úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.40
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

supersonic aircraft

nadzvukové letadlo, letoun

 It is a paradox of modern-day business that, with time-saving devices such as desk-top computers, satellite telecommunications, electronic mail and supersonic aircraft, many managers find even less time to devote to essential profit-making activities --; such as thinking and listening to people. (BNCI)

In 1975 it was believed that a large fleet of supersonic aircraft flying at altitudes up to 25 km would have a `;noticeable effect'; on the ozone layer (World Health Organization, 1976b). (BNCI)

Barbara (39) from West Sussex flew BA's London-to-New York Concorde following six months intensive training on the supersonic aircraft. (BNCI)

suspended sentence

podmíněný rozsudek

Mr Gibbs was given a 12-month suspended sentence. (BNCI)

He spent a Christmas behind bars after being found with cocaine, got a three-month jail sentence for breaking a probation order and a two-year suspended sentence for possessing cocaine.(BNCI)

 Unlike the fully suspended sentence which had become popular, in some ways too popular with the initial enthusiasm of the courts having to be reined in by the Court of Appeal, the partly suspended sentence never caught on.(BNCI)


takeover bid

nabídka na převzetí firmy (odkoupení většiny akcií)

1. The company made a takeover bid for a rival firm.(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

2. Steve Morgan has launched a formal takeover bid for Liverpool, according to BBC Radio Merseyside.The multi-millionaire building magnate has been a vocal critic of Liverpool's chairman and majority shareholder David Moores.(WebCorp)

3. Internet search leader Google has rejected a takeover bid from Microsoft in favour of selling its shares directly to the public, The New York Times has reported.(WebCorp)

tax evasion

daňový únik

1. I have no quarrel with the fact that CA govts face difficult problems, and
am not here arguing that transnational tax evasion is more important (or
more repugnant) than your examples.(WebCorp)

2. Mrs Leona Helmsley, 71, the hotel entrepreneur known as Queen Meanie, is to be jailed today, the deadline for Americans to file their tax returns, after a judge refused to set aside her four-year sentence for tax evasion. (BNCI)

3. Tax avoidance is legal; tax evasion is illegal --; involving concealment in one form or another, and therefore fraud. (BNCI)

tax return

daňové přiznání

1. She will be taxed independently of her husband, allowed to complete her own tax return and pay her own tax.(BNCI)

2. When you fill in a tax return you will have to declare all sources of income and the Inland Revenue will ignore them or deduct tax as necessary. (BNCI)

3. She will then be sent a tax return on which to enter details of her income. (BNCI)

test-tube babies

děti ze zkumavky

 Test Tube Babies -in 1983, an Australian team led by Carl Wood invented a way to fertilize and grow human embryos in glass tubes and then freeze and store them (IVF). The embryos could then be thawed out and implanted into the womb up to ten years later.(Google)

 Of course, with all these test-tube babies now, and all the modern technology --; it reminds her, makes her feel a bit envious. (BNCI)

And it must be painful for you, even now, when all the papers and magazines are full of stories about test-tube babies and IVF and surrogate mothers and such.'; (BNCI)

the influx of immigrants

příliv, nával emigrantů

1. At the same time , we have seen ugly outbreaks of racism , fuelled by fears of an uncontrolled influx of immigrants from Eastern Europe. (WASPS)

2. Academic results have been plummeting over the past decade , thanks largely to the expansion of the underclass and the influx of non-English-speaking immigrants.(WASPS)

3. Although the 1992 reforms are intended to create a single market for labour, as well as goods and services, both the French and West German delegations expressed doubts about the need to control an influx of immigrants. (BNCI)

the man/woman/person in the street

obyčejní lidé/ člověk

Do the plans for celebrating the millennium take into account the views of the man in the street? (thefreedictionary.com)

I admit that a typical person in the street would probably never want to read this book, but many people who would be put off by the title would find it incredible. (Google)

Again for balance, it should be stressed that the press are only reporting the views of the person in the street. (Google)

to abandon politics

odejít z politiky

Sergey Glaziev decided to abandon politics after his failure at the presidential elections.(WebCorp)

Her decision to abandon politics comes four months before she is due to face magistrates in Brisbane charged with fraudulently registering her party and dishonestly obtaining $250,000 in electoral funding.(WebCorp)

Interned during the war, he returned to active politics with the formation of the Union Movement in early 1948. But public reaction was disappointing and by 1951 he had decided to abandon politics and move to Ireland. (Google)

to accept terms

přijmout podmínky, požadavky

Those that don't accept terms by June 30 risk being declared surplus and laid off. (BNCI)

Russia wants to be treated on accepted terms to join the World Trade Organisation, and does not claim preferential treatment, President Vladimir Putin said to a news conference at an European Union summit. (Google)

If you have read and agreed to the accepted terms please email me a text link briefly describing your site and the URL to link it to.(Google)

to account (to sb) for something

vysvětlit někomu něco

Can you account for your absence last Friday?(Cambridge)

He has to account to his manager for all his movements.(Cambridge)

He told them he was unable to account for the error. (BNCI)

to assert independence

prosazovat nezávislost

The most dramatic symbol of the revolutionary determination to assert  independence of both the East and the West was the hostage crisis between Iran and the United States. (WebCorp)

Unlike the French, who pulled out of NATO's military command in 1966 to assert independence, the Germans hold top positions in NATO and will use their transatlantic experience and contacts to shape Europe's emerging security and defense policy without needlessly or gratuitously alienating Americans.(WebCorp)

That sets up a conflict and a natural desire for a young man or woman to assert
independence. Sometimes this process leads to unwise behavior.(WebCorp)

to be behind bars

za mřížemi

TWO escaped prisoners were back behind bars yesterday after police re-arrested them in an early morning swoop.(BNCI)

Within two weeks gang leader Michael McAvoy and Brian Robinson were behind bars after a suspect cracked. (BNCI)

The fifth decade of the German Democratic Republic had dawned with many hundreds of its citizens behind bars after the brutal suppression of demonstrations throughout the country which continued late into Saturday night. (BNCI)

to be entitled to equal rights

mít nárok na rovnoprávnost

1. The founding fathers made such a compromise by allowing slavery in the new nation when every word in our founding documents shouted out that all people are entitled to equal rights under the law. (WebCorp)

2. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage, and at its dissolution.(WebCorp)

3. That all constitutional government is intended to promote the general welfare of the people; that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and the enjoyment of the gains of their own industry; that all persons are created equal and are entitled to equal rights and opportunity under the law; that to give security to these things is the principal office of government, and that when government does not confer this security, it fails in its chief design.

to be in account with

mít obchodní styky s

You need to open a trading account with our prime Swiss FX dealer who is in account with a major Swiss bank. (Google)

This expense sheet, which was in account with E. B. Whitman, an agent of the committee, lists expenses and supplies sent to aid the free state inhabitants of Kansas. (Google)

Such would be an admission by one who is in account with another that there is a balance due from him. (WebCorp)