úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.12
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE

damp squib

fiasko, neúspěch

The party turned out to be a bit of a damp squib. Half the people who'd been invited didn't turn up. CIDI

But a panel of youngsters asked by TODAY to review the show declared it to be more damp squib than hot stuff. BNC 

As had happened so many times lately, what looked like a flash of illumination had turned into a damp squib. BNC

day in, day out

den co den

Life can become very tedious if you do the same work day in, day out. CIDI

If you're using them in industry, day in day out all day long, then that is the real importance of wearing protective gear. BNC

Living with her, day in day out, I was beginning to realize how unstable she is. BNC

dead heat

mrtvý závod( nerozhodný)

The race ended in a dead heat. CALD

The opinion polls show the three election candidates in a dead heat. CALD

As a result, Bush finds himself in a statistical dead heat with the opposition nine months before the election. WebCorp

drive/get/go into a skid

jít do smyku

Half the drivers surveyed said they'd been in a skid… most reckon they can handle one. BNC

In the end not getting into a skid is always going to be better than having to cope with one. BNC

Tweed drove into the skid, the car responded, he was free of the skid. BNC

drop sth like a hot brick/potato

zanechat, utéct

He dropped the plan like a hot potato when he realized how much it would cost him. CALD

Charging pensioners and children for medical prescriptions picked that one up and dropped it like a hot potato and charging for hospital treatment and why so why not do a U-turn on on this one? BNC

The government dropped the plan like a hot brick when they realized the bad feeling it was causing. CIDI

drop sth like a hot potato

zbavit se něčeho jako horkého bramboru, utéct od něčeho

He dropped the plan like a hot potato when he realized how much it would cost him.CALD

If it makes you ineffective, drop it like a hot potato. WebCorp

It will begin to describe on thing and then just drop it like a hot potato and go to a new subject. WebCorp

dry dock

suchý dok

Although occasionally an older vessel may substitute for one in dry dock, many venerable craft have been pensioned off. BNC

The most famous of these, and the only one remaining today is the Cutty Sark, which is now moored in a dry dock at Greenwich in London. BNC

The Company were already building ships at their yard which was sited opposite the Customs House and the dry dock helped to consolidate the repair side of the business. BNC

dry land

pevnina, souš

We sailed for three days before we saw dry land. CALD

If you are not aware of what is happening, the sea could move in behind you and cut you off your route to dry land. BNC

The Minister's wife stayed on dry land while he sailed to Gibraltar with Mona, the count, his sons and two Arab girls. BNC

dry run

zkouška nanečisto

We decided to do a dry run at the church the day before the wedding. CIDI

Like previous Lloyd Webber productions, the show was given a dry run at Lloyd Webber's annual Sydmonton Festival, held at his 1,200-acre Berkshire estate.  BNC

It was meant to be a dry run for a much bigger event in September. BNC

dry season

období sucha

This is what it has been like during the dry season in Brazil for the past two years. BNC

Soon the dry season will return and food supplies will disappear. BCN

They hibernate during the dry season by burrowing deep into the damp sand. BCN

dust storm

prašná bouře

Perhaps the discussion paper is making points that have been obscured by a dust storm of other allegations about the auditing performance of the Big Six. BNC

If we were lucky, there were a few minutes in the evening when the wind dropped, the dust storm subsided, and we could brave the mosquitoes and wash the corrosive dust from our bodies. BNC

Bouncing along the rubble track, you arrive in the midst of a dust storm of your own creation. BNC


element of truth

kousek pravdy

Very likely there is an element of truth in both suggestions. BNC

There is an element of truth in the belief that too much sex can curve your spine and rot your bones. BNC

She couldn't cloak her antagonism which was all the worse for the element of truth in what he said. BNC

Every cloud has a silver lining

Všechno zlé je k něčemu dobré.

As the trip's been cancelled I'll be able to go to the match this Saturday. Every cloud has a silver lining. CIDI

Every cloud has a silver lining.
It's just a shame that every silver lining's got to have a cloud. WebCorp

Every cloud has a silver lining means that you should never feel hopeless because difficult times always lead to better days. WebCorp

excessive rainfall

nadměrné srážky

The depth and particularity of the green are the result of the excessive rainfall. BNC

Landslip can occur following storm conditions or periods of excessive rainfall. BNC

Guard against the harmful effects of extreme weather by watering plants before drought becomes critical, and making sure excessive rainfall can drain away freely. BNC

exhaust fumes

výfukové plyny

Then there are toxic, corrosive and carcinogenic exhaust fumes and the spreading intrusiveness of traffic noise, which again are by no means limited to city centres. BNC

The smoke furled dreamily from its navy blue nostrils and wafted gently into the evening, almost indistinguishable from the exhaust fumes of the cars below it. BNC

They had seen the clouds of exhaust fumes spewed by the Trabants and Wartburgs which had brought escaping East Germans to the West. BNC