úterý, 16. července 2024, 21.50
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: NATURE

subtropical wilderness

subtropická příroda

What is the subtropical wilderness located in florida? Google

The Everglades is the largest subtropical wilderness in the country. COCA

We'll camp at Flamingo, a unique subtropical wilderness threatened by pollution. COCA

suckle their young

krmit, kojit mladé

Mammals animals with mammary glands that suckle their young. BNC

They rise up from the water to suckle their young. COCA

Indeed, much of the time mother mammals do carry, groom, and suckle their young. COCA

superbly camouflaged

výborně maskovaný

The stonefish and sculpins, which occur throughout the world, are superbly camouflaged. BNC

This superbly camouflaged fish usually occurs in kelp-covered rocky reefs at depths from about 3 m to 50 m. Google

The snow leopard is secretive, scarce, solitary and superbly camouflaged. Google

sweat glands

potní žlázy

As mentioned before, sweat is produced from the sweat glands in the skin. BNC

Cattle have no sweat glands. Times

Heat rashes develop when sweat glands become blocked. COCA

sweat like a pig

potit se jako prase

  1. People love it but it makes you sweat like a pig. (COCA)
  2. It's too hot here, I'm sweating like a pig. (Google)
  3. He always sweats like a pig, it's horrible. (Google)

sweet chestnut

kaštan jedlý

  1. Absently, she ran her fingers over the sweet chestnut and barberry foliage that made up the greens in the piece she would bring over her guests. (COCA)
  2. There were no newcomers like sycamore, walnut, sweet chestnut. Only oak. (COCA)
  3. Albomarginata' (Zone 5), which is a decorative form of the sweet chestnut with a narrow white margin on its glossy leaves. (COCA)

tabby cat

mourovatá kočka (ne kocour)

Mildred saw her little tabby cat watching reproachfully as she prepared to go without it. BNC

The tabby cat is the most common colour form of all domestic breeds. BNC

A fair-haired little girl was teasing an indolent grey tabby cat on the doorstep, waving an aspen twig over its whiskers and giggling delightedly whenever the cat opened one sleepy eye to bat the twig away. COCA


tůňka u břehu moře

These feed on insects, shore-line and tide-pool fauna. BNC

Hikers can picnic at rocky Cape Arago while viewing marine mammals and tide-pool life. COCA

Remember that tide-pool rocks can be slippery. COCA

to this day

až dodnes

To this day I'm still puzzled as to why. BNC

To this day, no orthodox Brahman will take a bath in Palur. Times

Debate over the facts continues to this day. COCA

top dog

nejdůležitější osoba, organizace atd.

  1. That is why GM is still the top dog in the auto industry and why the airlines are so profitable. (COCA)
  2. Greyhound is still the indisputable top dog among intercity bus lines. (COCA)
  3. If every group has its top dog, every group also has its donkey-the poor sap everyone else rides. (COCA)