úterý, 16. července 2024, 17.49
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: MEDIA

achieve worldwide recognition

- dosáhnout světového uznání

1. Fourteen years later, the Theatre has achieved worldwide recognition and critical acclaim, and in the process has claimed its unique place within the international dance world as well as in the American Indian world. WebC

3. Nexon has achieved worldwide recognition as a leader in online gaming, with offices around the globe. WebC

acquaint the public with st

- obeznámit veřejnost s něčím

1. Named after the well-known socialist writer and fighter against totalitarianism, the library aims to acquaint the public with the greath wealth of radical and alternative ideas. WebC

2. A premium is placed on skills and equipment developed to meet the challenge of emergency preparedness and to acquaint the public with the capabilities of Amateur Radio. WebC

3. Whether the product in question is an actor, a screenwriter, a director, a fast-food franchise, a professional football team or a city, the message delivered in both advertising and PR venues needs to acquaint the public with the unique characteristics of the product and shape their perceptions and responses to it. WebC

add interest to st

- učinit něco zajímavějším

1.The appearance of Justin Fashanu for Airdrie should add interest to the match at Ibrox. BNC

2. But they were also used architecturally, to add interest to the horizontal line of a cornice. BNC

3. The curved lines of the cathedral- style doors, open display shelves, a panelled extractor canopy and fretwork detail add interest to the straight runs of units. BNC

advance booking office

- předprodejní pokladna

1. Tickets are available from 20th March in the advance booking office of the Town Cinema in Slaný. WebC

2. If there is no advance booking office near you, you can simply order day tickets for all home gamesin writing. WebC

3. Tickets for evening shows are also available at central advance booking office at 17 Bihounská St. WebC

all talk and no action

- spousta řečí a skutek utek, samé řeči a práce žádná

1. But they do admit that it's still more often than not a case of all talk and no action when boys discuss sex in the playground. BNC

2. Britain is all talk and no action. BNC

3. Helen Coonan simply highlights that the Howard Government is all talk and no action on tax abuse. WebC

announce reductions in

- oznámit snížení výdajů na něco

1. If the Bank of England cuts its base rate today, many High Street names will announce reductions in their mortgage rates. WebC

2. To celebrate the launch of our updated web site, we are pleased to announce reductions in price for many of the domain name types you can register with GoDomains. WebC

3. The Hague, however, did announce reductions in the number of coffeeshops and the amount of cannabis customers can buy there. WebC

apply a law

- uplatnit, použít zákon

1. It is idle to expect a county court judge in Preston to apply a law to which he or she can only have access in German. WebC

2. Jennifer Belcher was attempting to apply a law that was only intended to prohibit new buildings next to the shoreline. WebC

3. In cases he has to apply a law which has not been reflected in the legislation. WebC

area news

- oblastní zprávy

1. The Area News section of the newsletter is separated into subsections, one for each area. WebC

2. He will be taking over the writing of the monthly area news and organisation of the year's events. WebC

3. We have ambitious plans for the site, including the regular posting of area news. WebC

argue convincingly

- přesvědčivě argumentovat

1. While it is difficult to argue convincingly that one system of taxation is superior to another, strong positions are still taken according to ideological commitment. BNC

2. He must argue convincingly for that during the debate. BNC

3. After the Williams Report, it was very hard to argue convincingly for a laissez-faire approach to screen entertainment. BNC

at the centre of attention

- v centru pozornosti

1. Last week the Abkhazian issue was again at the centre of attention. WebC

2. Allitt attended a local school in Lincolnshire and was noticed only for her constant attempts to be at the centre of attention. BNC

3. It is wonderful not being at the centre of attention and just being normal. WebC

attitude towards

- postoj k něčemu

1. Americans have a weird attitude towards Ireland, which you see in Hear My Song. BNC

2. We are no longer in the least likely to adopt such a Plato-like attitude towards the needs of industry or the economy. BNC

3. For instance, there were variations in attitude towards the use of cotton wool in cosmetic and facial cleansing activities, and in hair care. BNC


back copy

- staré číslo

1. Something that wasn't there was a magazine she'd asked him to get: a back copy of a thing called Focus on Germany. BNC

2. You can do this simply by thumbing through back copies of the newspaper and seeing who writes environmental articles. Wasps

3. There was only one person nearby, an elderly gentleman immersed in back copies of the Edmonton Journal, so she slipped the book out. BNC

ban a film

- zakázat film

1. The government issues screening permits for the films, which means they can ban a film or demand changes in it. WebC.

2. Usually scenes of overt sexuality or violence caused the censors to either ban a film or at least demand certain cuts. WebC

3. Eirin has no legal powers to ban a film, but the rules of the Japan Association of Movie Promoters, which covers the owners of nearly all cinemas in the country, forbid its members to screen films that do not carry Eirins seal of approval. WeC

ban on st

- zákaz něčeho

1. The ban on loans to institutions for buying shares was also lifted. BNC

2. Environmentalists are pressing for a ban on logging in ancient forests throughout Europe. WebC

3. The UN has called for a ban on drift nets worldwide by 1992, and in the South Pacific by 1991. BNC

banner headline

- titulek přes celou stránku (většinou na první straně)

1. The anti-government weekly with this banner headline sold out in Cairo within hours. WebC

2. The front-page banner headline read DISGRACED. BNC

3. It was given a banner headline on page one and was continued on two inner pages. BNC

base story on

- založit článek na něčem

1. The Northern Echo printed the story based on information given by prosecutors at the crown court. BNC

2. Although the juxtaposition of short story and source material would provide in itself a useful basis for an informal discussion of composition and technique, the proposed extension to the activity undertaken here involves participants developing their own story based on the newspaper account. BNC

3. To be sure of surprise and originality adapt the joke to a new locality or profession, or better still find a funny story based on a situation taken from real life. BNC

be a box-office success

- mít finanční úspěch, být trhák

1. While Timothy Dalton's first appearance as Mr Bond was a box-office success, his computer replica is a poor Missile Command variant bearing little resemblance to the film; wasting yet another potentially good licence. BNC

2. Hence Juice was probably not as big a box-office success as it might have been, although it did make money. BNC

3. Do films require big named actors to be a box office success? WebC

be a flop

- neuspět, nemít úspěch

1. Despite another popular subtheme, namely the need for museums to use as much high-tech gadgetry as possible, the trade fair organised for the conferees was a flop. BNC

2. It also warns that the legislation that followed the Monopolies and Mergers Commission report in 1989 has been a flop. BNC

3. CNN's Bob Furnad said the programme was a flop. BNC

be concerned with st

- zabývat se něčím

1. When Parliament was considering the 1984 Act they were only concerned with trespassers. BNC

2. We are therefore concerned with the impact which trade unions and trade union membership has upon the productivity of the workforce. BNC

3. Western policy-makers, particularly those in Washington and London, were not so concerned with the question of controlling access to the Gulf's oil reserves. WebC

be in line with

- být ve shodě s něčím

1. The press began to campaign with a strongly pro-tram tone for a decision on renewing the tram track: 'The tram is such an efficient means of transport, its retention would be in line with modern ideas, and the expense would be justified'. BNC

2. The government has made it clear that redevelopment should, as far as possible, be in line with local planning policies but that where this is impossible new uses are preferable to leaving a large site derelict. BNC

3. If the videos are at any time broadcast for public viewing the Publisher will negotiate a residual fee which will be in line with the agreement for minimum fees that exist at the time between the Society of Authors/Writers' Guild and ITCA/BBC. BNC

be involved in polemics

- vést polemiku; zaplést se do polemiky

1. He did not wish to be involved in the polemics of the approaching elections of 1808. TDA

2. The Turkish Press will becompelled to depart from its present restraint, and then Papen's name will necessarily be involved in Press polemics. TDA

3. In recent years IRI has also been involved in polemics over certain bank appointments and over the transfer of Signor Ettore Bernabei from being the chief executive of the state television RAI to its public works holding company Italstat. TDA

be on television

- být (na programu) v televizi

1. Writing for radio is an aspect which we will touch on tomorrow, and television again we're going to talk about tomorrow, there's less opportunity being realistic to be on television but the impact is probably greater because many of us watch the box and so forth. BNC

2. It is to be on television, said Alison in her careful precise voice. BNC

3. But his finest hour in the Leone films is to be on television next week. BNC

be on the air

- být vysílaný (rozhlasem); vysílat

1. And it's Richard at Radio Nottingham and you're on the air at the moment, this is your wake-up call. BNC

2. During the 1970s television was on the air between thirty-five and forty hours a week. BNC

3. I think Oxfordshire's a brilliant place, and I'm not just saying that because we're on the air. BNC

be on the spot

- být na místě (události, činu)

1. In fact on balance she thought it might be very interesting to be on the spot when the cars were tested for real instead of waiting in the laboratory for the print-outs and reports from whichever of the team was out there. BNC

2. I just thought Britain was getting like a treadmill, and that if I was on the spot in the States I'd be able to chivvy them around a bit more. BNC

3. Your BNFL News was on the spot to cover the latest exciting events, so to find out more turn to the centre pages. BNC

be out of the question

- být nemožný, zcela vyloučený, nepřícházet v úvahu

1. Obviously this needs to be done without undue pressure; hammering is out of the question, and the stakes must not be broken. BNC

2. In short, unless there are serious reasons why a prefabricated garage is out of the question, it is probably your best choice on all counts. BNC

3. He's out of work and finding £900 is out of the question. BNC

be pushed for time

- mít málo času, být v časové tísni

1. We said yesterday, journalists are frequently very pushed for time, some of them are lazy, and the more help you give them, and the same is true for radio, the better. BNC

2. Since our meeting in May is the annual meeting, we're pushed for time there. BNC

3. If you are new to the business (or even experienced but pushed for time) it can be difficult to make up your mind on the spot and some manufacturers have hundreds of calendar and diary titles in their programmes. BNC

bid for st

- snaha, úsilí; usilovat o něco

1. However, the brothers filed through their shackles and made a desperate and final bid for freedom. BNC

2. In the Second Division, Clyde strengthened their bid for promotion with a 2-1 home win over Queen of the South. BNC

3. The Board of Guinness properly established a committee for the purposes of the take-over bid for Distillers PLC. BNC

bird's eye view

- pohled z ptačí perspektivy, ptačí perspektiva

1. Edited by Richard Evans, who oversees some of the world's greatest tennis tournaments, the book offers a bird's eye view of the Tour, not least because of some of the superb colour photography contained within it. BNC

2. A good selective bibliography gives a bird's eye view of the subject literature, and where a reliable source of this kind already exists, stock revision in the subject area is considerably simplified. BNC

3. One alternative Chinese perspective is shen yuan , in which the viewer is placed as if on a hill, and the horizon line is thus high up, almost a bird's eye view. BNC

blow a fuse

- ztropit povyk

1. Ian Wright blew a fuse yet again and Arsenal are fast blowing their title challenge. BNC

2. It was only a suggestion, Robyn; there's no need to blow a fuse. BNC

3. His mind would likely have blown a fuse at the Jon Kessler show, at Luhring-Augustine until the 25th. BNC

bold headlines

- výrazné, velké titulky

1. Denverpost.Com: There are large bold headlines, and they even have different headline sizes. WebC

2. Your ad will be posted on the front page, above the free ads and have bold headline. WebC

3. Obviously, the first text to strike your eye is the large bold headline. WebC

book review

- knižní recenze

1. As a subscriber, I will receive, about every two months, a free edition of the book review magazine, from each of which I agree to buy at least one book. BNC

2. Lifestyle South , a general interest magazine aimed at households in Hants and Dorset, is planning to include a book review section. BNC

3. This statement was attributed to a book review in the Boston Globe by one Stephen J. Gould. BNC

breach of contract

- porušení smlouvy

1. So if you are dismissed before the agreed age, you might have a claim for breach of contract, but not for unfair dismissal if you are over the normal retiring age for colleagues in your class of work. BNC

2. You are entitled to a money refund for breach of contract. BNC

3. It applies in exactly the same way in the case of a breach of contract by the seller. BNC

break down

- porouchat se

1. We would have converted it to run off the engine, but the trouble is that if the engine broke down, you wouldn't be able to get the bonnet up to look at it! BNC

2. The turning point for them came when their car broke down after a family christening. BNC

3. The Redcar offshore lifeboat was called to the aid of a fishing vessel which broke down off the coast yesterday. BNC

bribery charges

- obvinění z korupce

1. The French League yesterday began court proceedings over bribery charges involving Marseille. BNC

2. According to the news agency Postfactum, Ikramov was the third member of Dushanbe city authorities to be arrested on bribery charges. BNC

3. Tory MP Harry Greenway spoke last night of his relief that bribery charges against him have been dropped. BNC

brilliant article

- vynikající, skvělý článek

1. Thanks for providing me with a brilliant article for the summer edition of Cymru Wledig. Wasps

2. I would like to congratulate you on your brilliant article on the Kwikmas pudding. Wasps

3. PFK has published some brilliant articles on the construction of trickle filters at little cost. Wasps

bring sb fame

- přinést někomu slávu

1. Binyon's volume does however bear out quite touchingly one point that Mrs Lowndes makes: that Hewlett's ambition was to be known as a poet rather than novelist, though it was his historical romances in Wardour Street prose that brought him fame and money. BNC

2. Tennis may have brought him fame and fortune, but it still didn't bring happiness to Boris Becker. BNC

3. A stream of scientific papers began to bring him fame but not fortune. Wasps

broadcast a program(me)

- vysílat pořad

1. The BBC has not even seen fit to broadcast a single programme in his memory. Wasps

2. Anti-Iranian radio stations using Iraqi facilities were no longer permitted to broadcast their programmes. Wasps

3. And TV will broadcast special programmes for their benefit. Wasps

broadcasting schedule

- program vysílání

1. Please find herewith the broadcasting schedule of our daily broadcasts beamed to your area. WebC

2. Following is a complete broadcasting schedule, including first pitch times, for the World Series. WebC

3. The Sports Broadcasting schedule can be found at the following link listed below. WebC

brought about by the recession

- způsobený hospodářským poklesem, recesí

1. The size of the deficits now were in large part brought about by the recession that we were in. WebC

2. Following the sharp decline in asset values and market liquidity brought about by the recession, the global market has now entered a new cycle. WebC

