pondělí, 3. června 2024, 03.04
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: NATURE

all bark and no bite

pes, který štěká, nekouše

  1. They seem like bullies, but the boys that bond with them are all bark and no bite. (COCA)
  2. But the degree to which they think conservatives are all bark and no bite could end up. (COCA)
  3. All bark and no bite apparently. Giselle yelled at him to get away, afraid he would scratch the shiny magenta paint. (COCA)

angry as a bear

velice naštvaný

  1. They were as angry as a bear caught in a trap. (Google)
  2. Computer refuses to work, or maybe even fails to start making you as angry as a bear. (Google)
  3. Partially stunned, and certainly angry as a bear, Maurice, spurting blood from his scalp, took off after Laycoe, who beat a hasty retreat. (Google)

animal lover

milovník zvířat

I'm an animal lover and all the animals I saw were treated very well. BNC

He is a gentle little man, "an animal lover, and I dislike terrorism, as I worship pleasure and charm." Times

He's really showing himself to be an animal lover. COCA

artificial lures

umělé návnady (rybaření)

The others were divided by their devotion to live bait or artificial lures. COCA

Good color choices in artificial lures are black, blue and chartreuse, and chartreuse. COCA

One advantage of use of artificial lures is a reduction in use of bait. Google

as the crow flies

vzdušnou čarou

  1. As the crow flies, we are about 20 miles from Philadelphia. (COCA)
  2. The trip from Central Garage to Richmond is roughly thirty miles as the crow flies, which is pretty much the way that Bubba Pritchert and his passenger made. (COCA)
  3. Yet Fortress, just three miles from Nakiska as the crow flies, gets 200 more inches of snow. (COCA)

at a snail's pace

šněčím tempem

  1. From Chippenham they advanced at a snail 's pace until, about four miles from Bath, they stopped altogether. (COCA)
  2. The truck drivers you see meandering on the mountainous roads at a snail 's pace are only too aware of their perilous machinery. (COCA)
  3. Shahmani giggled nervously as she steered a minivan at a snail 's pace along a quiet residential street in southwest Houston. (COCA)

back down

ustoupit, vzdát se

Airport officials at Little Rock, Arkansas, were forced to back down after a storm of protest from residents. BNC

Now I would like to make you a little bet, and Iwon't back down either if I lose. Times

I refused to back down from Starr so I continued in her direction. COCA

baited trap

nastražená past

I feel like I'm one step from the trigger of an expertly baited trap. COCA

You could not hear him in the woods or see his baited trap. COCA

One baited trap was placed in each of three backyards. Google

beat one's chest

tlouci se do prsou

He beat his chest and sang a song that turned out to be the old monarchist Bulgarian anthem. BNC

Suddenly he would stop, beat his chest in Tarzan fashion, and howl to the heavens. Times

I'll guarantee you, taught every one of us a lesson; don't beat your chest in this business. COCA

bench fungus


  1. Such a house may be used to advantage, hut in the dark days of winter we have found that cutting bench fungus. (Google)
  2. On the ether hand, if too high temperature is used, cutting bench fungus is liable to set in and ruin the crop. (Google)
  3. Refers to rotton wood (good for starting a fire) as well as to tree bench fungus (good for starting a fire). (Google)

between the tides

mezi přílivem a odlivem

But there are many others, including those referring to the behaviour of falling bodies and pendulums, the correlation between the tides and the locations of the sun and moon, and so on. BNC

On the face of it, the zone between the tides seems a poor environment for living things. BNC

However, the beach, too, has a zone between the tides, the foreshore, and this zone deserves a moment's attention. Google

beware of

pozor na ...

There's nothing to stop you putting a sign on the gate saying Beware of the dog. BNC

Beware of breeding rats in America! Times

I'm saying beware of questions that suggest a phrase for your reply. COCA

big cats

velké šelmy kočkovité

Like domestic cats, well fed big cats are contented cats, and spend a large part of their day just resting. BNC

The Leopard Lady. She trains the big cats. Times

The big cats are all still pretty endangered in the wild. COCA

big fish

velká ryba, velké zvíře

  1. The big fish, Batman, real name Andrew Moore, got 40 years. (COCA)
  2. The prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was really going after some seriously big fish. (COCA)
  3. Andrea's father was a big fish; he headed the Agro Bank. (COCA)

big fish in a small pond

osoba úspěšná v malém odvětví, kde není téměř žádná konkurence

  1. After graduating from college I decided to stay in Buffalo and try to be a big fish in a small pond. (Google)
  2. If you're a big fish in a small pond, you're probably one of the leaders in the market space you've defined as your pond. (Google)
  3. I want to talk a minute about what I call the Big Fish in the Small Pond syndrome. (Google)

bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

lepší vrabec v hrsti než holub na střeše
  1. A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush? When Do We Prefer Something Certainly Dirty to Something Perhaps Clean? (Google)
  2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" but fore- thought, current thought and afterthought always need to be processed to fully evaluate management. (Google)
  3. The reason that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush has been found by scientists. (Google)


slepičí mozek (o hloupém člověku)

  1. And should anyone call you a bird-brain, just say, " Thank you! " (COCA)
  2. I guess I've just been a bit of a bird-brain lately since I've done many stupid things. (Google)
  3. Don't call me a bird brain - The wackiest weird stories from around the world. (Google)

black widow

černá vdova (jedovatý pavouk)

The bite of a black widow can kill humans. BNC

One of them, the belief that a black widow spider had spun a web under the toilet seat, had been with him since. COCA

Once he added a flair by eating a black widow spider alive. Times

blades of grass

stébla trávy

I slept among the blades of grass until the sun was high. COCA

And the whole garden, from the blades of grass to the tall proud hollyhocks, sighed with pleasure. BNC

Even today, souvenir hunters pull blades of grass from the lawn around the mausoleum housing the coffins of Elvis. Times

blind as a bat

slepý jako patrona

  1. Your sense of direction is totally lost, you're blind as a bat, and I'm nowhere around to guide you to the lavatory. (COCA)
  2. I'm blind as a bat without my glasses. Mind if I wear them? (COCA)
  3. He was deaf as a post and blind as a bat. (The irony was not lost on the old count.) (COCA)

bloom into

stát se něčím krásným

  1. Doctors do know that obese kids nearly always bloom into obese adults. (COCA)
  2. Two winners saw seeds they planted bloom into statewide movements that will survive beyond their student days. (COCA)
  3. They have returned this charge with a sullen suspicion that can bloom into paranoia about Western plots. (COCA)

blossom into

stát se něčím krásným

  1. Try not to compare him with his older siblings. It's harder to blossom into an individual if you're living in the shadow of a hockey champ. (COCA)
  2. I coached them, rooted for their teams, and waited anxiously to see them blossom into stars. (COCA)
  3. I watched this young woman blossom into this beautiful butterfly. (COCA)

brass monkey weather

velmi chladné počasí

  1. This place is known for its brass monkey weather. (Google)
  2. My favourite way of describing 'brass monkey' weather is: "It's as cold as a mother-in laws kiss". (Google)
  3. The UK has certainly been exposed to a fairly lengthy period of brass monkey weather. (Google)

breeding in captivity

chov v zajetí

So breeding in captivity is vital to ensure the species survival. BNC

"Breeding in captivity was the easy part," says William Toone, curator of birds at the San Diego park. Times

...so it's up to us to control all penguin breeding in captivity. COCA

bull in a china shop

slon v porcelánu

  1. You are a bull in a china shop at home, so think before you act or speak. (COCA)
  2. That's when he earned a reputation as a bull in a china shop, with manners. (COCA)
  3. " I am very strong because I am careless, " like a bull in a china shop. (COCA)

bull session

nezávazná konverzace

  1. They rib each other and chat about the latest crime in a morning ritual called the bull session. (COCA)
  2. But this time, they enjoy a relatively leisurely meal and a bull session, too. (COCA)
  3. Soon we were having the usual bull session about the merits of the Yankees vs. the Mets. (COCA)



