úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.43
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH

be in good shape

být v dobrém stavu, být na tom dobře, být v kondici

The women's champion, Paula Newby-Fraser, from Zimbabwe, who set a course record of 9hr 1min 1sec last year, is in good shape, having won at Nice in May. (BNC)

If only he could tell them he was all right, in good shape. (BNC)

All of the houses are in good shape, and there should be no trouble. (BNC)

be in pain

mít bolesti, být v bolestech

She is in pain, but wants to endure it. (BNC)

My only consolation is that for the first time in her life Horatia is in pain. (BNC)

Fat people's bodies just don't know when to say no. for example, it is easy to tell when your body has a fever, is in pain or is tired. (BNC)

be in recovery

být v/na léčení, léčit se

Another alcoholic is in recovery from the disease. (BNC)

The denial may persist and even be intensified when they are in recovery from their primary addiction. (BNC)

It should be remembered that one can not relapse unless one has first been in recovery. (BNC)

be in sb`s death throes

být v posledním tažení

The coalition seems to be in its death throes. (LDCE)

Already by 1740 European feudalism is experiencing its death throes. (BNC)

He screamed as loudly as his horse that was now blocking the high road with its failing death throes. (BNC)

be involved in an accident

být účastníkem (dopravní) nehody

Sometimes people cannot have this proof, if, for example, their loved one has been involved in an accident where the body has not been recovered. (BNC)

Figures show that out of every 1,000 skiers, 35 are involved in an accident --; yet one in ten of us don't bother to take out insurance. (BNC)

Have you ever been involved in an accident? (BNC)

be laid up with st (a disease)

ležet/zůstat v posteli s nějakou nemocí

She's been laid up in bed with flu for a week.(CALD)

Kelly was laid up for two weeks with a very bad cold. (W.Magnuson,Eng.Idioms)

Large numbers were laid up with a multiplicity of gearbox, transmission, body and wheelset problems. (BNC)

be off sb`s head (1)

být totálně zfetovaný/sjetej, být úplně mimo (vlivem alkoholu, drog)

She's completely off her head, she is - what's she been drinking?(CIDI)

Hannah was off her head as usual.(CALD)

She's off her head she is. (BNC)

be off sb`s head (2)

být mimo, vyšinutý, pomatený (psychicky)

He wants to finish it today - he must be off his head. (Lingea)

He took the car out in this weather - He must be off his head!(CIDI)

You must be off your head going out in this weather!(CALD)

be off sb`s rocker

být úplný blázen

Spending that much on a car! He must be off his rocker!(CIDI)

You gave away your piano? You're off your rocker! (W.Magnuson, Eng.Idioms)

Don't forget, I've seen you in some states, Ruth, practically off your rocker wasting away wrapped up in that sod. (BNC)

be off sb`s trolley

být mimo (blázen)

Anyone who saw us doing this would think we were off our trolleys.(CIDI)

Have you gone completely off your trolley? You'll never get away with it!(CIDI)

Are you off your trolley? said Wilcox. (BNC)

be off sick

být na nemocenské

I was off sick for four days with the flue. (LDCE)

First of all, has your employee been off sick for four or more days in a row?(BNC)

What should I do if an employee is off sick? (BNC)

be on sb`s deathbed

být na smrtelné posteli

His son-in-law, on the old man's deathbed, asked where the spot was and he wouldn't tell him. (BNC)

On her deathbed Mary Leapor reportedly expressed concern for her father's advancing age. (BNC)

This had happened at what was thought to be the king's deathbed on 6 March 1093. (BNC)

be on the mend

hojit se, zacelovat se, uzdravovat se

She's been ill with flu but she's on the mend now.(CALD)

He's still a bit tired but he's definitely on the mend.(CIDI)

Then she looked back at me and smiled a brave, convalescent smile, not yet well, but on the mend, cured in spirit. (BNC)

be on the road to recovery

uzdravovat se

By the second day he knew he was on the road to recovery. (CUP,Idioms In Use)

You will not be the first debtor they've had to deal with, and their experience and understanding could help you take the first step on the road to recovery. (BNC)

 Marc Girardelli is well on the road to recovery from last season's internal injuries, with consistent top-three placings in slalom, giant slalom and Super-G. (BNC)

be one sandwich (couple of sandwiches) short of a picnic

nemít všech pět pohromadě

After talking to him for about 10 minutes I decided he was definitely one sandwich short of a picnic.(CIDI)

Having read that, the rest of you probably now think that the author is a sandwich short of a picnic. (BNC)

The Government, as they say in Glasgow, is one sandwich short of a picnic. (BNC)