3. Prior to the devastating budget cuts brought about by the recession in California in the early part of the last decade, the campus budget was determined by a multitude of algebraic equations. WebC


call for strong action against

- požadovat rázný zásah proti něčemu/někomu

1. At the CHOGM meeting in New Zealand in November 1995, South Africa led the call for strong action against Nigeria. WebC

2. But her judicious call for strong action against the invaders is thwarted by Doramin's over-cautiousness. WebC

3. When asked why Iran did not call for strong action against India, the Iranian leader said there is no issue in the Muslim world that can be compared with the issue of Palestine, where there is unprecedented repression. WebC

candid camera

- skrytá kamera

1. I thought it was Candid Camera I couldn't stop laughing. BNC

2. Smile, you're on candid camera! BNC

3. As she said, everyone else seemed to think they were on Candid Camera. Wasps

canned laughter

- smích z playbacku

1. You do not warm to this lady, who delivers her lines to camera as if waiting for the canned laughter. BNC

2. Although in places you may feel the canned laughter machine is exaggerating --; the script isn't that funny; the show definitely has its moments. BNC

3. A spokeswoman for the BBC says the show did not use canned laughter but had been filmed in front of a live studio audience. WebC

catch sb's eye

- upoutat někoho, zaujmout něčí pozornost

1. As I flicked through the pages one Friday evening an advertisement caught my eye. BNC

2. What caught his eye was the headline: 'Speedy Toxic Waste Eater'. BNC

3. The book also contained writings on topographical and biblical matters of a general nature; one entry caught my eye. BNC

cause a sensation

- způsobit senzaci

1. In 1955 a solitary bottlenose dolphin came to live in the remote Hokianga Harbour in Northland, New Zealand, and was soon to cause a sensation. BNC

2. If the party now announced it was going to introduce real democracy by giving England her rightful representation this would cause a sensation, sweep aside the pat-ball politics and allow for the start of serious thinking about the future of the UK. BNC

3. The House of Lords upheld the award as a punishment to both author and publisher, as there was evidence that both were reckless about the truth of the defamatory statements in the book, and indeed hoped that they would cause a sensation so that the book's sales would increase. BNC

circulates up to a million copies

- má náklad až milion výtisků

1. It now circulates up to a million copies each year, and direct sales represent half of the company's annual revenue.

2. Yomiuri’s morning edition circulates up to a million copies daily.

3. The magazine appears inside the Sunday New York Times, which circulates up to a million copies across the nation. WebC

clear a fault

- odstarnit chybu

1. Standard "static" UPS technology is the least costly, but requires the electric grid to be available to clear a fault. WebC

2. This will clear a fault in any SLC that has a key switch & Model 5's.

3. The average time to clear a fault by remote diagnostics is 1 hrs 12 mins. WebC


- detail

1. The Movietone cameraman zoomed in to get a close-up of the notice being fixed in place. Wasps

2. The Defence Minister barely flinched as the camera zoomed in for a close-up of his face as they ran the famous film clip from mid-December. Wasps

3. He regularly went to the pictures to gorge himself upon the facial close-ups of the movie queens. Wasps

come off

- mít kladný ohlas, uspět

1. Their first attempts to invent an anti-hero strong enough to vie with the popularity of Tarzan and Superman, and soft enough to melt the hearts of children, did not quite come off. BNC

2. Many firms take risks that do not come off. BNC

3. Nick Thompson, a 28-year-old mechanic of Morpeth, said: 'The idea was quite good but it just didn't come off.' BNC

come out

- vycházet (noviny)

1. Er we used to have the works magazine that was come out every month. BNC

2. Publication dates for the eight-pager, which comes out around nine times a year, are flexible, to encompass major events or announcements. BNC

3. Does that come out every month? BNC

come/run up against censorship

- narazit na cenzuru, střetnout se s cenzurou

1. It may well give me a reason to break the law when encountering the secret police, when coming up against censorship, or when confronting other forms of injustice or repression. BNC

2. declared war in August 1914, the newsreels were more than ready to document the conflict, but they soon came up against censorship and obstruction. WebC

3. Journalists often came up against censorship and a legisla­tion which repressed independent criticism in the name of the protection of public order. WebC

comic strip

- kreslený seriál na pokračování v periodickém tisku

1. The Dovecot is offering an insight into The Guardian's long-running comic strip known as BIFF. BNC

2. To be specific, do Jewish and Arabic readers have comic strips that read from right to left. Wasps

3. Unlike Felix the Cat or Mickey Mouse, brought to life in motion pictures, Asterix started off in a comic strip. BNC

comparison with

- srovnání s něčím

1. Figures are also given for traffic on the Tring Summit, as a comparison with Foxton. BNC

2. A comparison with 1980 shows that 38,000 fewer houses were built in 1990. BNC

3. This has included a comparison with the practice of our partners and allies. BNC

control knob

- (otáčecí) knoflík

1. Instead, one hand guides the main trigger handle, and the other grips the cutter depth control knob of the front. BNC

2. Fit VR2 control knob and adjust both VR1 and VR2 sliding contacts fully anti-clockwise (to provide minimum timings). BNC

3. A control knob is rotated to change the setting of the thermostat. BNC

controvesial subjects/issues

- ožehavé náměty/otázky

1. Nor will plans to tackle controversial subjects such as terrorism have to be notified to the licensing body in advance of filming. BNC

2. Try to anticipate any controversial subjects and disasters you might have to mention, or avoid mentioning, in the course of your speech. BNC

3. This time the Americans have been talking to negotiators as often as three times a day, sitting with one side and then another to explore positions on such controversial issues as the disposition of authority over West Bank land. BNC

convey the message

- sdělit zprávu, předat sdělení

1. Audio media can be used to convey the message to a group of family members. WebC

2. Generally the effort was to convey the message. WebC

3. Person A was asked to convey the message using gestures or drawings. WebC

copyright law

- autorský zákon

1. The company writes to the culprits, invoking the copyright laws as it reads them. Wasps

2. As far as Europe is concerned, it is hoped that variations in copyright laws can soon be harmonised. Wasps

3. It requires Member States to protect electronic databases under copyright law. Wasps

cover an event

- referovat o události

1. It is only in recent historical times that statutory provision has been made to cover the event of the infancy or incapacity of the monarch. BNC

2. Generally, Mike is commissioned by a paper or magazine to cover an event but, in the case of Tom Leppard, he read about his subject in a Sunday tabloid and raced off to Skye to get the picture. BNC

3. Hot-foot from Reno with the race results as ever, FlyPast will cover the event with a full report in the December issue. BNC 

crossword puzzle

- křížovka

1. Memory loss was the worst aspect, the fact that he was unable to complete a crossword puzzle in ten minutes as he once could troubled him. BNC

2. I do not believe, though many readers are convinced of it, that this is what finally attracts them, otherwise they might just as well do a crossword puzzle. BNC

3. He read the leading articles in less than five minutes, noticed the news of a friend's death, and then settled down to solve a crossword puzzle in the Daily Telegraph, which he finished just as we steamed into Baker Street. BNC

current affairs

- současné události

1. The hissing cousins of Monday night current affairs coverage, rivals World In Action (Granada) and Panorama (BBC 1) were both in impressive form. BNC

2. News and current affairs will remain a no-go zone for sponsors. BNC

3. Bids for the channel, which will be funded by advertising and possibly subscription, must include proposals for national and international news, current affairs, children's and religious programmes. BNC

curtain call

- vyvolávání účinkujících potleskem

1. I didn't even wait for the curtain call and the audience must have seen me charging through the lobby as they made their way out. BNC

2. After the curtain call O'Hara asked Stella if she wanted a lift home on his motor-cycle. BNC

3. The Lakeland Players are preparing for their curtain call at the Ardhowen Theatre in Enniskillen. BNC

cut out

- vystřihnout

1. He returned in a moment with a piece cut out of a Bath newspaper. BNC

2. The other finger-ring key on the right of the photograph has a slot cut out of the bit, with notches on the end. BNC

3. Roast potatoes, carrots and greens mixed with dandelion leaves went with the meat; then bread and butter pudding --; Prince Charles's favourite recipe cut out of a magazine. BNC


daily paper

- deník

1. The book would have been sold from the row of shelves to be found in every public library for the price of a daily paper. BNC

2. No fewer than twenty-two countries were without any printed daily paper whatsoever. BNC

3. Yet starting a daily paper anywhere other than in a few large cities is scarcely an attractive investment. BNC

damage sb’s reputation

- poškodit něčí jméno, zničit dobrou pověst

1. The Woolwich feared that failure to make the payment would damage its reputation. Wasps

2. I would not wish to be associated with anything that damaged my reputation or that of the Association. Wasps

3. The Real Lives episode in 1985 severely damaged the BBC 's reputation. Wasps

deceive the public

- oklamat veřejnost

1. FDR also suffered from paralysis and tried to deceive the public that he could still walk. BNC

2. If any Government were to bring in these pledges, they would either have to dishonour them and thereby deceive the public, or income tax payers at all levels of income would need to cough up and pay more to fund them. BNC

3. Her ostensible job is something in advertising or public relations, but this is laughable: people are always rushing off to catch planes or to have showdowns with clients or engage in unmotivated conspiracies to deceive the public. BNC

describe in detail

- podrobně popsat

1. We have separate brochures which describe in detail all of the programmes, plus open information seminars, road shows, corporate presentations or individual counselling to help you make the right choice. BNC

2. We have seen no reports, however, that describe in detail the use of such a service by local clinicians. BNC

3. We describe in detail in the next chapter the consequent growing controls on local spending. BNC

deserve special attention

- zasluhovat zvláštní pozornost

1. We now consider some aspects of nationalized industry pricing that deserve special attention. BNC

2. Two characteristics of the new offence deserve special attention. BNC

3. The first factor suggests that women may deserve special attention in those information programmes which are discussed in chapter 4. BNC

despicable behaviour

- opovrženíhodné, ohavné chování

1. Minister expresses disgust at the despicable behaviour of two Taiwanese nationals. WebC

2. Her despicable behaviour in dishonestly changing the meaning of a statement by President Bush surely confirms that this closet totalitarian is not fit to cross the threshold of any respectable newspaper. WebC

3.  ASH today launched an attack on the despicable behaviour of tobacco giant Imperial in dragging out its court case with Margaret McTear. WebC

devote the whole column to st

- věnovat něčemu celý sloupec

1. . WebC

3. After getting more than a few letters like yours, we decided to devote the whole column to how to buy a puppy. WebC

differ in approach to st

- lišit se v přístupu k něčemu

1. While both Africans and Americans agree that the historic African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has been a success in championing increased bilateral trade, both parties differ in their approach to the free market trading system. WebC

2. Bucs and Eagles differ in approach, but get same result. WebC

3. Schools differ in approach to bullying behavior. WebC

dig up facts

- odhalit/odkrýt fakta

1. He was a thorough researcher and always managed to dig up facts that no one else had been able to find. WebC

2. You go out and interview people, you dig up facts, put it together, and write reports, Young said explaining the ins and out of rpivate investigation. WebC

3. Tom Stewart is an ambitious crime reporter which means having to dig up facts that not everyone would like to see unearthed and others would kill to have. WebC

distract attention from st

- odvádět pozornost od něčeho

1. Her height served to distract attention from the power in her calves and biceps. BNC

2. Fashions cover up the imperfections, distract attention from them. BNC

3. Police said the message was a decoy to distract attention from the real danger area. BNC

distract sb from st

- odvádět pozornost od něčeho

1. The arrival of Joanna, brought from hospital by Ian, distracted her from sorrowful thoughts. Wasps

2. I think, for the first time - that beauty would never distract me from my anxieties. Wasps

3. Don't allow noise to distract you from your work or rob you of sound sleep. Wasps

do a paper round

- roznášet tisk

1. If a teenager decides to earn money doing a paper round, or a Saturday job, there is no reason why their mother should set her alarm in order to wake them at an unearthly hour. BNC

2. During the war when I was evacuated, I used to do a paper round. BNC

3. My brother does a paper round and delivers a hundred newspapers every morning. Wasps

do a retake

- opakovat záběr

1. Peck wanted to do a retake of the scene but Wyler refused. WebC

2. Sonic starts trashing the bots until Robotnik offers to do a retake of the Sally-being-fired-upon scene from "Taking The Fall" and improving his aim this time. WebC

3. Bruce Willis didn't decide to do a retake. WebC

documentary film

- dokumentární film

1. A recent documentary film, Paris is Burning, presents a population of the most marginalised, excluded, anomic individuals imaginable: black drag queens in New York. BNC

2. Acquisition of both aircraft and the invaders participation in the race will be the subject of a documentary film. BNC

3. In an experiment conducted several years ago, students were shown a short documentary film and, when the film was over, they were asked twelve questions concerning what they had seen. BNC

downright lie

- vyslovená lež

1. His blend of smears, half truths and downright lies ruined many careers in government and the professions. BNC

2. It wouldn't have been a downright lie either, she thought wretchedly. Wasps

3. The story is Gordian in its complexity, but no Alexander seems available to cut through the tangle of claims, counter-claims, and downright lies. BNC

draw large audiences

1. "My favorite problems in combinatorics" (or equivalent) have become legendary and always draw large audiences. WebC

3. Sound entered general use in Chinese cinema later than in Western film because silent films continued to draw large audiences in , and monopolies controlled by American film companies did not allow Chinese filmmakers easy access to sound equipment. WebC

draw the eye

- upoutat pozornost

1. The use of colour and the generally attractive presentation draw the eye and command attention, offering a welcome haven of interest in otherwise drab statutory documents. BNC

2. Leave large margins at the top and bottom of pages, preferably separated by some device such as a rule to draw the eye into the page. BNC

3. Little pools of lamplight draw the eye to books and magazines. BNC

drive-in cinema

- autokino

1. Mrs Stych's mind wandered as the voices droned on and the current film at the local drive-in cinema was condemned. BNC

2. Drive-in cinemas are disappearing because of attacks on families. BNC

3. Restrictions will be placed on drive-in cinemas, banks, hamburger restaurants and, presumably, LA's solitary drive-through church. BNC

drop a program(me)

