úterý, 16. července 2024, 18.53
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: NATURE

wild flowers

polní květiny

Deer in the meadows grazed on a carpet of wild flowers. COCA

There is also a good variety of wild flowers; including primrose, marsh marigold and saxifrage. BNC

The department's Fish and Wildlife Service recommended that the plain -- a carpet of delicate wild flowers in summer, an icy wasteland in winter -- be opened to exploration and leasing by oil and gas concerns. Times

wild goose chase

čas ztrávený děláním neužitečných věcí

  1. I'm not sure this wild goose chase is really the best thing for me right now. (COCA)
  2. I can't believe I've spent so much time on a wild goose chase. (COCA)
  3. The building presumably was not as well protected because these cops were on a wild goose chase. (COCA)

wolf in sheep's clothing

vlk v rouše beránčím

  1. Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing because... he is watching you! (Google)
  2. The honorable political pledge to "make college affordable" becomes a wolf in sheep's clothing during a recession. (Google)
  3. It'll be interesting to watch how this wolf in sheep's clothing performs as it makes its way through the peaceful flock of CPLD offerings. (Google)

zoo keeper

ošetřovatel zvířat v zoo

The zoo keeper said that the elephant had always been a calm and gentle animal before. BNC

We're like a zoo keeper with a lot of big and hungry animals to feed. Times

Morale of the zoo keeper staff is, by most accounts, at an all-time low. COCA