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středa, 17. července 2024, 00.38
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

to take into account,take account of

plně si něco uvědomit, vzít v úvahu

I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.(Cambridge)

A good architect takes into account the building's surroundings.(Cambridge)

I think you have to take into account that he's a good deal younger than the rest of us.(Cambridge)

to take somebody hostage

vzít někoho jako rukojmí

It is up to you to decide if you are going to shoot him, take him hostage, or use him as a human shield. (Google)

Could one of those people present, suddenly get up with a gun and take him hostage? (Google)

If you kidnap somebody and take him hostage, you make him a hostage, that’s kidnapping and that’s against the law.(Google)

to talk business

mluvit obchodně

They appreciate a chance to indulge themselves without having to talk business.(BNCI)

By the way, we progress a little with the Probate Office --; but I'm not going to talk business tonight. (BNCI)

Harvey said, `;We have to talk business, hon, why don't you run downtown and buy those shoes you need?'; (BNCI)

to tarnish international reputation

pošpinit mezinárodní pověst

“It is clear that only with the ALP in government will there be any hope for
progressive leadership and repair of Australia's tarnished international reputation,” Gill concluded.  (Google)

Peru hopes the new civil trial will help to clean up its tarnished international reputation after corruption scandals that led its former president, Alberto Fujimori, and his spy chief, Vladimiro Musirinos, to resign last year. (Google)

Further major research projects include a study of the cultural policy initiatives with which the Federal Republic of Germany sought to rehabilitate the German nation's tarnished international reputation after the Nazi years. (Google)

to the brink of war

na pokraj, sklonek války

But the Czech crisis of September 1938, which took Europe to the brink of war, did produce the kind of public response which popular frontists were looking for to transform the political situation. (BNCI)

Bush on Sept. 6 accepted an Iraqi offer to broadcast on Iraqi television, which he did on Sept. 16 in a prepared videotaped address warning that Iraq" stands isolated and alone", and had been brought to" the brink of war" because Saddam Hussein had misled his people into invading Kuwait. (BNCI)

Based on the 1984 Peace and Friendship Treaty, which created the framework for settling the border disputes which had brought both countries to the brink of war in 1978...(BNCI)

to tout for business

kšeftovat, nabízet, snažit se získat (objednávku, zákazníka)

They have even given up their company cars and now tout for business in the firm's delivery van. (BNCI)

But a Eurotunnel spokeswoman dismissed the findings as `;intended to allow hypnotherapists to tout for business. (BNCI)

Now, I don't want to give you a boring lesson about the markets of the day, suffice to say that in 1520 hard cash was rare, most of it being tied up in fields, lands and houses, so it was natural for people like Ralemberg to tout for business. (BNCI)

to unveil a plan

odhalit, prozradit plán

The Bush administration is expected to soon unveil a plan to give U.S. power plants and oil refineries more leeway in meeting air pollution standards. The plan, which has been the target of intense lobbying by environmental groups and electric utilities, could be released as early as Friday, a government official told Reuters. (WebCorp)

Nearly four years after a tornado ravaged much of Clarksville's core downtown area, business leaders are prepared to unveil a plan for the city's future development.(WebCorp)

Edwards also noted that earlier in the day, he had become the latest of his party's contenders to unveil a plan for expanded health care.(WebCorp)

to vote with one's feet

odejít na protest

Sharon himself voted with his feet by staying away from the conference altogether. He canceled his scheduled appearance in the wake of his referendum defeat, reportedly because he did not want to face the president.(Google)

When Fred Foster voted with his feet, the Council lacked a quorum, and could not take a final vote on the project. (Google)

In his opinion and mine, it was the Canon 9 priest who voted for schism voted with his feet by walking out the door. (Google)

to wage war

vést válku

In part it rested on the belief that in order to restore peace and security in the Gulf, as Resolution 678 authorises member states to do, it is necessary to destroy Iraq's capacity to wage war. (BNCI)

As in Germany, the intention in 1945 had been to deprive Japan of the economic resources to wage war in the foreseeable future. (BNCI)

Now that Poland has decided to wage war upon the Russian Bolsheviks, she has turned to our Government for assistance. (BNCI)

trade mark

obchodní značka, ochranná známka

1. The company has a duty to use its name, and the owner of the trade mark has the right to prevent anyone else using the name. (WebCorp)

2. The fact that a trade mark cannot be registered does not prevent it from being used to identify a product. In fact, there are several famous trade marks which are not registered - such marks are often identified by the letters TM. Marks which are registered are identified (in the UK) by the letters RTM or â .(WebCorp)

3. These rules still exist (see pp. 146-;8), but they have been supplemented by statutory provisions which enable a trader to acquire by registration at the Patent Office the exclusive right to use a distinctive trade mark in connection with his goods.(BNCI)

transformed economy

transformovaná ekonomika, hospodářství

1. That is testament to the people of the town, who have shown themselves ready and willing to adapt, learn and work in a transformed economy, and to a Government who have created a stable economy in which business and industry can thrive. (WebCorp)

2. By seizing the opportunities of a new transformed economy and by embracing
change, we can preserve and maintain the values we cherish for generations to come. (WebCorp)

3. President Mary McAleese has told a US conference of writers, academics and politicians Ireland is experiencing a major identity change, with a transformed economy and the peace process in Northern Ireland.(WebCorp)

trunk call

meziměstský hovor

1. Was it your daughter , Imogen , who made that trunk call from Scotland this morning ? - He sighed , and shook his head.(WASPS)

2. Your mother used to phone me, although trunk calls in those days were only for emergencies . She used to ring at nine thirty in the morning when Will was in surgery. (WASPS)

3.  Telkom's Long distance calling services are divided into two: -Trunk calls terminating to an area Over 60 Km radius from the reference charge point of the originating exchange. (Google)


under oath

pod přísahou

Graham Watson confirmed this statement to the police and confirmed it again under oath at the trial. (BNCI)

When questioned under oath he told the truth without shame or political motivation. (BNCI)

Mr Brain, for the prosecution, brought forward several witnesses who stated under oath that they had heard Slatter encourage James to stab PC Hewett with a sheath knife. (BNCI)

unemployment benefit

podpora v nezaměstnanosti

1. It consists of the following three components: (1) Benefits which have to be paid to the unemployed: these include unemployment benefit, supplementary benefit, housing benefit, government contributions to redundancy payments and payments to those men aged between sixty and sixty-five who no longer register as unemployed. (BNCI)

2.If you do any part-time work while on unemployment benefit and your earnings do not affect your benefit entitlement, you will still have to meet the rest of the conditions for this benefit on the remaining days. (BNCI)

3. To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what is his estimate of the number of people in the United Kingdom who are economically active, unemployed and not receiving unemployment benefit. (BNCI)

universal franchise

všeobecné volební právo

1. Even now, of course, the governor is far from offering a universal franchise: that degree of democracy is some way off.(WebCorp)

2. The universal franchise and freedom for all political parties saw the development of mass support for socialist and communist parties that had previously been suppressed.(WebCorp)

3. The ANC argued that the decision should be left to the constituent assembly itself, which is expected to be elected by the middle of next year by universal franchise. (BNCI)

E-mail: elf@phil.muni.cz
Web: e-learning.phil.muni.cz