úterý, 16. července 2024, 18.42
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

(wo)man of good birth

urozený muž/člověk, žena, z dobré rodiny

Marriage to a wealthy man of good birth was the most desirable position for a woman. WebC

He is a man of good birth and excellent education, endowed by Nature with a phenomenal mathematical faculty. WebC

The patient was a very highly gifted hysteric, a woman of good birth, who had been handed over to me because no one knew what to do with her. WebC 

(wo)man of low birth

neurozený muž/člověk, žena, muž/člověk, žena nízkého původu

The real power in the kingdom was at first exercised by Maio of Bari, a man of low birth, whose title ammiratus ammiratorum was the highest in the realm. WebC

Thus, the man of low birth did not have to pay the large debt, and whenever he visited the stingy saengwon, he was treated like an imperial messenger. WebC

A king once married a woman of low birth, and then after the wedding noted that she was comporting herself loosely with the king's slaves. WebC


abandon a child

odložit dítě

As a parent myself, however, I can’t imagine that anyone could abandon a child without extreme grief and reluctance. WebC

In China, it's illegal to abandon a child, and anyone admitting to it would face huge fines and possibly imprisonment. WebC

Natural parents would normally have to abandon a child or be guilty of serious misconduct for them to be denied custody in favour of a grandparent or relative. WebC

adoptive child

osvojenec, adoptované dítě

Prospective parents may also have fears that an adoptive child may not measure up to family standards. WebC

If adoptive child has resided with adoptive step-parent and birth parent less than one year, a petition for certification must be filed. WebC

If any monies are received from the Commissioner of Social Services on behalf of the adoptive child that amount must be included. WebC

All is fair in love and war.

V lásce a válce je vše povoleno.

All is fair in love and war is not a statement about love, war, or justice. it is a simple statement about the human heart. WebC

An old saying goes: "All is fair in love and war". Indeed love sometimes seems like a battle. WebC

If all is fair in love and war, then according to a recent nationwide poll, when it comes to romance, men are leading the charge. WebC

an inconstant husband

nevěrný manžel, přelétavý ptáček

He was an inconstant husband and had as many love affairs as Zeus. WebC

But the tone of the two stories are markedly different: the former depicts the entanglement between an inconstant husband and his virtuous wife; while the latter tells a poetic story between an infatuated rich man in love with a beautiful actress. WebC

Engaging in such Church work, dealing with an inconstant husband, and raising two young children were challenging experiences for the young wife and mother. WebC

as one of the boys

jako správný muž/chlap

He has mates and likes to act as one of the boys, likes his gadgets, doesn't read much apart from things like FHM. WebC

I have grown past the attraction and can see them as one of the boys. WebC

And he was immediately cast as "one of the boys in the shower." WebC

ask for sb's hand

požádat o ruku

But the second he declared his love and asked for her hand, thousands of goblins appeared to grasp him and push him over the rocks. WebC

But I thought what the heck and I asked for her hand for a kiss from Cupid. WebC

Psyche set out each day committed to be grateful that her family was no longer embarrassed that no man had asked for her hand in marriage. WebC

at one's mother's knee

už jako malé dítě

I learned to sew at my mother's knee. CIDI

He learned drinking at his mother's knee. BNC

George began singing and learning music at his mother's knee. BNC

awkward age

klackovská léta

'I think,' Rory said, `it's called being at an awkward age.' BNC

We meet the heroine of Burger's Daughter, arguably her best novel, at the awkward age of 14: the first stirrings of womanhood, the growing pains and the explorations. BNC

He is in the middle of what they call the "awkward age" for boys. WebC


baby blue

světle modrý

When she fluttered the long lashes of her baby blue eyes she had the timeless charm of Olive Oyl or Betty Boop. BNC

Then there was blonde and bubbly Joan Pyman, who always wore baby blue to match her eyes. BNC

When I saw her last time she was wearing this really sweet baby blue dress. BNC 

baby blues

poporodní smutek matky

The high occurrence of so-called `baby blues' and feelings of isolation alone shows us that the birth of a child is a very stressful event. BNC 

Dads suffer from the baby blues, too -- often because they feel left out. WebC

The mild depression that affects women soon after giving birth is often referred to as "the baby blues". WebC

baby boom

populační exploze

This is caused by the baby boom generation of the 1960s settling down and having families of their own. BNC

Thereafter, the ageing of the post-war baby boom generation becomes apparent, and by 2031 over one fifth of the population is expected to be aged 65+. BNC

The great increase in the popularity of marriage and the baby boom which it partly caused accompanied the post-war economic growth of the 1950s. BNC

baby boomer

člověk narozený v USA nebo GB v době poválečné populační exploze

The punk generation now spend half their time whining about the smothering blanket of baby boomer nostalgia. BNC

Bill Clinton, on the other hand, is a "baby boomer" born after the terrible war which Bush still has such vivid memories of. BNC

The current fad in Hollywood is for TV remakes which will tape the baby boomer nostalgia market in the style of The Addams Family. BNC

baby buggy

dětský kočárek

He was in a baby buggy and beside him was holdall containing clothes, bottles and baby wipes. BNC

But first, would your baby buggy pass an MOT test? BNC

She grabbed her children, leaving her baby buggy behind, and ran into the store. BNC

baby carriage

dětský kočárek

Annie disregarded the remark and as she walked out of the side door pushing the baby carriage Bessie turned to her employer. BNC

Dianne raced downstairs and out the front door to look in the baby carriage under the cherry tree. BNC

Two women tore the nylons I was wearing, really good ones, another dragged a baby carriage across my ninety-dollar shoes. BNC

baby face

dětská tvářička, člověk s dětskou tváří

Yeah but he it's not a baby face any more. BNC

She sat down on the bench opposite to him and looked at his fat baby face, which was now showing some concern. BNC

People sometimes said he had a baby face. BNC

baby grand

malé křídlo (piano)

His parents had no piano, but his grandmother had a baby grand and he taught himself to play that whenever he visited her. BNC

In addition to twenty-five cabins it had three bars, a dining room, a lounge with a baby grand piano, a writing room, library and sick bay. BNC

