Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 17:20
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossar: SPORT

(English) Premier League

(anglická) Premier League, nejvyšší fotbalová soutěž v Anglii

Dennis is still a premier league player and I'm sure he will want to demonstrate that. Google

Four defenders of Chelsea London jointly lead the list of the Premier League defenders at the end of February. Google

Manchester United are the English Premier League title holders after finishing five points clear of Arsenal in 2003. Google

(game-)winning goal

vítězný gól

Several Sunderland fans were escorted from the ground after running on the pitch when their team scored the winning goal. BNCB

His winning goal against Oxford United was a perfect pick-me-up. BNCB

Mark Messier hand signed this incredible photograph of scoring his 1994 Stanley Cup game-winning goal. Google

(long) distance runner

běžec na dlouhé tratě, vytrvalec

Said Aouita, the highly versatile Moroccan distance runner, was there to attempt to beat the world 300 metre record. BNCB

Sally Barsosio, a 26-year-old Kenyan long distance runner, is an early bird. Google

Perhaps the greatest recent insult was the Nike sponsorship of Philip Boit, the Kenyan distance runner who decided to cross country ski. Google

(relay) baton

štafetový kolík; kolík

The winner of the women’s individual 400m title, both this year and last, Natalya Nazarova of Russia took over the relay baton from her team-mates so far ahead of the seven pursuing teams that the women’s 4x400m relay was more of a time trial than a race. Google

First runner runs on inside of lane and holds baton in right hand, second runner runs on outside of lane and holds baton in left hand etc. Google 

The key to good relay baton exchange is to ensure that the baton is exchanged safely at or very close to the maximum speed of the two athletes involved. Google

(starting) grid

startovní rošt

The starting grid will be set in a 1 by 1 staggered formation, according to the best lap times attained by each car during the qualifying sessions. Google

We were not expecting 10th place on the grid. Google

Jackie Stewart was easily recognizable on the starting grid, but because of the distinguishable Stewart tartan band across his helmet. BNCB


added time

nastavený čas, nastavení

On Saturday Leeds burgled an equaliser through Chris Fairclough 45 seconds into added time to protect an 18-month unbeaten run at Elland Road. BNCB

With the game going into added time Michael Galwey, after good work by Geoghegan, Clarke and Bradley, got in for an Irish try. BNCB

We've had a couple of stoppages in the first half, not the sort that will give us the nine minutes of added time we had at Highbury on Saturday, but certainly a minute or two this evening. BNCB

Alpine skiing

Alpské lyžování

Alpine skiing evolved from cross-country skiing. Google

The first alpine skiing competition, a primitive downhill, was held in the 1850s in Oslo. Google

Alpine skiing became part of the Olympic programme at the 1936 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Games with a men's and ladies combined event. Google

American football

Americký fotbal

Add the fact that the dominating sport, American football, venerates the combination of meticulous planning with the sudden

They would rather watch American football on television. BNCB

The word is that Bath are being helped by a man who has been a kicking coach in the National League of American Football. BNCB

anchor leg

poslední úsek (štafety, závodu); finiš

Scotsman Elliot Bunney, Dale Thompson, Mike McFarlane, and me on the anchor leg. BNCB

Lewis, who swelled his incredible haul of Olympic golds to eight with a fantastic anchor leg in Saturday's 4 x 100 metres world record performance from the Americans, said: "I won't dodge Linford." BNCB

However, Alsgaard will be best known for his tremendous anchor leg performances in the Relay. Google

anchor runner

poslední člen/ka štafety; finišman/ka

The third runner must attempt to set up the anchor runner for good race position in which he or she can perform their best. Google

She caught French anchor runner Christine Arron, but could not get close to Debbie Ferguson of the Bahamas or Merlene Ottey of Jamaica. Google

The last leg, the anchor leg, is called the "glory leg" by many veterans of this race because the anchor runner is the one who gets to finish up the race at the end of the day by running through the town of Galconda towards that long finish line. Google

assisting wind

vítr v zádech

A heavy assisting wind (+2.8m/s) and a superb last 60 metres by American champion Kelli White brought some very fast times in the women’s 100m and also ended the US$ 1 million Golden League Jackpot hopes of Bahamian Chandra Sturrup. Google

The men's 100-m final was run with a +0.2 m/s assisting wind (w), whereas in the women's final, w = +0.4 m/s. Google

Over speed can be done by running down a very slight slope, running with an assisting wind or by being towed. Google

at home

na domácím hřišti; doma

Should City defeat Scarborough at home on Saturday, then they will be crowned as Conference champions. Google

Stars stay unbeatable at home. Google

Manchester United lost at home to Liverpool today and wait for tomorrow-s North London derby between Arsenal and Tottenham to see if Arsenal can come within three points of United to leave the Championship race wide open. Google

attacking zone

útočné pásmo

Offside occurs when when an offensive player crosses the blue line into the attacking zone before the puck. Google

Sopel's been very effective for the Canucks of late(funny what he can do when he doesn't make boneheaded plays day in and day out), and he continues to show his usefulness on the Canucks power play, as he is quite possibly the best Canuck on the blueline at holding the puck in the attacking zone. Google

They have 6 players with 30 + points which is a great sign of how well this team is playing in the attacking zone. Google

automatic transmission

automatická převodovka

If you have ever driven a car with an automatic transmission, then you know that there are two big differences between an automatic transmission and a manual transmission. Google

The predominant form of automatic transmission today is the hydraulic automatic transmission. Google

By pure chance it turns out that the way an automatic transmission does it is absolutely amazing! Google

avoid relegation

nesestoupit, vyhnout se sestupu; nespadnout

Spurs are almost certain to avoid relegation but their heaviest defeat was even harder for their fans to accept because they were 2-0 up after 13 minutes. BNCB

A draw was all that either team needed in order to avoid relegation. BNCB

Last season Moseley only avoided relagation by beating Newcastle Gosforth in their last match. BNCB

award a penalty (kick)

nařídit pokutový kop/penaltu

However, to the amazement of Tottenham, referee Steve Dunn awarded a penalty to Chelsea. Google

And the home side should have scored when, fifteen minutes from time, they were awarded a penalty after Ryan Taylor had shoved Cahill. Google

Now Mr Joslin must have been obviously worried about what state his car was going to be in after the game, as he was giving the majority of the decisions to the home team, but in this instance, he agreed with our shouts and awarded a penalty kick. Google

away kit

dres pro zápasy hrané na cizím hřišti, sada dresů pro zápasy hrané na cizím hřišti

Apparently Brum forgot that their home shirts would clash with ours, and so had to wear the Palace away kits instead. Google

As both United and Benfica wore red as a first choice kit, on the night United played in an all blue away kit. Google

Leeds were wearing their new away kit. BNCB


back the wrong horse

vsadit na špatnou kartu

 I almost always back the wrong horse. It's pretty much a character flaw.

 It was only after we'd invested all the money that we discovered we'd been backing the wrong horse. (Free Dictionary)

I am not one for giving up easily but occasionally you can back the wrong horse and if a new design isn't working I will bin it and start afresh. (Google)

backhand shot

střela backhandem; backhand

Now that you have mastered the wrist shot, follow the same steps for the backhand shot except use the back half of your stick blade. Google

Iginla raced Burke to the open net and guided a backhand shot between a Burke's pads. Google

Last week we discussed the proper techniques for the wrist shot and the backhand shot. Google

baton change

předávka, předání štafetového kolíku

They messed up a baton change and failed to finish, creeping from the track with the ribald comments of the crowd in their ears! BNCB

I prepared myself for the baton change as Mac set off on his leg, so I did not see what happened there. BNCB

A catastrophic baton change outside the designated area wrote off the squad's hopes of at least a silver medal. Google

baton pass(ing)

předávka, předání štafetového kolíku

They blasted through their one-lap trek with speed and power, gracing it further with excellent baton passing to hold off Louisiana State, a five-time past champion in the event. Google

To be successful in a relay race a high degree of baton passing ability is necessary. Google

After the baton pass, the receiving runner accelerates to top speed and runs a 400m lap at full speed. Google

bicycle kick

nůžky; nože

Then Robbie Earle saw his spectacular bicycle kick hit the bar, and Terry Gibson's free kick was palmed over by Southall. BNCB

Ansah's bicycle kick was as cleanly executed as it was spectacular and necessitated Forrest to be at his sharpest. BNCB

Frank Lampard led the revival, helping Eidur Gudjohnsen score with a bicycle kick (Leeds again troubled by overheads) to equalise Harry Kewell's opener. Google

blocked shot

(z)blokovaná střel

It was from a blocked shot in injury time at the end of the first half that Chelsea took the lead. Google

Jacobson finished the game with 10 rebounds, nine points, and a blocked shot. Google

Lucious Harris added a season-high 24 points, and Kerry Kittles scored 18 and helped forced overtime with a three-pointer and a blocked shot in the final minute of regulation. Google

blue flag

modrá vlajka (signalizace povinnosti nechat se předjet jezdcem, který je o kolo rychlejší)

I was sat behind Ralf Schumacher for ages and he was one lap behind me, but he just wasn't letting me past despite the blue flags. (Google)

Then when I was given a blue flag to let Jenson Button past, I reacted immediately and let him past at the next corner. (Google)

Da Matta picked up a drive-through penalty in a blue flag controversy. (Google)

blue line

modrá čára; modrá

Minnesota All-Star Marian Gaborik turned the puck over to Cassels near the blue line, with Cassels deking Fernandez on the breakaway for his 17th of the season. Google

Chris Chelios spent nearly seven seasons patrolling the blue line in Montreal and the Canadiens still likely regret giving him up for an aging Denis Savard. Sure, the Habs won the Cup in 1992-93, but Chelios has been a big part of Detroit's and even Chicago's success. Google

Offside occurs when an offensive player crosses the blue line into the attacking zone before the puck. Google


bobový sport; boby

Reviewed by Dan Despite some ugly frame rates, bob-sledding is actually one of
the better events in the game. Google

The approach of the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, brings more than traditional thoughts of bob-sledding and figure skating to the minds of millions of jubilant women sports enthusiasts: 1998 will usher in the premier of women's ice hockey as an Olympic sport. Google

I suppose from our point of view, I literally watched the bob-sledding at Nagano on television, and I heard most of the team, if not all of them, were retiring. Google

bobsleigh track

bobařská dráha, bobová dráha

After a running start on spiked shoes, athletes race headfirst down the bobsleigh track at the Utah Olympic Park on a thin steel sled, steering by shifting their weight or lightly dragging a toe, their chins nearly scraping the icy surface. Google

The first time I went on a bobsleigh track, I had to race in temperatures of -25 degrees Celsius and, boy, was it cold! Google

The Swiss had their national championships at the beginning of January on the oldest bobsleigh track in the world which has been extended by 110 metres to now 1,722m (times taken after Portago corner) this year. Google

body biulder


Being the world famous body builder he is, Arnold Schwarzenegger has produced body building competitions in Columbus, Ohio for over two decades. Google

I saw two young-ish women at the Los Gatos Art and Wine Festival closely followed by this handsome body builder. Google

Francesca, champion body builder of France, is back again and better than ever. Google



Bon Sante won the overall body-building championship in the 14th Mr Chandigarh Body Building championship held this evening in the DAV College Auditorium, Sector 10. Google

Being the world famous body builder he is, Arnold Schwarzenegger has produced body building competitions in Columbus, Ohio for over two decades. Google

Though he entered his first body-building competition three years ago, Burke said he has always been interested how the human body adapts to change. Google

break the (finish/ing) tape

protrhnout cílovou pásku

I beat the school's fastest runner in the 100 metres sprint, breaking the finishing tape just before the other runners manage to leave their starting blocks. BNCB

The clock read 8:55:26 as he broke the finishing tape. Google

The first person to break the finish tape will earn the $50,000 bonus and above the traditional first placed prize of $25,000 and a Honda Accord EX V6 (valued at $24,300). Google

break the deadlock

prolomit neroznodný stav, vstřelit první gól zápasu

Mark Kinsella broke the deadlock in the 28th minute with a scorching right foot drive from 25 yards, while Paul Flowers and Steve McGavin both saw lobs sail over the bar. BNCB

Woodmill controlled the game for much of the first half but could not get through the Meridian defence and it wasn't until two and a half minutes into the second half that the deadlock was finally broken. BNCB

Just on half-time, a long ball from Milne put him through within excelence shooting distance of Thomson, but McCart's late intervention robbed him of the golden chance to break the deadlock. BNCB

bring down

stáhnout, srazit k zemi

Bernd Schuster, the German whom Toshack uses as sweeper, commited the one foul that made the heart sink as Michael Laudrup, in glittering form, was brought down. BNCB

But after 32 minutes Jesper Gronkjaer escaped his marker and broke into the box only to be brought down by Lenny Pidgeley, the keeper on loan from Chelsea. Google

The turning point came in the 75th minute when McGrath brought down Walsh only for the resulting penalty by Lineker to be saved easily by Spink. BNCB

broadcast live

vysílat v přímém přenosu, vysílat živě

Sky will broadcast live Premier League matches on Sunday afternoons and Monday evenings. BNCB

The game was being broadcast live and the young men of the party, Zamalek supporters, all carried radios. BNCB

Claudio Ranieri's star-studded side beat the Red Devils 1-0 at Stamford Bridge earlier in the season, in a game that was also broadcast live on Sky. Google

broadcast(ing) rights

vysílací práva

The BBC subsequently bought the broadcasting rights to the play and commissioned David Whitaker to adapt it for Television. BNCB

SportsWest not only holds television broadcast rights to these games but many local marketing rights in basketball arenas and football stadiums. Google

It appears that the Commissioner does not like the principle of collective selling of broadcasting rights within football. Google

bronze medal

bronzová medaile

A Russian weightlifter was banned for life by the sport's governing body after rejecting an Olympic bronze medal last night. BNCB

Britain now face a play-off for the bronze medal against South Korea. BNCB

We gained the bronze medal. BNCB

bronze medallist

držitel(ka)/majitel(ka) bronzové medaile, bronzový/á medailista/ka

Dennis Stewart, the light-heavyweight bronze medallist in Seoul, leads the men's team, who also include the heavyweight silver medallist, Elvis Gordon, and the middleweight bronze medallist, Densign White. BNCB

Wigan's David Grindley can boost his chances of winning the European Cup 400 metres spot if he can produce a fast run tonight against Olympic bronze medallist Samson Kitur. BNCB

