úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.41
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

road tax

silniční poplatek

1. Road tax is a government levy on every vehicle, which is payable in advance for a 6 or 12-month period. ... Every vehicle kept or used on a public road legally requires road tax, vehicle insurance and for vehicles over 3 years ... (WebCorp)

2. The new road tax rules mean that the keeper named on a Vehicle Registration Certificate - also known as a logbook - is legally responsible for taxing a vehicle until DVLA has been notified that it is off the road or has been sold, transferred, scrapped or exported.

3.Analysis carried out by Friends of the Earth shows people who buy gas-guzzling sports and luxury cars pay the same road tax as owners of medium-sized family saloons, despite producing vastly greater emissions of carbon dioxide, the main pollutant causing
  global warming.(WebCorp)


sales director

vedoucí odbytu

1. The new betting shop in Albert Road was officially opened by Richard Carter , sales director of Ladbroke Racing .(WASPS)

2. Prior to that he had many years ' experience in the trade , as group sales director of Associated Book Publishers and as group marketing director until 1989 of Random House UK . (WASPS)

3. On the subject of the second sales team , which will consist of five freelance representatives , Airlift sales director Stuart Binns explained that the aim was to ensure that the company gave a - high profile to all our new titles and publishers - .(WASPS)

satellite communication

komunikace pomocí satelitu

The headquarters of the United States European Command (EUCOM), near Stuttgart, has a direct link with the USAF's own satellite communication network (AFSAT). (BNCI)

As military satellite communication systems improve, they continue to provide information superiority to the U.S. military. (BNCI)

The current market development in the area of satellite communication and navigation is heading for broadband communication in combination with the exploitation of satellite based positioning information.(BNCI)

sexual harassment

sexuální obtěžování

Victims of sexual harassment often find themselves harassed by persons who have some power over them. (Google)

Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination based on a person's gender. (Google)

One of the most prevalent forms of harassment is sexual harassment. (Google)

shadow cabinet

stínová vláda

He called the shadow cabinet together rarely and restricted its membership, but this did not remove the obligation to take advice. (BNCI)

The leading Opposition party organizes a `;shadow cabinet'; to provide for a considered and specialized response to the activities of the government. (BNCI)

The Parliamentary Labour Party has agreed to enhance the chances of women getting onto the Shadow Cabinet in the next elections in November. (BNCI)

small business

drobné podnikání

It happens in big business, in local government, even in a small business like a travel agency. (BNCI)

 Aimed at those who wish to start up and run their own small business or develop a recently started business. (BNCI)

But he is already top salesman in his company and dreams of being able to give it all up to start his own small business. (BNCI)

solar power

sluneční energie

Next month we start a short series about renewable energy; In part one we shall take an overview of the topic and look in some detail at the direct use of solar power.(BNCI)

Alternative energy sources like wind and solar power will receive substantial support for research and development. (BNCI)

Barnier also expressed confidence in the future of renewable energy sources, especially solar power. (BNCI)

solar radiation

sluneční záření

Indeed, infra-red light is chiefly responsible for the general warming effect of solar radiation. (BNCI)

But because ultraviolet radiation is a constant feature of solar radiation, the ozone layer is maintained. (BNCI)

Franklin's experiments on the absorption of solar radiation by bodies of different colours were characteristically practical and thorough. (BNCI)

solar system

sluneční soustava

He went further and tied the distances between the sites in with the known distances between planets in the solar system. (BNCI)

I never saw what was so great about being at the centre of the Solar System, or the centre of the Galaxy, or even the centre of the Universe. (BNCI)

In fact we now know that Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn have more satellites than was once detectable from Earth-bound telescopes, and some of the moons in the solar system are bigger than planets. (BNCI)

space exploration

zkoumání vesmíru

When, however, the Americans won the competition with the `;giant step for mankind'; in 1969, the peaceful application of space exploration took second place to the development of spy satellites and military innovations.(BNCI)

In the U.S.A., a new rocket for space exploration, called `;Little Joe'; was launched in May 1964, and it became the first in a series under the name of `;Apollo';. (BNCI)

The Soviet Union and China, Gorbachev observed, had the same priority --; to accelerate social and economic development; and he suggested specific forms of cooperation in cross-border trade, railways and space exploration. (BNCI)

space vehicle

kosmická loď, raketa

space vehicle - a craft capable of traveling in outer space; technically, a satellite around the sun(Google)

The Baikonur space vehicles and missiles launch site is a complicated engineering and technical complex. It is a unique and the biggest facility in the world. (Google)

During free flight the space vehicle is assumed to be subjected only to the gravitational pull of the earth. (Google)

standing order

trvalý příkaz (v bance)

Remember -Special Friend Membership is only payable by standing order!(WebCorp)

If you would like to place a standing order, download this order form (in Word 97 format). You can then complete the form and e-mail to us, or print the form and mail it to us.(WebCorp)

I hereby authorise you to set-up this standing order payment on my account.(WebCorp)

stock control

inventura, kontrola skladu

There were, in spite of that, some quite complex applications, such as monitoring and scheduling the progress of orders and jobs, warehouse and stock control and networking. (BNCI)

There is only a small amount of centralised buying; each department is responsible for its own buying and stock control.(BNCI)

In this presentation, Jeremy Rivers reviews the traditional use of computers in enterprises where they have tended to be used for large weekly or monthly batched jobs, such as stock control, invoicing or payroll.(BNCI)

straw vote

neoficiální, zkušební hlasování

The Bush campaign is working behind the scenes to eliminate all pre-election year straw votes around the country... exactly the kind of straw votes that gave us our early victories and momentum in 1996. (Google)

Plans for a straw vote at Florida's Democratic convention appeared to be falling apart Friday as the leadership worked on a compromise involving all nine of the party's presidential candidates.(Google)

The straw vote stirred many members of the Working Party into action. Please refer to the Web page for submissions that came in with the vote.(Google)

subsidiary company

podpůrná, dceřiná společnost, filiálka

1. The broad effect of this arrangement is to relocate ACT in the subsidiary company, which can then be carried back. (BNCI)

2. In law, the subsidiary company is a distinct entity, regardless of the control exercised over it, and it will be doing its own business not that of its parent. (BNCI)

3. The subsidiary company is not allowed to acquire shares in the holding company and no person may be a member of the board of directors of both companies. (BNCI)