A baby grand piano stands in the drawing room and is often played by guests. BNC

baby milk

Microwave cooking creates potentially dangerous substances in baby milk which may damage the brain, liver and kidneys, doctors said. BNC

And one of the first foods grand-daughter Lisa gave her baby were Farley's Rusks mixed up with a little baby milk. BNC

Four tons of baby milk supplied by Cow and Gate were last night being loaded on board a replacement truck loaned by Transmore Van Hire. BNC

baby talk

šišlání, žvatlání

From the time he could say words, he always spoke correctly, no baby talk… BNC

Because the man continues his role outside the home he provides a window on the adult world which may be sorely needed by his partner when she fears she is slowly sinking beneath piles of dirty nappies and baby talk. BNC

'Dinna imagine it's the local baby talk,'; Reid went on. BNC

baby tooth

mléčný zub

Visited kids who placed their last baby tooth under their pillow for the tooth fairy. WebC

As the adult tooth is coming into the mouth, the root of the baby tooth is getting shorter. WebC

After a few weeks you should notice that the baby tooth is getting looser and it should fall out. WebC


opatrovatel(ka) dětí

Carlie also claimed that when she was two months old a baby-sitter had stolen a gold cross from round her neck. BNC

I can delegate authority over my son to a baby-sitter instructing him to make sure my son is in bed by a certain time. BNC

Mary is very sorry that she has to put off coming to dinner tonight, they are not sure about getting a baby-sitter. BNC


baby's dummy


According to the eyewitnesses, they were dressed in night-gowns, and one of them
had a baby's dummy in her hand. WebC

The most damaging thing we can do as parents is put sweet concentrates in a baby's
dummy or bottle at night. WebC

It was quite normal to dip a baby's dummy into rum or brandy. WebC

battered child

týrané dítě

Battered child syndrome refers to injuries sustained by a
child as a result of physical abuse, usually inflicted by an adult caregiver. WebC

Although the concept of the battered child is relatively new, there is sufficient evidence that the phenomenon itself is deeply rooted in human history. WebC

A major step in looking into the death of a battered child is to be able to spot signs of battering. WebC

be born out of wedlock

narodit se jako nemanželské dítě

I was born out of wedlock and have my mom's last name. Can I stop my dad from changing my last name to his? WebC

Burns had fourteen known children, half of them born out of wedlock. BNC

A baby born out of wedlock was a great sin, then, and a huge embarrassment to the family. BNC

be crazy/mad/nuts about sb.

být do koho blázen

Just perfect for each other. She was nuts about him and he was nuts about her. WebC

I was crazy about her and I still believe that she is the biggest influence I've ever had. WebC

Steve tells Mary that he was blind and is crazy about her. They kiss. WebC

be expecting (a baby)

být v jiném stavu/čekat dítě, dvojčata...

She returns to reality and goes to the park to tell Selby that she is expecting. WebC 

She is pleased to announce that she is expecting this spring. WebC

Madonna announced last week that she is expecting a second baby later this year. WebC

be fond of sb.

mít koho rád

She was fond of him, too, for he had a remarkable gentleness and courtesy in his dealings with women. WebC

It made him sad, for he was fond of her. BNC

She had a young brother, Kevin, who was fond of her in his quiet way. BNC

be great with child

nosit dítě pod srdcem

Joseph being a righteous man, when he perceived that Mary was great with child, was minded to put her away because he feared God. WebC

The young pioneer bride was "great with child," so instead of going on to Nicodemus, they stopped in Lawrence. WebC

By then I was great with child and focusing inward. WebC

be in a family way

být v jiném stavu

Uncle Jim wants her to stay put because she’s in a family way. WebC

Bertie was ecstatic to learn she was in a family way. WebC

Priss had missed two periods and appeared to be in a family way. WebC

be like a kid in a candy store

You should have seen him when they arrived. He was like a kid in a candy store. CIDI

Everyone has felt like a kid in a candy store at some point in their life. WebC

When I go out in my garden, I feel like a kid in a candy store. WebC

be like taking candy from a baby

hračka, snadná věc, žádný problém

Beating them was the easiest thing in the world - it was like taking candy from a baby. CIDI

So fighting a noob corp in empire space would be like taking candy from a baby ! WebC

The people are outrageously tight and stealing pots is like taking candy from a baby! WebC

be lovesick

chřadnout láskou

Orsino is lovesick for the beautiful Lady Olivia, but becomes more and more fond of his handsome new page boy, Cesario, who is actually a woman—Viola. WebC

The King, however, is lovesick and distracted.WebC

In May at the Bezukhov house, Helene congratulates Natasha on her engagement but confides that her brother Anatol is lovesick over her. WebC

be mothered by sb

být rozmazlován kým

Being mothered by a grandparent was certainly not always a happily remembered experience, and for one illegitimate Scots girl it generated a lifetime of mutual bitterness. BNC

Such worthy clients as the Lords Hanson and White, the John McEnroes, the Roger Moores, Richard Branson, Jack Nicholson and the entire chorus of supermodels, all enjoy being mothered by Mara. BNC

During Sonya’s long absence, Kelithe is largely mothered by her grandmother. WebC

be of humble origin

pocházet z malých poměrů

Villefort represent three different means by which an individual of humble origin entered elite Parisien society. WebC

There was one young man of humble origin named Yan Hui who wanted to be accepted as Confucius's student. WebC

She is of humble origin and never dreamed of such fortune. WebC

be one's father's son

být jako otec 

 But he was his father's son in temperament. WebC

The governor stared coolly across the threshold at Jack, who with the same dark, penetrating eyes was plainly his father's son. WebC

He was his father's son, and it was the music that drove him along, not the money or the fame, just as it had with Tim a generation before. WebC

be very attached to sb.

být velice oddán komu

One young woman is still as attached to her parents now as she was when she was small. BNC

She had been very attached to her but for some reason was quite unable to cry over her death. BNC