  1. I miss all your stubborn, bull-headed, pig-headed ways, but most of all I miss you. (COCA)
  2. The African is stout, bull-headed, with close-cropped hair and layers of fat in the neck region. (COCA)
  3. Ammon's son, the bull-headed deity Gurzil, had his chief shrine on the fringes of Garamantian territory at Ghirza. (COCA)

buried in the sand

schovaný, zahrabaný v písku

His head was buried in the sand, hands and feet spread out, as if he had fallen from a great height. BNC

His left leg was buried in the sand, nearly up to his thigh. COCA

She had been drugged and buried in the sand. Times

call the dogs off

přestat někoho napadat

  1. Stop calling me names. Call the dogs off! (Google)
  2. When will she call the dogs off? Be the first person to answer this question. (Google)
  3. Well you can call the dogs off, baby. I don't hate you anymore. (Google)

cast pearls before swine

házet perly sviním

  1. Lois, explaining your feelings would be like casting pearls before swine. (Google)
  2. When the Governor of the Bank of England calls on financiers to curb their avariciousness in the public interest, he cast pearls before swine. (Google)
  3. As recorded in Matthew 7:6, we are not to “cast our pearls before swine.” (Google)

cat nap

krátký spánek během dne

  1. Domestic cats are masters of the " cat nap, " and because theydon't have to worry about predators. (COCA)
  2. Do people in China take a cat nap? (Google)
  3. I'm very tired because I've just come back home. I'll take a cat nap. (Google)

catch a fish

chytit rybu

On the one hand I catch a fish then put it back into the water. BNC

You've got to keep a fly in the water if you want to catch a fish. COCA

Go and catch a fish and take the gold coin out of the fish's mouth and pay the tribute. Times

clear water

čistá, průzračná voda

We have clean, clear water with no chemicals. COCA

Her eyes were also grey like stones through clear water. BNC

Another trick that often proves useful in clear water is to put a skindiver on a sled pulled by a boat. Times

close to the shore

blízko pobřeží

It took skill to manoeuvre the vessel so close to the shore and the girl. BNC

The man's grandson had braved the sight, going close to the shore. COCA

Cruisers, battlewagons and tin cans are standing in amazingly close to the shore, pounding away with all their guns. Times

coarse fishing (GB)

chytání ryb, které žijí v řekách a jezerech (s výjimkou pstruhů a lososů)

June 16: Opening day for coarse fishing on all rivers. BNC

Coarse fishing which is done in fresh water and for many types of fish. BNC

His main love now, probably to preserve his energies, is coarse fishing, BNC

cock and bull story

neuvěřitelná lež

  1. And he charged cash advances with a cock and bull story in several banks. (COCA)
  2. " Wait a minute, " my father says. " This sounds like a cock and bull story to me. (COCA)
  3. He always keeps telling cock and bull stories. (Google)

cock in the henhouse

muž v ryze ženském prostředí

  1. He applied for a job in a nursery school; he will be a cock in the henhouse. (Google)
  2. There's going to be a real cock in the henhouse now. Teresa hired a very attractive guy to work here! (Google)
  3. Alright girls break it up you're being infiltrated by a cock in the henhouse. (Google)

cold fish

studený čumák

  1. A lot of people thought Bill was a cold fish. Alex had always thought he tended to be maudlin. (COCA)
  2. I've thought this through and it's reasonable. I'm not a cold fish.. (COCA)
  3. Maybe you're a cold fish, and your kids will hate you for that instead.. (COCA)


studenokrevný (živočich); chladnokrevný (kůň)

And if a cold-blooded animal is cold, then it metabolizes less rapidly than if it is warm. BNC

However they admit they are no nearer a motive for the cold-blooded killing of the forty year old property developer. BNC

Spinning with cold-blooded persistence, the spider lifted the snake higher &; higher.

come to fruition

uskutečnit se podle plánu

  1. And we'll see if those charges come to fruition or are dropped, correct? (COCA)
  2. We are especially pleased to finally see the thing come to fruition, as there were times when it all looked quite frustrating. (COCA)
  3. I am proud to see the Ga. 316 project come to fruition, and I look forward to tackling more issues. (COCA)

comfy beds

pohodlná lůžka

the Grand Californian, the handsomest of all Disney hotels: a huge lobby, comfy beds and, from most rooms, a great view of the new park. Times

No televisions or phones, but polished hardwood floors, lace curtains, comfy beds, and antique chairs. COCA

Three-course dinners and comfy beds stacked high with wool blankets. COCA

coon's age

uherský rok (dlouhá doba)

  1. This was a long time ago when Daryl Price was king, I mean, if you see the guy's big fat butt now, you know it was a serious coon 's age ago. (COCA)
  2. I didn't seen him in a coon's age. (Google)
  3. You know what i haven't done in a coon's age? I haven't posted anything here since those innocent, carefree, bygone days of 2007.(Google)

count sheep

počítat ovečky

  1. He doesn't have all day although his only plans are to count sheep and take a nap. (COCA)
  2. The age-old remedy for sleeplessness is to " count sheep. " (COCA)
  3. Rather than toss, turn, or count sheep, he resolved to put his wakefulness to good use. (COCA)

covered in hair

pokrytý srstí

By far the largest spider we've seen yet. Covered in hair. Massive eyes. Her two fangs are the size of machetes. COCA

Whatever was on my shoulder now it was covered in hair. BNC

Their heads and chests were covered in hair, and they had beards as well. BNC

covered in scales

pokrytý šupinami

There is an animal with the body and tail of a fish, covered in scales. BNC

Wiwaxia looks like a small Belgian chocolate covered in scales, with some bigger spikes pointing out here and there. BNC

Every night he came to her, his head crowned with horns, his skin covered in scales. COCA

creepy-crawly (infml.)

hmyz, brouk; nahánějící hrůzu

The 19-year-old beautician froze when the creepy-crawly suddenly appeared before her eyes. BNC

There were bats, rats, cockroaches, lizards and she did not like creepy-crawly things. COCA

There have always been creepy-crawly stories, which are part of learning that life is not all teddy bears and roses. BNC

crocodile tears

krokodýlí slzy

  1. He cried a lot. Real tears, not crocodile tears, not fake? If they were ever crocodile tears, I've never seen anyone do it better. (COCA)
  2. She would turn and look at us with pity dripping from her eyes, crocodile tears. (COCA)
  3. We gave him some sob story and the little guy just busted up into crocodile tears and handed over the key. (COCA

crop up

náhle se objevit

  1. Then there are the other vague symptoms that tend to crop up in older patients. (COCA)
  2. While existing computer models predict many things fairly accurately, surprises still crop up, and we probably can't eliminate them. (COCA)
  3. I've known for 19 years that it could crop up at any time. (COCA)



I have seen cross-breed exotic Goldfish that are cute, but rarely better than the original parents. BNC

The Academy of Art College will cross-breed its motion picture/television program with animation and computer arts. COCA

Trouvelot's plan was to cross-breed these insects to create a hardy strain of silk moths. COCA


sekáč (druh pavouka); tiplice

She would play in the dark shed, where there were millions of daddy-long-legs, or stand about watching him while he dug. BNC