As a bronze medallist at the last two World Championships, Brown was everybody's favourite, but Stephen hit harder and more often. BNCB

butterfly save

rozklek, zákrok rozklekem

If you watch hockey a lot, you have probably noticed that more and more goalies are using the butterfly save. Google

The Avs goalie, No. 33, is incredibly detailed in his classic butterfly save pose. Google

When a goalie extends both legs in opposite directions in order to stop a shot it is known as a butterfly save. Google


car racing

automobilové závody

He was a successful RC car racing driver before he debuted as a full-scale car driver. Google

Motorsport is in Wayne Gardner's blood, and he hopes that his car racing career will see him trough at least into his 50's. Google

So car racing is your medicine? Google

catching glove


He was rarely out of position and when he was, his lightning-quick catching glove made up for it. Google

I had a great catching glove and a standup style that was really fit for that era. Google

I believe it was last year in the Leafs-Flyers series when Chechmanek lost his catching glove somehow. Google

centre (forward)

střední útočník; centr

The Avalanche have been hit by injuries all season and star centre Peter Forsberg is still out with a groin problem. Google

I play centre forward for the Scottish hockey team. Google

He won two Senior Football medals between 1992 and 1995 playing centre forward with the club in Bunclody. Google

centre court

centrkurt, centrální dvorec

Playing before a sellout crowd of nearly 5,000 on the picturesque seaside centre court, Zabaleta broke Lapentti’s serve to lead 3-1 in the opening set. Google

Roddick played on centre court for the first time on Friday and felt at home in front of the Toronto crowd. Google

The fact that Rusedski's match has not been scheduled for Centre Court suggests that there are real question marks over his fitness. Google

change on the fly

(vy)střídat během hry (v momentě, kdy hra nebyla přerušena a pokračuje)

Because players are often substituted while the puck is in play, players frequently change on the fly, jumping over the boards and onto the ice to replace teammates. Google

Because the flow of the game is so rapid, players skate 90-second to two-minute shifts and change on the fly. Google

Hockey has the unique rule of allowing players to "change on the fly." Google

checking line

checking line, obranářská řada/lajna, bourací řada/lajna

He makes $5 million per year and he's scored 258 goals in a 13-year NHL career, but Keith Primeau says he is happy centering the Flyers' top checking line. Google

In Edmonton, Grier played RW on a famously successful high-energy checking line, along with Todd Marchant and Ethan Moreau. Google

San Jose's checking line has five goals in the last four games. Google

chequered flag

šachovnicový praporek (cílová vlajka)

On the last lap, we watched three cars coming towards the chequered flag almost side by side: Andretti, Depailler and Hunt. BNCB

The gap between Michael and Montoya fluctuated between three and five seconds (5.022 at the chequered flag) throughout the race as first one driver, then the other had the upper hand, depending on tyre condition and fuel load. Google

Schumacher produced a flawless drive in front of Ferrari's home fans at Monza to take the chequered flag by five seconds and end a winless run stretching back five races to Canada in June. Google

clay surface

antukový povrch; antuka

Barcelona's intimidating temperatures saw 11 of 16 seeded players fall by the quarterfinals on the slow clay surface, Marc Rosset of Switzerland winning a power battle in a five-set final against Jordi Arresse of Spain. Google

Ferrero, the 2001 champion here and who has titles this season in Monte Carlo and Valencia, now has a 19-1 record in 2003 on his favorite clay surface. Google

Britain's best hope of success is Tim Henman but he is far from his best on the clay surface. Google

clear the ball

odkopnout míč (do bezpečí), odehrát míč do bezpečí

Zenden followed up and it was Ledley who spectacularly cleared the ball off the line as Davies and Zola were sprawled on the ground in the desperate scramble for the ball. Google

Gudjohnssen forced another save from Keller who was having trouble holding his shots today, and this time it was Ledley who came to the rescue to ultimately clear the ball. Google

The South African soon directed a half-chance over the bar, while Matt Holland headed wide from a corner after Huth had cleared the ball just past his own post. Google

clear the bar

a) překonat laťku

b) přestřelit (branku); jít nad (střela, míč)

I cleared the bar at the first height, then at the second height, but on the third attempt I knocked the bar over. BNCB

Freitag put his hands to his mouth and opened his eyes wide in stunned surprise at how easily he cleared the bar. Google

We had to wait for quarter of an hour for the first actual goal chance when Dave Bristow hit the ball from twenty five yards, which just cleared the bar. BNCB

clear the danger

zažehnat nebezpečí

Dangerous cross into Besiktas' area, Hasselbaink was about to fire a shot at goal but the defense blocked him and cleared the danger. Google

It looked like Carr would hit a thunderous shot, but he chose to pass back, and the danger was cleared. Google

Euell was linking-up nicely with di Canio who played his strike partner through in the 19th minute with a deft flick-on but Andy O’Brien just managed to toe the ball to Given who cleared the danger. Google

clear the puck

vyhodit puk

With under 20 seconds remaining, the Predators cleared the puck and Red Wings' blueliner Derian Hatcher made his way back to play it. Google

But Ronning's attempted centering pass was blocked by Chris Pronger to the left of Osgood, and then Petr Cajanek cleared the puck into the empty net. Google

Washington defenseman Brandon Witt cleared the puck around the boards up the right wing wall. Google

corner kick

rohový kop; roh (kop)

The Hibs defence, moving out after a corner kick, left Robertson completely clear on the left. BNCB

Nervous pressure was building up in the United team when Irwin put a 64th-minute corner kick deep into heart of the Southampton penalty area. BNCB

Shenley went in front in the thirty fifth minute as City failed to get clear Mark Turrell's corner kick, as the ball crossed the goal line. BNCB

creative player

tvůrce hry, tvořivý hráč; špílmachr

 Steve agreed, and was rewarded with a versatile and creative player who was a useful asset to the club at a rather difficult time. BNCB

Very creative player who can open up the tightest defence. Google

Pennant was Leeds’ most creative player making one goal and creating five other openings during the course of the month. Google

cross country skiing

běžecké lyžování; běžky

Ipswich's next meeting is on Good Friday and Zdenek Tesar has taken the opportunity of the break to return to Czechoslovakia to see his wife and a daughter and do some cross country skiing near his mountain home. BNCB

Washington has a number of ski resorts with excellent facilities for alpine skiing, snowboarding, and cross country skiing. Google

Plenty of opportunities for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, and sledding also exist on the Carson. Google

cross-country skier


Norwegian cross-country skier Bjorn Dahlie won two gold medals in Nagano, giving him a record eight gold medals in his three Winter Olympics. Google

A cross-country skier should keep his poles close to his body whenever near another skier. Google

In the winter, Yellowstone offers a variety of enjoyable and challenging trails for the cross country skier. Google

cross(-)country run

orientační běh

They usually find that it is great fun, and there is something uniquely satisfying about having a hot bath once you have covered yourself in mud in the pouring rain in a cross country run! Google

This rehearsal will provide the team with a chance to hone their relay format in preparation for the 2004 cross-country run. Google

I never needed to be better at football, score more runs at cricket, or run further and faster in a cross country run, and that brings us right to the point. Google

curling shot

(za)točená střela, střela s falší

He dragged defenders with him in a diagonal run, turned, and hit a superb curling shot into the far corner. BNCB

Despite leaving out 18-goal striker Bernie Slaven and winger Stuart Ripley, there was a prelude of better things to come when Andy Payton tested Welch with a curling shot in the 15th minute. BNCB

Bierhoff gave Ascoli, fourth in the Italian Second Division, the lead in the ninth minute when a superb run and curling shot from outside the area beat Alan Knight. BNCB

cut down the (shooting) angle

zmenšit (střelecký) úhel

But when Raycroft came out to cut down the angle, he tripped and fell, leaving Varada to shoot the puck into the open net at 2:10 of the first period. Google

When coming out to cut down the angle or challenge the shooter, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Google

Move out from the goal in order to cut down the shooting angle. Google


dark horse

černý kůň

Before the World Championship in June Portugal was ranked ninth in the world in football and was one of the dark horse favorites to win the coveted cup. Google

Leicester continue to blow hot and cold, although one of the reasons they looked a little below par in their first game was because they were playing a Gloucester side that could be a dark horse for the title. BNCB

"Peter is always a dark horse in any championship," says Garth M’Gimpsey. BNCB

deafening applause

ohlušující potlesk/aplaus

Anxiety was cutting deeper, however, and then Eriksson produced what at first appeared a move guided from above when he withdrew Robbie Fowler and sent out Teddy Sheringham, greeted with deafening applause, to glide home the equaliser with his first touch, a header. Google

Hardly had the deafening applause from the spectators died down, when R.P. Singh scored with a delicate diagonal placing. Google

They were welcomed and thanked with deafening applause and cheers from the 38,000 strong spectators, who themselves have contributed in no small amount to the overall success of the games. Google

defending champion

obhájce titulu/trofeje

On Thursday Boris Becker, the defending champion, lost to Jan Gunnarsson in the third round. BNCB

Deportivo de La Coruna eliminated defending champion AC Milan while FC Porto beat Lyon to reach the Champions Cup semi-finals. Google

"Today I beat Stefan Edberg, the two-time defending champion here at the US Open, one of the biggest tournaments in the world," Novacek said. BNCB

defensive midfielder

defenzivní záložník

In Chelsea's case, Mourinho is said to want to import right-back Paulo Ferreira, playmaker Deco, and defensive midfielder Costinha. Google

He made his name in Italy as a defensive midfielder but given more attacking licence by the 'sexy football' of Ruud Gullit's management, he soon demonstrated that he had a very impressive eye for goal indeed. Google

Germans started without stopper Christian Wörns and defensive midfielder Michael Ballack. Google

defensive zone

obranné pásmo

Hejduk has such great hockey sense and his play in the defensive zone matches his play in the offensive zone. Google

In the defensive zone, players need to be ready to make adjustments and they need to communicate. Google

A situation in which a player is in his team's offensive zone while the play has moved into his defensive zone. Google

delayed off(-)side

avizované postavení mimo hru, signalizovaný ofsajd

He called this a delayed off-side even though the puck never left the zone. Google

All players must be clear of the zone to nullify delayed off-side. Google

Delayed off-side is no longer in effect once the players of the offending team have cleared the opponents' defensive zone. Google

delayed penalty

avizované vyloučení

Goalies are also regularly pulled during delayed penalty calls. Google

The Referee has signalled a delayed penalty to a player from Team A and Team B has substituted its goaltender in favour of an extra attacker. Google

I read a post a few years ago about an idea to have a delayed penalty call. Google

direct free kick

přímý volný kop; přímák

Their former midfielder Oyvind Leonhardsen was penalised for a foul on
Baros and Murphy curled a direct free kick into the top corner. Google

It took them only 10 minutes to break the deadlock with Seamus Duffy curling home a direct free kick after a handball offence from 25 yards. BNCB

But all their Parisian dreams -- and the club's 27 match unbeaten run -- came to an end as the Cypriots scored from a direct free kick and straight from a corner. BNCB

discus throw

hod diskem; disk (disciplína)

The gold era of discus throw has been the first half of 80s. Google

He has qualified himself second at discus throw. Google

John won the discus throw in the 2002 WV Conference meet with a throw of 146 feet, 3 inches. Google

discus thrower


Francis tells of a Canadian discus thrower, Rob Gray, who had worked for many years to reach the 58 metre mark. BNCB

Roy Hollingworth, a discus thrower from Trinidad, and Clive Long from Guyana gained intenational athletics honours in the 1960s. BNCB

Developing a skilled top level discus thrower requires patience but has many rewards. Google

double fault


But the Briton was then broken in the eighth game when a double fault gave Ivanisevic a third chance to break, the 29-year-old gratefully accepting with a backhand return winner on a Henman second serve. Google

At 2-1 with Srichaphan serving, a double fault and a passing shot by Andy saw 0-30. Google

But the Swede undid that good work in the 10th game of the third set with more errors and then a double fault to hand Novak three break points. Google

downhill skiing

sjezdové lyžování

Downhill skiing is a classic illustration of the relationship between work and energy. Google

Downhill skiing is a sport featured in the Winter Olympics. Google

Downhill skiing is one of the great thrills of outdoor winter life. Google

drop kick

a) kopnout do míče/vykopnout míč, kopnutí do míče/vykopnutí míče (ihned po jeho odrazu ze země)

(např. brankář ve fotbale, nebo hráč ragby - vykopne jím hozený míč ihned poté, co se odrazí od země)

b) úder oběma nohama (při výskoku) (např. wrestling či karate)

Mind you, Henry might argue that the goal he had disallowed - when he cheekily nicked the ball away from Brad Friedel as the Blackburn keeper prepared to drop kick the ball upfield - should have stood and, having seen endless re-runs of the incident, I can't for the life of me see why the referee penalised the Frenchman for a foul. Google

You might have thought, for instance, that financial considerations played little or no part in the spectacle of Jonny Wilkinson's World Cup-winning drop kick. Google

Saturn gets the feet up to knock Bull away then hits a drop kick. Google

drop the baton

upustit štfetový kolík, ztratit štafetový kolík

It is as if a relay runner had carried on running after she had dropped the baton. Google

Jamaica were gifted gold in the women's 4x400m relay in Edmonton when the Americans dropped the baton on the final leg. Google

We dropped the baton in the state meet in '96 and it cost us the championship. Google

dump and chase

nahazování, nahazovat (puk)

A team with speed and skill and great puckhandlers should avoid the dump and chase. Google

You have to play tight defence, and you have to dump and chase, pass the puck around, and create chances. Google

One way to combat this is to use the dump and chase play. Google


empty-net goal

gól do prázdné brány

That's what a Calgary reporter learned Thursday night when he used the term to inquire whether the San Jose forward was trying to show up the Flames while scoring an empty-net goal in the Sharks' 3-0 victory in Game 3 of the Western Conference finals. Google

When your opponent has pulled their goalie in the last minutes of the game trying to get an equalizer goal, there is an easy way to score an empty net goal. Google

Teemu Selanne and Hejduk scored power-play goals in the second period, and Peter Forsberg added an empty-net goal in the final minute, helping rookie Phil Sauve earn his fourth career win. Google

endurance run(ning)

vytrvalostní běh

In the school's physical education program the emphasis was on competitive sprinting rather than endurance running. Google

The fifty-mile endurance run is on Sunday, July 15, 2001. Google

The influence of high carbohydrate diets on endurance running performance. Google

exercise bike


Make an informed choice when buying and using an exercise bike. Google

You have two choices when it comes to using an exercise bike. You can use one at your gym or you can buy one and use it at home. Google