She was, in spite of her exasperated commotion, deeply attached to her elder sister. BNC

be with child

otěhotnět, těhotná

Emily was unable to make the journey, being heavy with child. CIDI

You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. WebC

A woman who thought she might be with child had to schedule an appointment with her doctor. WebC

bear children

plodit děti

Working women were delaying or curtailing their capacity to bear children, marrying later or perhaps being reluctant to have children at all. WebC 

One thing that struck me was the great need to bear children. WebC

Women leave, afraid to bear children in a city so close to the reactor. BNC

become engaged

zasnoubit se

I remember Princess Anne speaking briskly on television when she and Captain Mark Phillips became engaged. BNC

When they became engaged, his future mother-in-law said about her daughter, "I hope you will understand her." BNC

It was when we became engaged that things seemed to change. BNC

bed and board

manželský stav

Most petitions were for divorce from bed and board, perhaps because cruelty and desertion were the most common complaints. WebC

Proposed law requires marital counseling in a proceeding for a judgment for divorce and reinstitutes the cause of action for separation from bed and board.WebC

The proposed law shall apply to actions for separation from bed and board or divorce commenced after Jan. 1, 2004. WebC

best man

ženichův svědek

Pete fulfilled the best man role and, during the wedding (in July, 1987), Pete wore all the gear and carried the rings in a little pouch on his harness. BNC

Marilyn Thompson was Charlie's wife's best friend; Charlie was to be Jack's best man and one day he thought he would be godfather to Jack's first child. BNC

Medallion silk waistcoat and bow tie from Oxford and Swan, perfect for your groom or best man. BNC 

big with child

v pokročilém stadiu těhotenství

And his daughter in law the wife of Phinees, was big with child, and near her time. WebC

She said seeing me big with child reminded her of when she gave birth to me. WebC 

There is no one here who cares for me or will look out for me and I must shift for myself in everything which is not easy now I am big with child and not well as I was with my first-born. BNC

biracial child


What it is like raising a biracial child in a world that still sees people by race and color, not individuality. WebC

What should a biracial child be taught about his black ancestry? WebC

A biracial child with white parents will face the same challenges as a black child with white parents. WebC

birth certificate

rodný list

Forenames should be printed in full exactly as they appear on your birth certificate and/or passport. BNC

If the account is for a child under seven, you must identify yourself and produce the child's birth certificate. BNC

Mother's occupation is not routinely recorded on the birth certificate. BNC

birth control

kontrola porodnosti, antikoncepce

There are several birth control methods to choose from. BNC

Your partner is also welcome, so why not go along together to discuss the different methods of birth control? BNC

Sterilisation may be the ideal method of birth control for couples who are sure they have completed their family. BNC

birth pangs

porodní bolesti (také přeneseně)

Some Protestants argue that, because the woman had birth pangs, she was a woman with sin. WebC

Her anger brings on an attack which in turn brings on the birth pangs. BNC

It was the beginning of the birth pangs of quantum theory, whose characteristic it is to replace the continuous by the discrete, the smoothly varying by the fitful. BNC

birth rate


The concern about population trends emerged as it became evident that population growth was declining and that the birth rate, in particular, was falling rapidly. BNC

By the late 1930s, the birth rate was about three-quarters of what it had been at the end of the First World War. BNC

It is clearly birth rate which is central to any explanation of population trends during the inter-war years. BNC

blind date

schůzka naslepo

Diving into the pool is like a blind date, he laughed. BNC

They chose their high-flying ceremony after a blind date and party brought them together. BNC

Once seated, Denice tells us she's only been on a blind date once before, and that was years ago. BNC

blood is thicker than water

krev není voda

I know there wasn't much love lost between them but, as they say, blood is thicker than water; even doctors know that. BNC

Are you trying to hint that blood is thicker than water? BNC

There still remained, however, some examples of blood-sharing among unrelated bats, cases where the `;blood is thicker than water'; explanation would not fit the facts. BNC

blood line

pokrevní linie

The palace arranged the marriages of the children to seal a political alliance, or to shore up the family's blood line. WebC

They appear to be in only one family blood line. WebC

He could trace back his blood line all the way to Abraham and know just exactly whether he was of the tribe of Levi or the tribe of Ruben, or whatever it is. WebC

blood relation

pokrevní příbuzný

Where a blood relation sobs, an intimate friend should choke up, a distant acquaintance should sigh, a stranger should merely fumble sympathetically with his handkerchief. WebC

What is an in-law? It means they are not a blood relation - there is no common ancestor. WebC

They consider their membership in the community as a birthright, and are proud of their blood relation. WebC

bottle baby

dítě odkojené lahví

Whether you bottlefeed your baby right from the start or after a few weeks,you will discover a bottle baby needs a fairly well-organized mother. WebC

One was dam raised, the other was a bottle baby. WebC

When a bottle baby needs a little extra boost I use the following special formula. WebC

boys will be boys

kluci jsou kluci (pro chování, které bývá považováno za typicky mužské)

However, boys will be boys and they enjoyed the fresh air and the sport of fishing... BNC

Boys will be boys and in spite of warnings at least one fatal accident occurred involving local lads, and several were injured. BNC

Isabelle shrugs amiably as though to say `boys will be boys' and shoots Perry up easily in the top of his hand. BNC

break off the engagement

zrušit zasnoubení

Are you going to tell them about your decision to break off the engagement?'; he asked suddenly, interrupting her thoughts. BNC

You knew that I was going to break off the engagement anyway, so it's not exactly the end of the world for me. BNC

Telephoning Jonathan to break off the engagement had almost been a high point of comic relief. BNC

break up with sb

rozejít se s kým

I broke up with a guy who i really cared for and ever since then Iam horribly sad. WebC 

I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years today! WebC

I just recently broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years and we broke up because of my depression and his lack of interest to help me. WebC

breakup of a marriage

manželský rozvrat, rozpad manželství

The breakup of a marriage is viewed as a situation that children may find temporarily unpleasant but will gradually accept. WebC

Your lawyer can give valid legal advice on how best to achieve the division of property you believe fair following the breakup of a marriage. WebC

Surviving the breakup of a marriage or, for that matter, surviving the loss of any cherished individual, can leave us a little wiser about love. WebC

breakup once and for all

rozchod jednou provdždy

Would you take a deep breath and say good bye, cutting all the connection, accepting all the cost of breakup once and for all? WebC