Ewww! Gross! A daddy-long-legs! It's walking on the strudel trays. COCA

The spectacle is on the order of a fat little girl tearing apart a daddy-long-legs. Times

dark horse

černý kůň

  1. Iowa and New Hampshire are places where dark horse candidates, relative unknowns, like Jimmy Carter in 1976, Bill Clinton in 1992, have a chance to get noticed. (COCA)
  2. And some think if there is a true dark horse in the race right now, it might be McCain coming back. (COCA)
  3. Huckabee is the guy we sort of identified early in January as the dark horse that could be a big surprise. (COCA)

deadly poisonous

smrtelně jedovatý

  1. I need to retain the knowledge that some spiders are deadly poisonous even when my fear of them has been eliminated. (COCA)
  2. The landlady didn't like the trumpet vine because it was deadly poisonous. (COCA)
  3. Where the pure white hues of the deadly poisonous destroying angel (Amanita virosa) and its richly colored relative the fly amanita. (COCA)

death cap

muchomůrka zelená

  1. Those are the widespread and attractive but treacherous Amanitas, including the aptly named death cap. (COCA)
  2. It aims with perfect accuracy at the center of a death cap mushroom. (COCA)
  3. For example, poison hemlock, which looks like parsley, and Amanita " death cap " mushrooms. (COCA)

deeply rooted

pevně zakořeněný

  1. They grew up in Columbia, Missouri, an affluent college town deeply rooted in family and tradition. (COCA)
  2. It also faces a more intangible hurdle: deeply rooted attitudes about private vehicle ownership. (COCA)
  3. The more this order binds together capitalist democratic states in deeply rooted institutions; the more open, consensual, and rule-based it is. (COCA)

derives in part from st

částečně se odvozuje z něčeho

Rock music, like jazz, derives in part from the blues. Times

Green Day's anti-war stance derives in part from their personal histories. COCA

His painting procedure for his oils derives in part from that of the American artist Edwin Dickinson. COCA

destroying angel

muchomůrka jízlivá

  1. The deadly destroying angel, Amanita virosa, is a relative of the delectable Caesar's mushroom. (COCA)
  2. It proved to be the deadly destroying angel, Amanita virosa. (COCA)
  3. Where the pure white hues of the deadly poisonous destroying angel (Amanita virosa) and its richly colored relative the fly amanita. (COCA)

devoid of vegetation

bez vegetace, postrádající vegetaci

Most of the island was cleared for phosphates, leaving it devoid of vegetation . BNC

Because of the cold and wind, this granite summit is nearly devoid of vegetation; plants grow only in the thin gravel lodged in crevices. COCA

The rest is rocky terrain virtually devoid of vegetation. Times

dog days

velmi teplé letní dny

  1. In these dog days of summer, let's consider the most important decision facing Barack Obama. (COCA)
  2. The dog days of August await. (COCA)
  3. Sweeping the verandah after a string of hot, still, humid dog days when windhasn't done the job for him. (COCA)


mít oslí uši (o knize)

  1. In his left is a small dog-eared book the size of a box of matches, strung onto a leather cord. (COCA)
  2. Carolyn noted that many of the pages appeared decidedly dog-eared. (COCA)
  3. A space littered with poetry and my mother's well-worn Bible, dog-eared at the Psalms. (COCA)

donkey work

těžká, nudná práce

  1. She did all Vehra's donkey work, and did not want the precedent recrudescing now that she was captain. (COCA)
  2. I have to do donkey work all day long. (COCA)
  3. John refused to do the donkey work instead of Tony. (COCA)

eagle eyes

ostříží oči

  1. He watches the commotion around him with eagle eyes: technicians and stagehands running around, the audience chanting. (COCA)
  2. Adjust your eagle eyes to see the hikers tiptoeing across the Knife Edge. (COCA)
  3. She had a big reputation in her family as the girl with the eagle eyes. (COCA)

early bird catches the worm

ranní ptáče dál doskáče

  1. As the saying goes, “the early bird catches the worm”, one of the things that I learned in the journey towards financial freedom is to start early to retire. (Google)
  2. " The early bird catches the worm, " their father used to say with a wink of pride at his second daughter. (Google)
  3. The early bird catches the worm, but is tired by lunchtime. I was up very early this morning painting, which is not like me at all. (Google)

eat like a bird

jíste velmi málo

  1. Drink lots of water and eat like a bird for three days. (COCA)
  2. " You eat like a bird, " Rajinder's mother said, looking at me and smiling. (COCA)
  3. People say I eat like a bird and that's true. Birds eat just enough to fly. (COCA)

edible crabs

jedlí krabi

It is illegal to collect undersized Edible Crabs. BNC

Edible Crabs live up to 20 years, a adult Crab may weigh up to 3kg. Google

Large female edible crabs carry up to 20 million eggs when pregnant. Google

fast-running water

rychle tekoucí, proudící voda

In this world of clean fast-running water, of inimitable oaks and meadows. BNC

The Lake District was fortunate in having plenty of fast-running water. BNC

High density brass helps the fly fish better in deep and fast-running water. Google

feeding time

čas krmení

They nip one another and jawlock, especially at feeding time. BNC

The Infa-Feeder is designed to eliminate the usual messiness associated with infant feeding time. Times

The starving, orphaned Oliver risking the wrath of his overseers at feeding time by asking for "more". COCA

field glasses

dalekohled, triedr

Elinor leaning over the crazy gate and Otley with his field glasses. BNC

Jack tossed the field glasses on the seat of his cruiser, strode to the back of the blue and white SUV, opened the rear hatch, and grabbed his rifle case. COCA

For an hour before debarking he had been scowling through field glasses at U. S. warships in San Pedro Harbor. Times

field mushroom

žampion polní

  1. Agaricus campestris, the common field mushroom from which supermarket mushrooms were derived. (COCA)
  2. Their fungus of choice is. dubbed " G1 " and is related to the common field mushroom available at any corner grocery store. (COCA)
  3. The wild field mushroom Agaricus campestris) is common and can be found growing in clusters or rings in grazed or mown grassland. (Google)

fire a single bullet

vystřelit jednu kulku

He said that some Iraqi could fire a single bullet and save the cost of war. COCA

Even though the Medusa is a double-action pistol that will fire a single bullet with every pull of the trigger. COCA

We are saying publicly, repeatedly, we are not going to fire a single bullet at anybody. Google

fishing licence

rybářský lístek

But it is arguable that the fishing licence money should be treated as a one-off bonanza. BNC

In addition, you'll need a provincial fishing licence when you visit them. COCA

Fishing permitted only with fishing licence. Google

fishing tackle

rybářské náčiní

There's fresh water, and I found some fishing tackle, so with a bit of luck we could be eating in style tonight. BNC

March is the time of year to give your fishing tackle a serious inspection. COCA

Electronic fishing tackle takes much of the guesswork out of an ancient pastime. Times

fly agaric

muchomůrka červená

  1. He brings back a bunch of beautiful red mushrooms with white spots: fly agaric, death caps. (COCA)
  2. Psilocybe semilanceata, and, less commonly, fly agaric, Amanta muscaria, or combinations with medicaments began to appear. (COCA)
  3. The name fly agaric comes from its ability to put flies that feed on it into a stunned state. (COCA)

fly the coop

odstěhovat se od rodičů (vyletět z klece); zdrhnout z basy (AmE slang)

  1. You know, you reach a certain age and it's time to fly the coop, no time to think about anything other than that very moment. (COCA)
  2. Let our childer fly the coop if they want. (COCA)
  3. My plan is perfect. I fly the coop when I turn 18. (COCA)

for kicks

z legrace, pro zábavu

Court told of hacker who caused chaos for kicks. BNC

Just for kicks she dresses up like a bum, smears on a charcoal mustache, goes tramping along the Boul' Mich in broad daylight. Times

Mack is lucky; he doesn't need La Bare for money - just for kicks. COCA



Her eyes were of an exquisite forget-me-not blue. BNC

She picked several of the forget-me-not blossoms and pressed them between the heavy pages of her book. COCA

The state flower is the forget-me-not, but the fireweed is the most recognizable. COCA

free food

jídlo zdarma

The Kosmos, a Greek restaurant in Manchester, supplied free food for the night. BNC

Oh, I ate. But free food, it's hard to pass up. COCA

The free food was the most successful U.S. diplomatic stroke in Europe since the Berlin airlift. TImes

fresh water

sladká voda; sladkovodní

There is a fresh water pool, tennis court, peak season beach restaurant and sound proofed discotheque. BNC

