úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.45
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: SPORT

put the shot

vrhat koulí

What is the best angle to put the shot? Google

In high school, I put the shot 45 feet and threw the discus 150 feet. Google

She did all the club athletics when you were young, put the shot, 400 metres hurdles, anything. Google


race walking

(sportovní) chůze; chůze (disciplína)

Someone who has seen race walking only in the Olympics might assume that the hips are sashaying from left to right, like Marilyn Monroe's, when in fact it's a far more complex up-and-back motion that is best realized by imagining that your legs are an extension of your waist rather than your hips. Google

Race Walking was introduced in the Olympics in 1908 and the Commonwealth Games in 1966. Google

His ultimate goal is to qualify for and win a race walking medal at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. Google

racing car

závodní automobil

Nuna is a solar powered racing car that uses the most recent European space
technology and expertise. (Google)

You may discover a hidden self in a racing car on a high-speed circuit. (BNCB)

How does ABB move faster than a F1 racing car? (Google)

racing line

jezdecká stopa, jezdecká trať

The Williams locked its rear wheels, spun and stalled on the racing line -- just out of the sight of those following. (BNCB)

Sometime it will be necessary or unavoidable to drive off the racing line. (Google)

The school was also attractive because we occasionally conduct instrumented testing on the tight Streets of Willow road course, adjacent to the facility's bigger, higher speed track, and the better we know the racing line, the more effective we are at evaluating the vehicles. (Google)

rear-wheel drive

náhon na zadní kola

In the past twenty years, front-wheel drive cars have nearly replaced rear-wheel drive! Google

Rear-wheel drive is standard on all 2005 Chrysler 300 and Dodge Magnum vehicles. Google

For more information about the rear wheel drive cars, join the Citroën Car Club. Google

recover the form

dostat se (zpátky) do formy, navázat na předešlé (dobré) výkony

After a shaky start to the season, the central defensive partnership of Henchoz and Hyypia has recovered the form of last season. Google

On this Sunday afternoon, three days ago, Marsden recovered the form that had deserted him for much of the final two-day Commonwealth Games trials at Doveridge Sporting Club, but he is a man who knows his way through adversity more than most. Google

Gaizka Mendieta has never recovered the form he used to strut at Valencia, then lost during his horrible spell with Lazio, and promising young Argentine rookie Juan Roman Riquelme has not lived up to the billing yet. Google

red card

červená karta

Sutton was lucky to escape a red card when he handled a Campbell shot outside his area as Derby maintained their revival. BNCB

The right-back was shown the red card in the 63rd minute after a dreadful, two-footed tackle on young Everton striker Billy Kenny. BNCB

It meant Liverpool collected a red card in each of their last three European ties, following the dismissals of Paul Stewart and Bruce Grobbelaar. BNCB

red flag

červená vlajka (zastavení závodu)

During the practice there was a red flag moment (at 11.40 local time) when the Minardi of Bruni stopped in Turn 8. Google

It was actually very confusing, as we could see a red flag shown, so normally that would mean a restart and then they flew a safety car flag. Google

In this practice there was again a red flag situation, this time because Sato went off after a collision with the Sauber of Felipe Massa. Google

red line

červená čára; červená

Back in 1942 the NHL came in with the red line or center line which prevented players from making two line passes. Google

Can an ice hockey goalie cross the red line? Google

The games have been incredibly exciting thus far, and there's been
a lot of talk about removing the red line in the NHL. Google

refreshment station

občerstvovací stanice

Doctors and nurses will be present at the start and finish areas and at each refreshment station along the course. Google

As they reached a refreshment station, Zatopek saw Jansson take and eat a slice of lemon. Google

A refreshment station will be provided at the 2.5 km mark of each leg and at the changeover point. Google

regular season

základní část

As if to underline the point, Malmo completed their regular season by losing 2-0 to relegated Vastra Frolunda, although they now play off for the

Oldham Celtics clinched the Men's Division Two title on the final weekend of the regular season by beating Greenwich 97-57. BNCB

The Buffalo Bills ended the NFL's regular season with their hopes of a third successive Super Bowl trip in tatters after a humiliating 27-3 defeat at the Houston Oilers. BNCB

relay race

štafetový závod, závod štafet; štafeta

To be successful in a relay race a high degree of baton passing ability is necessary. Google

Racers covered the stretch between Newcastle and Darlington in the 550-mile relay race ending in London on March 2, the day before Shrove Tuesday. BNCB

It moves from department to department in a pre-arranged sequence like the baton in a relay race. BNCB

relegation worries

sestupové starosti

has become his hallmark, to take Arsenal into fourth place and leave Coventry facing relegation worries, writes David Horridge. BNCB

Donegall eased their relegation worries when they had a fairly comfortable 11-9 win over North Dublin in Division One of the National Water Polo League at the Grove pool today. BNCB

Herrington CW failed to ease their relegation worries when they went down 3-1 at home to Annfield Plain. BNCB

relegation zone

sestupové pásmo

Hull moved out of the Second Division relagation zone for the first time since mid-September with a 2-1 win over Plymouth last night. BNCB

But now they are fifth from bottom, one place above the relegation zone, after a seven match unbeaten run and three straight wins. BNCB

City are thus able to check the Premier table to find they have eight teams below them with a gap of nine points separating them from the relegation zone. BNCB

request for substitution

žádost o střídání

Substitutions may be made in all of the above situations but only after a request for substitution has been granted by the referee. Google

Team A’s coach makes a request for substitution. Google

The referee may not refuse to allow a proper request for substitution. Google