She decided to finish it - a breakup once and for all. WebC

This time, it was a breakup once and for all. WebC

bring a child into the world

přivést dítě na svět

The reason should be to make a couple happy to have the chance to bring a child into the world. WebC

An ability to help bring a child into the world and care for it does not necessarily create a good parent. BNC

When you bring a child into the world and give him (or her) your name, you are forever linked to his fate and responsible for his values and his reputation. WebC

bring up

vychovat, vyrůst

How do you bring up a child like that? BNC

When people do not know how to bring up or what to teach their children their cultural heritage is indeed in jeopardy. BNC

A school acts as a magnet for young people who want to bring up their family in a rural or well-defined small urban environment. BNC

bringing up

vychovávání, výchova (dětí)

But we also recognise that all families face extra costs in bringing up children. BNC

You concentrate so much on bringing up your children correctly, that suddenly you don't have a life of your own. BNC

On the one hand, bringing up children is seen as a purely private matter. BNC

by birth


Both men were part Austrian by birth and spent formative early years in Vienna. BNC

Many sociologists have assumed that social position is gained by individual achievement rather than by birth. BNC

It seems that he speaks no English although he has lived in this country for some time; he is in fact Italian by birth. BNC 


carry on

udržovat s kým poměr, táhnout to s kým, spát s kým

He carries on with another man's wife while trying to be an adequate spouse to his own wife and a dad to their cute little daughter. WebC

Is it true that Rachel and Marcus have been carrying on (with each other)? CIDI

He marries the most powerful man in the area so that he may have protection from the husbands of married women he carries on with. WebC

child abuse

zneužívání dětí 

There is a high rate of wife battering and child abuse on the estate, and a concentration of problems such as drug addiction and alcoholism. BNC

Media reports of child abuse cases often express this sense of moral outrage. BNC

Clearly, the effective training of teachers to deal with child abuse issues is crucial. BNC

child allowance

přídavek na dítě

My child allowance is approximately thirty-seven pounds a month so mum keeps seven pounds and I have thirty. BNC

As an encouragement to speedy registration, payment of child allowance is made dependent on production of the birth certificate. BNC

The following year, on the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Income Tax (1920), the child allowance was increased to £30. BNC

child at breast

kojenec ( někdy poet.)

They had also killed Kheytshe with her six month old child at breast and her older boy Grishen. WebC

A mother may forget her child at breast, but God will never do so (Isaiah 49: 15, 16). WebC

Celtic women heavy with child or with child at breast are expected to make the care of that child their primary concern. WebC

child benefit

státní příspěvek na dítě, rodinný příspěvek

you are going to be bringing up your baby on your own, you may be able to get more money every week on top of your child benefit. BNC

Child Benefit will remain the cornerstone of our policy for all families with children. BNC

The definition of dependent child is one for whom you are receiving child benefit. BNC

child care

péče o dítě

He felt doubly glad he'd brought his own children to live in Scotland where such a superior system of child care existed. BNC

But Hearn also has extensive social work experience, especially in the area of child care. BNC

At the same time there may be little provision of help in child care, and so the couple will have to organise their lives accordingly. BNC

child destruction

zabití nenarozeného dítěte

Child destruction is an intentional killing of an unborn child, capable
of being born alive, by its mother. WebC

The other relevant piece of legislation is the 1929 Infant Life (Preservation) Act, which outlines the punishment for child destruction. WebC 

Legislation Judge calls for new 'child destruction' law. WebC

child guidance

péče o (citově narušené) děti

Stefan was nearly 4 years old when his desperate mother referred herself to the child guidance centre. BNC

The project aims to identify the origins, development and changes in the concept of maladjustment in relation to the provision of child guidance services by the State. BNC

She was awarded her fellowship of the British Psychological Society in early recognition of her distinguished work for child guidance in Scotland. BNC

child harness

dětské bezpečnostní pásy

They can be secured by an adult lap and diagonal seat belt or a child harness. BNC

A booster cushion raises a child up so that she can safely use an adult seat belt or a child harness. BNC

A child harness is designed to be used with a lap seat belt or a lap/sash seat belt to provide extra safety and protection for the child. WebC

child in hand

dítě ve svěřenecké péči

With our child in hand, we look forward to riding “It’s a Small World,“ visiting with Mickey and Minnie, watching the parade, and exploring in Adventure land. WebC

Kathy and her husband Ted and child in hand came over friday night. WebC

If possible, take your child in hand and show kindness as you say to the child who was hurt, "You must have felt bad when this happened. I'm sorry." WebC

child kept in


A 3- or 4-year-old child kept in pull-ups all the time simply loses interest in using the toilet. WebC

Any child kept in at any time must be supervised by a teacher. WebC

He conscientiously copies out the promise, like a refractory child kept in to write out lines, but what he scribbles is a row after row of inarticulate doodles. WebC 

child labour

práce dětí

Britain's industrial revolution made ample use of child labour. BNC

Public opinion long ago condemned and outlawed the exploitation of child labour by nineteenth century industrialists. BNC

And they deliberately haven't said that it shouldn't be produced by child labour. BNC

child lock

dětská pojistka na dveřích

Look how quickly Richard learnt to operate my video, got to have the child lock on it now all the time. BNC

He was just cursing the child lock which his sweating, trembling hands were unable to work when he noticed the girl jockey walking towards his car. BNC

TM will quickly and easily protect your PC from the inquisitive minds
of children leaving Child Lock you secure in the knowledge that your system is safe. WebC 

child of Fortune

dítko štěstěny

One day be used in the service of humanity, whilst his mother declared himto be a child of fortune in whose hands everything would go well. WebC

Up to that critical moment he was a child of fortune but a very deep painter indeed. WebC

Like many, I passed through adolescence as a child of fortune; but unlike many,I never felt the seduction of an eternal promise as the ultimate incarnation. WebC

child of mixed blood


Furthermore, society would not have allowed for the slave owner to admit that he had produced a child of mixed blood. WebC