Seventy percent of the fresh water on Earth is frozen here. COCA

Also promised: a "maximum effort to get fresh water from salt water." Times

fruitless searching

bezvýsledné pátrání

  1. After nearly an hour of fruitless searching, Dart decided the walkers must have had a big head start. (COCA)
  2. After six weeks of fruitless searching, Norma landed a job as a clerk for Frost Fabrications near the university. (COCA)
  3. The next day was a continuation of the last: fruitless searching for a room, continuous worrying about his family. (COCA)

fruits of success

výsledky úspěchu

  1. U.S. manufacturing remained virtually unrivaled, with both workers and management sharing in the fruits of success. (COCA)
  2. Using the fruits of success to help others achieve is central to Goldston's business philosophy. (COCA)
  3. No people value success as much as the French do, and none enjoy the fruits of success as much as Parisians. (COCA)

full as a tick

nacpaný k praskuntí (přejedený)

  1. I'm full as a tick" was an expression my friend Debbie would often say after eating a good meal. (Google)
  2. Full as a tick. I walked out of the restaurant behind two of my friends. (Google)
  3. "I'm as full as a tick," she would say. Then she would stand and survey the table and often have a change of heart. (Google)

game fishing

sportovní rybolov

The choice of activities at this marvellous hotel is staggering, with game fishing in the hotel's own fleet of boats... BNC

It wasn't just the pleasures of big game fishing. COCA

If Mr. Grey, 62, is the senior prophet of ocean game fishing in America, certainly Van Campen Heilner, 37, is its junior dean. Times

garden fork


He'd got a small garden fork and he started taking out rough bits of grass from the edge of the drive. BNC

Instead, use a garden fork to break up the ground. COCA

Spike compacted areas with a garden fork, hollow-tined fork or mechanical aerator to encourage vital air exchange at the roots. BNC

get the monkey off your back

přehodit problém na někoho jiného

  1. If you fire Susan, you will get the monkey off your back. (Google)
  2. If you are tired of your old worn out habits maybe it's time to get the monkey off your back and enjoy the freedom of a new day. (Google)
  3. I'll teach you exactly what you need to know to become successful and get that monkey off your back once and for all. (Google)

get trapped in st

chytit se do něčeho

The great thing, he decided, was not to get trapped in the cul de sac of being a suffragan. BNC

I call it the new slavery is that people get trapped in a series of circumstances where you've got to address both moral issues. COCA

You have to watch out youdon't get trapped in it. Times

ginger cat

kočka se srstí rezavé barvy

She is frightened of that ginger cat Susan. BNC

Gina watched the friendship unfold, watched a stuffed owl and a toy ginger cat arrive in the mail as gifts. Times

The large ginger cat mewed. COCA

glory hound

člověk prahnoucí po slávě

  1. No matter what else Oliver Stone - he's, you know, a glory hound, rabble rouser, a multiple Oscar winner. (COCA)
  2. Second, Cross strikes me as a pro at least. He's not just some glory hound. (COCA)
  3. He did happen to catch the Gentleman Caller, he might just become a glory hound himself. (COCA)

go ape over

mít něco strašně moc rád

  1. Orang-utans go ape over palm oil. (Google)
  2. You'll go ape over this deal (Google)
  3. Orlando-area pet owners go ape over their primate 'monkids'. (Google)

go on the rampage

rozběsnit se, řádit jako divý

It doesn't break out and go on the rampage when it's there. BNC

Miami seismologists argue that nuclear devices might relieve the stresses before they go on the rampage. Times

Disgruntled over the loss of their lands and the destruction of the buffalo, the Indians were quick to go on the rampage. COCA

gold rush

zlatá horečka

More gold has been produce here in this present gold rush than in any other part of Brazil. BNC

The red-hot center of this 21st century gold rush is the western Canadian province of Alberta. COCA

At the age of 25 Key Pittman joined the gold rush to Alaska and worked for two years as a common miner. Times


hledači zlata

A tent city sprouted nearby and hundreds of gold-seekers lived in sleeping bags. Times

Within months, some 10,000 gold-seekers, merchants, road agents, card sharks, and dance-hall ladies jammed the town. COCA

Vancouver began life in the mid-1800s as a settlement for gold seekers and fur traders. COCA

grease monkey


  1. He found his brother at Smitty's Auto Repair on 15th Avenue, where Chuck worked as a grease monkey. (COCA)
  2. My parents rented antiques on the side. I'm not just some grease monkey, you know. (COCA)
  3. Don Borkosky looks like any grease monkey tinkering under the chassis of a Chevy. (COCA)

green shoot

ukazatel povzbuzujícího vývoje ekonomiky

  1. Investors should beware of green shoot sightings. (Google)
  2. But for now, every piece of good news—every green shoot—bears caveats. (Google)
  3. Bernanke’s ‘green shoot’ economics is suffering frost burn! (Google)

hatch from eggs

vylíhnout se z vajec

Mosquito larvae, which hatch from eggs laid if your leave small tubs of water in the garden. BNC

Like most other reptiles, crocodiles hatch from eggs. COCA

Animals that hatch from eggs, and that require a lot of room in a zoo. COCA

have a bee in one's bonnet

být něčím posedlý

  1. Bill's got a bee in his bonnet about burglars; he's always imagining strange noises. (Google)
  2. Robert Fulton had a bee in his bonnet about a steamboat. (Google)
  3. I didn't think about her, but now I have bee in my bonnet. (Google)

have bats in the belfry

straší mu ve věži

  1. The old lady must have bats in the belfry - she's always talking to people who aren't there. (Google)
  2. Hey Lara, now we have proof that you have bats in your belfry. (Google)
  3. Great, so now I not only have bats in the belfry, but bugs in the belfry. (Google)

have ducks in a row

mít vše uspořádané

  1. They try to have all the ducks in a row, but with news, you never know what's going to happen. (COCA)
  2. So she all but said we really don't have our ducks in a row here on this case. (COCA)
  3. The overly anxious mom tried to make sure she had all her ducks in a row. (COCA)

haven for

útočiště pro

The undergrowth must have been a haven for vipers and the three men kept strictly to the path. BNC

On a tip from a friend I'd learned of the place as a haven for nude sunbathing. COCA

The League is a God-sent haven for such states as Ireland. Times

herding cattle

nahánění, houfování dobytka

Basic techniques and the principles of herding cattle cowboy fashion. BNC

On giant ranches, one copter can do the work of 18 cowboys herding cattle. Times

And I remember herding sheep and herding cattle for my grandmother. COCA

honey tuft

václavka obecná

  1. Briefly Aspen put her nose to the honey tuft fungus on the tree stump. (Google)
  2. Look out for circles of fairy ring toadstools and wood-blewit toadstools, as well as honey tuft fungus on fallen timber and tree stumps. (Google)
  3. Other Common Names It is called oak root fungus in California because of its affinity for oaks (Arora, 1986) and is also known as honey-tuft fungus. (Google)

horse chestnut

jírovec maďal

  1. An alle of horse chestnut trees led him between two areas of darkness-golf-course fairways, he guessed. (COCA)
  2. John Massing moves systematically around the base of a horse chestnut, calling out the tree's diameter and calculating the appropriate amount of insecticide. (COCA)
  3. Other active ingredients are horse chestnut extract (for skin-brightening purposes) and cypress. (COCA)

horse trading

náročné vyjednávání

  1. He gets a bigger say in trade policy, implying there is plenty of political horse trading ahead. (COCA)
  2. The political horse trading has already begun with major party leaders meeting last night to lobby for their respective goals. (COCA)
  3. Analysts say there could be quite a bit of horse trading and even more bickering before the makeup of the Lebanese parliament. (COCA)

in the wild

v divočině; ve volné přírodě

In the wild, these lowly horses are the least likely to survive. BNC

The babies could never survive in the wild without the protection of the herd and without fresh milk. COCA