- stáhnou z programu

1. The FCC is full of shit, if they want to do something good then provide Al Franken with a show to combat the shit that O'Riley spews all the damn time - but don't fine a broadcaster to the point they have to drop a program. WebC

2. In some instances, districts may drop a program because of budget probléme. WebC

3. It is fair enough to drop a program that's not rating, but it has replaced it with the Brady Bunch. WebC

drug abuse

- nelegální užívání narkotik, drog

1. One study exploring alcohol and drug abuse among elderly people, found there was evidence this could be a major problem. BNC

2. Now he has called on other schools in the town to unite in a crusade against violence and drug abuse. BNC

3. Drug abuse is spreading alarmingly fast according to recent government figures. BNC

dub a film

- dabovat film

1. It just seems ridiculous to dub a film that has so much English spoken in it. WebC

2. To dub a film you need to lay down tracks of sound. WebC

3. Foreign investors were unwilling tosubtitle dub a film of that length. WebC

due to st

-  následkem čeho


1. The California people even suggested that the four major outbreaks of infection in their monkey colonies over the past 14 years were due to AIDS. BNC


2. Some of the original facilities have had to be discontinued due to high operating costs and relatively low demand. BNC


3. All four are still suffering ill-health due to torture, poor diet and insanitary prison conditions. BNC


early editions

- ranní vydání

1. Early editions of the Dundee Evening Telegraph newspaper last night carried an advertisement for semi-skilled and skilled personnel. BNC

2. I couldn't afford to wait; not with the story of the London kidnap splashed all over the early editions of Figaro. BNC

3. Then Crawford went out for a welcome late-night meal, before staying up to read the reviews in the early editions of the next day's newspapers. BNC

edit an article

- připravit článek k vydání; editovat článek

1. The editor reserves the right to edit an article before publishing if neccessary. WebC

2. No member of the Editorial Board shall edit an article that he or she authored. WebC

3. They may be bold in taking the step to edit an article, but they edit it to appeal to a general aesthetic sense, not to their own sense of what is right. WebC

end titles

- závěrečné titulky

1. Occasionally, the watching of the end titles does reward the viewer. BNC

2. Star Trek, in fact, is the focus of the second disc -- North's 2001 cues and an enthusiastic reading of the Star Wars main title open the disc, but after that it's Star Trek all the way, with arrangements of main titles from TV shows, TV cues, film overtures, film end titles and assorted suiotes. BNC

3. This piece was dropped from the film but Gavin then ended up using it as the music for the end titles. BNC

established fact

- nepopiratelná skutečnost

1. She never admits it was suicide, even though I'm sure she knows, as we all know, it was an established fact. BNC

2. It is a known and established fact that political parties do not pick up in the polls once an election is under way. BNC

3. In the little-known country of Academia, it is a well established fact that 1 in 10 undergraduates leave university during or at the end of their first year. WebC

exercise control over st

- ovládat, ovlivňovat něco

1. The governing body therefore now has much greater potential to exercise control over the life and work of the school. BNC

2. Women are more likely to exercise control over the household budget. BNC

3. These centred on the extent to which the EC should exercise control over national economic policy-making, and on what surveillance measures, sanctions or safety net should be provided. BNC

eye-witness report

- zpráva očitého svědka

1. An eye-witness report states that the Federal Army and Serbian irregulars found the contents stored for safety and removed them. BNC

2. It is important to take into consideration more than one eye-witness report of these few seconds (and the Gaumont newsreel film) in an effort to decide what did happen; but no account or film can tell us exactly what Emily Davison's motive was. BNC

3. This version of events was contradicted by eye-witness reports and the findings of police and journalists who visited the scene shortly afterwards and who reportedly found no evidence that the people inside the house had fired on their attackers. BNC


fabricate a story

- vymyslet si historku

1. John Onanuga and David Newton have again admitted today that they fabricated the story of Mr Lamont visiting our Praed Street branch on Monday, November 16, 1992. BNC

2. If the drugs do not appear in the stool as planned, or if symptoms of intoxication develop, the smuggler may present to a casualty department, fearing a package has burst, fabricating a story to try to avoid criminal proceedings. BNC

3. I studied fellow patients fabricating their life stories. BNC

fade out

- zeslabit zvuk; zatmívat obraz

1. Just in time, for the bed where I placed the case is flashing its warning negative/ positive, and I snatch the stitched handle, just in time, as it fades out. BNC

2. We interrupt this broadcast, said an announcer, fading out José Iturbi, to bring you an important newsflash. BNC

3. It appears as the instrumental introduction (and two instrumental interludes), it comes four times in each of the two choruses, and it is still going when the song fades out. BNC

false statement

- nepravdivé tvrzení

1.  Hence the company will not be estopped in the example given above; it has not made any false statement. BNC

2. This was an entirely false statement, obviously damaging to a thriving professional musician. BNC

3. In November 1989 Secord had pleaded guilty to a felony charge of making a false statement to congressional investigators by denying that he knew that funds from the Iran-contra operation had been used to instal a security system at the house of Oliver North.  BNC

feature film

- hlavní, celovečerní film

1. The London Film Festival included a feature film from Ecuador, only the second the country has ever produced. BNC

2. A similar position was put by Anthony Asquith in his first feature film, Shooting Stars (1928).

3.  Just turned 21, she has sold more than 30 million records worldwide, has made a major feature film and has silenced the carping critics with a massively successful debut tour as a live performer. BNC

fish for information

- lovit/shánět informace

1. In a sort of roundabout way, he was fishing for information about her habits, and attitude to boys. BNC

2. Those who give the impression that they are fishing for information; they may be looking for a recommendation for somebody else who may be suitable to approach. BNC

3. The natural place for a person to fish for information about an unknown word is in a dictionary. BNC

flavour of the month

- hit měsíce, šlágr měsíce

1. But Portillo is fast becoming flavour of the month and will increasingly find himself in the public eye. BNC

2. Waikato are the flavour of the month in New Zealand. BNC

3. Hollywood bratpack style is flavour of the month at the moment, with 1970 the pivotal bratpack year in the new Burro autumn/winter range. BNC

floppy disc

- disketa

1. Users should also start their machines from a virus-free floppy disc and do a file copy to back up all their files onto clean discs. BNC

2. The results of a search can be stored on a floppy disc or printed out. BNC

3. Colin gave the wrong advice about getting floppy disc out when jammed and then I deleted the stuff off the hard disc. BNC

forced to do st

- přinucen něco udělat

1. They've been transferred from Princess Margaret Hospital in Swindon, where hospital managers have been forced to close three operating theatres. BNC

2. But they're frustrated that most of the time, they're forced to rely on a helping hand. BNC

3. Two ministers were forced to resign but Pindling denied personal involvement in corruption, despite the disparity between his lavish personal life-style and his modest Prime Ministerial salary. BNC

foreign news

- zprávy ze zahraničí

1. It was preceded by the involvement of hundreds of people in discussion groups devoted to different sections; home news, features, music, the arts, international and foreign news and sport. BNC

2. Both papers carried at least two pages of local news, not including sport, and generally had one or two pages of foreign news. BNC

3. The breadth of its coverage of foreign news is unrivalled, but most of its readers are in greater New York. BNC


- reklamní noviny, které jsou distribuovány zdarma

1. Livingstone himself had made a tentative start with the publication of the Londoner, a heavily subsidized but snappy tabloid free-sheet widely distributed throughout the GLC area. BNC

2. Coated free-sheet papers contain less than 10% mechanical (groundwood) pulp.WebC

3. Call up the owner, general manager or advertising director of your. local free-sheet. WebC

funded from sb,st

- financován někým, z něčeho

1. While welcoming the prospect of more officers on the front line against crime, the police are concerned the proposals will have to be funded from existing budgets. BNC

2. Union officials at the plant have been called to a conference in Nottingham, but management say most work at the plant is already funded from abroad. WebC

3. Repair of storm damage, foreign debt repayments and aid to small businesses were to be funded from the 1988 tax surplus. BNC


get a subscription to

- objednat předplatné na

1. How can I get a subscription to the Outsourcing Journal? WebC

2. We suggest you get a subscription to The Neogram, which will make you an Associate of the USNMC. WebC

3. This is where you can get a subscription to Starving WritersOnline Magazine. WebC

get a word in edgeways

- dostat se konečně ke slovu, říci také pár slov

 3. I wondered if I was going to get a word in edgeways some time. BNC


get muddled

- breptat, přeříci se

1. Most of us get muddled, most of us can't find the right word, most of us 'um'; 'and ;'er'; at various points as we're talking. BNC

2. I got muddled because I thought that teacher, it's just a psychology. BNC

3. That will get complicated, if you'll get muddled. BNC

get the sack

- dostat padáka

1. My bet is that Liverpool won't win anything this year and Souness will get the sack/>. BNC

2. The rumour was that Peace was told he would get the sack/>, if he dared to criticize Andrew's conduct again. BNC

3.  I'm just a counterman, and if my boss knew my wife worked I should get the sack/>, because people would think he didn't pay me enough'. BNC

get your feet wet

- dát se do práce

1. They think you can't learn anything about the oceans if you don't get your feet wet. BNC

2. I'm barely getting my feet wet," Markley said during a brief stop in his office. WebC

3. I was officially entering the real world - well, I was getting my feet wet. WebC

give a good performance

- podat dobrý výkon

1. They might say you gave a good performance, or they may say you gave a bad one, but they rarely go into the realms of personal abuse. BNC

2. In Liverpool he came second in the English under-12 quick play championship, gave a good performance in last year's London junior championships, and progressed to the England junior get-together in January. BNC

3. Given a good performance today he will clearly be in line for a place at Wembley. BNC

give news/reports

- přinášet zprávy

1. The early sporting papers such as Bell's Life in London existed to give news of forthcoming events and descriptions of recent ones mostly races and prize-fights. Wasps

2. While as early as Elizabethan times crime chap-books were published to give news about recent crimes, Wagner suggests that it was only toward the end of the seventeenth century that a diverse crime literature appeared. BNC

3. He reprinted articles from other publications, often in weekly parts; translated papers such as those of Mendeleev; and gave news of industrial developments and of exhibitions; he had also a lively correspondence section. BNC

go downhill

- upadat, horšit se, jít z kopce

1. The amateur side of racing, in particular, would go downhill if riders did not have the Milk Race to aim for. BNC

2. So, basically, you're saying that there are these cuts and that's going to mean the quality of life in the homes is going to go downhill. BNC

3. My standing with Harold Wilson began to go downhill in the 1970s, not on personal grounds but because of what might be described as political differences. Wasps

go off the air

- skončit vysílání

1. For a while the television channel went off the air as protesters swarmed into the building, before troops and government supporters pushed them out. BNC

2. Had he missed the cut, Woosnam would not even have had that to watch on Saturday, since the network went off the air with about an hour's play left in a move that would have angered Great Britain. BNC

3. TV presenters went off the air after bust-up. BNC

go to a film

- jít na film

1. Years later, on the day our first child was due to be born, when it became obvious that the birth was not imminent, my husband Roger suggested that we go to a film to take our minds off the event. BNC

2. They would go to one another's flats, have supper in a bistro, go to a film, or sit at home with bowls of spaghetti, chatting and watching television. BNC

3. If you go to a film hoping that it will be a bearer of truth and meaning, you'll notice parts of the film that do just that. WebC

gossip column

- společenská rubrika

1. He decided to use the letter; the editor of his gossip column astutely elected to buy himself into the good graces of Buckingham Palace by informing their Press Secretary. BNC

2. But that was before she had met Nathan Bryce, when this complex, attractive, abrasive man was still simply a name and a photograph in a gossip column. BNC

3. Holly was wrong about Wickham's reaction to the gossip column story about his wife. BNC

gripping story

- poutavý příběh

1. Stanley Kubrick's gripping story of a brilliantly conceived and executed robbery stars Sterling Hayden as ex-convict Johnny Clay who devises a daring plan to steal two million dollars from a heavily guarded racetrack. WebC

2. Telling the Sea is a gripping story set in coastal Wales of a family's struggle for safety. WebC

3. After reading 300 pages of the 766-page book, I'm pushing myself to type this review because I want to go back to the gripping story. WebC

gutter press

- bulvární tisk

1. The gutter press particularly enjoyed the story, especially as the artifacts had belonged to a man now thought to have been murdered. WebC

2.  The local gutter press, the Whaddon and Mitchley Argus, then printed the following names of players I hoped to sign. BNC

3. The gutter press and the entertainment industry do not yet exist here in the way they do in Britain or in the United States. BNC


hack into a computer

- nabourat se do počítače

1. An Edindurgh University student caused chaos on a vast scale by hacking into computers around the world from a GBP200 desktop machine in his room. Wasps

2. This morning I ordered our central computer here to hack into the Riyadh computer and do a check. Wasps

3. Chris Hook claims that it takes expert knowledge and a great deal of patience to hack into a computer system. BNC


- polopravdy

1. Confusing stories are circulating along with rumours and half-truths as people, in their desperation, try to help find the murderers. BNC

2. The Opposition tell half-truths because Labour is the only party which when in office cut national health expenditure. BNC

3. Unsubstantiated half-truths and distortions of fact cause unnecessary argument and are an inefficient use of people's time. BNC

have a long run

- být dlouho na programu

1. I am afraid it will not have a long run either, and that will mean more new costumes for another play. WebC

2. While O'Bannon says he hopes the series will have a long run, he does have some well-defined ideas how he wants the overall series to end. WebC

3. Outside Germany it would have a long run. WebC

have a nose for scandal

- mít čich pro skandály

1. Others never worked for the mainstream media at all, but they have a nose for scandal, and because they are not bound by any ethical considerations, they resort to the worst forms of blackmail. WebC

2. An activist in the African-American community in New York, the woman has a nose for scandal and corruption. WebC

3. She had a nose for scandal, a knack for flip headlines, a reportorial "skepticism" more snarky than investigative. WebC

have a ready tongue

- mít ostrý jazyk

1.  He knows he has a ready tongue and a facile pen, and on these he relies to carry him safely through the mazes of unreason. WebC

2. In Warsaw they said—and in these cases diplomacy has a ready tongue, especially when it comes to lies—that they knew nothing of these bands. WebC