She gave birth to a son by Cortés, don Martin, in 1522, the putative first child of mixed blood, the first mestizo. WebC

Here a Christian woman who lived among the minorities or gave birth to a child of
mixed blood was branded a 'bad' woman who deserved to be flogged and expelled. WebC  

child prodigy

zázračné dítě, fenomén

Four-year-old Nicholas MacMahon, Britain's latest child prodigy, is already studying computers at university. BNC

Asked if he had been a child prodigy, he would answer: "Yes I was - and I still am". BNC

By the time he was eleven, he was like a child prodigy, playing the Purcell Trumpet Voluntary in Kansas City churches; he was really something. BNC

child seat

dětská sedačka

Volvo has won a safety award for its innovative integrated child seat fitted to all new 900-series saloons. BNC

For children between 1 and 4 years old, an appropriate child seat, or a booster cushion with the adult seat belt, must be used. BNC

Safety features include ABS, Volvo unique side impact protection system, three point seat belts for all occupants and an integral child seat. BNC

child welfare

péče o děti

Child welfare legislation therefore potentially addresses all aspects of a child's development not covered by school legislation. BNC

There were no classes in child welfare for the very young mothers, and many had been fed on milk from dirty Nestles milk tins. BNC

The State of California shall provide a child welfare building to serve as day care centres for single parents. WebC

child's guardian

opatrovník, opatrovnice, správce (soud.)

It explains how to become a child's guardian in California if that child no longer has a parent. WebC

If the parent specified you to be the child's guardian in a will, you must complete guardianship proceedings in either the Family Court or Surrogate's Court. WebC

Does the father of my new baby have to be the child's guardian? WebC

child's part

dědický podíl dítěte

All records of your child's part will be confidential. WebC

I give a child's part of it to my wife, to be paid to her annually. WebC

Mrs. Benjamin Darby shall have a child's part of my property. WebC 

child's play

hračka, snadná věc

Using this new computer is child's play. CIDI

Logos are child's play at Arnbrook School. WebC

Don't worry, it's a child's play! BNC

childhood friend

přítel z dětství

But after that he met up again with Olwen, a childhood friend. BNC

I had had one very close childhood friend, Maeve, but her family had moved to a different part of the country and I never saw her again. BNC

He killed 19-year-old Walter Smith because he believed he had been mistreating his childhood friend Sharon. BNC 

chip off the old block

jablko, které nepadlo daleko od stromu

Look at her bossing everyone around - she's a real chip off the old block! CIDI

I remember that my chest swelled with pride the day Mrs Smelley told me that I was a chip off the old block and that in her opinion one day I might even be as good as my Granpa. BNC

His grandfather, who taught him songs and ballads and regaled him with tales of his own `;merry'; youth when he fought with gamekeepers, clearly saw the young poacher as a chip off the old block. BNC

civil marriage

civilní sňatek

A refusal was hardly to be expected, and a fortnight later at nine o'clock on the evening of 29 January 1853 the civil marriage between Eugénie and the Emperor took place in the Tuileries. BNC

Statistics of baptism, civil marriage and civil funerals, too, in some countries, may help, but they can only be used with difficulty. BNC

The couple went through a civil marriage ceremony in Dundee on 11 January last year. BNC

come into the world

přijít na svět

I came into the world, not to liberate you From the darkness, and thesilence, But to free myself From the darkness, From the silence. WebC

Death entered into the world, and began it's tyrannical reign over every human who came into the world thereafter.WebC

He gave her a child every year, but was never there when it came into the world. BNC

come of age

dospět, stát se zletilým

No one seemed to have realized that Charles would need an income when he came of age. BNC

But for those who came of age in the dark years, the spectacle of national self-destruction remains the gauge of all that has followed. BNC

If the heir was a child, he was in wardship to the lord: the lord was his legal guardian and had control of the estates and of the person of the ward until he came of age. BNC

confidential relation

důvěrný vztah

Where, in reliance upon the confidential relation of marriage, property is conveyed without consideration by the husband to his wife. WebC

The federal government is quietly slipping through its proposal to break down the walls of the confidential relation between you and your doctor. WebC

A confidential relation between father and son is thus deduced, which, resembling that between client and attorney, principal and agent, parishioner and priest, compels proof of valuable consideration and bona fides in order to sustain a deed from one to the other. WebC

couples with small families

páry s málo dětmi

A small touring site with large pitches and immaculate facilities, Colliford Tavern Campsite is ideal for couples with small families. WebC 

Church officials have seen an increase of younger couples with small families and is shaping services to attract them. WebC

Chevy Blazer's are the ultimate vehicles for young couples with small families. WebC

cross marriage

sňatek muže se sestrou vlastního švagra

According to custom, cross-marriage between the two lineages are forbidden.  WebC

These were the giants of old, and through the years to the time of Noah, all souls on earth were contaminated by cross marriage. WebC

Cross marriage would thus speed farmer's colonisation! WebC

cry like a baby

brečet, rozbečet se jak malé děcko

When I heard that she was safe, I cried like a baby. CIDI

Instinct was telling her to collapse against the nearest tree and cry like a baby, but instinct could go and chase itself. BNC

That night to Michelle Phillips he broke down and cried like a baby. BNC


fajnovka, ufňukanec

Don't be such a cry-baby - I hardly touched you. CIDI

She looked at it, and thought contemptuously, What a baby I am, a cry-baby. BNC

He tearfully said he only wanted to give the innocent insurance agent a headache; and wept so much in court that police branded him the 'cry-baby killer'. BNC



tiplice, sekáč (pavouk)

She would play in the dark shed, where there were millions of daddy-long-legs, or stand about watching him while he dug. BNC

A parent bird was feeding them on daddy-long-legs. BNC

All flies possess these little structures but they are particularly noticeable in the crane flies, the daddy-long-legs, in which the knobs are placed on the ends of stalks so that they look like the heads of drumsticks. BNC

dearly loved

vřele milovaný

I know what it is to lose one dearly loved. BNC

I shed a tear or two as Movietone news told of the death of our dearly loved Chief, Lord Robert Baden-Powell. BNC