By now, thriving in the wild, they have reached the delta of the Mississippi. Times


kill the goose that lays the golden egg

zničit něco velmi výnosného

  1. " Tourism is still not the perfect economy, but compared to mineral extraction, it is very stable, " she says. Oil and gas " will kill the goose that lays the golden egg for this town. " (COCA)
  2. But there's not going to be any grabbing of houses and land and hopeless system of taxation which will kill the goose that lays the golden egg. (COCA)
  3. This project will definitely kill the goose that lays the golden egg. (COCA)

kill two birds with one stone

zabít dvě mouchy jednou ranou

  1. I knew I needed to visit him, and figured I could kill two birds with one stone since I received the notice for the reunion around the same time. (COCA)
  2. It has occurred to me that I might kill two birds with one stone by writing directly to Miss Galvin. (COCA)
  3. I was hoping to heal the wound and to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. (COCA)

land a fish

chytit rybu a dopravit ji na břeh

This was the "first attempt to land a fish" and he went on to say that he awaited the reply with interest. BNC

One pair of hands isn't enough to land a fish this strong. COCA

"When I land a fish," he says, "I let loose." Times

lay eggs

klást vejce

How often do ducks lay eggs? BNC

If his chickens got lice, they wouldn't lay egg. COCA

Nazi bombers can more easily than ever lay eggs of death in Swedish cities. Times

lay the ground

položit základy

  1. Several hundred U.S. Marines are charged with securing key facilities in Haiti to lay the ground for an international stabilization force. (COCA)
  2. It creates the opportunity for these countries to assess obstacles to their development and lay the ground for high-quality growth in the future. (COCA)
  3. Such increased economic interdependence may lay the ground for more cooperative and accomodationist policies. (COCA)

legless lizard

beznohá ještěrka

Photograph A: small European legless lizard called the slow worm. COCA

Researchers discovered a legless lizard and a tiny woodpecker along with 12 other suspected new species in Brazil's Cerrado. Google

This legless lizard of the genus Bachia is about 15-20 centimetres long and is related to Australian and European species. Google

leopard cannot change its spots

starého psa novým kouskům nenaučíš

  1. Despite assertions by the Texas Department of Transportation that the Trans Texas Corridor is "dead," the fact is a leopard cannot change its spots. (Google)
  2. A leopard can't change its spots, and neither can an ugly duckling. (Google)
  3. A leopard can't change his spots, however, he can mix up the look by mauling the shit out of a puma and wearing it as a jaunty windbreaker. (Google)

lie in wait for

číhat, čekat, být na čekané na ...

It was only when nine bottles disappeared in one morning that he decided to lie in wait for the thief. BNC

Before this happens, the person may lie in wait for days, months, or years to be buried. COCA

Jap snipers lie in wait for the man who issues commands. Times

like a bat out of hell

velmi rychle

  1. You fly like a bat out of hell every afternoon, just to pick up your mail? (COCA)
  2. But the Old Lady flew down the stairs like a bat out of hell, almost like she'd been waiting for a long time. (COCA)
  3. He must have driven like a bat out of Hell to get back here this fast. (COCA)

like a bear with sore head

velmi naštvaný nebo rozladěný

  1. My child wakes up full of beans each morning but her cousin wakes up like a bear with sore head and they could both have had the same amount of sleep. (Google)
  2. I have to watch the sleeping though, too much without the machine and I am like a bear with sore head. (Google)
  3. Anyway I am being extra nice to him cups of tea, he is going to work on nights tonight so will be like a bear with sore head tomorrow. (Google)

like lambs to the slaughter

jako ovce na porážku

  1. Indians fought. The Americans were marched like lambs to the slaughter. (COCA)
  2. " This way! " he said and leaped off with the Kittchikoostrans following like lambs to the slaughter. (COCA)
  3. Jews refused to march like lambs to the slaughter. (COCA)


konvalinka vonná

Added in was Rose's own smell, warm animal washed with lily-of-the-valley soap. BNC

Acres of wildflowers such as trilllum and mountain lily-of-the-valley carpet the route. COCA

Their aromas range from lily-of-the-valley sweet to nutmeg spicy, and from musky to citrusy. COCA

linden tree


  1. Fritzsche and Merek are seated beneath a linden tree. (COCA)
  2. Christina took the little boy when he was still very young to see the great linden tree that stood between Linnhult and Jamsboda, a village nearby. (COCA)
  3. The linden tree casts dappled shadows that hood his eyes in darkness. (COCA)

little bird told me

štěbetali si to vrabci na střeše

  1. Where did you hear it? Little bird told me. (Google)
  2. A little bird told me, you'd better listen to the law. (Google)
  3. A little bird told me, that you're feeling down today. (Google)

loan shark


  1. Sheriffs and bailiffs from numerous interdimensional realms, and a loan shark named Vinnie. (COCA)
  2. She was so desperate that she was going to go to a loan shark in Pretoria who would make her pay 100 percent interest. (COCA)
  3. The next morning, she made a new friend: a loan shark, whom she must repay $8 for every $5 borrowed. (COCA)

lock horns

dohadovat se

  1. Arab nationalism had risen, and the two superpowers had begun to lock horns. (COCA)
  2. Washington and Brussels will just as likely lock horns over the Middle East. (COCA)
  3. I knew that she knew, but neither of us were willing to lock horns over the issue. (COCA)

low tide


I'll maroon you on the rock there at low tide, for the waves rising to take you! BNC

Chink's warning floated like a buoy at low tide. COCA

"The house smelled like low tide," she complained. Times

make a living

vydělávat si na živobytí, živit se něčím

How does he make a living ? BNC

There he settled down to make a living from running Greene County's beer and applejack industries. Times

Acting is a funny business. You make a living being other people. COCA

make hay while the sun shines

co můžeš udělat ihned, neodkládej na zítra

  1. But as they say, you have to make hay while the sun shines. (COCA)
  2. We had five years of prosperity, when you're supposed to make hay while the sun shines, and we didn't do anything, and now, here we are, reducing the deficit. (COCA)
  3. If you're going to make money making movies, you better make hay while the sun shines. (COCA)

marine life

život v moři

Each guide also includes full colour underwater photographs illustrating the marine life you could expect to see. BNC

The process, known as upwelling, is crucial to the productivity of marine life. COCA

The oyster is one of the lowest forms of marine life. Times

marked hiking trails

značené turistické stezky

There are marked hiking trails through meadows and valleys, offering a merciful respite from the real world. COCA

The existing network of marked hiking trails is considered the best in Europe. Google

The Arizona we toured is rugged outdoor country, dotted with clear lakes, cut by countless tumbling trout-fishing streams and traced by miles of marked hiking trails. COCA

marmalade cat

kočka se srstí rezavé barvy

Daisy looked like an animal herself, moving sometimes like a slow marmalade cat. BNC

He rapidly pushed a great long-legged marmalade cat out of the other chair. COCA

The marmalade cat stalked over to the desk, jumped up onto it, p144 and tried to climb behind a pile of books. COCA

mate for life

najít si druha se na celý život

It's no secret that swans mate for life. BNC

Woody Allen:"I think people should mate for life, like pigeons or Catholics." Times

Parrots mate for life, but somehow Sam accepted me. COCA

menace to st, sb

nebezpečí, hrozba pro něco, někoho

There are the real Romanies, who are no menace to anybody. BNC

Illiteracy is a menace to our Nation. Times

The judge told me I was a menace to society. COCA

money does not grow on trees

peníze nerostou na stromech

  1. This is a story about an investor - let's call him John Smith - who five years ago relized that money does not grow on trees. (Google)
  2. Money doesn't grow on trees, but gasoline might. (Google)