Whether you have a road bike, a mountain bike or an exercise bike, bicycling is one of the purest forms of exercise. Google

extra attacker

šestý hráč (při power play nebo při avizovaném vyloučení)

About two minutes to go, Waterloo gets whistled for intentional off-side which prevents pulling their goalie for the extra attacker and takes the face-off to the Hawks defensive zone. Google

As time ran out, BC again pulled the goalie for an extra attacker. Google

When a goaltender leaves the ice for an extra attacker, the player taking his place cannot enter the playing surface until the goaltender is within five feet of the bench. Google


false start

chybný start

McKoy, the home town favourite, had already been called up for one false start -- and it seemed certain that he would be disqualified after appearing to have another flyer second time around. BNCB

The traditional technology for recalling horses after a false start is equally sophisticated: the official at the starting line waves a red flag if a start is false, and then a second official 200 metres down the track waves another. BNCB

The major innovation was the use of starting blocks which resulted in not one single false start in the 500m and 1km races, establishing a new standard for sprint regatta courses. BNCB

field hockey

pozemní hokej; pozemák

Los Angeles Field Hockey Association is a womens field hockey league located
in Southern California. Google

South Korea beat the United States Women 4-0 on Saturday to take the fifth and final spot in the women's field hockey competition in the Athens Olympics. Google

It was Nora and her father, a field hockey club team president in Holland, who brought Mari back to the sport. Google

figure skater


Canadian figure skater finishes second in men's short program despite bout with
flu. Google

Twice world champion figure skater Zhao vows to fight for Olympic honor. Google

American figure skater Tara Lipinski, who is favored to win a medal after placing second in the first day of competition today, said she was considering moving out of the athletes' village into a hotel because so many athletes are ill. Google

figure skating


Edberg and Sweden did stage a solid comeback -- their first from a 0-2 deficit in 46 years -- but not before Nestor and the ABB Canadian Davis Cup team had captured the public's imagination of a northern nation better known for its ice hockey, snow skiing and figure skating, than for its tennis exploits. BNCB

The man was the first streaker to interrupt a figure skating championship. Google

The Chiller Figure Skating Club is an organization dedicated to the promotion of figure skating in Central Ohio. Google

final lap

poslední kolo

The final lap shall be signaled to each competitor, usually by ringing a bell. Google

A trio of Honda’s followed with Jake Zemke taking third ahead of Miguel DuHamel, who pushed Ben Bostrom back to fifth on the final lap. Google

Juraj Zahatnansky took control of his heat in the 1500 meters and led until the final lap. Google

final whistle

konec zápasu, závěrečný hvizd

United, leading 3-0 at the time, conceded two goals at the final whistle. BNCB

I was so disappointed that I couldn't speak at the final whistle. BNCB

The final whistle was greeted with triumphant cheers from players and travelling supporters alike, happy in the knowledge that the destiny of the championship is still in their hands. BNCB

finish(ing) line

cílová čára

The person who crosses the finish line first in a race has definitely had the most superior performance that day. BNCB

The pain, agony and exhaustion were replaced by an enormous sense of achievement and relief as they crossed the finishing line. BNCB

In addition, the increased strength provided to an athlete through resistance training may give him/her a performance boost during the very last leg of a race where many endurance athletes sprint to the finish line. Google

finish(ing) straight

cílová rovinka

The sight of two Irish sprinters coming down the finishing straight in the final of the men’s 400m will live with me for a long time to come. Google

Peter Robertson had to chase Frank Bignet to the line to steal the victory in the finish straight. Google

Coming from a strong Spanish marathon stable, World Champion Anton only missed a course record and bonus by waving at the crowd in the finishing straight. Google

finish(ing) tape

cílová páska

I beat the school's fastest runner in the 100 metres sprint, breaking the finishing tape just before the other runners manage to leave their starting blocks. BNCB

The clock read 8:55:26 as he broke the finishing tape. Google

The first person to break the finish tape will earn the $50,000 bonus and above the traditional first placed prize of $25,000 and a Honda Accord EX V6 (valued at $24,300). Google

first division

první liga; druhá anglická fotbalová liga

He played in the Italian First Division for several years, led his team to several league titles and was voted MVP in 1975.

Wright looked acclimatised to the First Division, more so than his partner Bright, who has yet to score this season. BNCB

He had not even had a full season in the First Division. BNCB

first half

první poločas; první půle

Forest had been comfortable enough for most of the first half. BNCB

After a scoreless first half, the Raiders took the lead on their first possesion of the second when Jay Schroeder's 73-yard pass found Mervyn Fernandez. BNCB

Steadman's contribution in the first half was restricted to three penalty goals. BNCB

first leg

první zápas ze dvou; první kolo

Emilio Butragueno, whi twisted an ankle in earning the first of three penalties, may not be fit for the European Cup first leg in Milan next week. BNCB

Real, defending a 2-1 lead from the first leg, faced a Torino side erged on by 120,000 fans and suffered an early setback when Rocha deflected a shot from Gianluigi Lentini into his own net. BNCB

"You're running first leg. Lump it or leave it." BNCB

first period

první třetina

In the first period of their game against Solihull Barons, they were 2-0 ahead and hit the upright four times. BNCB

Steve Moria's hat-trick gave Cardiff a 3-1 lead and despite the first period ending 3-3, the other two were about Racers receiving a harsh lesson in ice hockey as Moria (with three more), John Lawless, and Ian Cooper sealed an 8-3 win. BNCB

Spurs' best effort in the first period was a 25-yard shot from Gray just beyond the far post, though Samways tested Rees with a low effort from the left. BNCB

first serve

první podání

Sampras not only had trouble with Safin's first serve, he even had trouble with his second serve. Google

Suddenly upping her first serve percentage dramatically, while Koukalova’s dropped off similarly rapidly, the match began to swing. Google

Bedanova struggled mightily to put her first serve in play, landing only 39 percent in the first set, and Venus made her pay. Google

first-team squad

A mužstvo, první mužstvo; áčko

With his versatility, he was a useful member of the first-team squad in his early days at Ayresome Park. BNCB

They are the only members of the first-team squad whose contracts expire at the end of the season. BNCB

Proctor could have a 50-50 chance of being in the first-team squad for Charlton Athletic on Saturday. BNCB

fitness centre


Facilities include a fitness centre with a variety of weight training and cardiovascular machines to help you tone up or trim down, a gymnasium, and a therapies room (offering treatments from massage to homeotherapy). Google

The five-story training centre will have 120 rooms, one swimming pool, five training grounds and a fitness centre. Google

The Spartak Arena will be a multifunctional building and it will house restaurants, shops, a hotel, a fitness centre and a fan club. Google

five hole

a) prostor mezi nohama (betonama) brankáře; jesle, housle, jesličky

b) také jeden výraz z golfu, jehož přesné vysvětlení však nemohu poskytnout, protože se o golf nezajímám

The five hole is the space between the goaltender's leg pads. Google

Hinote aimed for the five-hole but Nabokov squeezed the pads. Google

As a young goalie he often found himself beaten by shots through the five hole (between his legs). Google

flying start

a) zbůsob startu (v místě staru má již běžec nabranou rychlost, tj. je již v pohybu)

b) předčasný start; ulitý start

This works best if you give the athletes a “flying start” so they are already up to speed by the time they enter the timing zone. Google

Straight line acceleration: (over 20 metres): 1 x 20 metre flying start (jog in before flat-out acceleration); 1 x 20 metre upright start (off the mark); 1 x 20 metre 3-point stance start; 1 x 20 metre starting on stomach. Google

He did not dive in, he fell in. It wasn't like he was trying to get a flying start. Google

forced error

vynucená chyba

Either Gary or Sam could make a winner, an unforced error, a forced error or a forcing error. Google

These returns were usually handled with relative ease and usually produced a winner
or forced error on my part. Google

The local lads played against a strong breeze in the opening half, but succeeded to be one point ahead at the break, following a forced error by the St. Kierans corner back which resulted in a goal. Google

formula racing

formulové závody; formule

He recruits young drivers from their results on the karting and lower formula racing circuit. BNCB

Now there is something from the fast tracks of formula racing. Google

They will learn the details of their sport with the most innovative Formula racing car in its class. Google

fourth referee

čtvrtý rozhodčí (náhradní)

He is to be assisted on the lines by Ndjoya Augustin and Bekolo Angoula Michel
also from Cameroon with Anan Lomotey of Ghana as the fourth referee. Google

The fourth referee had a spare electronic flag with him and the whole thing was done within a couple seconds. Google

But when the fourth referee, whose job it is to keep players and coaches off the field, stepped in front of the coach with outstretched arms, Reimann pushed him twice on the chest. Google

free throw

trestný hod; šestka

When a free throw is awarded, the official takes the ball to the free-throw line of the offended team. Google

Step up to the line: it's time to learn how to shoot a proper free throw. Google

When a free throw is awarded, an official shall put the ball in play by placing it at the disposal of the free throw shooter. Google

free-throw line

čára trestného hodu

Just think about being able to out score your favorite professional basketball player at the free throw line. Google

Many an NBA game has been won or lost at the free throw line, but in these playoffs it really doesn't matter what you do once you get there — just as long as you get there. Google


When a free throw is awarded, the official takes the ball to the free-throw line of the offended team. Google

freestyle skiing

akrobatické lyžování

Canada's Jennifer Heil beat Olympic gold medalist Kari Traa to win the moguls event at the freestyle skiing World Cup. Google

Freestyle skiing proved a success in Calgary, and the IOC decided to add freestyle to the Olympic program in Albertville. Google

Three types of freestyle skiing competition, aerials, ballet, and moguls, were included as demonstration events at the 1988 Winter Olympics. Google

friendly (match)

přátelské utkání; přátelák

The Billingham Catholic Club eleven, formerly the Wynyard eleven, have arranged a friendly match with Holme House Prison, Preston Farm, Stockton, on August 16, at 10 am. BNCB

Italian national team will play a friendly against Belgium this Saturday. Google

Sheffield Wednesday's John Harkes is one of five players with European clubs wanted by United States coach Bora Milutinovic as he prepares for the friendly match against Ireland in Dublin on April 29. BNCB

front-wheel drive

náhon na přední kola

Following the successful use of front wheel drive for racing, Alvis produced road cars using this system, the first manufacturer of any size to do so. Google

Front-wheel drive autos have a lot more problems after running into things. Google

In the past twenty years, front-wheel drive cars have nearly replaced rear-wheel drive! Google

fuel mixture

palivová směs

Buttons tend to be used for 'on/off' functions, such as engaging the pit-lane speed limiter system, while rotary controls govern functions with multiple settings, such as the traction control programme, fuel mixture and even the car's front-to-rear brake bias - all functions the driver might wish to alter to take account of changing conditions during the race. Google

Monitoring oxygen levels in the exhaust is a way of gauging the fuel mixture. Google

COXOC (Co-zoc) is an oxygen- bearing fuel additive that carries an additional 37% pure oxygen into the fuel mixture. Google


gain promotion

postoupit, vybojovat postup

Norfolk will receive the Division Six title, but North Bucks will still gain promotion as runner-up. BNCB

George helped the Palace to gain promotion from Division Four in his first season at Selhurst Park, during which he made full appearances for us, and he continued as a first-team regular under Dick Graham, to become one of only two men to appear in both the 1961 and 1964 promotion sides. BNCB

In his seven years as a playing member of the team, Bates has twice helped Britain gain promotion to the World Group, in 1985 and again last year, and has once, in 1987, had the disappointment of being relegated. BNCB

gas pedal

plynový pedál; plyn

Chris was over-enthusiastic on the gas pedal and touched the rear of JP's car, bending his front wing out of shape. Google

There's nothing like getting behind the wheel and stepping on the gas pedal to make you feel like you're part of the action. Google

Before reaching the hill, say you are in the 4th gear doing 55-55 mph and keep the accelerator (gas pedal) pressed down at a constant amount, when you reach the base of the hill if you notice that your RPM drops by more than 250 RMP then it would be time to change to a lower gear, do not press the accelerator down any more, as this would
waist your fuel. Google


rychlá zastávka v boxech (sloužící k dotankování)

That meant he had to stop later, and when he made the final trip into the pits, his stop was slower than most because he decided to change all four tires instead of a gas-and-go. (Google)

Before we came in that last time, we took a gas and go (on Lap 130, late in a caution period) that we thought would make up for about six laps that we thought we'd be short. (Google)

Matt Kenseth stayed out, planning a late gas-and-go stop in an effort
to win the race. (Google)

giant slalom

obří slalom

Finland's Kalle Palander withstood rain, sleet and a deteriorating course Saturday to win a World Cup giant slalom, his second victory in the event this season. Google

The first Olympic Giant Slalom races were held in 1952. Google

Bode Miller was seventh fastest on the first run of the men's giant slalom Thursday morning-- nearly a second behind leader Stephan Eberharter. Google

goal judge

brankový rozhodčí

OHL director of hockey operations Ted Baker said the league has the same procedure as the NHL for situations where the goal judge has turned on the red light. Google

Zednik was denied a second goal midway through the period despite seeing the goal judge's red light go on behind Brodeur. Google

"You certainly need fairly good eyesight and a knowledge of the game," says NHL goal judge Roger Reinke. Google

goalless draw

bezbranková remíza, bezbrankový stav

But then came the embarrassing goalless draw with Maldives, which is 120 spots below South Korea in FIFA's current world rankings. Google

While the match is only another World Cup warm-up, it is likely to be more of a searching test of England's potential than last month's goalless draw with Italy. BNCB

Birmingham had held Cardiff to a goalless draw and Huddersfield were champions. BNCB

goalmouth feed

nahrávka před prázdnou branku, nahrávka před odkrytou branku

For the ninth consecutive home game, the Hitmen hit the board first when Moscaluk buried a goalmouth feed from Aaron Roberge. Google

With the lead cut to 4-3 on a wonderful tuck by Ales Hemsky at the side of the net 7:42 into the third, Moreau got the Oilers to overtime when he tapped in a goalmouth feed from Fernando Pisani. Google

His best stop was a split save against Radovan Somik on a goalmouth feed across the crease. Google

gold medal

zlatá medaile; zlato

Britain only won one gold medal in the Olympics and that was in an equestrian event. BNCB

So too is Adrian Dodson, Britain's best hope to gain gold medal in the Olympics in Barcelona. BNCB

As an Olympic gold medal winner he already holds the MBE. BNCB

gold medallist

držitel(ka)/majitel(ka) zlaté medaile

The Commonwealth triple gold medallist was tipped to win gold again in Barcelona. BNCB