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children, and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. BNC

death duty

dědická daň

After this date, and until 18 March 1986, a form of death duty called capital transfer tax applied. BNC

The current form of death duty is called inheritance tax. BNC

The French State meanwhile acquired forty-seven important twentieth-century works from the estate of Pierre Matisse thanks to its dation system allowing the payment of death duty by kind (see The Art Newspaper No. 16, March 1992, p. 1). BNC

declaration of love

vyznání lásky

I would like to use this post to make a declaration of love. WebC

As a romantic person, he made a declaration of love. WebC

A declaration of love, or the cold shoulder. BNC

dependable husband

spolehlivý manžel

Can she make the right choice between her dependable husband and disturbed lover? WebC

However, with a little help from my parents and an irresponsible boyfriend who quickly became a dependable husband, I shirked the status quo and became a "responsible" teenaged bride and mother. WebC

I had a dependable husband and two children, a part-time job, a new house, and very little gray hair. WebC

diamond wedding(anniversary)

diamantová svatba (výročí)

They were married at Chiseldon, Wiltshire, and recently celebrated their diamond wedding. BNC

In July 1908 Mary Sumner and her husband celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary and one of the gifts they received was a screen bearing the signatures of Queen Alexandra, the princess of Wales, and other royal patrons. BNC

Congratulations to Stanley and Gertie Briggs who celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on August 8th. BNC

dirty old man

starý chlípník

On the top shelf they've got all those horrible magazines for dirty old men. CIDI

Or was he distressed by the public persona of a cheeky and dirty old man, utterly at odds with his self-image as a dandy? WebC

 There's a dirty old man described in this book that is a little like me. WebC

dissolution of marriage

zrušení manželství

No law shall be enacted providing for the grant of a dissolution of marriage. BNC

After the Reformation it looks for a moment as if the Ecclesiastical Courts would allow even a divorce in the modern sense; but the attempt fails, and the only way of getting a complete dissolution of marriage is by special Act of Parliament. BNC

You need only to reside in Washington on the date that your petition for dissolution of marriage is filed. WebC


enter into matrimony/marriage

vstoupit do stavu manželského

For example, if the majority of adult members of society enter into marriage and produce children, these facts can be observed and quantified. BNC

They enter into marriage and produce children in response to the demands of society. BNC

The woman must be 15 to enter into matrimony. The man must be 17 to enter into matrimony. WebC

eternal rest

věčný odpočinek (smrt)

Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,and may perpetual light shine on them. WebC

What resulted is an assurance of eternal life, a deliverance from suffering and care, and a hope in eternal rest. WebC

Let us enter into an eternal rest from that heresy and always give all the praise, honor and glory to the one who gave His all that we might receive all. WebC

expectant mother

nastávající matka

The expectant mother is treated with care and indulgence. BNC

The policy can be taken out by or on behalf of any expectant mother aged between 18 and 42. BNC

If you're a mother or expectant mother you can get free vitamins for yourself while you are pregnant or breast-feeding, and for your children aged under five. BNC

extended family

rozšířená rodina

Family life today is likely to be affected by the extended family. BNC

Care within the extended family often flows from the oldest generation to the youngest. BNC

It was the typical extended family time with grandmother and other visiting relatives. BNC

extramarital relations

mimomanželský vztah, poměr

Extramarital relations are prohibited, both morally and legally. BNC

In fact, one of the reasons God is so concerned that we do not involve ourselves in premarital and extramarital relations is so that we will never feel we are competing against the skill and ability of another lover. BNC

Would you say it would be appropriate for a company to fire a valued employee because they were involved in extramaritial relations? WebC


fall for sb.

zamilovat se do koho

Well, I was in a village,. I had just left my hometown and moved to it. I met this girl, and, I fell for her. She fell for me too, it was perfect. WebC

I fell for him at once and he seemed attracted to me, but that was all there was to it for a long time. BNC

He's also an extremely nice person, which is probably why your cousin fell for him. BNC

fall head over heals in love

bezhlavě se zamilovat

Believe me, I know! My Valentine’s Day wish for you, is that you fall head over heals in love with the only person who can make you whole…Yourself. WebC

It really makes you fall head over heals in love with him. WebC

He fell head over heals in love with her and decided to become a part of her life. WebC

fall in love

zamilovat se do koho

In those three weeks the couple fell in love and became engaged. BNC

He acquired a few pupils, including an ugly girl named Josepha von Auernhammer, who promptly fell in love with him. BNC

I fell in love with a woman and went out with a man. BNC

fall madly in love

šíleně se zamilovat

That's something that just clicked me when I was thinking.. what's love and what's
it like to fall madly in love? WebC

So, of course, Romeo and Juliet are going to fall madly in love when they meet because their love is a deliciously forbidden one, the best kind. BNC

We eventually fell madly in love and went away for a string of dirty weekends. BNC

fall out with sb.

pohádat se/rozejít se s kým

I fell out with my wife, found a new woman, and moved to France. WebC

He fell out with his wife, too, and they eventually went their own ways. WebC

Two years after their separation, I fell out with my mother and went to live with my father. WebC

family allowance

rodinné přídavky

And love was standing outside the local supermarket collecting signatures for the campaign to keep Family Allowance as a separate benefit. BNC

In our view the principle of making an allowance for each child of the income tax payer is a sound one, in practice the middle class parent who pays income tax receives a family allowance from the state. BNC

We receive Family Allowance merely because we have children. BNC

family background

rodinné zázemí/poměry

Does Mr Baker really believe that such dishonesty and repression provide a `strong family background'? BNC

How do you think your family background has influenced your working life? BNC

His family background was humble but he had been brought up on the writings of Beatrice and Sidney Webb and the philosophies of George Bernard Shaw. BNC

family brand

rodinná značka

OshKosh is America's family brand, embracing the best of our rich past with an eye toward the future. WebC

The family brand name already may be laden with meanings and associations. WebC

Does one focus on an individual brand name or a family brand name? WebC

family budget

rodinný rozpočet

Caroline is also well aware of the huge dent that Christmas can make in the family budget. BNC