3. Whoever assumes the post must be a n "able person" who is smooth and slick, has a ready tongue and can deal with all people at a feast. WebC

head office

- hlavní redakce

1.  I am deeply appreciative of the input to BNC which came from your partnership's head office, and much impressed by the quality of the documentation submitted. BNC

2. Head Office rent was nearly three months overdue, the rates were in arrears, the staff had not been paid and the general president was stranded in New York for lack of funds. BNC

3. He also saw the Bedale office downgraded to a sub-office, the head office for the district concentrated at Darlington and most of the staff records kept at Middlesbrough. BNC

hear st on the radio

- slyšet něco v rozhlase

1. Did you hear it on the radio this morning about the research that these people are doing? BNC

2. Because bear in mind Thelwall Viaduct, I hear it on the radio every morning, there's roadworks. BNC

3. I think regarding the number of people who are in prison, whether on remand or otherwise, erm, reminds me of something that that I keep noticing, either hear it on the radio or in the paper. BNC

hit the headlines

- dodtat se na první stránky novin; mít velkou publicitu

1. Lt Col Bob Stewart, the Cheshires colourful commanding officer whose marital rift hit the headlines last month, was awarded the Distinguished Service Order. BNC

2. The resolution which hit the headlines was that which approved the rightness of contraception. BNC

3. The government's listening centre at Cheltenham hit the headlines in 1984, when staff were told they had to give up union membership. BNC 

home news

- zprávy z domova

1. Home news was preferred over foreign, new a about things familiar to the reader over the unfamiliar. Wasps

2. The Press Association supply the UK press with home news and newspapers subscribe to their wire service. BNC

3.  It was preceded by the involvement of hundreds of people in discussion groups devoted to different sections; home news, features, music, the arts, international and foreign news and sport. BNC

home service

- brit. vysílání pro Británii

1. The Home Service remained, with regional variations, and a new station was launched in 1946. BNC

2. Jitters missed the good old BBC, with the Light Programme and the Home Service. BNC

3. At 1 p.m. the BBC Home Service reported the execution at Wandsworth and the last public message of the man who had been hanged. BNC

host a show

- konferovat, uvádět, moderovat zábavný program

1. Ahead of her she knew she had a tough day hosting a TV show about cancer, the disease which first struck Mae-Britt 22 years ago. Wasps

2. Television personality Paul Frost hosted a special live show in Middlesbrough when he opened a new postshop in the town. Wasps

3. Anne and former TV-am partner Nick Owen will host a daily show from there next month. Wasps

hush up st

- něco ututlat, zatajit

1. He told the Guardian that he believed senior management took deliberate steps to hush up the dangers. BNC

2. The Test and County Cricket Board almost managed to hush up that incident, but BBC TV commentator Jack Bannister exposed it in a book months later. BNC

3. The BBC put on a programme about the event a few years ago, harping particularly on the fact that it had been hushed up until then. Wasps


illegal disposal of st

- nezákonná likvidace něčeho

1. Tight German recycling laws had been blamed for encouraging the illegal disposal of waste in neighbouring countries. BNC

2. The result is a simple, self-contained operation that protects the environment efficiently, and brings benefits to all parties involved not least those in the community who have been at risk from inadequate or illegal disposal of used hypodermic needles and other hazardous waste. BNC

3. For the second time in two years the illegal diposal of cyanide by industry has interfered with local authorities, already handicapped in normal conditions by limited fresh water reserves. TDA

impromptu speech

- řeč pronesená spatra, bez přípravy

1. Jim, who gave a lively impromptu speech after chairman, Hugh Jamieson had presented him with his award, was in typically dismissive mood about his own talents. BNC

2. But you are concerned with precise and meaningful writing where the more relaxed habits of impromptu speech cannot be allowed to creep in. BNC

3. At the Harris, Harris and Overdene Christmas party three years ago he had made what some considered to be the funniest impromptu speech anyone had ever heard inside the office. BNC

in alphabetical order

- podle abecedy

1. Articles and selected books are abstracted and arranged in alphabetical order of subject. BNC

2.  Each member state takes it in turn in alphabetical order: currently it is Portugal, and from July onwards it is the UK. BNC

3. Bibliography, which cites the principal sources on which you have drawn for your research, in alphabetical order of authors' surnames. BNC

in bold type

- tučně vytištěný

1. Sometimes the main pages where a subject is dealt with are printed in bold type. BNC

2. The sections are short, the text is sharp and to the point, the definitions are emphasised in bold type, the diagrams are pertinent and the coverage is vast. BNC

3. Entries are in alphabetical order; cross-references are printed in bold type. BNC

in great depth

- do detailu, do hloubky, do podrobna

1. It pretends that the court is able to investigate those reasons in great depth, whereas in practice it is not able to do so, and in any event that investigation is not going to save the marriage. BNC

2. In Villette, other characters than the narrator are described in great depth, not only for their relationships with Lucy Snowe, but as characters in their own right. BNC

3. He has investigated the subject with tenacity and in great depth, enabling us to understand a good deal about Russian and Teleut attitudes and activities. BNC

in pursuit of st

- při sledování něčeho; ve jménu čeho

1. Practically unstoppable in pursuit of his ideas about France's place in Indochina, he was also, apparently uncontrollable, at least by the government in Paris. BNC

2. But the fact that the attempt had been made at all must have given credibility to Gloucester's claim that the Woodvilles were prepared to use force in pursuit of their ends. BNC

3. Consequently, the law profession increasingly becomes an instrument for the realization of collective goals rather than servants of private clients in pursuit of private interests. BNC

in the limelight

- ve středu veřejného zájmu

1. Two Northern companies were in the limelight last week as Tyne Tees Television recommended to its shareholders that they accept merger proposals with Yorkshire TV.

2. Unlike many of the guerrilla leaders who are unknown except to the intrepid few who visit their frontline hideouts, Arkan rebels are in the public limelight like the best of Hollywood's gangsters. BNC

3. So long as he was in the limelight, he could n't be attacked or abducted . BNC

in the title role

- v titulní roli

1. The performance of Durga Lal in the title role is a masterpiece of versatility and concentration: his delirium at the end of the first act is nothing short of hair-raising. BNC

2. Kirk Douglas in the title role finally stands alone on the battlefield in the midst of his dead troops, and exposed to the arrows of the Indians who circle round him. BNC

3.He announced that he wanted to make a biopic of North, with Mel Gibson or Treat Williams in the title role. BNC 

in tune with sb

- zajedno s někým; shodovat se s někým; táhnout za jeden provaz

1. They were welfare democrats and public spenders, not at all in tune with Mrs Thatcher's awkward imperatives. BNC

2. We live in filthy times, and if you find yourself in tune with the Zeitgeist you will know you are doing something wrong. BNC

3. The Gulf War has demonstrated that the negotiation of mutual non-provocative defence strategies (including adequate verification) would be in tune with technological possibilities. BNC

in-depth analysis of st

- důkladný rozbor něčeho

1. There is little time, and little scope for an in-depth analysis of the political-economic context of the conservation programme. BNC

2. The project involved an in-depth analysis of British Steel's operating units to examine how they stood against international competition. BNC

3. Such an in-depth analysis of last season's loss of form obviously gives me food for thought and deserves a similarly constructive reply. BNC

in-depth article

- podrobný článek

1. So it was heartening to read an in-depth article on the transport of spent nuclear fuel from Torness to Sellafield. BNC

2. Featuring many in-depth articles regarding the aircraft of the Great War the journal is packed with facts and figures that will satisfy any World War One buff. Wasps

3. We will also publish a table of the top 50 companies by employer levels, together with in-depth articles on the changing pattern of the region's economic and employment make-up, written by Daily Post Staff and authoratative outside commentators. BNC

indifferent to st

-  lhostejný k něčemu

1. The government places a statutory responsibility on local authorities to provide certain services and is not indifferent to the general level of service in localities. BNC

2. The American venture capitalists were less than indifferent to anything coming out of Russia or the old Eastern Bloc. Wasps

3. Yet many people in Victorian Britain were not indifferent to the widening divisions between rich and poor that seemed to be a consequence of this ideology. BNC

inside information

- zasvěcené informace

1. A failure to sell based on inside information is neither illegal in the US nor in the UK because there has been no securities transaction. BNC

2. How does the market recognise that someone is trading on inside information? BNC

3. Almost any conversation with a company would probably put the analysts in possession of inside information. WebC

invasion of privacy

-  vpád do soukromí, narušení soukromí

1. The officer on duty on the night he died Tony Strong said it was not normal practice to peer on prisoners through the cell doors because this was considered an invasion of privacy. BNC

2. Now the row over whether the photos are an invasion of privacy is gathering pace. BNC

3. A new media law package was needed to guarantee freedom of expression and information and to liberalise the libel and contempt laws, balanced by a law to protect unjustifiable invasion of privacy. BNC

iron out

- vyžehlit problém, odstranit neshody

1. But under intense congressional pressure the Defence Department says that it will kill the programme next year unless the services manage to iron out serious flaws. BNC

2. It is best to get some ring practice at the smaller classes and match meetings and iron out all problems ready for the big day when you go to a Championship Show. BNC

3. Your correspondent's criticisms have been taken on board and I assure you we shall do our best to iron out the problems raised. Wasps

It's not up to much.

- Nestojí to za moc.

1. A lot of them send stuff that might be the greatest thing they've ever produced, but looked at objectively it may not be up to much. BNC

2. As entertainment, though, it's not up to much. BNC

3. If tonight's exhibition was anything to go by, they moaned, Faust haven't been up to much during their long absence and have sadly allowed lesser talents to steal much of their thunder. BNC


jot down

- zapsat si, zaznamenat si něco

1. He began to jot down figures in two columns and he talked as he wrote. BNC

2. Jot down on paper answers which you think adequately cover all the points. BNC

3. First decide on the video format, and then jot down a short-list of the features you consider to be really essential, bearing in mind the cost of the models which include these. BNC


keep sb informed

- informovat někoho; být informován

1. Please keep me informed of any developments in your plans. BNC

2. You're paid a retainer every month to keep me informed on developments in and around Beirut. BNC

3. If it was any other manager, I would have to keep him informed, because in theory he is coordinating the whole process. BNC

keep up to date

- stále informovat o všem novém

1. The reader should endeavour to keep up to date with oil market developments because of their impact upon the international economy and financial system. BNC

2. To keep up to date on developments in farm animal welfare, join Compassion in World Farming.BNC

3. We recommend that you visit the periodicals area each week, to keep up to date with one or two topics that particularly interest you. BNC

key staff

- užší štáb

1. All key staff at the Dryburgh Abbey Hotel have pagers, including himself, the housekeeper and porters, as well as the duty manager and bar manager. BNC

2. Some firms do this by giving non-essential workers less generous relocation allowances than those given to key staff. BNC

3. In real life, of course, you would probably have to master a great deal more information, including details of the premises and the personal particulars of all the key staff. BNC


lack of focus

- rozostřenost

1. Second, this lack of focus not only renders policy less effective, but crucially the absence of clearly stated rules and guidelines introduces great uncertainty for firms. BNC

2. This can lead to a lack of focus in the book, because one is not clear precisely what aspect of Shakespeare's language is being examined. BNC

3. Bekaert concluded that the potential gains in unit costs would be more than offset by losses in terms of lack of focus on customer service needs. BNC

lack of respect

- nedostatek úcty, vážnosti

1. Many Western projects and programs have failed because of their basic lack of respect for the dignity of others and the tired assumption that the West always knows best. Wasps

2. The result of lack of respect for authority can be seen in higher, and ever increasing, crime rates, in increased drug use and sexual promiscuity. BNC

3. They disliked his aggression, his finesse, his lack of respect for tradition, his obsession with media coverage. BNC

latest news

- poslední zprávy

1. We'll also be going live to Malvern for the latest news from the scene. BNC

2. Finally, we would like to keep you informed about our work by sending you our latest news every quarter. BNC

3. And the latest news on the travellers movements is that a convoy is still moving along the A-forty-six between Cheltenham and Stroud. BNC

launch a publicity campaign

- zahájit/spustit reklamní kampaň

1. The Government has launched a £1.25 million publicity campaign with TV and radio adverts. BNC

2. Undeterred, Barnes launched an extensive publicity campaign amongst members. Wasps

3. So in an attempt to make sure New Release doesn't go unnoticed Three Choirs is launching it's own publicity campaign. BNC

lead story

- hlavní zpráva v novinách

1. It was also given in-depth coverage on television and radio that evening, with News at Ten running it as the lead story in the first half of the programme and coming back to it again in the second. BNC

2. Blumler shows that, since televising, the main news programmes have included an average of about 2.6 parliamentary stories a day, and that on half of these days one of these has been the lead story. BNC

3. The candidates had been asked to supply a dummy paper with a lead story and some idea of content. BNC

leading article

- úvodník

1. Now the Times has never asked me to write a leading article announcing that I have some doubts about the quantum theory. BNC

2. Could you tell the difference between that and the leading article from the Sun?  BNC

3. Your leading article on the ivory trade (10 October) was a bitter blow to all who have the interest of the African elephant at heart. BNC

leaf through

- prolistovat

1. I write about Agnes, I try to imagine her, I let her sit on a bench in the sauna, walk around Paris, leaf through a magazine, talk with her husband, but the thing that started it all, the gesture of a woman waving to a lifeguard by the side of a pool, it must seem as if I had forgotten that. BNC

2. Otherwise, I'd suggest you leaf through the many shareware suppliers' adverts and examine their offerings. BNC

3. His favourite pastime of an evening was to leaf through historical albums, studying portraits of the men who had made their mark on Europe during the past half-century. BNC

learn all the essentials

- dozvědět se vše podstatné

1. Learn all the essentials of success in this highly competitive field. WebC

2. Learn all the essentials of database administration with this interactive, easy-to-use CD!Database. WebC 

3. Learn all the essentials of email security,s o your company can better defend against today's thread and prepare for tomorrow's emerging risks. WebC

leave out

- vynechat, vynechávat

1. The minister, Mr Nicholas Ridley, had to leave out the expected bill because of the Government's heavy legislative programme. BNC

