úterý, 16. července 2024, 23.49
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

to rule out a possibility

vyloučit možnost

Although they have not ruled out a possibility that another criminal
could be behind the anthrax attacks, investigators are intensely
looking at evidentiary threads linking the letters to the hijackers.(WebCorp)

When asked about his future plans, Ben merely replied, "I have not yet ruled out a possibility of running in the upcoming race for Governor of California."(WebCorp)

Melnikov ruled out a possibility that some other company except “Slavneftebank”, acting on behalf of “Sibneft”, will engage in the bidding, for the deadline for submitting application expired on November 20, 2002. (WebCorp)

to run a business

podnikat, vést podnik

To achieve this, the manager needs a knowledge of the record industry, music publishing, concert promotion, tax and of how to run a business; as well as how to keep the act's family happy. (BNCI)

He has thus learned what qualities are necessary to run a business both under the bureaucratic yoke of government red tape and in the cut and thrust of the world of international competition. (BNCI)

One member commenting on the new profile Taylor can bring to the region says: `;He understands what it means to run a business and what it costs to run a business. (BNCI)

to run a company

vést, řídit společnost

So those two concepts really helped me a lot to run a company. And we will give you face-to-face interface, sales and technical support. (WebCorp)

People who purchase a business often have great job skills but lack the necessary skills to run a company. You must be realistic; nine out of ten times your career will be more rewarding if you conduct a job search instead of purchasing a company.(WebCorp)

Do you have the ability to run a company owned by someone else?(WebCorp)

to save the file

uložit soubor 

If you must save your edits in the original file format, use screen sharing to edit and save the file.(Google)

You also have an option to save the file to your hard drive.(Google)

Now when you want to save the file and click on the save button.(Google)

to scroll down the text

procházet, projíždět text

Each line in the scrolling text field is numbered and as we scroll down the text area the line number is going to increase.(Google)

Click on Home to go to the main start window for the site.If you need to scroll down the text page to read the content, it is convenient to be able to quickly jump back to the beginning. (Google)

Scroll down the text until you see the line.(Google)

to seek refuge

hledat útočiště

Even though travel to Poland, for example, involves considerable difficulties for East Germans, several hundred have been able to seek refuge in the West German embassy in Warsaw. (BNCI)

Sadly, Maastricht represents the third occasion in half a century on which Britain has been given the chance to face its European future and, I regret to say, the third occasion in that time on which we have chosen to seek refuge in the past. (BNCI)

In 1602 legal troubles stemming from his separation and the illness of one of his children caused him to seek refuge in Amsterdam, where he became a successful merchant and innkeeper. (BNCI)

to send in troops

vyslat vojsko

When Britain sent in troops to prevent the Canal being taken over, there was a worldwide outcry, particularly from the U.S.A., who still accused Britain of retaining an Imperialist attitude, The British troops were withdrawn, but the Egyptians had sunk a number of vessels in the Suez Canal, so it became impassable for some while. (BNCI)

 On the same day South Africa sent in troops to restore order and to protect its own interests. (BNCI)

 On Oct. 2 the government had sent in troops to maintain order. (BNCI)

to send somebody around one's business

poslat někoho do háje, aby si šel po svých

Droll divorced his wife and send her about her business.(BNCI)

Yes, and I sent her about her business. It was enough for me to keep them off while she was under my charge.(BNCI)

Boaz had given her a blow and sent her about her business!(BNCI)

to set up a company

založit společnost

In Benin, for example, she says, it was no longer possible to find out what the minimum share capital was needed to set up a company since the amounts were embodied in an old French text, and the present realities had changed.(WebCorp)

Now he has set up a company, Quest Research Group of East Falmouth, Massachusetts, to revive the idea and develop safer filters.(WebCorp)

 The alternative to this is to set up a company, which then acts as the trustee, and directors are appointed to that company who would otherwise be appointed as trustees.(WebCorp)

to set up business

začít podnikat

She plans to set up her own business.(Cambridge Dictionary)

To make a living he worked at Sothebys for two years and then set up business selling Cartier objects and jewelry which involved travelling all around the world.(BNCI)

His father had migrated from Scotland and set up business there.(BNCI)

to shout abuse

vykřikovat urážky, nadávky

When the German officer began to shout abuse at the Poles, this goat leant out of his window and shouted abuse at the German officer. (BNCI)

He constantly screamed and shouted abuse at his parents and had violent temper tantrums when he would indulge in physical aggression, hitting and punching people and furniture, and screaming at the top of his voice until he got his own way. (BNCI)

As the Shah arrived at the White House to be officially welcomed by President Carter, the two groups shouted abuse at each other just beyond police railings. (BNCI)

to slap a ban on

neuváženě uvalit zákaz

Japan slapped a ban on all imported U.S. beef immediately after the U.S. announced the case of mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, late last month.(Google)

That was just before the EU slapped a ban on exports of British meat, milk and livestock after an outbreak of the disease in several parts of Britain.(Google)

A press report says the Punjab police is not planning to slap a ban on the use of cell-phones while driving. (Google)

to stamp out racism

zlikvidovat, odstranit rasismus

Assessors from the local community will help recruit new police officers in a bid by the Metropolitan Police to stamp out racism in the force.(WebCorp)

And finally, we all have a personal duty to stamp out racism in British society. (WebCorp)

He also gave a commitment that the Government will continue its work to build trust and confidence between and within communities and to take whatever means are necessary to stamp out racism and sectarianism. (WebCorp)

to stand in the election

kandidovat ve volbách

The Convention provides the basis for realizing equality between women and men through ensuring women's equal access to, and equal opportunities in, political and public life - including the right to vote and the right to stand in the election - as well as education, health and employment.(WebCorp)

Liberal democrats select Hughes to stand in the election for London's Mayor. (WebCorp)

To underscore his point about Ms Lodhi's performance as Pakistan envoy, Senator Biden said if she were to stand in election in this country (hypothetically) he would vote for her.(WebCorp)

to store nuclear waste

skladovat jaderný odpad

The American plan is that the MRSs would store nuclear waste until a permanent repository is completed early next century. (BNCI)

The US Energy Department needs to find a site to store nuclear waste accumulated over a forty-year period which will remain dangerously radioactive for tens of thousands of years. (BNCI)

The Bush administration proposes to store nuclear waste in a five-mile tunnel carved into the mountain.(BNCI)