  3. No, money does not grow on trees, but your more then welcome to plant some in my pocket. (Google)

monkey business

nekalé praktiky

  1. Just as smoothly, Dana switches from monkey business to bottom-line business. (COCA)
  2. He's not drunk and you can tell that he can be trusted, no monkey business with him. (COCA)
  3. This is just more monkey business from federally funded researchers living off the government dole. (COCA)

mushroom across

růst jako houby po dešti v nějaké oblasti

  1. People will live farther and farther from the city and their workplaces. Cities will mushroom across the countryside. (COCA)
  2. This gave the neighborhood movement the impetus need to break out of its original narrow geographical and social confines and, hence, to mushroom across the nation. (COCA)
  3. I couldn't be certain that lights and satellite links wouldn't mushroom across the lawn. (COCA)


milovník přírody

Very well. A real nature-lover … has an original eye. BNC

Entirely self-taught, he relies on his instinct both as an artist and a nature-lover, seeking scenes of beauty and drama that he depicts in meticulous detail. COCA

Whether the towering, dusky creature was an insane nature-lover bent on saving the lives of animals. Times

not hurt a fly

neublížit ani mouše

  1. The parents of sweet, sweet Jude, who would never hurt a fly, no less a human being. (COCA)
  2. There's got to be an innocent explanation. She couldn't hurt a fly. (COCA)
  3. Theycan't forgive us that we've never hurt a fly. (COCA)

on the banks of the lake

na březích jezera

For thousands of years the marmots had lived on the banks of the lake in Central Asia. BNC

"We were together. Lying on the banks of the lake . You held my head in your arms." She sighed. BNC

And on the banks of the lake, a little township. Times

one swallow does not make a summer

jedna vlaštovka jaro nedělá

  1. I think that our situation is improving. Well, it's too soon, one swallow does not make a summer. (Google)
  2. Barack should be aware that one swallow does not make a summer. (Google)
  3. Be careful of what you say, one swallow does not make a summer. (Google)

ordinary people

obyčejní lidé

There are ordinary people who live here who have ordinary needs and live perfectly ordinary lives. BNC

But what wehaven't seen are ordinary people's incomes and wages going up significantly. COCA

Ordinary people use only three-fifths of their lung capacity. Times

oyster mushroom

hlíva ústřičná

  1. This savory soup showcases the oyster mushroom's delicate flavor. (COCA)
  2. Among the mushrooms we have investigated is the familiar oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), highly prized as an edible fungus. (COCA)
  3. Cultivated in petri dishes, the oyster mushroom produces tiny secretory cells, each beating a droplet of fluid. (COCA)

pedigree dog

čistokrevný pes

Which is a pedigree dog wind up in a shelter as well, especially in such bad condition. COCA

The Kennel Club says it will review the standards of pedigree dog in Britain. Google

The documentary sparked a huge and long overdue public debate that has already led to positive change within the pedigree dog world. Google

penny bun

hřib obecný

  1. Preacher had a penny bun in his pocket. He threw it to the squirrel. (COCA)
  2. Preacher knew that he would live to buy a penny bun another day. (COCA)
  3. In God's eye a penny bun can match a boar and a sow and a milk cow for magnitude. (COCA)

personality trait

charakterová vlastnost

Is it the specific disorder, a particular personality trait associated with the disorder, or a general vulnerability to psychiatric disturbance? BNC

This marks the first time a normal personality trait has been firmly linked to a particular gene. Times

More than any other major personality trait, optimism is a matter of practice. COCA

plant a bomb

umístit bombu

  1. He would think possibly- or what sort of group possibly would want to plant a bomb under the World Trade Center? (COCA)
  2. All a terrorist would have to do is plant a bomb in a bag in the cargo hold and then trigger it remotely. (COCA)
  3. Two armed Palestinians attempting to plant a bomb in the southern Gaza Strip were killed by Israeli troops. (COCA)

play a fish

bojovat s rybou až se unaví, aby ji bylo možno vytáhnout

Actually, with a match rod and light line you do not really play a fish in the normal way. BNC

Upstream stood an angler on a diamond-shaped boulder -- and we watched him play a fish, land it, and slip the trout into his creel. COCA

The longer you play a fish, the more fun you'll have, and the more exhausted the fish will become. Google

play possum

předstírat mrtvého

  1. Ian decided to play possum for a while to see what was up. (COCA)
  2. The best course of action, till she gets her bearings, is to play possum. (COCA)
  3. He chose to stay home and play possum instead. (COCA)

pond fishing

rybaření v rybníce

Small pond fishing has much in common with both hunting and brook trout fishing. Google

All about pond fishing including gear, rods and tackle - when, where and how to fish ponds. Google

Pond fishing suffered a setback as heavy rains lowered water temperatures and stirred up mud. Google

pony and trap

klusák a sulka

Could this possibly be the same human being he had transported here in the pony and trap before the war? BNC

Joanna had insisted on keeping the pony and trap when her husband had bought the Armstrong. BNC

Nowadays he spends the little spare time he can find relaxing on a 10-acre estate in Wales, tending geese, swans, and donkeys, and driving a pony and trap. COCA

proud as a peacock

pyšný jako páv

  1. I was proud as a peacock when I bought myself a rock hard Eskimo pie with my dandelion digging money. (COCA)
  2. I've just put the finishing touches on your latest assignment and are proud as a peacock to show off for your client. (COCA)
  3. You come in here proud as a peacock because some old man wants to paint your picture. (COCA)

puppy love

láska mezi dvěma velmi mladými lidmi

  1. It was puppy love, and that's the greatest feeling in the world. (COCA)
  2. We're back with our special hour dedicated to teens and sex. And if it's puppy love, it certainly has a whole new meaning for this generation. (COCA)
  3. They may have had their first puppy love experiences in the balcony. (COCA)

pussy willow


  1. Among the shrubs are common elderberry, gray dogwood, ninebark, pussy willow, and red-osier dogwood. (COCA)
  2. English coffeepot (above) was made by Elsmore &; Forster, and has a pussy willow sponge-printed pattern. (COCA)
  3. Wonderful close-up photography of the life cycle of the pussy willow through the seasons. (COCA)

put-and-take fishery

sportovní rybaření (ryba se vypustí do vody před rybářem)

Sweethope has become an excellent put-and-take fishery and there are two loughs: Great Lough and Little Lough. BNC

No fishing permit shall be required for fishing in any duly licensed commercial put-and-take fishery operating under rules and regulations. Google

The trout stocking program in PA is designed as a put-and-take fishery for the enjoyment of the fishermen who PAY for it. Google

quiet as a cat

tichý jako myška

  1. The signora perched alert and quiet as a cat, as a duena, until the conductor left. (COCA)
  2. So quiet as a cat I went back into the house but this time Max's silver ship floated fight on in with me! Maybe Max was just a teeny guy but I felt like I was with Rambo! (COCA)
  3. What worries me -- there's always something-is the car, a Yugo' 82, a nice machine, dented and tired, which sometimes goes quiet as a cat in the middle of traffic. (COCA)

rain forest

deštný prales

  1. Below the second largest rain forest in the world hides extreme poverty, disease and terrible violence. (COCA)
  2. The resulting loss of the rain forest is tragic: It contains 30 percent of the world's biodiversity. (COCA)
  3. She accompanies families to Para, a state bordering the rain forest, to defend their land. (COCA)

raining cats and dogs

silný déšť

  1. Can you shut the door? It's raining cats and dogs out there, tonight. (COCA)
  2. Once again, it was raining cats and dogs. We stopped in lovely Queechee and also in Woodstock. (COCA)
  3. They ought to hurry home where they belong-it'll be raining cats and dogs in a minute. (COCA)

range of hills


A low range of hills lifted in the north. BNC

Four old C-47s swept over the range of hills in front of us, coming our way. COCA