Rudolf Nierlich, double gold medallist at the Vail World Championships, was third. BNCB

New Zealand's Olympic gold medallist, Mark Todd, has accepted a last-minute ride for today's Working Hunter Championship. BNCB

golden goal

zlatý gól

South Korea stunned three-time champions Italy 2-1 on Tuesday on Ahn Jung Hwan's 117thminute golden goal, pulling out the biggest upset in World Cup history. Google

India will meet Uzbekistan, who defeated Rwanda by a golden goal, scored by Boyev Konstantin, after the scores were level at 1-1 in the other semi-final at the Goshamahal Stadium. Google

Turkey, continuing its shock run at the World Cup, qualified for the semi- finals for the first time in its history after beating Senegal 1-0 on Saturday with a golden goal from Ilhan Mansiz to knock out Africa's sole survivor. Google

Golden Spike

Zlatá tretra

Another star athlete confirmed for the first European IAAF Super Grand Prix Meeting 2004 the Golden Spike of Ostrava, Czech Republic is the current world outdoor and indoor champion in the sprint hurdle race Perditia Felicien from Canada. (Google)

There could be no better timing to upgrade expectations for the Ostrava meeting as the recent World record breaker Kenenisa Bekele (5000m in Hengelo) is already among the numerous stars who have confirmed participation in the Golden Spike meeting next Tuesday 8 June. (Google)

Bates was issued a public warning and will be disqualified from her second-place finish in the 60-meter high hurdles at the Boston (Mass.) Indoor Games, which is part of the USA Track & Field’s 2002 Indoor Golden Spike Tour. (Google)

golf course

golfové hřiště

How was the golf course different today than yesterday? Google

But it was KJ Choi, the son of a rice farmer who never even saw a golf course until he was 16, who left a lasting mark on the Masters when he blazed through the front nine of his second round in a record equalling six-under 30. Google

It's important to develop a strategy for every round based on your skills and knowledge of the golf course. Google

Grand Slam

Grand Slam/slam, grandslamový turnaj

Czech Jiri Novak reaches his first-ever Grand Slam semi-final as he cruises past Austria's Stefan Koubek 6-2 6-3 6-2. Google

Stepanek has reached the third round at each Grand Slam tournament this year, except the French Open, where he lost in the second round. Google

Daniela Hantuchova and Kevin Ullyett each won their second Grand Slam title, beating Gaston Etlis and Paolo Suarez 6-3, 6-2 for the Australian Open mixed doubles championship Sunday. Google

grass surface

travnatý povrch

Lacoste, successful at playing a slow, tantalizing game from the back court, was a champion when most events were contested on a grass surface. Google

This grand slam is on a slick grass surface that makes the ball skid when it bounces, making the ball stay very low to the ground. Google

The speed of a grass surface will give an advantage to hard hitters, but a clay surface slows down the ball so you can rush the net more safely. Google

group stage

základní skupina/y (soutěžní fáze předcházející vyřazovacím bojům)

Both teams have been absent from this competition since 1993 in Japan when they were both eliminated in the group stage. Google

Eliminated in the group stage at Italia '90 and France '98, they failed even to qualify for Asia's first finals. Google

The Champions League contains 32 teams in the group stage, and is be preceeded by three qualifying stages. Google


half time

poločas, poločasový

"We kept making chances, and at half time were told not to panic and start wellying everything forward," said Sharpe. BNCB

A quick break by St Albans in the last minute of the first half saw Ian Plummer score into an open net to give his side a 2-0 half time lead. BNCB

If we keep running, the game would have been over by the half time. Google

halfway line

půlící čára; půlka

Then Irvine broke through from the halfway line to make the score 3-3. BNCB

Remember the riot that broke out at Leeds towards the end of the 1970-71 season when Ray Tinkler allowed a West Bromwich goal to stand, ruling that Colin Suggett, standing offside when the attack crossed the halfway line, had not been interfering with play. BNCB

Oldfield excites the crowd with a long run from the halfway line and when he back-heeled the ball to Mills the full-back hit his shot against a post. BNCB

hammer throw(ing)

hod kladivem; kladivo

Ukraine's first track/field medal is bronze in hammer throw. Google

The athletic event of hammer throw is a metal ball attached to a wire and handle. Google

On the men's side, Justin Blake shattered his own school record in the hammer throw. Google

hand pass

přihrávka rukou

A hand pass in the defending zone is considered to have occurred when both the player making the pass and the player receiving the pass have both of their skates inside their defending zone. Google

Dimitrakos ended the scoreless game with an opportunity granted by the Blues, who hesitated to play a puck in their own zone after Vincent Damphousse made a hand pass. Google

Claude Lemieux's apparent goal early in the period was disallowed because of a hand pass. Google

hat trick

hattrick (tři góly dané jedním hráčem během jednoho zápasu)

Sakic’s hat trick gives Avs tie. Google

Tanguay stayed hot with his first career hat trick and the Colorado Avalanche clinched a playoff spot by routing the Chicago Blackhawks 8-1 Saturday. Google

This is Cory's 3rd career hat trick and second straight against the Dallas Stars. Google

high jump

skok do výšky, skok vysoký; výška

Gateshead Harrier Nicky Baker was the region's lone female field event madallist, clearing 1.70 metres for the silver in the high jump. BNCB

British high jump record holder Steve Smith is expected to be the chief guest at the Liverpool and Distric Catholic Schools prize presentation in the Philharmonic Hall on November 22. BNCB

I used to dread these latter events, especially the high jump because we used to land in unraked sand! BNCB

high jumper

skokan/ka do výšky; výškař/ka

Steve Smith, the 19-year-old Liverpool high jumper, smashed his British and Commonwealth record with 2.37m, but it was only enough to earn him the bronze. BNCB

He had for a while reigned as the British number one high jumper. BNCB

He persuaded Brannen, a natural middle distance runner and high jumper, to take up the challenge of the ten events (100 metres, long jump, shot, high jump and 400 metres on day one of a competition, followed by the 110 metres hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin and 1500 metres on day two). BNCB

hit the ball

a) trefit/odpálit míč/ek

b) vystřelit

He also played golf, trying to hit the ball further than anyone else. BNCB

Many tennis players thus opt to hit the ball with a two-handed backhand. Google

Lopez crossed from the left wing and offered the equaliser on a plate to Milosovic who hit the ball on his favoured left foot from two yards. Google

hit the crossbar

nastřelit břevno, tefit břevno, mířit do břevna (střela, míč); jít do břevna (střela, míč)

He hit the crossbar with an audacious lob a minute before Chelsea took the lead. BNCB

Kilmarnock were unlucky in the first half when Gus McPherson hit the crossbar, but goals from Paul Harvey and Craig Flannigan after the break gave Clydebank the points. BNCB

Ten Caat's free-kick in the 75th minute hit the crossbar and bounced kindly for Booth who glanced the ball home. BNCB

hit the post

nastřelit tyč, tefit tyč, mířit do tyče (střela, míč); jít do tyče (střela, míč)

Bradley Allen set the tone in the first minute when he hit the post after Spurs goalkeeper Ian Walker had flapped at Wilson's cross. BNCB

Celtic substitute Andy Payton also hit the post in the 76th minute. BNCB

With four minutes to go Wivenhoe almost snatched a late consolation when Westwood tried to clear a back pass but his kick only found Collins, whose shot hit the post. BNCB

hockey stick


Piggie involved hitting a wooden wedge with a type of hockey stick. BNCB

Or you've been er clouted on the elbow by Jonathan with a hockey stick or something similar. BNCB

"Much of the same production equipment is now used in the development of the new ice hockey stick," says Bjertnæs. Google

home straight

cílová rovinka

In her favour, though, was the configuration of the Aqueduct track: at a little over seven furlongs round it is very tight, and demands the pace to lie in a handy position, the balance to negotiate the turns, and the acceleration to dominate the race in the home straight. BNCB

Yevgeniev, the King of the Boards, was leading into the home straight but I surged past him to take the gold medal. BNCB

"If she's two lengths up entering the home straight she should win," said John who considers Name Crisis the danger. BNCB


ice hockey

(lední) hokej

When that occurs, Brown hopes to host the first NCAA women's ice hockey championship. Google

Neither thought they would ever make a living from ice hockey. BNCB

Being hit by a plastic bullet is like being hit by an ice hockey puck at 250 km per hour -- without the benefit of the goalkeeper's protective clothing.

idoor athletics

halová atletika

At the weekend, the world indoor athletics championship took place in Canada. BNCB

There's a guy on the phone says that he's Linford Christie, the European Indoor athletics' champion, and he badly needs help.

It is a surprising place to find the main indoor athletics stadium in Britain, housing a 200 metre indoor synthetic track and, for the biggest events, enough seating for 5000 people, in one of its great hangars. Google

individual game

a) individuální sport

b) jednotlivý zápas

Boy/Girl has developed his/her hand-eye co-ordination, s/he has benefited from playing a wide range of team and individual games. Google

You should combine team games with individual games, competitive games with non-competitive games and quiet games with energetic games. Google

You can bet on who you think will win it outright, bet on individual games, plus lots of special bets like the top goal scorer and many other bets. Google

individual sport

individuální sport

Individual sports show determination and stamina, while group sport activities may indicate you are comfortable working as part of a team. Google

Water-skiing is most unusual in that it is an individual sport that requires teamwork. Google

What individual sport currently has two sisters as the top players in the world? Google

injury time

nastavený čas, nastavení

But as soon as Blanco had dummied past a static defence Lions countered with their second try, in first-half injury time. BNCB

Turner, just 17, scored a dramatic injury time winner for Tottenham -- and was so stunned he wasn't sure how to celebrate. BNCB

Speak made it 3-2 for Ballymena Utd in the second minute of injury time with a goal from close range. BNCB

intentional off(-)side

úmyslné postavení mimo hru

About two minutes to go, Waterloo gets whistled for intentional off-side which prevents pulling their goalie for the extra attacker and takes the face-off to the Hawks defensive zone. Google

Unfortunately Walcountians cynically disrupted play with an intentional offside and with the kick just outside the 22, up stepped Mr Haig-Thomas to make it 6 – 3. Google

An intentional offside is called when the referee feels that a team caused the offside to obtain a stoppage of play or when the puck is shot into the offensive zone and other offensive players are below the hash marks in the offensive zone. Google

intercept a pass (/cross)

zachytit přihrávku soupeře

In stoppage time, Hasselbaink's intended pass to Babayaro was intercepted by Paul Brooker, but unfortunately for the Leicester substitute his back pass to Walker was equally weak, allowing the Nigeria defender to score from 12 yards. Google

Duff threatened again just after the hour but his driven cross from the right was intercepted by Bramble. Google

Konowalchuk intercepted a pass in the neutral zone and passed to Barnaby. Google


javelin (throw)

hod oštěpem; oštěp (disciplína)

Women already compete in the javelin, shot put and discus, although the weight and size of the objects being thrown by the different sexes does still differ. Google

The events that are slated to be held at Nagarcoil includes 100m, 200m, 800m, 3000m, shot put, discuss throw, javelin throw and long jump for men, while the women will participate in all the events except shot-put and javelin throw. Google

There's a lot of skill in javelin throwing. BNCB

javelin thrower


She was built like a javelin thrower, but she blushed and I knew I had been in good hands. BNCB

A beautician has been telling a court she thinks Olympic javelin thrower, Tessa Sanderson, is a bitch for stealing her husband. BNCB

A top-level sprinter could not be a top-level javelin thrower and even less possible is it that he could reach the top in another sport as well. BNCB

jump rope


I wanted to tell you how to make a 5 string braided jump rope in five easy steps. Google

The Original HeavyRope® is a weighted jump rope allowing an athlete to gain both a cardiovascular & upper-body strength workout in one. Google

Now you can buy the same quality jump rope for your children, athlete in the family, or favorite sports team. Google

jump the gun

 předčasně vystartovat; ulít start

Apparently, he jumped the gun in his heat and was disqualified. Google

It would be a shame for an athlete who has prepared the whole year to be disqualified because they got a little excited and jumped the gun. Google

Under IAAF rules, if this is under 0.1secs, the athlete is adjudged to have jumped the gun - the reasoning being that no human can react that quickly. Google

jumping pit


The jumping pit was roughly 50 feet long. Google

At Mardela, coach David Kroon got some help from some staff members at the school to build a jumping pit and is waiting to have it filled with sand. Google

Owens was silently berating himself alongside the jumping pit when he was approached by another competitor, Germany's Luz Long. Google


kick off

rozehrát ze středového kruhu, provést výkop, začít, zahájit

As Chelsea kicked off with the crowd roaring, it was clear that this was going to be a top-notch match. Google

Gazza moved out to the villa in July to acclimatise before the football season kicked off. BNCB

Two-thirds of the World Cup games will kick off in the afternoon for television purposes. BNCB

knockout phase

vyřazovací část/boje (soutěžní fáze následující po odehrání základních skupin)

Deportivo La Coruna went through to the knockout phase of the Champions League despite suffering a 3-2 defeat at the hands of PSV Eindhoven who registered what proved to be a futile victory. Google

Ireland still went on to qualify from a group that also included the eventual runners-up Germany and Cameroon before they lost to Spain in the first knockout phase. Google

A 32-team single group phase will be followed by a 16-team knockout phase. Google


landing area


The landing area has a protective cover over it that is locked in position and needs to be rolled away by at least two adults. Google

The jump is measured from the nearest break in the landing area made by any part of your body. Google

The landing area should measure not less than 5m long by 3m wide. Google

landing pit


All five accidents in our study that occurred since 1995 took place when an athlete landed on an unpadded hard surface adjacent to the landing pit. Google

Be sure your sand landing pit and long jump runway are clear of debris. Google

There also must be padding on any side of the landing pit that covers any hard and unyielding surfaces under or around the landing pad. Google

lap time

čas zaběhnutý/ujetý v jednom kole

Prost clocked a record qualifying lap time of one minute 21.179 seconds to eclipse the best efforts of team mate Damon Hill, and must now be a warm favourite to seal his fourth world drivers' title with victory tomorrow. BNCB

A proprietary software engine logs 45 separate runs and stores 90 lap times, lap numbers, split times and the fastest lap time. Google

Hakkinen again sets the fastest lap time, improving on his previous best to one minute 39.1 seconds with a 2.9 second lead over Schumacher. Google

last leg

poslední úsek (štafety, závodu); finiš

After Ed Jackson, Brian Stopher and Nick Anderson had put us in 6th position after the third leg Chris Thompson set off on the last leg over a minute off the lead, 49 seconds off a silver medal and 42 seconds off bronze. Google

