úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.58
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: NATURE

range of hills


A low range of hills lifted in the north. BNC

Four old C-47s swept over the range of hills in front of us, coming our way. COCA

Three men constituted an army, two humps made a range of hills. Times

range of mountains

pohoří; horské pásmo

Range after range of mountains passed beneath as we bucked and swayed on the final approach. BNC

One range of mountains was, by my guess, fifty to sixty miles away. COCA

We followed a well-worn Indian trail over the range of mountains between Panama and Colombia. Times

rat race

sisyfovská práce

  1. Americans were too caught up in the rat race. Europeans were much more laid back. (COCA)
  2. If it's such a disadvantage in the evolutionary rat race, why was it not selected into oblivion millennia ago? (COCA)
  3. Of course, the old gentility rested on exclusion, and the new rat race is meritocracy in motion; but images aren't necessarily fair. (COCA)

reap the harvest

sklidit úlohu

  1. Where I sowed good grain has grown, and you will reap the harvest, my son. (COCA)
  2. The Bulls were ripe for rings. But Jackson was chosen to reap the harvest. (COCA)
  3. When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field. (COCA)

reintroduction to the wild

znovunavrácení do přírody

The objections of those who oppose the wolf's reintroduction to the wild fall into four broad categories. COCA

...and teaching them to find food and avoid predators before their reintroduction to the wild in Wyoming. COCA

Subsequently, this captive population could be used to provide substantial numbers of animals for reintroduction to the wild. Google

rest on (one's) laurels

odpočívat na vavřínech

  1. He could not simply rest on laurels, could not be simply the president he was destined to be. (CCAE)
  2. We can't rest on our laurels, because we've got a lot of work to do. (Google)
  3. Minnesota Leaders Mustn't Rest on Laurels in Response to National Study Praising Income Tax Treatment of Poor. (Google)

restricted movementrestricted movement

omezený pohyb

The result was restricted movement, fainting fits and even curvature of the spine. BNC

They report that the bed is comfortable, but complain of boredom because of restricted movement. TImes

Restricted movement indicates fluid. COCA

river empties into

řeka ústí do

The river empties into Robson Bight, a bay renowned for the world's largest concentration of orcas. COCA

At the oyster beds of Milford Harbor, Conn., where the Indian River empties into Long Island Sound, he found the spats settling only at low tide. Times

Lower down, before the river empties into the Gulf of St. Lawrence... COCA

rock formations

skalní útvary

"I was planning to look at some rock formations," she said wearily. BNC

The most impressive climbs and rock formations were still ahead of them. COCA

He told of nightmare rock formations, of crystal clear water and perfect cave pearls in a subterranean pool. Times

rolling countryside

zvlněná krajina

The company's location is a wide area of open, rolling countryside, parched grassland dissected by open dry fissures. BNC

This time the rolling countryside seemed to grow less familiar as he neared the mountains. COCA

In the warm months, the lush and rolling countryside surrounding Florence is the perfect spot for lovers to stroll. Times