Three men constituted an army, two humps made a range of hills. Times

range of mountains

pohoří; horské pásmo

Range after range of mountains passed beneath as we bucked and swayed on the final approach. BNC

One range of mountains was, by my guess, fifty to sixty miles away. COCA

We followed a well-worn Indian trail over the range of mountains between Panama and Colombia. Times

rat race

sisyfovská práce

  1. Americans were too caught up in the rat race. Europeans were much more laid back. (COCA)
  2. If it's such a disadvantage in the evolutionary rat race, why was it not selected into oblivion millennia ago? (COCA)
  3. Of course, the old gentility rested on exclusion, and the new rat race is meritocracy in motion; but images aren't necessarily fair. (COCA)

reap the harvest

sklidit úlohu

  1. Where I sowed good grain has grown, and you will reap the harvest, my son. (COCA)
  2. The Bulls were ripe for rings. But Jackson was chosen to reap the harvest. (COCA)
  3. When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field. (COCA)

reintroduction to the wild

znovunavrácení do přírody

The objections of those who oppose the wolf's reintroduction to the wild fall into four broad categories. COCA

...and teaching them to find food and avoid predators before their reintroduction to the wild in Wyoming. COCA

Subsequently, this captive population could be used to provide substantial numbers of animals for reintroduction to the wild. Google

rest on (one's) laurels

odpočívat na vavřínech

  1. He could not simply rest on laurels, could not be simply the president he was destined to be. (CCAE)
  2. We can't rest on our laurels, because we've got a lot of work to do. (Google)
  3. Minnesota Leaders Mustn't Rest on Laurels in Response to National Study Praising Income Tax Treatment of Poor. (Google)

restricted movementrestricted movement

omezený pohyb

The result was restricted movement, fainting fits and even curvature of the spine. BNC

They report that the bed is comfortable, but complain of boredom because of restricted movement. TImes

Restricted movement indicates fluid. COCA

river empties into

řeka ústí do

The river empties into Robson Bight, a bay renowned for the world's largest concentration of orcas. COCA

At the oyster beds of Milford Harbor, Conn., where the Indian River empties into Long Island Sound, he found the spats settling only at low tide. Times

Lower down, before the river empties into the Gulf of St. Lawrence... COCA

rock formations

skalní útvary

"I was planning to look at some rock formations," she said wearily. BNC

The most impressive climbs and rock formations were still ahead of them. COCA

He told of nightmare rock formations, of crystal clear water and perfect cave pearls in a subterranean pool. Times

rolling countryside

zvlněná krajina

The company's location is a wide area of open, rolling countryside, parched grassland dissected by open dry fissures. BNC

This time the rolling countryside seemed to grow less familiar as he neared the mountains. COCA

In the warm months, the lush and rolling countryside surrounding Florence is the perfect spot for lovers to stroll. Times

root of all evil

příčina všeho zla

  1. Cindy had a motive, the same one that's often described as the root of all evil. (COCA)
  2. Some people would say the old adage, " Money is the root of all evil. " (COCA)
  3. Instead of being the root of all good, America is seen as the root of all evil. (COCA)

run with the hare and hunt with the hounds

hrát něco na obě strany

  1. When you run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, all you manage is to stumble. (Google)
  2. We've had enough of Tony Blair trying to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. (Google)
  3. He wants to increase the magazine's circulation along with its price — that's trying to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. (Google)

salt plains

solné pláně

The absolute white and flat of the evaporated salt plains takes ordinary vastness to the level of the conceptual. COCA

These white-tailed deer do some people-watching on the Salt Plains. COCA

Top Gear presenters who drove cars over fragile salt plains have “undermined the whole tourism industry” in the area. Google

salt water

slaná voda

And once plugged, the wells are often ruined by salt water seepage. Times

Cook the spaghetti in boiling salt water until just. BNC

Salt water streamed down her face as she gasped air. COCA

salty dog

mořský vlk

  1. These folks want a captain who's a bit of a salty dog but not a raving, peg-legged Ahab Davis was perfect. (COCA)
  2. Salty dogs were sitting around the table and laughing heavily. (COCA)
  3. This man, a salty dog, has been to all continents. (COCA)

sandy beaches

písčité pláže

Close by are 70 miles of white, sandy beaches. BNC

Where were the sandy beaches? Where was the scent of cinnamon? COCA

His coral cuts, his sandy beaches are alive with stinging sand flies. Times

sandy dunes

písčité duny

I found the site but only the snails were visible in the sandy dunes at the edge of the golf course. BNC

The peace and serenity of the green countryside and sandy dunes seemed almost a lifetime away from her present existence. BNC

It's a cedar-shingled cottage built high on white sandy dunes. COCA

sausage dog


Out on the pavement, an elderly woman with a small sausage dog gave him a filthy look. BNC

He turned the corner into the square, where he saw Sid the Sausage Dog. COCA

Forget pit bulls, rottweilers and Rhodesian ridgebacks, it's the sausage dog that's the most aggressive breed.

seed of doubt

sémě pochybnosti

  1. I think when this one happened, it put that little seed of doubt in the back of our minds. (COCA)
  2. And then, once the seed of doubt was sown, and because they needed to know, they parted uncomplainingly. (COCA)
  3. Ray's cryptic comment planted a seed of doubt, and many others followed. (COCA)

separate the sheep from the goats

oddělit zrno od plev

  1. A stiff spring gale is just the ticket to separate the sheep from the goats. (COCA)
  2. You have to do a lot of work to separate the sheep from the goats. (COCA)
  3. It is because their real purpose is to separate the sheep from the goats, the anointed from the benighted. (COCA)

shallow water

mělká voda, mělčina

Then he picked up a rock from the shallow water at the edge of the pool and threw it out into the middle. BNC

Diving into shallow water can lead to serious injury. COCA

The infants are allowed to play in shallow water while expert riflemen watch from concealment nearby. Times

sharp claws

ostré drápy

Lizards and geckos are equipped with sharp claws and gripping toe pads to help them cling on after making a crash landing on a tree. BNC

It uses its sharp claws to rip the nest open. COCA

Those mournful eyes! Those hairy ears! Those sharp claws and lips stained with eucalyptus leaves! Times

shedding employees

zbavování se zaměstnanců

  1. The legacy carriers cut costs by shedding employees and slashing pay and benefits for their remaining workers. (COCA)
  2. Most are already in the process of shedding employees as they mechanize, computerize and in general try to become more competitive. (COCA)
  3. Airlines are cutting US flights, shedding employees, putting off plane orders and even talking about combinations. (Google)



Stepson, a short-haired cat of some unaccountable breed, jumps up beside me on the seat. BNC

In the mid-' 60s he was a short-haired, fast-talking comedian who influenced a generation of stand-ups. Times

On the stage, the short-haired woman in the pantsuit nodded and pulled the mic to her lips. COCA

silence at night

ticho v noci

Madame Tammy needed complete silence at night so she could sit in a chair and replenish herself with hope. COCA

He recalls the absolute silence at night along the roadside. COCA

I used to cry in silence at night for my family. Times

since the dawn of civilisation

od samého počátku civilizace

All that has been going on since the dawn of civilisation is that man has, in effect, been doing just that. BNC

Terrorism has been used by hierarchies and dissidents since the dawn of civilisation. Google

Meditation has been used since the dawn of civilisation by most Eastern cultures as a way of acheiving spiritual enlightenment. Google



I am in the graveyard where nothing lives but the slow-worm. BNC

A streak of white, like a slow-worm, stretched itself along the horizon. BNC

With a smooth and shiny snake-like body, the slow-worm is quite distinctive. Google

slugs and snails

slimáci a plži, hlemýždi, šneci

Now Yona the hedgehog was near-by, looking for slugs and snails in the marshes. BNC