I felt that he thought I wanted to run the last leg for the glory. BNCB

In addition, the increased strength provided to an athlete through resistance training may give him/her a performance boost during the very last leg of a race where many endurance athletes sprint to the finish line. Google

last man

a) ten, kdo skončil/doběhl na posledním místě

b) poslední člen štafety; finišman

c) hráč na místě posledního, poslední hráč (k překonání); poslední

Yet Martin was 54th, fourth from the last man, one J Gasperoni of the republic of San Marino. BNCB

The Americans lost out on the final changeover as last man Godfrey Herring dropped the baton with Joe Mendel. Google

The offence appeared to take place outside the area so the resultant penalty was a bit harsh, but as Biscan was the last man, he had to go. Google

left wing

levé křídlo

Manager Doug Risebrough announced today that the club has re-signed left wing Antti
Laaksonen. Google

Lahmm chests down a beautiful cross-field ball from Zivkovic on the left wing and attacks Scott Parker. Google

A 25-yard half-volley by Silvio Meissner went over but Chelsea then failed to clear a left-wing cross from Kevin Kuranyi. Google

left(-)wing lock

systém hry s bránícím levým křídlem

Under the left-wing lock, which Detroit made famous and still uses a little bit, the left wing is designated as a defensive player. Google

The left-wing lock was a defensive scheme popularized by coach Scotty Bowman and Detroit in the mid-90s. Google

By the early 1990s, principles of team defence and rigid play-it-safe systems, like the left-wing lock and neutral-zone trap, have taken over the game. Google

line judge (/linesman)

čárový rozhodčí

Situations occur during play in which the line judge has the best view of the ball hitting the floor. Google

After the playing protocol and before the start of the match, each line judge is positioned at one of the four corners of the playing court. Google

After being urged by Spurs to check with his linesman, Dunn stood by his decision, and Sheringham and Freund were booked for protesting. Google

live broadcast

přímý přenos

The Premiership, which had previously sold its live broadcast rights in one block, this year separated the rights into four packages. Google

After one week without official duty Juventus team is prepared for sunday’s match against Modena that will be shown in live broadcast on Calcio Sky at 3pm (Italian time) from Delle Alpi stadium. Google

For those who miss the live broadcast, the game will be shown twice on tape-delay, at midnight on April 11 on WB20 and following Saturday Night Live at 1:00 am. Google

long jump

skok do dálky, skok daleký; dálka

He dabbled in the long jump until the age of twenty-four and then decided to switch to the sprints. BNCB

There were two topclass long jump performances, both from Wirral athletes. BNCB

It was a long jump competition where the athletes did themselves no favours at all by carrying weights. BNCB


man of the match

nejlepší hráč zápasu

Smith took his third man of the match award and was named England's man of the series. BNCB

Brian McClair, who scored the only goal, was named man of the match. BNCB

He rightly earned the man of the match award. BNCB

manual transmission

ruční převodovka, ruční řazení

In this article, we'll answer all of these questions and more as we explore the interior of a manual transmission. Google

If you have ever driven a car with an automatic transmission, then you know that there are two big differences between an automatic transmission and a manual transmission. Google

The manual transmission is lubricated by a lubricant that is splashed throughout the transmission by the moving gears. Google

massed start

hromadný start

The massed start was like beginning of the Grand National horse race with the runners thundering down the course at break-neck speed trying to get a good position. Google

The 90 kilometer massed start circuit road race was won by Joel Gironella (Team Look Carrera) with the winning time of 2 hours and 30 minutes. Google

At the regatta there is a massed start of 150 church boats each morning followed by about 70 change boats and 100 sculls. Google

measured shot

technická střela

Rather than be impressed by a player's 100 MPH slap shot in practice conditions I tend to look at a guy who's scoring 40-50 goals despite having only a 70-80 mph measured shot. Google

This time Babbel gives the ball away and Mutu's measured shot from 20 yards drifts six inches wide of the far post, with Friedel beaten. Google

Where there was time for a measured shot, an overhead kick would be attempted. Google

mixed doubles

smíšené páry

Daniela Hantuchova and Kevin Ullyett each won their second Grand Slam title, beating Gaston Etlis and Paolo Suarez 6-3, 6-2 for the Australian Open mixed doubles championship Sunday. Google

Teenagers Richard Gasquet and Tatiana Golovin lift the mixed doubles trophy in front of their home crowd. Google

The mixed doubles competition at the 2001 Australian Open will feature a best of two sets format for all matches excluding the final. Google

modern gymnastics

moderní gymnastika

Girls are fragile creatures, and modern gymnastics is a girls' sport. Google

For most of the history of modern gymnastics, motion picture analysis of performance has not been commonplace. Google

Modern gymnastics incorporates six distinct disciplines: Artistic Gymnastics (further classified as Men's and Women's Artistic Gymnastics, or MAG and WAG), Rhythmic Gymnastics, Sports Aerobics, Sports Acrobatics, Trampolining and General Gymnastics. Google

modern pentathlon

moderní pětiboj

The five sports of modern pentathlon are Shooting, Fencing, Riding, Swimming and Running. Google

Modern Pentathlon was first introduce into the Olympic program in 1912. Google

The modern pentathlon has 5 parts: 800 meters horse-riding, swordfencing, pistole-shooting 25 meters, 300 meters free stroke swimming and a 4km cross-countrywalk. Google

most valuable player

nejužitečnější hráč, nejplatnější hráč

He was named most valuble player when the Raiders won Super Bowl XVIII. BNCB

For the Tigers, who won the Coca-Cola National Cup and NatWest Trophy last season, Dale Roberts collected 34 points and the game's Most Valuable Player award. BNCB

Sakic now not only has his name on the Stanley Cup, he also has the Conn Smythe Trophy as the most valuable player in the Stanley Cup playoffs. Google

mountain bike

horské kolo

Whether you have a road bike, a mountain bike or an exercise bike, bicycling is one of the purest forms of exercise. Google

I never thought that I'd end up on a mountain bike. Google

Join us for a day or multi-day mountain bike tour. Google

mouth guard

chránič zubů

The Shock Doctor V3 is very simply the most advanced mouth guard known to man. Google

The best way to limit the damage or avoid injury is through the use of a mouth guard or a mouth protector. Google

Too bad she hadn't been wearing a mouth guard at the time as well. Google


neutral zone

střední pásmo

They were outworking Colorado in the neutral zone when the Avalanche wasn't being careless with the puck on its own. Google

The Sharks also played sound defense, especially in the neutral zone. Google

The winning play began when Ott blocked a neutral-zone pass from Avalanche defenseman Adam Foote. Google

neutral-zone trap

past středního pásma

There's nothing wrong with a little fighting, the neutral zone trap is hockey's real enemy. Google

A good part of the reason is the neutral-zone trap, strategically clever but esthetically numbing. Google

One reason is some teams' infatuation with the neutral zone trap, the ugliest thing to hit the ice this side of a tossed octopus at Joe Louis Arena. Google

Nordic combination

severská kombinace

It is the place where cadre athletes for ski-jumping and nordic combination are trained. Google

Is the Mass Start the appropriate device to help the Nordic combination out of its troubles, to make it more attractive? Google

In January 1999 the second World Winter Universiad will take place here, as well as another World Cup in Nordic Combination and in February the European Ski-Alpinisme Cup. Google


offensive zone

útočné pásmo

Hejduk has such great hockey sense and his play in the defensive zone matches his play in the offensive zone. Google

Their bread and butter is moving quickly into the offensive zone. Google

A situation in which a player is in his team's offensive zone while the play has moved into his defensive zone. Google

offside trap

ofsajdová past

Just 12 minutes had gone when Stuart Barlow pierced the Chelsea offside trap and chipped a perfect centre to Peter Beardsley. BNCB

Yet, having said that, the efforts of the Celtic defence to play an offside trap against Hibs in midweek nearly cost the team dear. BNCB

Shearer beat the offside trap and squared the ball for Mitchell to tap in. BNCB

Olympic Games

(Letní) Olympijské hry

The Mossad squads were set up after the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic games in September, 1972. BNCB

Germany's double world sprint champion, Katrin Krabbe, and her colleagues, Grit Breuer and Silke Moller, who had been accused of tampering with a urine sample, had a four-year suspension lifted here yesterday, clearing the way for the three athletes to participate in this summer's Olympic Games in Barcelona. BNCB

Kornelia Ender, winner of four gold medals and a silver at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal, will make her first appearance in Britain when she competes in the Edinburgh International Meet from April 16-18. BNCB

one-way contract

jednocestná smlouva

Fortunately for Ratushny, he signed a two-year contract, one-way contract for $275,000US upon being traded. Google

In the summer of 2003, the Capitals exercised the team option year of the three-year, one-way contract that Jeff Halpern signed in September 2001, paying him $1.45 million in the 2003-04 season. Google

Sinden, serving as B's general manager at the time, reluctantly gave Walz a one-way contract before his rookie year (1990-91). Google

overhead kick

nůžky; nože

There is nothing more impressive than scoring with an overhead kick. Google

Dickov was battling away in typically aggressive fashion for City and was only just off target with an overhead kick. Google

Newcastle hit back and Alan Shearer tried an overhead kick that was taken with some difficulty by goalkeeper Jussi Jaaskelainen, before Bellamy squandered a glorious chance of pulling Newcastle level after 22 minutes. Google

own goal

vlastní gól, gól do vlastní branky; vlastňák, vlastenec

John Terry scored a last-minute own goal as Bolton came from behind to shock Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. Google

The only goal was an own goal by Gary Clayton. BNCB

Ironically, the goals came from an established Chelsea forward, Eidur Gudjohnsen, and an own goal, but the performance of Damien Duff in particular showed that the Londoners' new players, five of whom were deployed from the start, should prove a force to be reckoned with. Google


parallel bars


Parallel bars is one of the most basic equipment for walking exercise of the handicapped. Google

Though he says vault and parallel bars are his favorite events, he believes he doesn't have a best apparatus. Google

Competition set parallel bars are 195 cm high and 350 cm long. Google

passing shot

prohození; prohoz

A wide-angle passing shot is a shot that originates from one side of the court, striking the opposite side wall on the fly, eighteen inches high, even with your opponent’s relative court position. Google

At 2-1 with Srichaphan serving, a double fault and a passing shot by Andy saw 0-30. Google

That is, one player hits the ball in such a way that the opponent cannot hit it back:
an ace, a passing shot, a forced error. Google

penalty area

pokutpvé území; velké vápno, šestnáctka

Yet in the very last minute Thompson was permitted space in Southend's penalty area, and, for a left-back, his right foot proved potent indeed. BNCB

Nervous pressure was building up in the United team when Irwin put a 64th-minute corner kick deep into heart of the Southampton penalty area. BNCB

That commitment was evident as early as the 14th minute when international midfielder Jim Bett struck a vicious drive from the edge of the penalty area. BNCB

penalty bench

trestná lavice

If a player leaves the penalty bench before his penalty is fully served, the Penalty Timekeeper shall note the time and signal the Officials who will stop play when the offending player's Team obtains possession of the puck. Google

No player may leave the players' or penalty bench at any time during an altercation or for the purpose of starting an altercation. Google

For violation of this Rule, a game misconduct penalty shall be imposed on the player who was the first or second player to leave the players' or penalty bench from either or both Teams. Google

penalty box

a) pokutové území; velké vápno, šestnáctka

b) trestná lavice

Nine minutes later the score was 3-0 as John Brown broke into the penalty box and set up Ian Ferguson to fire home. BNCB

From the little I saw of the game Ipswich seemed quite content with standing inside their own penalty box and only closing down people when they got within 2 yards of it. BNCB

Another guy who knows his way to the penalty box is Brad May. Google

penalty killer

hráč, který je nasazen do hry v oslabení

Yelle had been a defensive forward and penalty killer for the seven years that he was with the Colorado Avalanche. Google

Rolston is among the fastest skaters in the NHL and he is a star penalty killer and constant threat for a shorthanded goal. Google

Konowalchuk is aging but is still an effective penalty killer. Google

penalty killing

hra v oslabení

The real areas for concern this season will be Colorado 's penalty killing and goaltending. Google

In Colorado's first season without Yelle, the Avalanche's penalty-killing percentage dropped from second in the NHL (87 percent) to 21st (82.5). Google

The penalty killing remains a mess. Google

penalty shoot-out

penaltový rozstřel

Souness watched Liverpool's FA Cup semi-final penalty shoot-out victory over Portshmouth on Monday on satellite television. BNCB

Bobby Robson was pilloried in exactly the same fashion then promptly hailed as a conquering hero when his team came within a penalty shoot-out of reaching the World Cup final in 1990. BNCB

With extra time looking certainly to end in a second 1-1 stalemate and dog-tired players steeling themselves for the dreaded first Cup final penalty shoot-out, the 30-year-old soared to head a Paul Merson corner into and out of Chris Woods' hands. BNCB

penalty spot

značka pokutového kopu

Anderton completed his hat-trick from the penalty spot after 77 minutes after being fouled by Gary Owers. BNCB

It stayed that way until near the end when Campbell Wilson scored from the penalty spot. BNCB

Referee David Axcell pointed to the penalty spot and Whitton stepped forward to score and send most of the fans in a 17,000 crowd home happy. BNCB

personal best

nejlepší osobní výkon, osobní rekord, osobní maximum; osobák

She has clocked a personal best that is nearly two minutes faster than her nearest rival, Katrin Dorre, of Germany. BNCB

Nine of the original race entrants have personal best times below 1:50:00. BNCB

In chilly conditions, P. McReynolds came close to a personal best with a time of 1 hr. 6 mins. 31 secs. BNCB


a) vyřazovací zápas(y), nadstavbová část soutěže; play-off

b) hrát vyřazovací zápas(y)/play-off

Bournemouth's play-off ambitions received a lift with a 2-0 win over Chester, courtesy of brilliant solo goals from Paul Wood and Efan Ekoku. BNCB

Peterborough United moved nearer a Third Division play-off place with a 2-0 home win over Bournemouth. BNCB

In the first division the top two teams would play off at Twickenham for the county title. BNCB

player of the game

nejlepší hráč zápasu

Player of the Match was awarded to Siobhan Tallon who contributed in both attack and defence. Google

Val Robinson, who first played for England back in 1966, was named player of the match in Great Harwood's 1-1 draw at Orpington. BNCB

The American was named player of the match by the soccer magazine Kicker. Google

players' bench

hráčská lavice, střídačka

The “art” of the well-executed hit is showcased with authentic animations, detailing open ice hits, checks into the boards, and even the occasional flight over the boards and onto the players’ bench. Google

