pondělí, 1. července 2024, 12.26
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH
Libor Juhaňák

be out of breath

být udýchaný/zadýchaný, nemoci popadnout dech

She was out of breath after climbing the stairs.(W.Magnuson,Eng.Idioms)

By the time they reached the third floor they were both out of breath. (BNC)

She didn't slow down until she was almost out of breath. (BNC)

be overweight

mít nadváhu, být otylý/obézní/tlustý

You often find, for example, that teenage girls who are just slightly overweight see themselves as massively obese. (BNC)

The woman we have just described is 30 lb (13.6 kg) overweight and she should be delighted if she can be rid of this in around a year. (BNC)

In Britain alone 16 million people are overweight. (BNC(

be profoundly deaf

být naprosto hluchý

 The presence of profoundly deaf children was viewed rather oddly in one situation: (BNC)

 A profoundly deaf person felt that it was best to reveal her disability after contact had been made because of the `;funny ideas'; people have about deafness. (BNC)

Many profoundly deaf children have great difficulty in learning to read.(BNC)

be released/discharged from hospital

být propuštěn z nemocnice

However, as soon as he is released from hospital, I will submit your request to him.(BNC)

She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped. (BNC)

I don't think I am fully recovered, and today I am no taller or heavier than I was when I was released from hospital in 1983. (BNC)

be rushed/hurried to hospital

být rychle převezen do nemocnice

He was rushed to hospital. (Lingea)

They were hurried to the hospital. (Lingea)

One day Tom is rushed to hospital with an unusual type of pneumonia. (BNC)

be shhort of breath

mít potíže s dýcháním, sotva popadat dech, lapat po dechu, trpět záduchou

She was so short of breath that it was an effort to speak. (BNC)

The two hundred and forty-seven pounds of weight have made him a bit short of breath. (BNC)

She was also short of breath, and her whole face was beginning to swell. (BNC)

be sick

zvracet (BrE)

být nemocný, necítit se dobře (AmE)

The cat has been sick on the carpet. (LDCE)

You will be sick if you eat any more chocolate. (LDCE)

She was sick after she ate too much chocolate.(CALD)

be sick (to death) of st/-ing

mít něčeho po krk/dost

I am really sick of housework! (LDCE).

I've been treated like dirt for two years now and I'm sick to death of it!(CIDI)

I am sick to death of your complaining! (LDCE)

People are sick to death of the debate on gun control. They've heard too much about guns. (CDAE)

be sick as a dog/horse

být někomu špatně na umření (hodně)

Pete is at home in bed, sick as a dog. (LDCE)

She was as sick as a dog after that curry.(CIDI)

I was sick as a dog after last night's meal.(CALD)

be sick as a parrot/be sicker than a dog

hrozně zklamaný (BrE spoken humorous)

How did you feel when you missed that penalty? Sick as a parrot. (LDCE)

He was sick as a parrot when his team lost the match.(CALD)

Tim was sick as a parrot when he heard Manchester had lost the match.(CIDI)

be sick at heart

hrozně smutný, zkroušený, mající srdcebol (literary)

I was sick at heart to think that I would never see the place again. (LDCE)

Papa was sick at heart after the hailstorm ruined our crop.(Eng.Idioms,W.Magnuson)

The thought of her home so far away made her sick at heart.(CIDI)

be taken/take sb to hospital

být převezen do nemocnice (jako pacient)

She was taken to hospital. (Lingea)

A fleet of ambulances took the injured to hospital. (Lingea)

He was taken to hospital for an x-ray examination. (BNC)

be the life and soul

být střed /em pozornosti

He was the life and soul of yesterday`s party. (Lingea)

We had a good time at Penny`s get-together. Of course, Mick was the life and soul of the party, as usual. (Eng. Idioms in Use, CUP)

Each evening he was off to the local pub The Royal Oak where he apparently became the life and soul of the party.(BNC)

be tickled pink/to death

být na výsost spokojený/potěšený

Val was tickled pink when Susan asked her to be bridesmaid at her wedding.(CIDI)

But Princess Di was tickled pink yesterday by this new portrait. (BNC)

It was tough to make pars and every time we did we were tickled to death. (BNC)

be unfit

být z formy, nebýt ve formě, nebýt fit

So he wrote and signed chits for local lads, stating they were unfit to travel and thereby extending their weekends.(BNC)

At the moment the Hong Kong player is grossly unfit and slow by international standards. (BNC)

Those who were unfit to work were rarely remembered, principally because few survived for long. (BNC)