hunt --; the pack and the leaders, running crosswind a furlong or so downhill from the path. BNC

crystal clear

naprosto jasný

She made it crystal clear that she was in charge. CIDI

Everything, it says, is not exactly crystal clear. BNC

The digitised speech is crystal clear and the FM music would justify spending that little extra on a Sound Blaster to get the full benefit of this excellent package. BNC