This time of year is heaven on earth for slugs and snails. COCA

I try to get rid of the large number of slugs and snails which have got into my compost bin. BNC

sly as a fox

mazaný jako liška

  1. Be as sly as a fox and beat the competition at their own game by checking out Mac Prices before you head out to shop for anything. (Google)
  2. Their successful dispersion is testimony to the adaptability and intelligence that are manifest in the hackneyed though appropriate aphorism "sly as a fox. (Google)
  3. You could say he's as sly as a Fox, but he's not really trying to be sly. (Google)

squirrel away (AmE mostly)

nakřečkovat si, nahrabat si

  1. I squirreled away some money. (Google)
  2. Because one person wants to squirrel away every extra penny, and then youve got the extravagant one. (COCA)
  3. There's a limit, after all, to the things you can squirrel away in your basement and garage. (COCA)

subtropical wilderness

subtropická příroda

What is the subtropical wilderness located in florida? Google

The Everglades is the largest subtropical wilderness in the country. COCA

We'll camp at Flamingo, a unique subtropical wilderness threatened by pollution. COCA

suckle their young

krmit, kojit mladé

Mammals animals with mammary glands that suckle their young. BNC

They rise up from the water to suckle their young. COCA

Indeed, much of the time mother mammals do carry, groom, and suckle their young. COCA

superbly camouflaged

výborně maskovaný

The stonefish and sculpins, which occur throughout the world, are superbly camouflaged. BNC

This superbly camouflaged fish usually occurs in kelp-covered rocky reefs at depths from about 3 m to 50 m. Google

The snow leopard is secretive, scarce, solitary and superbly camouflaged. Google

sweat glands

potní žlázy

As mentioned before, sweat is produced from the sweat glands in the skin. BNC

Cattle have no sweat glands. Times

Heat rashes develop when sweat glands become blocked. COCA

sweat like a pig

potit se jako prase

  1. People love it but it makes you sweat like a pig. (COCA)
  2. It's too hot here, I'm sweating like a pig. (Google)
  3. He always sweats like a pig, it's horrible. (Google)

sweet chestnut

kaštan jedlý

  1. Absently, she ran her fingers over the sweet chestnut and barberry foliage that made up the greens in the piece she would bring over her guests. (COCA)
  2. There were no newcomers like sycamore, walnut, sweet chestnut. Only oak. (COCA)
  3. Albomarginata' (Zone 5), which is a decorative form of the sweet chestnut with a narrow white margin on its glossy leaves. (COCA)

tabby cat

mourovatá kočka (ne kocour)

Mildred saw her little tabby cat watching reproachfully as she prepared to go without it. BNC

The tabby cat is the most common colour form of all domestic breeds. BNC

A fair-haired little girl was teasing an indolent grey tabby cat on the doorstep, waving an aspen twig over its whiskers and giggling delightedly whenever the cat opened one sleepy eye to bat the twig away. COCA


tůňka u břehu moře

These feed on insects, shore-line and tide-pool fauna. BNC

Hikers can picnic at rocky Cape Arago while viewing marine mammals and tide-pool life. COCA

Remember that tide-pool rocks can be slippery. COCA

to this day

až dodnes

To this day I'm still puzzled as to why. BNC

To this day, no orthodox Brahman will take a bath in Palur. Times

Debate over the facts continues to this day. COCA

top dog

nejdůležitější osoba, organizace atd.

  1. That is why GM is still the top dog in the auto industry and why the airlines are so profitable. (COCA)
  2. Greyhound is still the indisputable top dog among intercity bus lines. (COCA)
  3. If every group has its top dog, every group also has its donkey-the poor sap everyone else rides. (COCA)

wallow in mud

válet se v bahně

Under constant taunts from their captors, the artillerymen were forced to crawl, wallow in mud, hang by their legs from a horizontal bar... Times

Reality dramas where people eat bugs and wallow in mud. COCA

I have a sudden desire to wallow in mud. Should I be worried? Google



Only warm-blooded animals-mammals and birds-and only photosynthesizing plants. COCA

The Russians' successful transplantation of hearts in warm-blooded animals. Times

I thought all those warm-blooded young Latin ladies had hair as black as a raven's wing. BNC

water bailiff


Floundering excitedly among the real salmon, he had not noticed the water bailiff, who observed. BNC

Derrick Worthington, 49, a former Royal Marine who has been a water bailiff for 14 years on Wales' Pembrokeshire rivers. COCA

A water bailiff is a law enforcement officer responsible for the policing of bodies of water, such as a river, lake or coast. Google


vodní rostliny

If you buy water plants from an aquarist's shop, you will often find small animals on them. BNC

A rule of thumb: Water plants weekly (in the morning), and feed every other week. COCA

Beavers live chiefly on bark, twigs, the roots of water plants. Times


vodní flóra rostoucí ve stojatých vodách; např. vodní mor kanadský

Three downward steps stopped above a tidemark of dried moss and waterweed. BNC

All they have to do is lift their arms or shake their waterweed hair to provoke screams that would blot out an allclear signal. Times

He was covered with waterweed and mud, but didn't bother to rinse himself. COCA

weeping willow

smuteční vrba

  1. Behind her the canopy of a weeping willow fell like a curtain. (COCA)
  2. I stared out his window where I had watched a weeping willow move from icy tendrils to bright green and back again. (COCA)
  3. The leaves of the weeping willow in the churchyard spilled over the wrought-iron railings onto the pavement. (COCA)

while hte cat's away, the mice will play

když kocour není doma, myši mají pré

  1. When cat's away, the mice will play: the sexual partnerships of rural women whose husbands are migrants. (Google)
  2. If your saying is the "while the cat's away the mice will play" shouldn't there be no cat and a photo of mice doing something? (Google)
  3. When the cat's away the mice will play. How many of you make plans when your parents are not around-gone for the weekend. (Google)

white elephant

nadměrná zátěž

  1. Families are, therefore, left behind with a new white elephant. (COCA)
  2. We need to do with the Dome so that itdoesn't become a white elephant. (COCA)
  3. African National Congress and the reactivation of the dam, Cahora Bassa remains a white elephant of little benefit to the struggling Mozambican economy. (COCA)

white water

zpěněná voda pod vodopádem

There she was, alone, canoeing through white water, shooting rapids. BNC

I watched rafts of helmet-clad adventure-tourists sweep past on a torrent of white water. COCA

But some of the escort ships, tossing white water in their haste, had swerved from their courses to concentrate in one area. Times

white water rapids


The river was amazing as there was a lot of white water rapids and due to the rain it was quite deep. BNC

The right fork becomes a river with white water rapids. COCA

The most exciting was the white water rapids and jets of water which had been created out of doors. BNC

wild flowers

polní květiny

Deer in the meadows grazed on a carpet of wild flowers. COCA

There is also a good variety of wild flowers; including primrose, marsh marigold and saxifrage. BNC

The department's Fish and Wildlife Service recommended that the plain -- a carpet of delicate wild flowers in summer, an icy wasteland in winter -- be opened to exploration and leasing by oil and gas concerns. Times

wild goose chase

čas ztrávený děláním neužitečných věcí

  1. I'm not sure this wild goose chase is really the best thing for me right now. (COCA)
  2. I can't believe I've spent so much time on a wild goose chase. (COCA)
  3. The building presumably was not as well protected because these cops were on a wild goose chase. (COCA)

wolf in sheep's clothing

vlk v rouše beránčím

  1. Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing because... he is watching you! (Google)
  2. The honorable political pledge to "make college affordable" becomes a wolf in sheep's clothing during a recession. (Google)
  3. It'll be interesting to watch how this wolf in sheep's clothing performs as it makes its way through the peaceful flock of CPLD offerings. (Google)

zoo keeper

ošetřovatel zvířat v zoo

The zoo keeper said that the elephant had always been a calm and gentle animal before. BNC

We're like a zoo keeper with a lot of big and hungry animals to feed. Times

Morale of the zoo keeper staff is, by most accounts, at an all-time low. COCA