2. I know that the winding-up speeches have to start soon, so I shall be brief and leave out much of what I wanted to say. BNC

3. Leave out obscure remarks, jargon, and private jokes, otherwise you'll have to keep explaining them to people all evening. BNC

libellous article

- nactiutrhačný, hanlivý článek

1. The witness agreed  it had always been conceded that certain words in the first alleged libellous article were untrue. TDA

2. The arrest of Yomiuri Shimbun reporter on Thursday night in connexion with an allegedly libellous article appearing earlier this month has provoked dignified protests from the Japan newspapers. TDA

3. It was exactly the same sort of position as the writer of a libellous article and the printer and the publisher of the newspaper in which the article appeared. TDA

licence fee

- koncesionářský poplatek (za rozhlas, televizi)

1. The licence fee remains the best way of financing the BBC and preserving its independence. BNC

2. Broadcasting is regarded as a public service, and in many countries the difficult task of collecting the licence fee has been dropped. BNC

3. The real value of the licence fee has grown at a relatively slow pace and has never quite caught up with the rate of inflation. BNC

live broadcast

- přímý přenos, živé vysílání

1. Opponents loudly jeered and barracked Premadasa when he addressed the opening parliamentary session on Sept. 24, causing the state-run radio to suspend its live broadcast transmission. BNC

2. It looked a shambles on the live broadcast, but by the evening showing it had been cleaned up thanks to some additional mobile camera coverage. BNC

3. ITV, paying £25,000 compared with £200,000 for a live broadcast, was accused earlier this week of acting outside the spirit of its £44 million contract with the League. BNC

live transmission

- živé vysílání

1. Every month there is a live transmission of a church service. BNC

2. Radio stations have promised live transmission from the tiny graveyard at midnight, and local police have been mobilised to keep order among sightseers. BNC

3. Drama had been immeasurably improved by escaping the demands of live transmission when actors had to rush from one scene to the next. BNC

liven up

- oživit

1. Rod Stewart could liven up EastEnders, Princess Margaret (who has already appeared in The Archers) could add some class to Eldorado and Kenneth Branagh could make Ken Barlow feel inferior in Coronation Street. BNC

2. Plugged into your stereo, the lighting effect, which is multi-coloured and does pulsate, is fun in a dark room, especially when there's a lot of bass, and might liven up a party. BNC

3. A good sound board, for example, will really liven up your games and multimedia applications. BNC

log in/on

- přihlásit se, „zalogovat se“ (do systému)

1. Note, users must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. BNC

2. You can then log in every night and read/send messages. BNC

3. Creating a technical structure that allows for a pan-authority electronic mail service is usually as problematic as building the trust and confidence that will allow staff to communicate and make decisions using such a system; let alone remember to log in each day. BNC

log out/off

- odhlásit se, „odlogovat se“ (ze systému)

1. Right, okay we'll leave it there, if you just press the escape key and then work your way out of Microfit towards the action menu, exit from Microfit and don't forget to log out of the network. BNC

2. Submit the package to user QA APPROVER, using Option 1.5.1. and log out. BNC

3. If you have time available, try to get users to log out of the system before shutting it down. BNC


make a disclosure

- učinit odhalení

1. It would be necessary to make full disclosure of the arrangement in the financial statements. Wasps

2. This family was the second detected and our practice has since been modified to make a disclosure no sooner than 6 weeks.

3. Lord Templeman has given examples of Parliament's encroachments on the principle (sometimes involving a measure of protection for the person compelled to make disclosure, and sometimes not) and Lord Ackner has reminded your Lordships that the principle is not immutable. BNC

make a film

- natočit film

1. If you can make a film that makes its money back, you can justify making another. BNC

2. When I conduct a symphony or make a film, I have the impression of the complete work in my mind. BNC

3. He could make a film with Nastassia Kinski, the most beautiful woman in the world (Time had just said so, on its cover) and she left him a slim book of Baudelaire, with some verses underlined. BNC

make headlines

- dostat se na první stránky novin; mít velkou publicitu

1. The press may have labelled them all Brats, but not all of them had any great desire to raise hell and make headlines. BNC

2. When the familiar bongs rang out heralding the start of News At Ten last night it was actually the programme itself that was about to make headlines. BNC

3. Even in those early days before her bizarre behaviour was to make headlines, her insecurities were all too apparent. BNC

make minor changes

- provést menší změny

1. Under the presidential ruling, industry would no longer be required to give public notice of plans to make minor changes to plant operations which might result in an increase of polluting emissions. BNC

2. I have here the strong expectation that Aida will take on board those small points anyway and it is just a matter therefore of making minor changes. BNC

3. Commissioners make minor changes in council districts. WebC

make up a story

- vymyslet si historku

1. But there is nothing to support the theory that the crew made up the story, and no apparent motive for them to do so. Wasps

2. You are a liar and you have made up the story about the gun and the threats to kill  BNC

3. However, the countess was later charged with perverting the course of justice after police became convinced she had made up the story. BNC

make-up artist

- maskér

1. You provide the potential, they provide a professional make-up artist, stylist and photographer. WebC

2. Top stylist at the salon, Jeff Goodwin, had been working on a new idea called Le Flic and together with make-up artist Julie and a new wardrobe of clothes, successfully transformed Alice with these three beautiful styles. BNC

3. International make-up artist Pia St. Luce will personally verify their recommendations and write to you with simple step-by-step instructions and advice on how to apply her cosmetic selection for perfect results. BNC

make-up room

- maskérna

1. She found the make-up room and went in, a faint smile playing about her lips as she looked round. BNC

2. If you'd told me this in the make-up room when you came to have your hair cut, you'd have saved yourself a needless journey. BNC

3. Moving on automatic pilot, she forced herself to tidy up the make-up room, washing sponges and organising the cosmetics she'd need the following evening when the play had its first-night performance. BNC

mark my words

- dej na má slova

1. Mark my words, he feels as guilty as all hell for what he did, which explains the verbal abuse. BNC

2. You'll thank him in the end, you mark my words. BNC

3. It's one thing to sit in a classroom writing down notes but it's quite another to come face to face with an armed murderer or a cornered rapist, you mark my words. BNC

meet the deadline

- splnit termín, dodržet stanovenou lhůtu

1. I'll have to lock up the pages before seven, and I doubt Mike will be able to do more than meet the deadline. BNC

2. The FFF, who last year won the bidding to host the 1998 World Cup finals, have promised to meet the deadline. BNC

3. And you'd better get moving if you're going to meet the deadline. BNC


national distribution

- celostátní distribuce (novin)

1. Lowe was certain that if the paper was properly produced, with a GLC-funded journalistic team and regular national distribution, it could sell at least 250,000 and maybe 400,000. BNC

2. Large-scale deployment of the printed word and the image was such a powerful feature of the culture of antislavery because reformers could exploit technical developments and geographical expansion in printing, tendencies to specialisation in publishing and the establishment of a coherent national distribution network for books and pamphlets. BNC

3. Our picture shows National Distribution Manager wielding the knife as (left to right) await their slices. BNC

new facts are coming to light

- vycházejí najevo nové skutečnosti

1. Since this new series is still a work in progress, new facts are coming to light with every new game. WebC

2. New information and new facts were coming to light about Clinton and Whitewater. WebC

3. This is a very fluid situation, and new facts are coming to light every day. WebC

no holds barred in the battle

- nic není zakázáno; vše je povoleno

1. No holds barred as Assad's family battle for the right to succession. WebC

2. PC makers in no-holds-barred battle over market share. WebC

3. Mr Fernandes brushed aside Pakistan's theatrics and declared that the army was ready to wage a 'no holds barred' battle against terrorism in J&K. WebC

notice of error

- tisková oprava

1. submission. WebC

, issue of the Texas Register for subsection (g)(4) of this section. WebC


on display on the stall/newsstand

- vystavený v novinovém stánku

1. As I leaned over the girl pretending to look at what was on display on the newsstand. WebC

2. A second or two later, Maybelle, her attention drawn from what was on display on the stall to what stood beside it, also recognised Miss Sally-Anne Tunstall. BNC

3. She first saw Dogs Today on display the newsstand, reads it from cover to cover and then keeps it. BNC

on long/medium/short wave

- na dlouhých/středních/krátkých vlnách

1. We've not been told yet; but we don't believe it will be possible to simulcast Radio 4 on long wave and FM beyond the mid-nineties. BNC

2. That's why you can no longer get Radio 2 or Radio 3 on medium wave. BNC

3. Broadcasting was on short wave only and at such low power that the reception area was limited, scattered and unpredictable. BNC

on the air

- ve vysílání, v přenosu

1. During the 1970s television was on the air between thirty-five and forty hours a week. BNC

2. While the programme was still on the air, one of the BBC staff, Rob Frost, was telephoning the army's Adventure Training Unit in London. BNC

3. On the hour the news and weather and we'd like to hear from you this afternoon Nottingham three four three four three four the number to ring if you'd like to have a chat on the air. BNC

on-the-spot report

- přímá reportáž

1. It 's well-written, informative, full of¨on-the-spot reports and case studies from all over the world. Wasps

2. On the 23rd, however, even after percolating the softening filters of G.Q.G. the reports sounded so bad that Joffre was persuaded to dispatch his Assistant Chief of Staff, Colonel Claudel, to Verdun to make an on-the-spot report. BNC

3. There had been no opportunity to get from him an on-the-spot report of what had happened. BNC

opinion survey

- průzkum mínění

1. The last Birmingham Magazine reported on the results of an opinion survey designed to assess the University's reputation with important groups including sixth-formers, managers in industry and the public. BNC

2. But despite those promises, and despite Portugal's generosity, a recent public opinion survey showed that about 50 per cent of Macao residents had no confidence in the future under Chinese rule. BNC

3. That this was essentially as liberal a vote as the wording permitted, for legal abortion at home, is borne out by a national opinion survey carried out before the election for the Irish Sunday Press. BNC

opt for st

- rozhodnout se pro něco

1. In view of this very heavy agenda for discussion, the Association has requested that the Bank defer the deadline of 14th May for those who wish to opt for the package. BNC

2. Only when it needs a custom development platform should an organisation opt for the really new stuff. BNC

3. Most people in this business opt for two-inch wide tape but I prefer three-inch black for securing every line of wire in the hall, plus some two-inch white or silver to mark the edge of steps and other things you need to make noticeable. BNC

oust sb from power

- zbavit někoho vlády, připravit o moc

1. In Sweden the Social Democrats were ousted from power in 1976 after forty-five years in office. Wasps

2. The ruling royal family have been embezzling oil revenues and have been ousted from power by the Safran Peoples' Liberation Party. Wasps

3. That may be so , but the prince was ousted from power by the Lon Nol coup back in 1970. Wasps

out of focus

- nezaostřený

1. Some rude shots Get the camera and the photos and I would and if and if there ain't any photos so I get it back into focus and he do it again and it bit out of focus. BNC

2. From the end of my nose, everything is out of focus. BNC

3. This was the case even with black and white (monochrome), though the shallow focal planes preferred in much 1930s cinematography, sharp only on the foreground or middle ground, tolerated slightly dim and fuzzy backgrounds which were seen out of focus in the final process shot. BNC


- zastaralý

1. You lose your confidence because you never know whether you've just asked that question or whether you are simply talking out-of-date rubbish. BNC

2. It needed too much spent on repairs, and the stock was old-fashioned and out-of-date. BNC

3. The Bill also empowers the Secretary of State to repeal an obsolete and out-of-date Act of Parliament from 1908 which threatens the industry's productivity and the earnings of its work force. BNC

over long periods of time

- po dlouhou dobu

1. Big business or some trade unions, for example, seem to have exercised power consistently over long periods of time. BNC

2. Comparisons of this kind are difficult to make with accuracy over long periods of time; but the direction and size of the change are beyond doubt. BNC

3. Government is becoming increasingly task or product orientated, rather than directed towards carrying out functions over long periods of time in line with established routines. BNC


panel discussion

- tv beseda, tv diskuse

1. In the wake of the television series mentioned above, a panel discussion on the subject was transmitted. BNC

2. Next week the series finishes with a panel discussion about the ways in which society of the future will be affected by the computer revolution. BNC

3. The first time your little bit of news gets on the Six o'clock News or your client is a member of a panel discussion, you will have arrived professionally. BNC

paper boy/girl

- chlapec/děvče, který (é) roznáší noviny

1. Now you can call the paper girl anytime you want to deliver you a newspaper and tabloid. WebC

2. A paper boy on his morning round was grabbed by a man who then tried to drag him into a waiting car. BNC

3. Yeah but actually the paper boy was late this morning and we didn't get erm mid week. BNC

perform on camera

- objevit se před kamerou

1. If you wish to perform on camera next season, you must arrange to have eighth hour free. WebC

2. Have fun while learning to perform on camera! WebC

3. Guy gets sexy chicks to perform sex acts on camera. WebC

personal attack

- osobní útok

1. In the runoff campaign both candidates used negative campaign tactics, personal attack and innuendo. BNC

2. The vicious personal attack on him by Ernets Bevin and his humiliating defeat made it impossible for him to remain as leader. BNC

3. One of Saddam Hussein's henchmen yesterday launched a bitter personal attack on Premier John Major and President George Bush over the allies' decision to send warplanes back to the Gulf. BNC

pick up a station

- chytit stanici

1. One should never hastily abandon an attempt to pick up a desired station, for there may be an interval at the moment when one is endeavouring to tune in. TDA

2. It is legitimate upon the short waves, though it is, of course, not so upon the others, to pick up a station in the first instance by hearing its carrier wave. TDA

3. Her voice will be broadcast from the Eiffel Tower, and any woman in whose home there is a set which pick up that station may hear her speak. TDA

pie chart

- kruhový graf

1. A pie chart can help the retailer or business-person see at a glance exactly where the money goes. BNC

2. If you look at a pie chart of how public money is spent in this country, it's difficult to find the slice that is the arts. BNC

3. Like the pie chart (see page 149), the line graph is a way of presenting figures in visual form. BNC

piece of news

- zpráva

1. The second piece of news is that John Major is supporting a commission proposal for a European Official Secrets Act. BNC

