вторник, 16 июля 2024, 18:05
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Глоссарий: NATURE

fishing tackle

rybářské náčiní

There's fresh water, and I found some fishing tackle, so with a bit of luck we could be eating in style tonight. BNC

March is the time of year to give your fishing tackle a serious inspection. COCA

Electronic fishing tackle takes much of the guesswork out of an ancient pastime. Times

fly agaric

muchomůrka červená

  1. He brings back a bunch of beautiful red mushrooms with white spots: fly agaric, death caps. (COCA)
  2. Psilocybe semilanceata, and, less commonly, fly agaric, Amanta muscaria, or combinations with medicaments began to appear. (COCA)
  3. The name fly agaric comes from its ability to put flies that feed on it into a stunned state. (COCA)

fly the coop

odstěhovat se od rodičů (vyletět z klece); zdrhnout z basy (AmE slang)

  1. You know, you reach a certain age and it's time to fly the coop, no time to think about anything other than that very moment. (COCA)
  2. Let our childer fly the coop if they want. (COCA)
  3. My plan is perfect. I fly the coop when I turn 18. (COCA)

for kicks

z legrace, pro zábavu

Court told of hacker who caused chaos for kicks. BNC

Just for kicks she dresses up like a bum, smears on a charcoal mustache, goes tramping along the Boul' Mich in broad daylight. Times

Mack is lucky; he doesn't need La Bare for money - just for kicks. COCA



Her eyes were of an exquisite forget-me-not blue. BNC

She picked several of the forget-me-not blossoms and pressed them between the heavy pages of her book. COCA

The state flower is the forget-me-not, but the fireweed is the most recognizable. COCA

free food

jídlo zdarma

The Kosmos, a Greek restaurant in Manchester, supplied free food for the night. BNC

Oh, I ate. But free food, it's hard to pass up. COCA

The free food was the most successful U.S. diplomatic stroke in Europe since the Berlin airlift. TImes

fresh water

sladká voda; sladkovodní

There is a fresh water pool, tennis court, peak season beach restaurant and sound proofed discotheque. BNC

Seventy percent of the fresh water on Earth is frozen here. COCA

Also promised: a "maximum effort to get fresh water from salt water." Times

fruitless searching

bezvýsledné pátrání

  1. After nearly an hour of fruitless searching, Dart decided the walkers must have had a big head start. (COCA)
  2. After six weeks of fruitless searching, Norma landed a job as a clerk for Frost Fabrications near the university. (COCA)
  3. The next day was a continuation of the last: fruitless searching for a room, continuous worrying about his family. (COCA)

fruits of success

výsledky úspěchu

  1. U.S. manufacturing remained virtually unrivaled, with both workers and management sharing in the fruits of success. (COCA)
  2. Using the fruits of success to help others achieve is central to Goldston's business philosophy. (COCA)
  3. No people value success as much as the French do, and none enjoy the fruits of success as much as Parisians. (COCA)

full as a tick

nacpaný k praskuntí (přejedený)

  1. I'm full as a tick" was an expression my friend Debbie would often say after eating a good meal. (Google)
  2. Full as a tick. I walked out of the restaurant behind two of my friends. (Google)
  3. "I'm as full as a tick," she would say. Then she would stand and survey the table and often have a change of heart. (Google)