When a family budget is already overstrained, the recurring extra load of credit commitments can break it. BNC

The cost of health care shows up not only in your family budget, but in the price of everything we buy and everything we sell. BNC

family car

rodinný vůz

Now he's told her that she should pay for the new family car. BNC

Ford does not plan to introduce a completely new replacement for its Taurus family car until the mid-1990s. BNC

Check that you have enough room for the car to pass through: a typical small family car needs about 1.8m (6ft) of clear space between obstacles. WebC 

family care

rodinná péče

It is therefore wrong to assume that there is a widespread move away from the family care of dependent older people. BNC 

This kind of family care is not merely between parents and succeeding generations of children. BNC

We should nonetheless acknowledge that in some parts of the country family care is extensive and durable. BNC

family chronicle


This film is a family chronicle, a survey of one family's history through the generations, a history tracked through its matrilineal line. WebC

It is both a family chronicle and something of a bildungsroman. WebC

Though primarily a family chronicle and not intended for publication, the simple and intimate Memoirs unfolded a rich panorama of Jewish life in cities such as Hamburg, Berlin and Amsterdam. WebC

family circle

rodinný kruh

Tears ran down her cheeks as she thought of her first-born, of how he ought to be here, a part of the family circle. BNC

The family circle was extended by inclusion of the indoor servants. BNC

Women are not only responsible for the care, education and development of their children, but also for the maintenance of the family circle. BNC

family commitments

rodinné povinnosti

Men with big company cars, big mortgages, big family commitments are prepared to risk all that in order to have control of their own destiny. BNC

Despite his heavy family commitments, he was instantly dismissed by his father when it was discovered that he had entertained a nurse in the company flat. BNC

Do I have any family commitments which restrict the sort of job I can take on? BNC

family company

rodinná společnost (kde akcie vlastní členové rodiny)

They enjoy their status as a family company and intend to retain it. BNC

His family company, which started in the 1870s, had over the years supplied bats for many of the leading cricketers. BNC

March 1982 values can be increased where a husband and wife both held shares in a family company on 31 March 1982. BNC


family connection

příbuzenský poměr

We moved to Caithness in 1975 for a number of reasons, not least of which was the family connection. BNC

There is a distant family connection. BNC

It's even rarer to find a firm with the same family connection 100 years on. BNC

family credit

rodinný vyrovnávací příspěvek

When it was introduced in place of the old family income supplement scheme last year, just 38 per cent of those entitled claimed family credit. BNC

Their set amount for family credit is £62.85, from which £38.43 is deducted, leaving a final payment of £24.42. BNC

If you're getting housing benefit this will be affected if you claim a family credit award, as your income will increase. BNC

family doctor

obvodní/rodinný lékař

Different contraceptive methods suit different people at different times, so ask the advice of your family doctor or your family planning clinic. BNC

It is likely that your first point of contact for most medical services will be your Family Doctor or General Practitioner. BNC

If the person dies at home the family doctor and nearest relative should be informed. BNC

family feud

nepřátelství/nenávist mezi dvěma rodinami

But when Angela's mum complained about the feast she started a family feud. BNC

A coffin containing the body of a father-of-five was set ablaze in a garden yesterday as a family feud raged out of control. BNC

The family feud came to a head on Monday when the 26-year-old issued a High Court writ, suing the former builder for more than £1 million. BNC

family name

příjmení, rodné jméno

Write the family name first, as this will decide where the work will go in an alphabetical list. BNC

So those who had no family name were required by law to adopt one. BNC

He needed someone to carry on the family name and the title. BNC

family planning (clinic)

plánované rodičovství (klinika)

Some family planning clinics will also arrange for you to be given a blood test. BNC

Free family planning advice and services are available under the NHS from most family doctors and family planning clinics. BNC

The spread of family planning in Britain is the story of the spread of information and the change of attitudes. BNC

family relations

rodinné vztahy

It is obvious, for instance, that they cannot enter into family relations. BNC

The woman's past history of mental disorder, family relations and support and medical opinion were all considered both with GP and other referrals in a minimum of 93 per cent of cases. BNC

Their marriage, however, became the impulse for a network of fiendishly tangled family relations. BNC

family ties

rodinné svazky

Tolkien always had close family ties in which Lewis had no wish to be involved. BNC

There is no doubt that family ties were knotted with great intensity; indeed, well before the end of the century there was criticism of this intensity, directed chiefly against the dominant paterfamilias. BNC

Their in fidelity was not only a solvent of family ties in this world; it also destroyed all prospects of reunion in the next. BNC

family tree


Second marriages were therefore common, as anyone who has tried to construct a family tree for this period will know. BNC

These are the sort of people who come in the Queens family tree. BNC

Relations can be defined as either parents --; anyone above the user in the family, or descendants --; anyone below the user in the family tree. BNC

father figure

otcovská osobnost

NBA reporter Divac serves as a father figure for countrymen entering NBA. WebC

It was a terrible shock because he was a real father figure and taught us a lot. BNC

Paul Newman plays The Kid as a social outcast looking for a father figure. BNC

foster child

dítě svěřené do pěstounské péče

We should have been more alert to her condition before placing any foster child there. BNC

Every member of a foster family learns and grows through the process of caring for a foster child.WebC

May 18, 2004 Woman abused as foster child is arrested for severely beating daughter. WebC

from birth

od narození

The expressed intention of the proposed changes is to give priority to those disabled from birth or in their early years. BNC

Religion is an integral part of its complex culture, and a complicated array of ceremonies and rituals cover every stage of a person's life, from birth to death. BNC

From birth he has suffered from severe physical disabilities. BNC


from father to son

z otce na syna (dědit majetek, předávat zkušenosti apod.)