2. I received this piece of news with resignation but no enthusiasm. BNC

3. On hearing this dramatic piece of news, Theo wrote at once, promising as much support as he could afford until Vincent was in a position to earn his own money. BNC

play back

- přehrávat, reprodukovat

1. Camcorders can play back their recordings immediately after they have put them onto the tape. BNC

2. You will also see a difference between the two recording speeds when you play back in slow-motion or still-frame. BNC

3. Record a good speaker on the radio, play back a sentence and then record your own utterance of the same sentence. BNC

play the role of sb

- hrát roli, úlohu někoho

1. The conflict with the second director derived from his wanting Dustin to play the role of Valentine Brose just as David Warner had done in the London production.  BNC

2. Anthony Hopkins has been signed to play the role of writer C S Lewis and several top American actresses are vying for the role of his American girlfriend. BNC

3. An unlikely choice, many would have thought, was comedian Peter Glaze to play the role of the evil City Administrator. BNC

plug in

- připojit (přijímač)

1. Penry stood at the foot of the stairs, frowning as she plugged in the transistor to listen to Radio Four while she ate. Wasps

2. Or, at most, they allow you to plug in your own cassette tape-recorder. Wasps

3. Amanda stalked into the kitchen and plugged in the kettle. Wasps

portable radio

- přenosné rádio

1. He lived alone in a log cabin beside the lake, his only company a portable radio and television. BNC

2. Now she held one finger to her lips, picked up a portable radio from the kneehole beneath her desk and switched it on. BNC

3. Zhang proudly demonstrated his portable radio to us, and said that he would even be buying a bicycle soon. BNC

power cut

- výpadek proudu

1. I try to turn on the lights but there has either been a power cut or the club's generator has been switched off. BNC

2. If there is a power cut for 3 hours, what should you do about the contents of your freezer? BNC

3. On enquiry they were told that the other had been lent to a local restaurant when it suffered a power cut. BNC

power source

- zdroj energie

1. This allows for the phone to be used totally independent of any fixed power source via fully charged batteries. BNC

2. Operating alternating weekly rotas the villagers laid over two miles of cable from the power source to their houses. BNC

3. You need to turn off the power source, remove the cover from the existing single socket and disconnect the wiring. BNC

pre-set stations

- předem nastavené stanice

1. Features of possible appeal to this market include a music centre, comprising AM/FM radio tuner with scan capabilities and 16 programmable pre-set stations, a compact disk player, and an eight channel mixer to adjust the tuning and balance of the radio or CD-ROM --; the latter has potential applications for home-based education, providing on-line tutorials and reference guides. BNC

2. You can also purchase the advanced catalog for 4.95, which has many more pre-set stations. WebC

3. Once you have stored some pre-set stations use the tune up/down (9 ) to select the required station. WebC

present the news

- uvádět zprávy

1. Moira Stuart is to present the news on BBC Breakfast News when the programme relaunches later this year. WebC

2. Julia will present News At Ten features called Focus On Britain. BNC

3. His Lordship would hesitate long before holding that Parliament intended the Home Secretary to have authority either covertly to censor programmes or to require broadcasting authorities to present news programmes otherwise than with due accuracy and impartiality, but he did not so read the power. BNC

press conference

- tisková konference, tiskovky

1. Dr Greenspan made his comments at a press conference after meetings with officials including Leonid Abalkin, the deputy prime minister in charge of economic reform, the state bank chairman (and his notional Soviet opposite number) Viktor Gerashchenko and Valentin Pavlov, the finance minister. BNC

2. After lunch I sat in the car and listened to a Bush press conference. BNC

3. At a press conference in Bonn, a senior official in the Chancellery said the West German and French governments had agreed that the inter-governmental conference on monetary union would begin at the end of next year --; as Paris had originally insisted. BNC

press lord/baron

- tiskový magnát

1. They were supported by the press lord, Beaverbrook, and the combination of the Daily Worker and Daily Express created a unique political movement which still awaits its historian. BNC

2. Simon was made aware that he might find himself obliged to stand down as a Parliamentary candidate if he failed to make an honest woman out of the Press Lord's daughter. BNC

3. Without that coming to Simon he doubted if the Press Lord would have forked out. BNC

press release

- tiskové prohlášení

1. Baroness Hooper, the Government's junior health spokeswoman, put her name to a press release which effectively said people could eat sugar without worry. BNC

2. Every press release should include a quotable, provocative statement from an officer or committee member of the organization involved. BNC

3. The media or press release is one of the basic communication tools of any media relations programme. Wasps

press review

- přehled (denního) tisku

1. The Moscow Times' press review is emailled out daily from Sunday to Thursday in three parts. WebC

2. An international press review is coming soon. WebC

3. After defining the tools to use, a number of applications were selected for transformation from paper to electronic form, including the press review. WebC

press the point

- zdůraznit něco

1. In exceptional cases, though, such as those in which dishonesty is alleged, it may make sense to press the point strongly. BNC

2. The Emperor, to his credit, did not press the point, but presented Gambo with a bag of gold for his part in the battle and quietly departed. BNC

3. W. C. Anderson, who had moved the Workers' and Soldiers' Council resolution at Leeds the previous June, pressed the point, warning:--. BNC

prime time

- hlavní vysílací čas

1. And the TV companies also came under fire for targetting children's prime time viewing with ads for fatty and sugary foods. BNC

2. Its prime time is shortly before the 8 am news, but it decided to put him on at 8.20 am, when many listeners will be on their way to work. BNC

3. Every evening at prime time I switch over to Bangladesh television from Doordarshan; the Government of India's television monopoly. BNC

prize competition

- soutěž o ceny

1. A different sort of exhibition which has had some success in attracting attention, and thus newspaper coverage, is the prize competition. BNC

2. There is an idea for a classroom project, an easy to enter prize competition plus a special cartoon. BNC

3. With a targeted cash prize competition and a tie-up with local radio, traffic, claims Ryan, was boosted by almost 5 per cent. BNC

program(me) trailer

- ukázka příštích pořadů

television as part of a BBC1 programme trailer. WebC

  2. That is when the closing credits of, say, Cocronation Streeet,are squeezed into half the screen while the other half shows a programme trailer. WebC

 3. In mid-March, after a programme trailer, Presentation got mixed-up. WebC


- korektor

1. The thing to remember about proof-reading is that a proof-reader's corrections are intended as advice to the printer, not as a punishment to the writer. BNC

2. Some women were proof-readers, but otherwise, being excluded from machine typesetting, they were left with odd jobs to do round the office. BNC

3. With a team of proof-readers working together, we did a very competent job and there was hardly a misprint in something like four hundred pages. BNC

provide background (information)

- vylíčit pozadí

1. It would report to the Commission and the role of the European environment agency would be to collect statistics and provide background information on decisions to be made. BNC

2. In documentary-style demonstration material the commentary is used to provide background information. BNC

3. Hidden behind a shrine-like structure are two touch-screen video programmes, designed to introduce visitors to Korean daily life as well as to provide background information on the more important exhibits. BNC

provide substantive coverage of st

- věnovat značnou pozornost něčemu; referovat rozsáhle o něčem

1. Regional cable news channels, as a rule, provide substantive coverage of both state and local elections. WebC

 2. Second, requiring broadcasters to provide substantive coverage of campaigns will help educate the public and give candidates more opportunities to reach voters without paying for 30 second TV ads. WebC

3. It found that most CASs provided substantive coverage of the country context and government agenda including more explicit treatment of Bank-borrower policy differences. WebC

provide with subtitles


- opatřit titulky

1. There are voice actors in the Japanese version at the very least, and the J-rocker who did the voice of X in the last two games has signed on to play him again. No word yet on whether the voices will be dubbed in English or if we'll be provided with subtitles. WebC

2. So swallowed and yelled is most of the poetry - a tragedy unto itself - that this production should have been provided with subtitles. WebC

3. Actually, all Universal DVDs are provided with subtitles. WebC

public outery

- veřejné pobouření

, President Bush seems to be politically and strategically poised on the brink of war. WebC

2. Men who love their country and wish to show their indignation for the sort of crime we are witnessing, must be allowed the opportunity to continue to demonstrate their contempt as a public outery by marching through our towns and villages. WebC

3. Because the attitude has changed, because solidarity is in short supply, there is no public outery when the govemment tightens the doors to immigration and makes it more difficult for refugees to find acceptance. WebC

publish an article

- uveřejnit článek

1. "The Sunday Times" proposed to publish an article about the history of the manufacture and marketing of Thalidomide, a pregnancy drug which caused birth deformities. BNC

2. The Guardian did publish an article about Insurance Assessors who thought that AIDS would have little effect on the heterosexual population. BNC

3. This week we publish an article by the American journalist Marsha Dubrow which demonstrates the degree to which similar enquiries would have prevented the election of men such as Lincoln, Roosevelt and John F Kennedy. BNC

put batteries in

- vložit baterie do

1. She wants this doll, well Julie got it yesterday and said I phoned up, she said you've gotta listen to this she said I've just put batteries in when you want to hear it cry. BNC

2. She'd put new batteries in the radio. Wasps

3. I've only just put the batteries in, some new batteries in. Wasps

put it mildly

- mírně řečeno

1. Western political commentators were supercilious, to put it mildly, when India elected as a prime minister to succeed Mrs Gandhi, a man who, on his own admission, drank his own urine every morning, Morarji Desai. BNC

2. To describe her treatment as barbaric would be to put it mildly. Wasps

3. Rheinberger was, to put it mildly, a very competent craftsman, and both these quartets are very well turned, No. 2 in particular closing with an impressive fugue. BNC

put right

- opravit

1. This is a technology, says the UK Genetics Forum, which should be looked at from the point of view that if something goes wrong, it can't be put right. BNC

2. Far better to be tested today and have the chance to put right what is shown to be wrong than to be tested tomorrow and be found wanting. BNC

3. In rewriting, the spellings can be put right, and the finished piece of work is more likely to be accurate. BNC

put under contract

- angažovat

1. I was put under contract with RAMA records and recorded "Baby Take Me Back" b/w "Teenage Blues". WebC

 2. Certainly being put under contract to Universal was incredibly fortunate! WebC

 3. Katharine Hepburn's career took off in the 1940's, once she was put under contract with MGM studios. WebC


quality press

- seriózní tisk

1. According to Hirsch and Gordon, the quality press focuses on those issues which interest and reflect its middle and upper class readership. BNC

2. To return to the main point, the debate over academic freedom, whether in the columns of the quality press, or in academic conferences, or in the academic literature on academic freedom itself, is conducted by reference to the felt interests of the full members of the academic community. BNC

3. And that success led to television programmes about advertising, pages in the quality press about the media world, and, of course, the image that it is all Porsches, champagne and fun. BNC


radio play

- rozhlasová hra

1. The BBC is encouraging the fashion by offering an annual prize for the best Gaelic radio play. BNC

2. After starring in another radio play, Children of the Archbishop, Crawford arrived, with chaperon, in Coventry. BNC

3. For example, one might listen to a radio play while cooking, send a sonnet to a lover, or answer an exam question on the play or poem at A-level. BNC

raise issues of

- vyvolat diskuzi týkající se (něčeho)

1. Student action on the campus, on the other hand, does raise issues of academic freedom, and in a double sense. BNC

2. Given that cases involving the exercise of public functions might also raise issues of private law, it should be made clear that the court hearing an application under public law procedure is to decide all issues raised by the case, whether of public law or private law. BNC  

3. This will raise issues of interpretation of the disputes clause and an investigation of the type of dispute, which, unless some other provision is made in the contract, can be resolved only by the court if it has jurisdiction, or by arbitrators or a supervisory arbitral body, or possibly not at all.

read between the lines

- číst mezi řádky

1. There were 850 complaints about computer and software advertising in 1992, so it pays to be able to read between the lines of an advert. BNC

2. Harriet, being no fool, read between the lines and knew that Sidney had been got at by his stronger-minded and cynical other half. BNC

3. You will use your powers of anticipation and imagination to read between the lines, to understand message and meaning. BNC

read the news

- hlásit, číst zprávy

1. And three of our aircraft have failed to return; the man who read the news would intone on the midday bulletin. BNC

2. In the end, I expect they'll make her read the news. BNC

3. And when the Orcadian came to Stronsay, the paper, the a man used to read he used to get the Orcadian and read the news on the pier. BNC

regular cinemagoer

- pravidelný filmový návštěvník

1. I had been a regular cinemagoer and had a fondness for horror and science fiction. WebC

2. Most books on film and television assume that the reader is a regular cinemagoer or television viewer. WebC

3. If you are a regular cinemagoer, you'll probably guess the twist. WebC

reject an allegation

- odmítnout obvinění

1. The People's Party reacted by rejecting the allegations, and accused Ruml of violating the election law ban on campaigning within the 48 hours before polling began. BNC

2. The Indian government rejected the allegations, but as the USA was India's principal trading partner, any sanctions had the potential to cause serious damage to imports of vital items and exports of high-value foreign exchange earners. BNC

3. Borders Regional Council's education committee chairman, Riddle Dumble, denied there was a hit-list of schools and rejected allegations that each review process was a foregone conclusion. BNC

relay via a satellite

- přenášet družicí

1. Today, technology allows automated intercept from such locations with immediate relay via satellite to a comfortable stateside location where well paid civilian technicians can browse through the traffic and process the worthwhile stuff at their leisure. WebC

2. When I made this recording there was no delay between the original on 1,458 kHz and this relay, which in my opinion excludes a relay via satellite to Germany. WebC

3. This ‘BDA glider’ could then observe the resulting impact and relay via satellite whether the strike was, in fact, successful. WebC

reliable source

- spolehlivý pramen

1. Incidentally I got that information on the third law from a very reliable source. BNC

2. The Food Magazine has achieved a great deal in a very short time, and the national press regards it as a reliable source of information. BNC

3. One very reliable source recalled another John Birch who had indeed been sent to prison for the offence mentioned above, and my informant suspects that this is where the confusion initially stemmed from. BNC

reliance on st

- spoléhání na něco

1. Such a reliance on free capital enterprise is foreign to the present British scene; but it could be suggested that without it, any community development is likely to fail. BNC

2. It's based on a kind of cowardice, a lack of reliance on your own judgement if it suceeded before it'll succeed again, it's just a money making machine and shows no literary thought by the publishers. BNC

