úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.29
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: NATURE

play possum

předstírat mrtvého

  1. Ian decided to play possum for a while to see what was up. (COCA)
  2. The best course of action, till she gets her bearings, is to play possum. (COCA)
  3. He chose to stay home and play possum instead. (COCA)

pond fishing

rybaření v rybníce

Small pond fishing has much in common with both hunting and brook trout fishing. Google

All about pond fishing including gear, rods and tackle - when, where and how to fish ponds. Google

Pond fishing suffered a setback as heavy rains lowered water temperatures and stirred up mud. Google

pony and trap

klusák a sulka

Could this possibly be the same human being he had transported here in the pony and trap before the war? BNC

Joanna had insisted on keeping the pony and trap when her husband had bought the Armstrong. BNC

Nowadays he spends the little spare time he can find relaxing on a 10-acre estate in Wales, tending geese, swans, and donkeys, and driving a pony and trap. COCA

proud as a peacock

pyšný jako páv

  1. I was proud as a peacock when I bought myself a rock hard Eskimo pie with my dandelion digging money. (COCA)
  2. I've just put the finishing touches on your latest assignment and are proud as a peacock to show off for your client. (COCA)
  3. You come in here proud as a peacock because some old man wants to paint your picture. (COCA)

puppy love

láska mezi dvěma velmi mladými lidmi

  1. It was puppy love, and that's the greatest feeling in the world. (COCA)
  2. We're back with our special hour dedicated to teens and sex. And if it's puppy love, it certainly has a whole new meaning for this generation. (COCA)
  3. They may have had their first puppy love experiences in the balcony. (COCA)

pussy willow


  1. Among the shrubs are common elderberry, gray dogwood, ninebark, pussy willow, and red-osier dogwood. (COCA)
  2. English coffeepot (above) was made by Elsmore &; Forster, and has a pussy willow sponge-printed pattern. (COCA)
  3. Wonderful close-up photography of the life cycle of the pussy willow through the seasons. (COCA)

put-and-take fishery

sportovní rybaření (ryba se vypustí do vody před rybářem)

Sweethope has become an excellent put-and-take fishery and there are two loughs: Great Lough and Little Lough. BNC

No fishing permit shall be required for fishing in any duly licensed commercial put-and-take fishery operating under rules and regulations. Google

The trout stocking program in PA is designed as a put-and-take fishery for the enjoyment of the fishermen who PAY for it. Google

quiet as a cat

tichý jako myška

  1. The signora perched alert and quiet as a cat, as a duena, until the conductor left. (COCA)
  2. So quiet as a cat I went back into the house but this time Max's silver ship floated fight on in with me! Maybe Max was just a teeny guy but I felt like I was with Rambo! (COCA)
  3. What worries me -- there's always something-is the car, a Yugo' 82, a nice machine, dented and tired, which sometimes goes quiet as a cat in the middle of traffic. (COCA)

rain forest

deštný prales

  1. Below the second largest rain forest in the world hides extreme poverty, disease and terrible violence. (COCA)
  2. The resulting loss of the rain forest is tragic: It contains 30 percent of the world's biodiversity. (COCA)
  3. She accompanies families to Para, a state bordering the rain forest, to defend their land. (COCA)

raining cats and dogs

silný déšť

  1. Can you shut the door? It's raining cats and dogs out there, tonight. (COCA)
  2. Once again, it was raining cats and dogs. We stopped in lovely Queechee and also in Woodstock. (COCA)
  3. They ought to hurry home where they belong-it'll be raining cats and dogs in a minute. (COCA)