No player may leave the players' or penalty bench at any time during an altercation or for the purpose of starting an altercation. Google

Assuming a family of four goes to a game, you’re looking at easily a $500 night to have good seats and concessions, and these seats would definitely not be behind the players’ bench. Google

pole position

první místo na startu

He competed in 51 World Championship races and started in pole position in 29 of them, winning 24. BNCB

Mansell, who had led from the record 14th pole position start of his season, had been resisting persistent challenges from Senna before the pair tangled. BNCB

He took part in 72 Grands Prix, was on pole position 33 times and won 25 races -- a record at the time. BNCB

pole vault

skok o tyči; tyč (disciplína)

Matthew Belsham, of Sale Harriers has been added to England's Commonwealth Games team, in the pole vault, taking the place of Michael Edwards, who was withdrawn on grounds of misconduct. BNCB

Sergei Bubka provided the high point of the meeting, literally, earning £35,000 for improving his pole vault world record to 6.11 metres. BNCB

But the competition is red hot, because the other five are all brilliant world champions Jan Zelezny (javelin), Sergey Bubka (pole vault), Mike Powell (long jump), Frankie Fredericks (200m) and Noureddine Morceli (1,500m). BNCB

power forward

a) hokejový útočník, který umí zakončit a stejně dobře ovládá i hru do těla

b) fyzicky dobře vybavený basketbalový útočník, jehož hlavní předností je spíše než zakončování doskakování a bránění

The power forward must excel on the defensive end of the court. Google

Shanahan, Tkachuk, Iginla, they all followed the original power forward. Google

The power forward plays a strong physical game, specialising on the rebounds and defence. Google

power play

a) přesilová hra; přesilovka b) hra bez brankáře

Patrick Elias, again on the power play, fired a shot from the top of the faceoff circle, through a screen by Brian Gionta and past Robert Esche at 17:28. Google

The Penguins had a five-minute power play in the third period against the Washington Capitals on Tuesday night, but couldn't score the goal that would have pulled them within one of the team they were battling for 29th place. Google

preliminary heat

rozběh, rozplavba

Having won the 7th, next to last place in the 6th preliminary heat, Yugoslav athlete Mila Savic failed to qualify for the 200m semifinal at the Sydney Olympics. Google

She ran a 14.87 in her preliminary heat. Google

Thorpe was disqualified in the trials after falling off the starting blocks in a preliminary heat. Google

preliminary round


The gunners will face either Odens of Denmark, or Slovenians Publicum, with Aberdeen also meeting a preliminary round winner. BNCB

With Irish League clubs almost certain to be given preliminary round status in next year's European competitions a new structure will be needed for Ulster domestic football for the start of next season. BNCB

Officials from the leading Ulster team have voiced their opinion in the past that there should be some of form seeding for the preliminary round, and now it has raised its head again as they prepare for a long trip south on November 6. BNCB



Press-ups build the pectorals and the biceps. Google

Does anyone know some excersises that are good for building enough strength to start doing 1 armed press ups? Google

Aim to perform this press up circuit, by performing 4 - 10 press ups of each style. Google

protective cup


Players must provide their own: helmet w/face mask; shin guards or knee pads; elbow pads; protective cup; hockey gloves; mouthpiece; skates; & stick. Google

We provide all equipment for Hockey players except for a helmet and protective cup. Google

Goalkeepers are required to wear a face mask with helmet, a throat protector, a catching glove, shin pads and a protective cup during SOMN poly hockey games. Google

pull down

a) stáhnout, srazit (na zem); zbourat

b) stáhnout míč (pod košem)

Thomas ran through and was pulled down as he rounded Walton, Dicks scoring with the penalty after 72 minutes. BNCB

The prop had been switched after 32 minutes when Ian Robinson retired with a neck injury, and Paino had to go on when Jon Dye was pulled down at a line-out and suffered a knee injury. Google

Fabricio Oberto, who pulled down nine rebounds and had 11 points form the winners, appeared to be in a state of shock after the game. Google

pull the goalie

odvolat brankáře

After our coach pulled the goalie we scored and tied the game. Google

With less then a minute left, Ice Bats Coach Greenlaw pulled the goalie. Google

The Sting had pulled the goalie for a six-on-five attack. Google

put the shot

vrhat koulí

What is the best angle to put the shot? Google

In high school, I put the shot 45 feet and threw the discus 150 feet. Google

She did all the club athletics when you were young, put the shot, 400 metres hurdles, anything. Google


race walking

(sportovní) chůze; chůze (disciplína)

Someone who has seen race walking only in the Olympics might assume that the hips are sashaying from left to right, like Marilyn Monroe's, when in fact it's a far more complex up-and-back motion that is best realized by imagining that your legs are an extension of your waist rather than your hips. Google

Race Walking was introduced in the Olympics in 1908 and the Commonwealth Games in 1966. Google

His ultimate goal is to qualify for and win a race walking medal at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. Google

racing car

závodní automobil

Nuna is a solar powered racing car that uses the most recent European space
technology and expertise. (Google)

You may discover a hidden self in a racing car on a high-speed circuit. (BNCB)

How does ABB move faster than a F1 racing car? (Google)

racing line

jezdecká stopa, jezdecká trať

The Williams locked its rear wheels, spun and stalled on the racing line -- just out of the sight of those following. (BNCB)

Sometime it will be necessary or unavoidable to drive off the racing line. (Google)

The school was also attractive because we occasionally conduct instrumented testing on the tight Streets of Willow road course, adjacent to the facility's bigger, higher speed track, and the better we know the racing line, the more effective we are at evaluating the vehicles. (Google)

rear-wheel drive

náhon na zadní kola

In the past twenty years, front-wheel drive cars have nearly replaced rear-wheel drive! Google

Rear-wheel drive is standard on all 2005 Chrysler 300 and Dodge Magnum vehicles. Google

For more information about the rear wheel drive cars, join the Citroën Car Club. Google

recover the form

dostat se (zpátky) do formy, navázat na předešlé (dobré) výkony

After a shaky start to the season, the central defensive partnership of Henchoz and Hyypia has recovered the form of last season. Google

On this Sunday afternoon, three days ago, Marsden recovered the form that had deserted him for much of the final two-day Commonwealth Games trials at Doveridge Sporting Club, but he is a man who knows his way through adversity more than most. Google

Gaizka Mendieta has never recovered the form he used to strut at Valencia, then lost during his horrible spell with Lazio, and promising young Argentine rookie Juan Roman Riquelme has not lived up to the billing yet. Google

red card

červená karta

Sutton was lucky to escape a red card when he handled a Campbell shot outside his area as Derby maintained their revival. BNCB

The right-back was shown the red card in the 63rd minute after a dreadful, two-footed tackle on young Everton striker Billy Kenny. BNCB

It meant Liverpool collected a red card in each of their last three European ties, following the dismissals of Paul Stewart and Bruce Grobbelaar. BNCB

red flag

červená vlajka (zastavení závodu)

During the practice there was a red flag moment (at 11.40 local time) when the Minardi of Bruni stopped in Turn 8. Google

It was actually very confusing, as we could see a red flag shown, so normally that would mean a restart and then they flew a safety car flag. Google

In this practice there was again a red flag situation, this time because Sato went off after a collision with the Sauber of Felipe Massa. Google

red line

červená čára; červená

Back in 1942 the NHL came in with the red line or center line which prevented players from making two line passes. Google

Can an ice hockey goalie cross the red line? Google

The games have been incredibly exciting thus far, and there's been
a lot of talk about removing the red line in the NHL. Google

refreshment station

občerstvovací stanice

Doctors and nurses will be present at the start and finish areas and at each refreshment station along the course. Google

As they reached a refreshment station, Zatopek saw Jansson take and eat a slice of lemon. Google

A refreshment station will be provided at the 2.5 km mark of each leg and at the changeover point. Google

regular season

základní část

As if to underline the point, Malmo completed their regular season by losing 2-0 to relegated Vastra Frolunda, although they now play off for the

Oldham Celtics clinched the Men's Division Two title on the final weekend of the regular season by beating Greenwich 97-57. BNCB

The Buffalo Bills ended the NFL's regular season with their hopes of a third successive Super Bowl trip in tatters after a humiliating 27-3 defeat at the Houston Oilers. BNCB

relay race

štafetový závod, závod štafet; štafeta

To be successful in a relay race a high degree of baton passing ability is necessary. Google

Racers covered the stretch between Newcastle and Darlington in the 550-mile relay race ending in London on March 2, the day before Shrove Tuesday. BNCB

It moves from department to department in a pre-arranged sequence like the baton in a relay race. BNCB

relegation worries

sestupové starosti

has become his hallmark, to take Arsenal into fourth place and leave Coventry facing relegation worries, writes David Horridge. BNCB

Donegall eased their relegation worries when they had a fairly comfortable 11-9 win over North Dublin in Division One of the National Water Polo League at the Grove pool today. BNCB

Herrington CW failed to ease their relegation worries when they went down 3-1 at home to Annfield Plain. BNCB

relegation zone

sestupové pásmo

Hull moved out of the Second Division relagation zone for the first time since mid-September with a 2-1 win over Plymouth last night. BNCB

But now they are fifth from bottom, one place above the relegation zone, after a seven match unbeaten run and three straight wins. BNCB

City are thus able to check the Premier table to find they have eight teams below them with a gap of nine points separating them from the relegation zone. BNCB

request for substitution

žádost o střídání

Substitutions may be made in all of the above situations but only after a request for substitution has been granted by the referee. Google

Team A’s coach makes a request for substitution. Google

The referee may not refuse to allow a proper request for substitution. Google

right wing

pravé křídlo

Colorado Avalanche right wing Milan Hejduk, who recorded eight points (three goals, five assists) and a +8 rating in four road games, has been named the NHL’s Offensive Player of the Week for the period ending Sunday, January 25. Google

27th min., Dangerous low cross from the right wing into Besiktas' area but no one was following and the danger was cleared. Google

Also, the Flyers placed right wing Tomi Kallio on waivers. Google

rock climbing

horolezectví, horolezecký sport

There are also some excellent rock climbing opportunities in the area, with the sea cliffs of Willyabrup topping the list. Google

The aim is to introduce rock climbing as a sport that is safe, exciting and above all fun! BNCB

Trespassing Greg Lucas has firm ideas about his right to pursue his interest in rock climbing wheresoever he pleases. BNCB

roller skates

kolečkové brusle

Over the past few years, the use of in-line roller skates has become very popular. Google

She follows a man on roller skates and disappears off round Oxford on her own. BNCB

She has taken to roller skates to speed up her travel in New York. BNCB

running jump

skok s rozběhem

Take a running jump to the other side of the bridge, kill the bat and pick up the Health Bandages. Google

Do a running jump over to the slope and grab on to shimmy right until you can get up on the flat surface. Google

Make a running jump across the lava pit. Google

running track

atletická dráha, běžecká dráha; dráha

A six lane demontable running track makes the NIA Britain's top venue for indoor athletics. BNCB

A small circular running track is marked out so that one lap of the track is 200 metres. BNCB

All of the field events, jumping and throwing, take place in the field in the centre of the running track. Google


safety car

safety car, zpomalovací vůz

"I tried to warm the tyres as well as brakes because we knew the safety car was going off," said Schumacher. Google

It was actually very confusing, as we could see a red flag shown, so normally that would mean a restart and then they flew a safety car flag. Google

That brought the safety car out again, seriously undermining Schumacher’s strategy. Google

scissors kick

nůžky; nože

Duncan Ferguson produced a spectacular strike from a chest-high cross: Dundee United forward, with his back to goal, hit a perfect overhead scissors kick which Andreas Kopke tipped over. BNCB

In 92/93 season, number 11 David Phillips scored a superb scissors kick at Selhurst Park: good work down the right wing by substitute Daryl Sutch and Lee Power, as the latter's left foot cross found the Welsh international midfielder, who spectacularly beaten Nigel Martyn to the far post. Google

The breathtaking scissors kick that was denied a goal only by a superlative save from Germany's goalkeeper, Kopke, was, according to Roxburgh, Ferguson's party piece at every training session before the match. BNCB

score a goal

vstřelit gól, vsítit branku

Fernando Morientes (Monaco) proved a constant menace to the Chelsea defence and scored a great goal. Google

Forssell immediately endeared himself to the Chelsea fans, he made his debut on January 31st 1999 against Arsenal and then days later scored two stunning goals as Chelsea beat Oxford in the FA Cup, he scored his first Premiership goal shortly after against Nottingham Forest. Google

John Terry scored a last-minute own goal as Bolton came from behind to shock Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. Google

scoreless tie

bezbranková remíza, bezbrankový stav

Chelsea also played to a scoreless tie against Middlesbrough on Saturday. Google

The Sierra Leone striker broke a scoreless tie in the 61st minute, finishing off an easy header after a blast from Brazilian youngster Adriano deflected down off the crossbar. Google

The scoreless tie ended in the 53rd minute as D.C. United forward Chris Albright and midfielder Bryan Namoff combined to find an open Abdul Thompson-Conteh just eight yards from the goal. Google

scoring chance

střelecká příležitost, branková příležitost

The Pires goal was the last decent scoring chance of the match, as Chelsea went into defence mode in order to keep the tie within reach. Google

Gianfranco Zola linked well with Hasselbaink to create the first scoring chance after 11 minutes. Google

Perhaps Spurs best scoring chance came after two minutes when Simon Davies at the near post met a long throw, and hooked the ball across goal, but just outside the target. Google

scoring tables

bodovací tabulky (vícebojů, atletů ...)