3. His concern about the organization of the militia was timely, but his intended reliance on the longbow was hardly forward-looking. BNC

remain anonymous

- zůstat v anonymitě

1. His solicitor Duncan Mcnabb believes the accuser should remain anonymous but the accused should only be named if found guilty. BNC

2. Their story was first revealed in The Northern Echo earlier this year, but at the time the couple wanted to remain anonymous. BNC

3. Their owner, a collector from Rossett who wishes to remain anonymous, said it was time to let his collection go. BNC

remote control

- dálkové ovládání, dálkové řízení

1. This is what most owners say when confronted by cherished furnishings, door frames or personal items, such as books or the remote control for the TV, that have been torn to shreds by beloved Rover in their absence, or nearly as distressing the evidence of his lack of toilet control. BNC

2. The device in the attaché case would be activated by remote control from inside the limousine. BNC

3. Youmust use the video remote control that goes with the video. BNC

remove the make-up

- odlíčit

1. They ask Bina how to remove the make-up, how to cleanse and moisturize. WebC

2. After a busy day day one needs first to remove the make-up. WebC

3. It took just as long to remove the make-up, as it did to apply it. WebC

request program(me)

- pořad na prání diváků/posluchačů




restrictions on st

- omezení něčeho

1. In the US, buyers will have to hold back for 90 days after the issue because of Securities Exchange Commission restrictions on overseas dealings. BNC

2. There were still restrictions on foreign travel, he said, for people who held valuable information. BNC

3. Syria announced on April 27 that it had ended restrictions on foreign travel for the country's 4,500-strong Jewish community. BNC

reveal the identity

- odhalit totožnost

1. When he first refers to the approach made to Gundovald in Constantinople he does not reveal the identity of the man involved. BNC

2. The Newcastle boss had hoped to be able to reveal the identity of the player yesterday before the move hit a hitch. BNC

3. With the film's release, the same gay groups have been picketing cinemas in the US, accusing Hollywood of promoting negative gay stereotypes, and confronting prospective filmgoers with placards on which they reveal the identity of the murderer. BNC

rough copy

- koncept, rukopis psaný na nečisto

1. The students should always have a rough copy that has been checked by the teacher. WebC

2. Do a rough copy first if you need to. BNC

3. Proofread your rough copy for commonly made errors. WebC


- stručný přehled

1. BBC Northern Ireland's 'Inside Ulster' will include a daily Festival round-up. BNC

2. First with a round-up of the day's local news, here's Paul Kirby. BNC

3. Our monthly round-up of economic forecasts is now based on the averages of 170 seers polled by Consensus Economics, up from 150 in the past; it also, for the first time, looks at prospects for 1992. BNC

running commentary on a match

- přímá reportáž z utkání

1. He gives a running commentary on the match but also gives a players history where he thinks it will help the reader to understand to a fuller extent what is happening in the play. Wasps

2. Radio will broadcast a running commentary on the match from 9.35 a.m. Wasps

3. John Kabira provides running commentary on the match and the likenesses of players such as Beckham and Rivaldo are detailed. BNC


safety rules

- bezpečnostní předpisy

1. Visiting staff must use an observation area, if available; if not, they must conform to local safety rules, including the use of protective clothing. BNC

2. Most could be prevented by following simple safety rules or taking simple precautions. BNC

3. MEB has very stringent safety rules for its staff and customers will be concerned that it doesn't happen again. BNC

scathing criticism

- sžíravá/břitká kritika

1. Britain's largest compact disc maker is insisting it WON'T be cutting prices, despite scathing criticism in a report by MPs. BNC

2. Instead, the only thing it is hoped the VAT receipts will help insulate is the Chancellor of the Exchequer himself, from further scathing criticism of his massive borrowings. BNC

3. Nevertheless, 31 Democrats voted against and some, notably Daniel P. Moynihan (New York) and Bill Bradley (New Jersey), voiced scathing criticism. BNC

schedule for

- zařadit na

1. This year the FA Cup final is scheduled for May 9 - only three days after the planned replay date. Wasps

2. A general election on a multiparty basis has been scheduled for October 1992. Wasps

3. The casting was completed by May and rehearsals were scheduled for July. Wasps

sell like hot cakes

- jít na dračku

1. Newsagents, from whom the majority of you buy your magazines, tell me that issues of GH have been selling like hot cakes over the Christmas period. BNC

2. T-shirts and posters are selling like hot cakes, and books, stickers, videos and even a monthly magazine are on the way. BNC

3. Cards depicting Santa in horribly compromising positions are selling like hot cakes. BNC

send a reporter

- vysílat repotéra

1. When you send a reporter to a festival, why don't you send one who knows a little about it? BNC

2. Note to editors: You are cordially invited to send a reporter and photographer/camera crew to the Dean Centre, Belford Road, Edinburgh at 11.30 am on Tuesday, July 20. B|NC

3. CBS will rely on its Dallas bureau, and ABC was planning to send a reporter to the scene. WebC

sensitive issues

- citlivá témata

1. Secondly, a press which probed deeply and reported news that the Government wanted left unreported; for example, defence matters or other highly sensitive issues, would equally not be tolerated. BNC

2. It was a system that was widely criticised for making heavy demands on officials, raising sensitive issues and increasing the level of conflict. BNC

3. It was a system that was widely criticised for making heavy demands on officials, raising sensitive issues and increasing the level of conflict. BNC

sequence of shots

- sled záběrů

1. It becomes possible to envisage a sequence of shots in which real pieces of connected action are linked together by shots which are included to fill in the continuity gaps. WebC

2. Hence, a sequence of shots might be: mother and toddler together on sands, toddler crawls out of picture leaving mother watching to see where it goes cut. BNC

3. Maintain consistent lighting for sequences of shots. BNC

set to music

- zhudebnit

1. This libretto is based on the revised version published in 1961 but there were many phrases which had been altered when set to music, and the final text has been preferred here. BNC

2. Not all poems are sufficiently lyrical, and they may be overburdened with wordy information: This kind poetry is far too prolix to be successfully set to music. BNC

3. Beethoven, among others, could not comprehend how Mozart could have stooped so low as to set to music such an apparently frivolous text, dealing with the fickleness of women; and the prudish moral climate of the later 19th century made sure that Così was conveniently ignored as a little aberration. BNC

sign on

- smluvně zavázat, angažovat

1. The Canadian actor who began his career as a radio DJ was signed on a three-year contract by Taunton. BNC

2. The striker joins recent recruits Paul Lemon and Michael Smith and all three have been signed on short-term contracts. BNC

3. All I know is that we've signed him on a playing contract for four years and we're delighted to have him back. BNC

signature tune

- znělka (pořadu n. stanice)

1. On Saturday evenings, he'd fold open the newspaper at the fixture list and sing the refrain to the signature tune of Sports Report. BNC

2. Even the distinctive signature tune has been re-recorded to provide a more modern feel. BNC

3. She sensed rather than heard the collective sigh of relief that went up as her acceptance rang round the studio just a moment before the signature tune flowed through the headphones, signalling the end of the programme. BNC

skim the dailies

- zběžně prohlédnout, přelétnout denní tisk

1. As for Iraq, I only skim the dailies to chart the progress of milquetoast Hans Blix, the inflated battles between the administration's hawks and doves-as if 100 percent unity on how to protect the nation is desired-and the inane anti-American comments of Kofi Annan.

2. Journalism is addictive. I skim the dailies on the Internet after I check my email at about 6 am. WebC

3. If an outsider with a knowledge of Gujarati were to stray into Surat and skim the local dailies, he'd probably be left wondering if the city had more than one municipal commissioner. BNC

skim the headlines

- prolétnout (zběžně prohlédnout) titulky

1. When you are reading the daily newspaper, there is just so much to read that you skim the headlines of each article and only read the ones that have an interesting headline. BNC

2. I quickly skim the headlines of the front page. WebC

3. Have your child skim the headlines to find each of the letters in his or her first name. WebC

slip of the pen

- přepsání, chybička při psaní

1. Two possible causes for the error here; one, a simple omission, a slip of the pen, perhaps, because the writer paused in the middle of the word. BNC

2. There is sometimes more than one reason for an error, though: always find out if an error is a real mistake that needs your attention, or simply a slip of the pen that the writer would correct on re-reading. BNC

3. But it seems likely that this is a slip of the pen and that he means the Muftilik inasmuch as he says that Molla Fenari went on the pilgrimage in 822/1419 before he became Mufti, an appointment he has not otherwise mentioned. BNC

slip of the tongue

- přeřeknutí

1. To seasoned Bush watchers, a slip of the tongue is nothing new but the US president's mistake in Japan sent a shiver through jittery markets. WebC

2. Questioned by government lawyer Jonathan Sumption, Gilligan admitted a slip of the tongue. WebC

3. It was the kind of slip of the tongue that does happen often during live broadcasts. WebC

solicit information

- snažit se získat informace

1. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) must approve all NCI requests to collect or solicit information/>, in any format, from the public. WebC

2. Field programs should develop and implement Aactive@ intake systems  which will enable program staff to solicit information/> from clients on a broad range of probléme. WebC

3. School Representatives will solicit information/> that may go directly to the school newsletters, the Essex Reporter, or the Burlington Free Press in the form of press releases. WebC

song contest

- písničková soutěž

1. Najma's family tried to talk her out of a singing career as not quite suitable for a good Muslim girl, but she persevered and in 1984 won Britain's Asian song contest on her first public appearance. BNC

2. Despite being a launchpad for bands like Sweden's Abba and producing a string of hits the Eurovision Song Contest has been panned by fans in recent years. BNC

3. On his return from the song contest his father died, and David's mother remembers how David rushed back in time to show his father the trophy he had won. BNC

sound quality

- jakost zvuku

1. The TV rental companies will try to bypass public and trade distrust of MAC and Marcopolo by offering viewers a rental package for the simulcast service, with the bonus of improved picture and sound quality. BNC

2. The benefits of such radio systems are obvious: no leads to trip over or become entangled in, hi-fi sound quality, far greater range, mobility etc. BNC

3. One of the big pluses for Video 8 is the high sound quality from the hi-fi FM recording system it uses. BNC

sound reasonable

- znít rozumně

1. I tried to explain why it was that I went into the bushes, tried to make it sound reasonable. BNC

2. Suggest that you be allowed to search some parts of your local parks from the end of September to the end of April once or twice per month; this should sound reasonable enough to your councillor and, hopefully, your council. BNC

3. Lawrence said hesitantly, with almost exaggerated care to sound reasonable and calm: But why? BNC

speak off the cuff

- hovořit spatra, bez přípravy

1. Lahoud was forced to speak off the cuff at the session because Assad did not give him back his speech in time for his address. WebC

2. Your ability to speak off the cuff is a critical component for effective communication. WebC

3. At Toastmasters, Impromptu Speaking is the ability to speak off the cuff, without preparation and without notes. WebC

special correspondent

- zvláštní zpravodaj

1. Please could I ask you to adopt full press credentials as special correspondent for `Rural Wales / Cymru Wledig' during the Earth Summit? BNC

2. One notable feature to emerge from these reports is the loss of faith, at least among younger academics, in what the TLS Special Correspondent calls the old "mystical" attitude, an insistence on the special power of English to exert a civilizing influence. BNC

3. As the newspaper's special correspondent with Franco and his troops, Philby had a watertight cover for his clandestine operations. BNC

special effects

- zvláštní efekty

1. The latter has the respect of the world including Hollywood, especially when it comes to creating films with special effects. BNC

2. There are some impressive special effects and it's a great story. BNC

3. Largely due to Michael Crawford's pertinacity in setting up his stunts and special effects, the slapstick is almost invariably funny. BNC

speed up

- zrychlit, urychlit

1. They speed up the circulation of material goods through advertising, which reduces the time between production and consumption. BNC

2. As part of this strategy, senior managers are using FDC to improve and speed up the production of monthly reports. BNC

3. So impressed was the forward-thinking Murray with the two games against Leeds that he wants to speed up the introduction of a British Cup. BNC

speling checker

- funkce na opravu pravopisu, která bývá často implementována do textových editorů

1. Given an input file of text, the task of a spelling checker is to identify those words which are incorrect, but first it must perform some document normalisation. BNC

2. You can also use the spelling checker to identify and correct deliberate spelling mistakes made to speed text entry. BNC

3. The program also features a Notepad with a spelling checker, so that more detailed information can be attached to the branches, and accessed when necessary. BNC

spine-chilling movie

- děsivý film

1. So, if 'The Ring' is you idea of a weird, freaky, spine-chilling movie, you just have to see this wicked movie right now! WebC

2. We prove him wrong as he reveals his thoughts on his career and his new spooky spine-chilling movie. WebC

3. Hindi film industry Bollywood's newest spine-chilling movie SHHH..., presently in progress, is sure to watch out for! WebC

sports report

- sportovní reportáž

1. Nowadays the public attitude is much more likely to be: I must be in the house at 10.30 to watch Sports Report or whatever. BNC

2. You probably succeeded in realizing that this is an extract from a sports report designed to inform people familiar with the sport about the progress of a match, and that the whereabouts of sender and receiver are not of particular importance. BNC

3. Just heard on the Radio 5 sports report that Wilko has denied a rumour that Sheff. BNC

stage fright

- tréma

1. This does not disturb her self-confidence; a good teacher, like a good actress, should not be immune from stage fright. BNC

2. The match was definitely more deserving of rotten apples than curtain calls, played between the ring-rusty old trouper and a minor player overcome by stage fright. BNC

3. When you get light and trembling with that special kind of stage fright, you can't trust your fingers to do what they're told. BNC

star performer

- hlavní představitel(ka)

1. She watched him stroll away down the corridor as if he hadn't a care in the world, knowing full well he was putting the act on for her benefit, and that he must be worrying about the star performer who was also his best friend. BNC

2. Dungannon's star performer yesterday was Ireland U-21 scrum-half Andrew Gallagher, who scored two tries, playing on the wing. BNC

3. Star performer in the brewing division was Tetley bitter, which boosted sales by 8%. BNC


- státní, státem řízený

1. The government in Addis Ababa will say nothing about the situation, and the war is not reported by the state-run media. BNC

