úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.01
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: SPORT

stick blade

čepel hole/hokejky

Now that you have mastered the wrist shot, follow the same steps for the backhand shot except use the back half of your stick blade. Google

I want to strike the ice with my stick blade about two to three inches behind the puck. Google

It is this impact of your stick blade on the ice that causes your stick shaft to bend, giving your shot its zip and power. Google

stoppage time

nastavený čas, nastavení

But deep into first-half stoppage time, O'Leary's outstretched leg caught Yorke in full flight. BNCB

We've had not almost two minutes of stoppage time. BNCB

The promising centre back, recruited from West Cheshire League Merseyside Police, headed an equaliser in the forth minute of stoppage time. BNCB

storybook season

pohádková sezóna

We were able to adjust by clicking off the throttle early and after winning twice, the weekend turned out to be just another chapter in the storybook season. Google

The Eastern Kentucky men’s golf team continued its storybook season Monday afternoon, routing the field with a 25-shot victory in the Bullock Collegiate. Google

The storybook season didn't have a storybook ending. Google

stretch the lead

zvýšit vedení

Second row Paul Warwick got in on the act and full-back David Rowledge stretched the lead to 27-11 with a penalty to add to his earlier conversions. BNCB

He stretched the lead two minutes into the second half with his fourth kick. BNCB

Maybe if we were more precise we could have stretched the lead a bit more. Google

substitute goalkeeper

náhradní brankář; dvojka

But Vialli's weak effort was saved by substitute goalkeeper Sebastiano Rossi. BNCB

The substitute goalkeeper shall be subject to the regular rules governing goalkeepers and shall be entitled to the same privileges. Google

Bonano was taken off on a stretcher with his neck in a collar, leaving substitute goalkeeper Pepe Reina to withstand an agonising seven minutes of injury-time. Google

sudden death

náhlá smrt, prodloužení (s pravidlem zlatého gólu)

Apparently they've never seen a Stanley Cup playoff game that goes into sudden death. Google

Full time finished with the score at 1-1 and sudden death extra time began with Woodmill seemingly well in control until one of their players conceded a foul off the ball. BNCB

That happened in the 1998 World Cup. Host country France beat Paraguay 1-0 second round, thanks to Lauren Blanc's sudden death goal in the 114th minute. Google

synchronized swimming

synchronizované plavání

By the turn of the century, though, women had come to the fore of synchronized swimming. Google

One judge thought the Russian synchronized swimming team was perfect in its performance Thursday. Google

They called their invention "ornamental and scientific swimming;" we know it as synchronized swimming. Google


table tennis

stolní tenis, ping-pong

There have been some serious ructions when they have played table tennis, with rows and cheating and shouting matches. BNCB

Erika thawed, melted, forgave Fritz, for which he was pathetically grateful, and sent him for fruit juice while she looked for Paul who was happily playing table tennis. BNCB

There is a large garden with deckchairs and table tennis and the public swimming bath is just walk away. BNCB

take the lead

ujmout se vedení

But a couple of errors crept in and we allowed Coventry to take the lead. BNCB

After a scoreless first half, the Raiders took the lead on their first possession of the second when Jay Schroeder's 73-yard pass found Mervyn Fernandez. BNCB

But the home side took the lead on 23 minutes as England goalkeeper David James was beaten by a direct free-kick from Stephen McPhail. Google

take-off leg

odrazová noha

His left thigh, his jumping take-off leg, which was always an inch and half thicker than the right, is now two and a half inches thinner. BNCB

Jumpers will sometimes say that their take-off leg feels like it collapses when they plant and try to jump. Google

On the third stride before take-off, the jumper lowers the center of graivity by flexing the take-off leg and extending the arms downward. Google

take-off technique

odrazová technika, technika odrazu

For an individual athlete, jumping performance is only moderately sensitive to deviations from the optimum take-off technique. Google

Run-up speed is very important, but an athlete must make subtle changes to the take-off technique as his run-up speed increases. Google

It is tempting to speculate that the particular take-off technique used in volleyball may cause loading patterns that are more likely to cause jumper's knee than those observed in many other sports. Google

tape measure

měřicí pásmo; pásmo

Get me a 1-metre tape measure. BNCB

They will then use a tape measure to measure the actual length. Google

When you have guessed all these, get a tape measure and find the real sizes. BNCB

team game

kolektivní sport

I don't like team games because it doesn't really show how good you really are. Google

Team games like football, hockey, rugby, netball, and basket ball are played on
pitches of different sizes with different numbers of players on the pitch. Google

Fielding and batting strategies are practised and students are given the opportunity to play in a team games. Google

team sport

kolektivní sport

I am amazed at how little the team seems to matter in a team sport like baseball. Google

Although bowling is usually seen on television as an individual sport, it is more common for bowling to be enjoyed as a team sport. Google

It is the skill that makes the game so different to any other team sport. Google

tennis player


Sawchak was once the number one tennis player at the Philadelphia Rifle Club. Google

Anastasia Myskina is, as before, No.1 woman tennis player of Russia. Google

Slovakian tennis player David Sebok was given a two-year suspension for using banned substances. Google