Not only did American Phil Mulkey and C.K. Yang take turns breaking Rafer Johnson's world record, but also the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF), in 1964, introduced new scoring tables making the decathlon a more balanced event. Google

Athletes are ranked based on IAAF scoring tables for two or more events in a category. Google

Scoring tables for running, swimming and shooting are included in the Rule Book. Google

second half

druhý poločas; druhá půle

In the second half, Paul Ince, running on to a free kick, beat Pompey's wall to see the ball deflected off Knight's body. BNCB

So the trust of Everton movement was provided down the other side by Ian Snodin and Stuart McCall, to such effect during the second half that Steve Coppell, the Crystal Palace manager, likened the impression on his defence to kneading dough. BNCB

Quick replies by Kelly Shelford and Mark Elia led to the suspicion that New Zealand could score at will and were easing themselves into their stride, but doubts arose early in the second half with a succession of missed chances. BNCB

second period

druhá třetina

Ayr Raiders were the first stop and the second period saw Devils take a 4-1 lead. BNCB

Then Thorburn was injured in the opening minute of the second period and was replaced by Bird. BNCB

Winning a little more possession in the second period, Bridgend attacked through their backs, bringing some fine defence from Withey and George. BNCB

second serve

druhé podání

His second serve is averaging 85mph with spin reaching almost 5000rpm. Google

But the Briton was then broken in the eighth game when a double fault gave Ivanisevic a third chance to break, the 29-year-old gratefully accepting with a backhand return winner on a Henman second serve. Google

Sampras not only had trouble with Safin's first serve, he even had trouble with his second serve. Google

send off


Dunstable withdrew yesterday from the FA Cup, but face disciplinary action after their remaining players walked off in the 38th minute of the tie at Staines after the referee Stephen Head sent off a third member of their team. BNCB

The FA will also investigate Dunstable's bizarre exit from the FA Cup on Saturday when the entire team walked off in their second-round qualifying tie at Staines after having three players sent off in the first 38 minutes. BNCB

On Saturday, Mr Wilkinson's generosity extended to the referee, Neil Midgley, whose decision not to send off Chelsea's Steve Clarke for a blatant professional foul on Gordon Strachan was the worst of many questionable rulings. BNCB

set the pace

udávat tempo, diktovat tempo hry, vévodit (tabulce, lize)

Runners Chris Brasher lead the race for the first 800 meters and Chris Chataway set the pace for the third lap. Google

Generally speaking, it is less difficult both physically and mentally to let someone else set the pace. Google

Barcelona continued to set the pace and Luis Garcia curled a shot just a foot wide from the edge of the penalty box with half-an-hour left. Google

Juventus continue to set the pace at the top of the Serie A table. Google

shooting angle

střelecký úhel

With this move, he gets a little space away from the defenceman while moving towards a better shooting angle. Google

Special praise has to go to Dudek for forcing the Frenchman into a tight shooting angle. Google

Beattie beats two defenders to create a shooting angle and his well hit right-footed drive goes just past the far post, after a touch from the 'keeper. Google

shooting average

procento úspěšnosti střelby

Grandstaff is right behind, ranking fourth in the league with a 48.1% shooting average. Google

His career shooting average of 57.37% ranks him in the top 25 shooters of all time in British basketball. Google

He scored 21 ppg and averaged 15 rebounds a game as a sophomore with a 67 percent
shooting average. Google

short-handed goal

gól vstřelený ve vlastním oslabení

Milan Hejduk scored Colorado's first goal on a power play, and Joe Sakic followed soon after with a short-handed goal. Google

Despite getting outshot 16-5, the Blues led 2-1 after the first period on a power-play goal and a short-handed goal. Google

It was the Stars' first short-handed goal since Dec. 22, when Jere Lehtinen got one against Carolina. Google

shot put

vrh koulí; koule (disciplína)

He finished runnerup in the javelin to add his second place in the shot put. BNCB

We want to know how far you can launch the tennis ball using normal shot put
technique. Google

Czech shot putter Miloslav Menc receives a lifetime ban after failing a drugs test for a second time in three years. Google

silver medal

stříbrná medaile

In 1964, he won a silver medal in the 400 metres relay at the Tokyo Olympics. BNCB

The golden prize went to Ethiopia's Derartu Tulu, who took off at the bell to leave South African gazelle Elana Meyer in the silver medal position. BNCB

She excelled at archery and won an Olympic silver medal at the London Games in 1908. BNCB

silver medallist

držitel(ka)/majitel(ka) stříbrné medaile, stříbrný/á medailista/ka

Elswick Harriers are led by former Olympic 10,000 metres silver medallist Mike McLeod. BNCB

He was silver medallist at the 1980 Junior World Championships, fourth individual at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and a member of the bronze team at Seoul in 1988. BNCB

But the race was not stopped, and both Jackson and American Olympic silver medallist, Tony Dees, found themselves trailing McKoy badly by the first barrier. BNCB


sedy(-)lehy, lehy(-)sedy

Sit-ups have been the cornerstone of fitness programs for years. Google

The main purpose of sit-ups is to strengthen the "stomach" muscles by challenging the abdominal group: the rectus abdominus muscles, or "abs" (two thin strips of muscle that extend from the breastbone to the pelvis), and the three layers of muscles that flank the abs. Google

Great care and excellent technique are required to strengthen the abdominal muscles with sit-ups. Google

sixth attacker

šestý hráč (při power play nebo při avizovaném vyloučení)

San Jose's Milan Michalek scored at 19:13 when the Sharks pulled goaltender Mikka Kiprusoff in favor of a sixth attacker.

That played an exciting brand of hockey and is often credited with developing the notion of pulling the goaltender for a sixth attacker in the final minute of play. Google

With goaltender Evgeni Nabokov on the bench for a sixth attacker, Cheechoo tied it at 19:26, converting Scott Thornton's centering pass from the right boards through Turco's pads for Cheechoo's 23nd goal of the season. Google

ski jumping

skoky na lyžích

Ski Jumping is one of the most spectacular winter sports, where skiers descend a ramp reaching speeds of around 60mph, then launch themselves into the air. Googl

Ski jumping truly is the original extreme sport. Google

Ski jumping along with cross-country skiing and the nordic combined are classified as nordic ski sports. Google

skipping rope


Wear supportive cross-trainers, tennis or basketball shoes while skipping rope. Google

How can using a skipping rope improve fitness? Google

Using a skipping rope is a great cardiovascular exercise. Google

slap shot

střelba golfovým úderem, golfový úder; golfák

His wrist shot is as quick and hard as some player's slap shot. Google

Rather than be impressed by a player's 100 MPH slap shot in practice conditions I tend to look at a guy who's scoring 40-50 goals despite having only a 70-80 mph measured shot. Google

Blake ended Toskala's shutout bid at 2:53 with a slap shot from the right point that sailed by the goalie's glove. Google

sled dog racing

závody psích spřežení

However, the same intimate relationship between driver and dog still exists and is demonstrated in the sport of sled dog racing. Google

Even more important, Russia is about to join the IFSS effort to try to introduce and support Sled Dog Racing in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. Google

Sled dog racing was continued by immigrant trappers, miners, freight haulers, and settlers. Google

sliding tackle


I've always found the sliding tackle a good way of winning the ball if used at the right moment. Google

Newton said he was the victim of a late sliding tackle by Mr Hallam. BNCB

Trabelsi made a late sliding tackle and fouled Baraja just outside the area but Valencia players couldn't make use of the freekick. Google

slow motion replay

(opakovaný) zpomalený záběr; opakovačka (zpomalený záběr)

Strangely, in slow motion replay, the ball seemed to hang in the air for even longer. Google

The color commentator's job, then, is to make sense of this chaos, often with the help of the inevitable slow motion replay. Google

But the slow motion replay is misleading and Paparesta had to decide in a second. Google

snap shot

střela příklepem; příklep

After intercepting a clearing attempt along the right boards, Arnason skated around Sakic and beat Tommy Salo with a quick snap shot to the glove side. Google

Axelsson walked in and nailed a beautiful snap shot over the shoulder of Dunham. Google

Bullet number two was dodged when Peter Forsberg's snap shot from the left circle glanced off Willie Mitchell's arm and clanged harmlessly off the right post. Google

speed skating


Riley's attempt to win the gold for Britain in the mens thousand short practice speed skating final it's six o'clock. BNCB

Speed Skating is Canada's fastest growing sport. Google

The largest Canadian star of the Winter Olympic Games was the speed-skating team. Google

split save

rozštěp, zákrok rozštěpem

At 13:43 of the same stanza, he made a great split save on Vincent Damphousse, who was making a bid to notch his first goal of the season. Google

His best stop was a split save against Radovan Somik on a goalmouth feed across the crease. Google

Saints' goaltender Sean Knaub denied him with a sliding split save across his crease. Google

sport discipline

sportovní disciplína

US Sports Camps, operators of NIKE Sports Camps offers programs in 13 different sport disciplines at colleges, universities and prep-schools Nationwide. Google

This course is designed to develop skills required for positions as sports coaches in a variety of sport disciplines. Google

As the results of our study showed, there seem to exist sport disciplines particularly popular among certain immigrant groups. Google

sports event

a) sportovní akce/událost

b) sportovní disciplína

Tickets for all theatre, concert and sports events are available from BCVB's Ticket Shop and Tourist Information Centre in City Arcade. BNCB

The Sports Council is to support Manchester's bid to host the 1996 summer Games by giving the city 50,000 towards staging 15 major sports events. BNCB

At the games in which 308 golds from 29 sports events were at stake, host china finished 1st with 138 golds, followed by Korea with 54 golds and Japan with 38golds. Google

standing jump

skok z místa

It came in from one side, and Hrun was forced to take a badly-judged standing jump to escape the flame. BNCB

Ewry won all three standing jump events at the 1900 Olympics in Paris. Google

Kill an annoying bat here, turn left and take a standing jump on the wooden beam ahead. Google

standing ovation(s)

mohutné ovace (ovace lidí tleskajících vestoje)

Entering the game to a standing ovation, 36-year-old Montana brought the crowd to its feet again with touchdown passes of nine yards to Brent Jones and eight yards to Amp Lee. BNCB

By any standards it was an impressive performance, sealed at the end by a standing ovation. Google

Master of ceremonies Mike Corey, the voice of the Blue Hens on The River 94.7, introduced the Blue Hen defensive and offensive players and coaches, and the crowd gave standing ovations to several starting players as they were individually introduced. Google

start command

startovní povel, povel ke startu

When given a start command, the athlete sprints to the fourth cone, touches the ground and sprints back to the first cone. Google

Practice moving arms and back foot at sound of pistol or start command. Google

Team will be timed from the start command to when the second athlete in the relay touches the end of the pool with any body part. Google

starting blocks

startovní bloky

Johnson exploded off his starting blocks with more than his usual ferocity, and by ten metres there was daylight between him and the remaining seven. BNCB

The major innovation was the use of starting blocks which resulted in not one single false start in the 500m and 1km races, establishing a new standard for sprint regatta courses. BNCB

As soon as he left the starting blocks it was clear to me he was going to win. BNCB

starting eleven

základní jedenáctka; základ

However, he is finding it difficult to hold down a regular place in the starting eleven. Google

Keegan is likely to name the same starting eleven which beat Portsmouth at home last week, although he won't confirm his team until lunchtime today. BNCB

Dave Robinson and Jason Blunt were restored to the starting eleven in place of Karl Johnson and Nick Smith respectively. Google

starting list

startovní listina

On the women’s side it was an action replay of the recent race in Llodio, as Kenya’s Selina Kosgei achieved her second win in a row, but today’s victory was easier, as had been expected after Edith Masai’s withdrawal from the starting list. Google

To complete the ‘golden quartet’, Kenya’s Abraham Chebii is also on the starting
list. Google

All registered participants who have paid the entry fee will appear on the starting list on our web site within 3-5 days after receipt of payment. Google

starting position

startovní pozice, pozice/místo na startu

He returned Saturday to gain the second starting position behind Schumacher on the grid.

Goodman worked his way to second place from his fifth starting position behind race leader Bob Bennett. Google

Jackson said his goal is to earn a starting position. Google

starting shot

startovní výstřel

At the sound of the starting shot, the rush of humanity burst forth, and the race began! Google

I did not realize then that the starting shot had been fired and I was off on a dual track race. Google

The seconds until the starting shot came felt like minutes. Google

stationary bike


I heard that there was this person who was riding a stationary bike at a diner. Google

The stationary bike is a great calorie burner. Google

Compared to running, a stationary bike provides users with a thorough low-impact workout that creates less stress on joints. Google

steeplechase runner

překážkář; stíplař

It was not only trainer Willie Brooks's first winner under National Hunt rules, but his first steeplechase runner. BNCB

A solid performer through his college career, he discovered he was a good steeplechase runner in his senior year when he clocked 8:57. Google

The development of Hollinger as a steeplechase runner has come under Brown's tutelage, but the credit in his athletic development goes to UF sprint coach Mike Holloway. Google

stick blade

čepel hole/hokejky

Now that you have mastered the wrist shot, follow the same steps for the backhand shot except use the back half of your stick blade. Google

I want to strike the ice with my stick blade about two to three inches behind the puck. Google

It is this impact of your stick blade on the ice that causes your stick shaft to bend, giving your shot its zip and power. Google

stoppage time

nastavený čas, nastavení

But deep into first-half stoppage time, O'Leary's outstretched leg caught Yorke in full flight. BNCB

We've had not almost two minutes of stoppage time. BNCB

The promising centre back, recruited from West Cheshire League Merseyside Police, headed an equaliser in the forth minute of stoppage time. BNCB

storybook season

pohádková sezóna

We were able to adjust by clicking off the throttle early and after winning twice, the weekend turned out to be just another chapter in the storybook season. Google

The Eastern Kentucky men’s golf team continued its storybook season Monday afternoon, routing the field with a 25-shot victory in the Bullock Collegiate. Google

The storybook season didn't have a storybook ending. Google

stretch the lead

zvýšit vedení

Second row Paul Warwick got in on the act and full-back David Rowledge stretched the lead to 27-11 with a penalty to add to his earlier conversions. BNCB

He stretched the lead two minutes into the second half with his fourth kick. BNCB

Maybe if we were more precise we could have stretched the lead a bit more. Google

substitute goalkeeper

náhradní brankář; dvojka

But Vialli's weak effort was saved by substitute goalkeeper Sebastiano Rossi. BNCB

The substitute goalkeeper shall be subject to the regular rules governing goalkeepers and shall be entitled to the same privileges. Google

Bonano was taken off on a stretcher with his neck in a collar, leaving substitute goalkeeper Pepe Reina to withstand an agonising seven minutes of injury-time. Google

sudden death

náhlá smrt, prodloužení (s pravidlem zlatého gólu)

Apparently they've never seen a Stanley Cup playoff game that goes into sudden death. Google

Full time finished with the score at 1-1 and sudden death extra time began with Woodmill seemingly well in control until one of their players conceded a foul off the ball. BNCB

That happened in the 1998 World Cup. Host country France beat Paraguay 1-0 second round, thanks to Lauren Blanc's sudden death goal in the 114th minute. Google

synchronized swimming

synchronizované plavání

By the turn of the century, though, women had come to the fore of synchronized swimming. Google

One judge thought the Russian synchronized swimming team was perfect in its performance Thursday. Google