2. The Labour Party, under a youthful new leader, Neil Kinnock, elected in October 1983, was significantly hesitant in proclaiming its zeal to renationalize, even in cases such as British Gas where state-run industries had been clearly successful. BNC

3. In 1985 Yndamiro Restano was dismissed from his job as an agricultural correspondent for a state-run radio station after giving interview about his political views to a US journalist. BNC

story line

- dějová osnova, průběh děje

1. You then begin to build up a story line, a structure and something which could be called interesting and could be the start of interesting idea. BNC

2. The Boggart, with its rumbustious family adventure story line, lacks the mystical qualities usually associated with the author's novels, but retains her powerful sense of landscape and place through detailed and loving descriptions of the Scottish setting. BNC

3. Though the novels of the Quartet are linked by common characters and motifs, they cannot be said to have a continuous story line. BNC

subject of criticism

- terč kritiky

1. The UK system of income taxation and income support measures has been the subject of criticism from many quarters for a variety of reasons. BNC

2. The present monarch of Great Britain has recently been the subject of criticism for failure to all make her collection readily available to her subjects. BNC

3. This course of action will avoid the possibility of the interest coming to light at a later stage causing the councillor to be the subject of criticism that his view of the public issue was thereby influenced. BNC

subscribe to st

- předplatit si něco

1. We hope we will continue to deserve your attention and we wish to subscribe to your monthly New Internationalist magazine for a year. BNC

2. For example, ordering goods from a mail order catalogue or subscribing to a magazine both mean that you disclose personal information about yourself. BNC

3. They usually have their own personal computers, they need to subscribe to technical journals and pay for (relatively expensive) training and familiarisation courses in order to update their skills, their work tends to be spread over a wider geographical area and the need for a car is greater. BNC

sue sb for libel

- žalovat koho pro urážku na cti

1. Counsel suggests that if municipal corporations have the right to sue for libel this right would give municipalities the power to suppress legitimate and proper criticism by threats of legal proceedings. BNC

2. It seems never to have been doubted that a corporation created by Royal Charter can sue for libel. BNC

3. One MP was sued for alleged libel in June 1978 over a jibe in the supporters. Wasps

sued for st

- žalován pro něco

1. Film star Whoopi Goldberg is being sued for £130m by another actress who claims she stole the idea for her hit film Sister Act. BNC

2. It is rather as if a burglar, when sued for the recovery of the stolen property or its value, sought contribution from a security guard who, by falling asleep while on duty, had made the burglary possible. BNC

3. An employer not giving an employee proper notice can be sued for damages for wrongful (not unfair) dismissal in the county court. BNC

summarize past events

- podat přehled posledních událostí

1. Several clubs summarize past events on their Web sites. WebC

2. All these stories summarize past events that took place during June. WebC

3. The purpose is to stay in touchand keep you informed of upcoming events and summarize past events for those who were unable to attend. WebC

support good cause

- podporovat dobrou věc

1. IT is apparent from Newsline that staff of the Royal Bank are always quick to support a good cause. BNC

supporting role

- vedlejší úloha/role

1. I first saw him in a supporting role at the Croydon Rep in 1936, where another young actor, seven years his junior, by the name of William Devlin, who dared to tackle King Lear at about the same time. BNC

2. Still, Pauline Collins is genuinely charming, there are some perky one-liners, and if there was an Oscar for Best Crinkly Smile In A Supporting Role, Tom Conti would have it sewn up. BNC

3. During a visit to California in 1938, the well-spoken English child actor was given the supporting role as a Cockney lad in Lord Jeff. BNC


team of authors

- autorský kolektiv

1. It was a great pleasure to meet the team of authors and please thank Susan Parks for giving up so much of her time to devote to going through the manuscripts. BNC

2. Written by a team of authors including Charles, Fürst von Schwarzenberg, one of President Havel's closest advisers since 1990, this book is a thorough pictorial survey of the castle which is not just a palace but a complex containing the Library, the basilica of St George, the cathedral of St Guy, the chapel of St Wenceslas and the National Gallery of Prague. BNC

3. Macdonell's description of a village cricket match against a team of authors, most of them recognizable characters in Squire's own team, 'The Invalids', became required reading. BNC

tear jerker

- doják

1. Miss Yonge, author of the famous tear jerker, The Heir of Redclyffe was no less devout, but belonged to the High Church party and practised greater moderation. BNC

2. Yesterday's episode was a a bit of a tear jerker, with how everyone was reacting to Kassy getting killed. WebC

3. Message in a Bottle is a real tear jerker. WebC

technical fault

- technická porucha

1. The government attributed the crash to a technical fault, but foreign diplomats speculate that the helicopter was shot down by a Blowpipe. BNC

2. Susan and Barbara fear some alien intelligence has invaded the ship; Ian is more practical and is convinced there is simply a technical fault. BNC

3. The two had battled it out in the scoring and until the final vote from the Maltese jury, filing later than scheduled because of a technical fault, either could have won. BNC

television addict/maniac

- posedlý televizí/televizní maniak

1. A bundle of light fibres, which together forms a cable smaller in diameter than a coaxial wire, can carry several hundred TV channels; more than even the most hardened television addict will ever require. BNC

2. If children regularly say, I am bored or show an inability to amuse themselves, then they are television addicts and the only cure is to pull the plug on the TV for a significant period of time. WebC

3. A television addict sat dimly in front of the television screen. WebC

television licence

- tv koncese

1. Of course, buying a television means you will need a television licence as well. BNC

2. I've never yet met a claimant who could afford a television licence. BNC

3. A BBC-approved Teletext circuit board which can be supplied by GL Software if the customer prefers; a television aerial and colour television licence are also needed. BNC

tell lies

- říkat nepravdy, lži

1. On the second day of the trail the trial rather the prosecution said that in interviews with the police the pair had demonstrated a fluent capacity to tell lies. BNC

2. Fabia blenched, caught out, hating having to tell lies but, having started on a path of misleading her parent, forced to go on.

3. In Bennett v. Bale the defendant had invited a person to tell lies to disguise what he believed had been the commission of a licensing offence. BNC

The news is biased.

- Zprávy jsou zkreslené.

1. Different people, same complaint: the news is biased. WebC

2. Topics of the Day: Is the news media biased? WebC

3. I am so sick and tired of hearing from my left-leaning friends about how Fox News is so biased, and a joke, and all that crap. WebC

the point at issue

- diskutovaná záležitost, probíraná věc

1. You may need to remind the Chair of the length of the agenda or the point at issue if a speaker is not keeping to the matter at issue. BNC

2. If it strikes you this way, let me remind you that Peter's particular values are not the point at issue, and invite you to sit down quietly and compose your own, very different equivalent. BNC

3. In the 1930s and 1940s, question time was largely dominated by backbenchers, and those concerned with the point at issue were left to press their interrogation or were supported by others with a similar grievance. BNC

tighten up

- sestřihat; zkrátit střihem

1. The FA's commercial director Trevor Phillips said: 'I am looking to end this deal with Watershed, tighten up the release of film, which will help prevent such ad hoc videos being made.' BNC

2. The purpose of the questionnaire will help us to tighten up the wording. BNC

3. This problem is common with fine lines when you tie any type of knot which entails pulling the line above the hook to tighten up the knot. BNC

time signal

- časové znamení

radio station which reports the city's traffic jams locked below. BNC

3. Standard frequency stations transmit pratically continuously standard time intervals, standard radio frequences, time announcements time signal and radio propagation forecasts. WebC

touch up

- opravit, upravit, zpracovat

1. When Betty Marsden positioned herself in front of the microphone, that was the moment he chose to touch up her bottom. BNC

2. Someone suggested she touch up her lipstick, but make-up only made her look more than ever like the Spitting Image puppet of Bette Midler. BNC

3. It is not primarily intended as a program in which to create bitmaps, but rather to touch up and enhance images acquired from other sources, which includes a quite powerful scanning facility. BNC

touching story

- dojímavý příběh

1. Marcos fairy tale A touching story has reached me from the Manila Times of how Ferdinand Marcos had planned to bequeath more than £2.5bn in gold to his beloved people, but fell ill before he could sign the will. BNC

2. That's a very touching story, but it'll take a little more than that to convince me that you weren't heading for the exit. BNC



- bezporuchový, bezproblémový

1. At least London's Notting Hill Carnival got off to a trouble-free start. BNC

2. British Rail tell us that the 6.30 Aylesbury to Marylebone train service has been cancelled this evening, while the buses continue to operate a trouble-free service. BNC

3. Butyl is the best liner to work with because it's more flexible, and you can expect many trouble-free years from it provided you don't assume it's immune to damage. BNC

tune in (to a station)

- naladit (stanici)

1. Tune in to Richard Jackson on Radio 5's Morning Edition every Saturday at 8.45am. BNC

2. Around 12 million more will tune in to watch or listen to the Boat Race. BNC

3. Thousands turn up for parties every weekend and tune in to the national radio show he does with Djaimin. BNC

Turn it down.

- Ztlum to. Zeslab to.

1. Turn it down a bit I'm expecting a phone call in a minute. BNC

2. I said turn it down, you'll upset Tom and Jackie. BNC

3. Turn it Down, Please. I like Zuni, but where is the loud music coming from? BNC

Turn it up

- Zesil to. Pusť to hlasitěji.

1. Oh Clare turn it up will you, please? BNC

2. Turn it up a little bit more. BNC

3. Just turn it up and play. BNC


unbiased and frank

- nepředpojatý/nezkreslený a otevřený

1. Our contributors are unbiased and frank in providing you with trading and investment ideas you need to service your clients. WebC

2. LightPharma is committed to providing unbiased and frank analysis of the trends in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry and routinely monitors industry trends within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry at both an overall industry and individual company level. WebC

3. In return you will gain an unbiased and frank assessment of the business with, if appropriate, constructive criticism of an objective nature. WebC

unconvincing argument

- nepřesvědčivý argument

1. Kanfer's assertion that words are, in the end, worth more than the 'legitimate'; social grievances of feminists is, to say the least, a weak and unconvincing argument. BNC

2. The 1966 official report into his subsequent escape has some incredibly tedious and unconvincing arguments as to why Blake was not moved to a high, or at least a higher, security prison such as Birmingham. BNC

3. In an unconvincing argument, the conclusion does not follow from the premises. WebC


volume control

- (knoflík) nastavení hlasitosti

1. Each had a volume control, a three position selector switch (nearest the knobs), and that's it as far as any familiarity to your average Gibson-user goes. BNC

2. As a result, one must resist the temptation to raise the volume control at the beginning, where Paris begins very quietly before climbing to full volume. BNC

3. Adjustments should be made to the Walkman volume control and to VR1 on the transmitter unit to provide the clearest results. BNC


wide range of offerings

- široká nabídka

1. During the year, GTI added surface mount products for the mobile communications market as well as ISDN devices to its wide range of offerings, and opened a third manufacturing facility in China. BNC

2. Photography Done Digital offers a wide range of flexible services and packaged offerings that can meet any budget. WebC

3. Leading the PC industry with a wide range of offerings, Gateway's new digital video solutions provide a best-in-class offering for amateur home movie creators, enthusiasts and professional video creators and editors. WebC

widely read

- hojně čtený, rozšířený

1. Local newspapers are widely read and relatively cheap to advertise in. BNC

2. Editorial comment will be widely read and taken seriously, whilst favourable or unfavourable references to supplier companies tend to be spotted and remembered in the trade. WebC

3. Navy News is widely read both inside and outside the service and achieved a circulation of 100,000 in the mid-1980s. BNC

with never a dull moment

- ani s jedním nudným místem

1. The show which lasted three days, was full of action, with never a dull moment, as there was always things to see or do. WebC

2. Thundering hordes, psychological wrecks, cowering heroes, overpowering heroines – all will play their parts in this evening with never a dull moment. WebC

3. Eric Saward again showed that he can take all the best bits from the golden oldies and blend them with great skill into a serious piece of drama with never a dull moment and never a lapse in the dialogue. WebC

withdraw a film

- stáhnout film

1. You could, with proper legal authority, actually withdraw a film from distribution, if proper royalties for use of your underlying copyright are not paid. WebC

2. The participants agrees not to withdraw a film accepted for screening after one month prior to the commencement of Festival. WebC

3. Producer has a right to withdraw a film from Competitive Section of the Festival in case he does not agree to have changes in film or subtitles. WebC

withold information from sb

- zatajit informace před někým

1. In Wales Rhodri Morgan, the first minister, published a consultation document on the freedom of information code, announcing that in Wales government departments would have to prove "substantial prejudice" if they wanted to withold information from the public. WebC

2. The new Homeland Security Act contains huge exceptions to the Freedom of Information Act, allowing the government to withold information from the public as long as the information has to do with "criticial infrastructure information. BNC

3. This program, commonly referred to as a "Big Brother," is headed up by John Poindexter, the former Reagan-era National Security Advisor (he was the official who famously said that it was his duty to withold information from Congress). WebC

word for word

- slovo od slova

1. Many researchers are surprised and delighted at their ability to remember conversations almost word for word. BNC

2. Read out aloud, it seemed to bear out word for word what Alfred Wells had recalled on oath in court. BNC

3. Then the comrade had repeated, word for word, what he had just said. BNC

world service

- brit. vysílání pro zahraničí

1. The government has already promised extra cash to pay for longer transmissions for the BBC's World Service in Arabic and Persian. BNC

2. Today most of the hilltop is covered by the forest of aerials which is the BBC transmitting station for the World Service. BNC

3. We could pick up the World Service, Voice of America (VOA) and a number of local stations which broadcast in English and French. BNC

wrap it up

- skončit, zabalit to

1. Right, okay, I think we'll wrap it up there, thanks very much. BNC

2. We'll wrap it up tomorrow, together. BNC

3. I thought you wanted to wrap it up quickly. BNC


yearly subscription

- (celo)roční předplatné

1. I happily pay my yearly subscription just to read Roger Angell's occasional essays on baseball. BNC

2. Each issue of the magazine costs £1 or £12 yearly subscription. BNC

3. I too believe that the subscriptions are not in keeping with today's prices and am prepared to double my yearly subscription from £6 to £12. BNC