úterý, 16. července 2024, 21.43
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: NATURE

not hurt a fly

neublížit ani mouše

  1. The parents of sweet, sweet Jude, who would never hurt a fly, no less a human being. (COCA)
  2. There's got to be an innocent explanation. She couldn't hurt a fly. (COCA)
  3. Theycan't forgive us that we've never hurt a fly. (COCA)

on the banks of the lake

na březích jezera

For thousands of years the marmots had lived on the banks of the lake in Central Asia. BNC

"We were together. Lying on the banks of the lake . You held my head in your arms." She sighed. BNC

And on the banks of the lake, a little township. Times

one swallow does not make a summer

jedna vlaštovka jaro nedělá

  1. I think that our situation is improving. Well, it's too soon, one swallow does not make a summer. (Google)
  2. Barack should be aware that one swallow does not make a summer. (Google)
  3. Be careful of what you say, one swallow does not make a summer. (Google)

ordinary people

obyčejní lidé

There are ordinary people who live here who have ordinary needs and live perfectly ordinary lives. BNC

But what wehaven't seen are ordinary people's incomes and wages going up significantly. COCA

Ordinary people use only three-fifths of their lung capacity. Times

oyster mushroom

hlíva ústřičná

  1. This savory soup showcases the oyster mushroom's delicate flavor. (COCA)
  2. Among the mushrooms we have investigated is the familiar oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), highly prized as an edible fungus. (COCA)
  3. Cultivated in petri dishes, the oyster mushroom produces tiny secretory cells, each beating a droplet of fluid. (COCA)

pedigree dog

čistokrevný pes

Which is a pedigree dog wind up in a shelter as well, especially in such bad condition. COCA

The Kennel Club says it will review the standards of pedigree dog in Britain. Google

The documentary sparked a huge and long overdue public debate that has already led to positive change within the pedigree dog world. Google

penny bun

hřib obecný

  1. Preacher had a penny bun in his pocket. He threw it to the squirrel. (COCA)
  2. Preacher knew that he would live to buy a penny bun another day. (COCA)
  3. In God's eye a penny bun can match a boar and a sow and a milk cow for magnitude. (COCA)

personality trait

charakterová vlastnost

Is it the specific disorder, a particular personality trait associated with the disorder, or a general vulnerability to psychiatric disturbance? BNC

This marks the first time a normal personality trait has been firmly linked to a particular gene. Times

More than any other major personality trait, optimism is a matter of practice. COCA

plant a bomb

umístit bombu

  1. He would think possibly- or what sort of group possibly would want to plant a bomb under the World Trade Center? (COCA)
  2. All a terrorist would have to do is plant a bomb in a bag in the cargo hold and then trigger it remotely. (COCA)
  3. Two armed Palestinians attempting to plant a bomb in the southern Gaza Strip were killed by Israeli troops. (COCA)

play a fish

bojovat s rybou až se unaví, aby ji bylo možno vytáhnout

Actually, with a match rod and light line you do not really play a fish in the normal way. BNC

Upstream stood an angler on a diamond-shaped boulder -- and we watched him play a fish, land it, and slip the trout into his creel. COCA

The longer you play a fish, the more fun you'll have, and the more exhausted the fish will become. Google