They called their invention "ornamental and scientific swimming;" we know it as synchronized swimming. Google


table tennis

stolní tenis, ping-pong

There have been some serious ructions when they have played table tennis, with rows and cheating and shouting matches. BNCB

Erika thawed, melted, forgave Fritz, for which he was pathetically grateful, and sent him for fruit juice while she looked for Paul who was happily playing table tennis. BNCB

There is a large garden with deckchairs and table tennis and the public swimming bath is just walk away. BNCB

take the lead

ujmout se vedení

But a couple of errors crept in and we allowed Coventry to take the lead. BNCB

After a scoreless first half, the Raiders took the lead on their first possession of the second when Jay Schroeder's 73-yard pass found Mervyn Fernandez. BNCB

But the home side took the lead on 23 minutes as England goalkeeper David James was beaten by a direct free-kick from Stephen McPhail. Google

take-off leg

odrazová noha

His left thigh, his jumping take-off leg, which was always an inch and half thicker than the right, is now two and a half inches thinner. BNCB

Jumpers will sometimes say that their take-off leg feels like it collapses when they plant and try to jump. Google

On the third stride before take-off, the jumper lowers the center of graivity by flexing the take-off leg and extending the arms downward. Google

take-off technique

odrazová technika, technika odrazu

For an individual athlete, jumping performance is only moderately sensitive to deviations from the optimum take-off technique. Google

Run-up speed is very important, but an athlete must make subtle changes to the take-off technique as his run-up speed increases. Google

It is tempting to speculate that the particular take-off technique used in volleyball may cause loading patterns that are more likely to cause jumper's knee than those observed in many other sports. Google

tape measure

měřicí pásmo; pásmo

Get me a 1-metre tape measure. BNCB

They will then use a tape measure to measure the actual length. Google

When you have guessed all these, get a tape measure and find the real sizes. BNCB

team game

kolektivní sport

I don't like team games because it doesn't really show how good you really are. Google

Team games like football, hockey, rugby, netball, and basket ball are played on
pitches of different sizes with different numbers of players on the pitch. Google

Fielding and batting strategies are practised and students are given the opportunity to play in a team games. Google

team sport

kolektivní sport

I am amazed at how little the team seems to matter in a team sport like baseball. Google

Although bowling is usually seen on television as an individual sport, it is more common for bowling to be enjoyed as a team sport. Google

It is the skill that makes the game so different to any other team sport. Google

tennis player


Sawchak was once the number one tennis player at the Philadelphia Rifle Club. Google

Anastasia Myskina is, as before, No.1 woman tennis player of Russia. Google

Slovakian tennis player David Sebok was given a two-year suspension for using banned substances. Google

third period

třetí třetina, poslední třetina

The third period saw even more frantic goalscoring as Titmuss scored four times and captain Parry twice, Brian Jackson finishing things off just before time with an unassited goal his third of the game to cause a result which will shock rival teams in the league. BNCB

The Avalanche came on strong in the third period with Steve Konowalchuck scoring the tying goal and then with 5.5 seconds remaining in overtime, he scored the game winner. Google

Claude Lemieux, the NHL leader in playoff goals, scored his 10th early in the third period for a 3-2 lead, but Edmonton's Andrei Kovalenko tied it at 13:49. Google

three-point line

hranice tříbodového hodu

The league reasoned that moving the three point line in would improve offense. Google

The center (5) moves to the three-point line to make room for the action that will take place in a few seconds. Google

College basketball has been cleared to move the three-point line back 9 inches in 2004-05, but an NCAA panel appears to have scuttled a plan to widen the lane at the same time. Google


koš za tři body; trojka

The Syracuse women’s basketball team’s storybook season died in the NCAA Tournament the same way it lived during the regular season — by the three-pointer. Google

Conklin hits three-pointer in final seconds to seal win. Google

The three-pointer has dramatically changed the game," said Geno Ford, a guard for Ohio's men's team. Google


oddychový čas, time out; time

When a coach calls time out, it is for one of three reasons: to tell the team what they are doing wrong, to plan what to do next, or to pump up the players. Google

Before ending the time-out, make sure that every player understands his/her responsibilities. Google

The referee may only be asked for a time-out by the coach when the play is stopped. Google

top level


This season all female competitors had to undergo a compulsory sex test, a sad indication of the ridiculous cheating which has occured in top level sport in the past. BNCB

Cuthbert has retired from top level competition and is now owned and ridden by Mary's head girl Mary and Basil pop a small fence at home. BNCB

Developing a skilled top level discus thrower requires patience but has many rewards. Google


nejvýše nasazený

Tommy Haas of Germany put his injury woes behind him to stun top seeded American Andy Roddick 6-3 6-4 in the final of the U.S. Men's Clay Court Championship in Houston on Sunday. Google

England were one of the nine top-seeded teams. Google

Top-seeded and defending champion Justine Henin-Hardenne of Belgium withdrew Tuesday, but Serena and Venus Williams each advanced at the $1.3 million Family Circle Cup tennis event. Google

track shoes


There were no spare shoes in the house save size twelves (large) and Gary's track shoes which were too small. BNCB

In principle any shoes can be resold, but track shoes are done less frequently than road, fell or cross-country shoes. BNCB

In 1984 these were track shoes designed for high-level steeplechase competition. Google

transfer bid

nabídka k přestupu

Sunderland have accepted a transfer bid from Crewe for midfielder Chris Lumsdon. Google

Valdano revealed that Madrid’s transfer bid for Beckham was significantly less than the fee offered by La Liga rivals Barcelona, but it was Beckham’s own desire to switch to Real that had ensured the deal went through. Google

Ricketts, subject of an apparently laughable transfer bid from Tottenham to take him to White Hart Lane last week, converted a 56th minute penalty to give Bolton their first points of the new campaign. Google

transfer fee

přestupová částka, částka za přestup

It was there that Jackson signed for Huddersfield, at a transfer fee of  £2,500. BNCB

Meanwhile, Swindon celebrated promotion to the Premier League today by breaking their own club record transfer fee. BNCB

Incidentally, the papers give Kerslake's transfer fee as 450,000 -- that's 50,000 less than we bought him for. BNCB

trial heat

rozběh, rozplavba

Shaw ran 8.81 in the trial heat. Google

Nevertheless, Kahanamoku easily qualified for the U.S. Olympic swimming team in 1912, breaking the record for the 200 meter freestyle in his trial heat for the 4×200 relay. Google

The first event was a trial heat in the 100-meter dash. Google

triple jump


There will still be a strong North-East contingent, however, including Edwards in the triple jump, Colin Walker in the 5,000 metres and Tony Morrell in the 1500 metres. BNCB

His first triple jump of the year is likely to be in Jena, germany, on May 28. BNCB

The World Cup triple jump bronze medallist has decided to run in the 100 metres at the Cleveland County Stadium on Saturday instead of going through the motions in what would have been a practice trial in his specialist event. BNCB

triple jumper


Great Britain international triple jumper Jonathan Edwards, who set a new 100 metres record in the North-east Championship at Middlesbrough, will renew his rivalry with Cramlington's David Lawson, beaten by a metre in their clash at Clairville. BNCB

The triple jump has been included in the Olympic Games since its first celebration in 1896; in fact, the first Olympic Champion, James Connolly was a triple jumper. Google

Paul Morris, a Birchfield triple jumper, reckoned that, after he and some others at his Handsworth school dropped some sports in order to devote more time to GCE preparations, the PE teacher reacted angrily. BNCB

two-line pass

přihrávka přes dvě čáry; přihrávka přes dvě

If a pass between two players travels over the red line and one or more blue lines it is a two-line pass. Google

Back in 1942 the NHL came in with the red line or center line which prevented players from making two line passes. Google

You can keep your archaic two-line pass rule, in which a pass cannot cross two lines. Google

two-way contract

dvoucestná smlouva

Was he signed on a two-way contract with the Avs, or just a minor league deal with Hershey? Google

The union no doubt wants to tie eligibility into how many NHL games players skated in this season, but NHL owners should demand the ability to send any player with a two-way contract to the AHL. Google

The two way contract Clarke originally offered ($8.5million/$85k if sent to the minors) is very telling as to Clarke's true colours. Google

tyre warmer

dečka na zachřátí pneumatiky

Before you pull up to the start line you'll be on cold tyres (unless you have a tyre warmer that is). Google

Our MAXIMA tyre warmer is characterized by the highest efficiency and technical quality, and is used by 8 World Superbike teams. Google

I have tried every mountain bike tyre warmer and this is almost the best. Google


unbeaten run

série neporazitelnosti

Arsenal stepped up their pursuit of a UEFA Cup place by extending their unbeaten run to 13 matches. BNCB

Coventry midfielder Micky Gynn ended Sheffield Wednesday's 16-match unbeaten run and lifted his side into fifth. BNCB

With the other five games drawn, the unbeaten run is Australia's best for 15 years. BNCB

unforced error

nevynucená chyba

An unforced error takes the score to 40-15, giving Venus two championship points. Google

Either Gary or Sam could make a winner, an unforced error, a forced error or a forcing error. Google

Not particularly that one; but there are a couple of shots, definitely, that I wish I didn't make an unforced error on them. Google

urine sample

vzorek moči

In a doping control case, a urine sample was tested positive for nandrolon. Goolge

Germany's double world sprint champion, Katrin Krabbe, and her colleagues, Grit Breuer and Silke Moller, who had been accused of tampering with a urine sample, had a four-year suspension lifted here yesterday, clearing the way for the three athletes to participate in this summer's Olympic Games in Barcelona. BNCB

The Drug Control Official will check the acidity and concentration of an athlete’s urine sample to ensure it is suitable for analysis. Google


video goal judge

video rozhodčí

The referee went upstairs, and the video goal judge confirmed Jagr did not kick the puck into the empty cage! Google

The clubs combined for several close calls in the first and second periods, with three plays reviewed by the video goal judge, but none determined to be goals. Google

But a consultation with referee Brad Pollock and the video goal judge inexplicably waived the goal off - allegedly because the puck failed to cross the line. Google


wall bars


I had a physiotherapy appointment where I was taken to another room with wall bars. Google

There are wall bars for sit ups and many other exercises. Google

I hated climbing ropes, wall bars and any other thing Benson, our PE teacher, could find for us to climb. Google

water polo

vodní pólo

Stir yourself if you can for a swim or join in the water polo, gymnastics, water basketball and volleayball and meet foreign friends. BNCB

Donegall eased their relegation worries when they had a fairly comfortable 11-9 win over North Dublin in Division One of the National Water Polo League at the Grove pool today. BNCB

The Great Britain junior (under 20) final water polo team trials are at Crystal Palace this weekend. BNCB

water skiing

vodní lyžování

For the sporty, tennis, sub aqua, squash, windsurfing, jet skiing, water skiing, a ski bus and football are all available. BNCB

Water skiing, sailing and windsurfing are all available in the nearby resort of Zell am See. BNCB

Leisure activities still take place here although they are more likely to be water skiing, wind surfing and sailing rather than bathing. BNCB

wild card

divoká karta

The nine-time Wimbledon singles champion was awarded a wild card Friday, signaling her return 10 years after she lost to Conchita Martinez in the 1994 final -- and 31 years after she made her debut at the All England Club. Google

The three-times beaten finalist had been given a wild card as a gesture of goodwill for what he once did; he was 125 in the world and two months off his 30th birthday. Google

However, we got wild card and finally we advanced to the 3rd division. Google

winter olympics

zimní olympijské hry

Further west, the resorts of Vail in Colorado, and Calgary in Canada averted what could have been a disastrous Winter Olympics last February by making extensive use of artificial snow. BNCB

Next year, our region will be hosting the Winter Olympics. BNCB

Yet the Winter Olympics left me entirely unmoved and uninterested. BNCB

world championship

mistrovství světa, světový šampionát

The interest of fans in the 2004 IIHF World Championship in Prague and Ostrava is so big that it complicates the organizers´ life. Google

"On which circuit was the first Formula 1 world championship event held?" BNCB

They are the reigning African futsal champions and played at the last world championship in Guatemala in 2000. Google

world cup

a) mistrovství světa b) světový pohár

Japan wants to stage the World Cup in 2002.

After the 1990 Football World Cup offered us images of football heroes bursting into tears as a way of dealing with their despair. BNCB

A win at Wrexham would take Thys Libregts's side to the top of Group Four and virtually guarantee their place in the World Cup finals in Italy next summer.

world record

světový rekord

1964 was the year of the Tokyo Olympics, where Abebe Bikila set a world record for the marathon in 2hrs 12mins 11.2secs and Ken Matthews of Great Britain won the 20km walk in 1hr 29mins 34.0secs. BNCB

The BAAB, however, will carefully prepare the programme, and could try to avoid major head-to-head clashes before Barcelona like a javelin confrontation between world record holder Steve Backley and his great rival, Jan Zelezny, of Czechoslovakia. BNCB

I looked at the time and saw that it was a new world record, so I thought that I, too, must have run fast. BNCB

world record holder

držitel světového rekordu

The BAAB, however, will carefully prepare the programme, and could try to avoid major head-to-head clashes before Barcelona like a javelin confrontation between world record/> holder Steve Backley and his great rival, Jan Zelezny, of Czechoslovakia. BNCB

World record holder Mike Powell of the United States produced the best long jump ever in Australia last night when he leapt 8.23m to win the event at the NEC International track and field meet in Melbourne. BNCB

I think there is only one jumper, world record holder Javier Satomayor, who would be capable of doing what Steve did in a first outing. BNCB

wrist shot

střela zápěstím

His wrist shot is as quick and hard as some player's slap shot. Google

But with the wrist shot, you're going to score more goals, get more scoring chances. Google

Last week we discussed the proper techniques for the wrist shot and the backhand shot. Google


yellow card

žlutá karta

However, referee Ford judged it to be a yellow card offence and the free-kick came to nothing. BNCB

Bent's jaw was broken in four places, and Penney was shown the yellow card. BNCB

The amnesty is particularly good news for Houghton, who picked up his second yellow card of the qualifying tournament in Malta last month and feared that he could miss the opening game in Italy. BNCB

yellow flag

žlutá vlajka (signalizující nebezpečí na trati)

After Jan Magnussen and Roberto Moreno bumped on the 86th lap, sending Magnussen crashing into the wall between turns one and two, the yellow flag came out and the field bunched up. Google

A yellow flag was brought out for the incident, all fuel consevation questions were gone, and Montoya's chances of winning the race were shattered. Google

It was the closest CART has come to a race without a yellow flag since that feat was accomplished in Phoenix in the spring of 1983. Google