The bone-setting power is often handed down from father to son. BNC

Land passes from father to son: his is split between himself and his father. BNC

Some of the features of a status society, such as peerages, can be passed from father to son. BNC


from the cradle to the grave

od kolébky do hrobu, od narození do smrti

Men who are afflicted all the way from the cradle to the grave, will still hope for better things in this world. WebC

That's difficult, when you were brought up to believe you would be looked after from the cradle to the grave. BNC

The church must seek to develop its spiritual and personal resources to minister imaginatively and responsibly in all of these situations in its care of people from the cradle to the grave. BNC

fuddy daddy

starý patron, páprda

That probably means I'm such a fuddy-daddy even the sharks would think I'm boring. WebC

From fuddy daddy baronic politics to Congress socialism and finally to Communism was a long stride - it marked his challenges, struggles and endeavours. WebC

I still don't know if it's my grey hair that makes them call me honey, or do i just simply look like the old fuddy-daddy? WebC 



generation gap

mezigenerační rodíl, propast mezi generacemi

The changes stemmed largely from the generation gap. BNC

Focus on the personalities involved, albeit with the addition of one important shared characteristic, also offers a better explanation of the supposed generation gap. BNC

This versatile book combines communicative activities with information on topics as varied as national customs, food, and the generation gap. BNC

get custody of children

svěřit dítě do čí péče

Divorce study finds more women are doing the dumping. Key factor is their belief that they'll get custody of children, researcher says. WebC

It also measn that women get custody of children even if they are not good mothers and men feel marginalised in the lives of their children. WebC

Women could apply for divorces and get custody of children. WebC

get pregnant


Left school at 17 when she got pregnant, married, now separated, with two kids. BNC

Five out of seven girls in my street got pregnant without being married. BNC

When Michelle got pregnant at sixteen in the television series Eastenders, she brought the situation of teenage mothers to the attention of the nation. BNC

get sb pregnant

přivést do jiného stavu

In his twenties he had taken up with a girl called Freda and got her pregnant. BNC

The only reason Sonny ever got with her is because he got her pregnant after a one
night stand. WebC

Matt and Tom helped Lisa overcome her agoraphobia and, when Briony started being sick, he thought he'd got her pregnant. WebC

get wed

vzít se

Jones still remembered young Carol who had gone off to Australia as a child and was now all grown up and about to get wed. BNC

Marriage has certainly been on the agenda but as neither of us feel compelled to get wed on either moral or religious grounds, we simply haven't got round to it. BNC

Tom and Jo get wed On 19 March 2003, quietly at Finsbury Registry. WebC

give birth (to a child)


Well, suppose that a young woman is unfortunate enough to give birth to a child outside marriage. BNC

Females that have struggled to obtain enough food throughout the winter and emerge in spring in poor condition, may fail to conceive, or may give birth to a weak and sickly kid. BNC

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel (Mark 1:23). BNC

give birth to sth.

vést ke vzniku čeho, dát čemu vznik

This will give birth to humility in us, and humility will help us resist the temptation to play God to people. BNC

Now if the protracted labour and gestation period ever does give birth to a new set of regulations governing player registration in England, the likes of Shelford will not be able to play in the rugby competitions in this country. BNC

Berg was also an agent of the Office of Strategic Services, which was later to give birth to the CIA. BNC

give one's blessing

dát požehnání

Ben said that if the marriage was genuine, he would give them his blessing. WebC

He refused to give them his blessing, but only warned Erica that getting together with Jack would be the biggest mistake of her life. WebC

Maybe he had a chance there yet. If not, he'd give away the bride, so to speak, and give them his blessing. WebC

go into labour

dostat porodní bolesti

They were at DisneyWorld, on the last day of their American trip when Alison, 30, went into labour. WebC

When I went into labour I was told there was no heartbeat and that even if she was born alive, which was unlikely, she was too early and small to survive. BNC

Later that evening she went into labour and was transferred to the maternity unit. BNC

go out with sb.

chodit s kým

Joe's absence almost certainly meant that he had succeeded in persuading a girl called Jill into going out with him. BNC

Going out with a man who, according to Dawn, was using her in order to achieve his own ends. BNC

His case, involving an allegation that he raped another student after going out with her, has attracted wide media attention. BNC

gold wedding(anniversary)

zlatá svatba (výročí)

In December, 1952, she and her husband were privileged to celebrate their gold wedding anniversary. WebC

Cake decorators useit on silver and gold wedding anniversary cakes. WebC

In addition, a bouquet was also presented to Mr. Sadami Kawamura and his wife Sumie, who celebrate their gold wedding anniversary this year. WebC

grass widower

slaměný vdovec

Some soup or little homemade cakes, convinced that as a grass widower he couldn't cope. BNC

However, I still found it useful to be a grass-widower for a limited period in order to devote myself more completely to writing up my researches. WebC

A grass widower is one who is estranged from his wife. WebC


have a bun in the oven

být v tom

Benjamin Bratt's wife, former Bond girl Talisa Soto, has a bun in the oven -- and her husband's letting the cat out of the bag. WebC

Anchor/health reporter Anita Brikman is already out on maternity leave, and now weekend weathergal Sally Ann Mosey also has a bun in the oven. WebC

Yes, the woman who swore she'd have children in some nebulous future has a bun in the oven. WebC

have a church wedding

mít svatbu v kostele

If we'd had a church wedding, she'd have done the white-lace-and-trimmings bit, the full veil-and-trail number. BNC

With the help of this book, I managed to have a church wedding and dinner reception for 150 people, for just over $2500! WebC

If you have chosen to have a church wedding then I imagine it has special significance to you, ie: religious, historic, sentimental, etc. WebC

have a civil wedding

mít svatbu na radnici

Whether you are having a religious or a civil wedding, you must apply (in person or in writing) for a marriage schedule by giving notice to the local registrar where you want to marry at least 15 days (but not longer than three months) beforehand. BNC

The conditions for entering into marriage anybody fulfilling the conditions for entering into marriage may have a civil wedding. WebC

If you have a civil wedding ceremony, you can, if you wish, have the marriage blessed in a church immediately afterwards or at some later date. WebC

have a quiet wedding

mít neokázalou svatbu, oslavit svatbu v úzkém rodinné kruhu

In a month's time we'll have a quiet wedding in the local church, and after a few days in London we'll travel through all the countries of Europe. BNC

I would have preferred to have a quiet wedding, and wear what I am comfortable in. WebC

We had a quiet wedding at the end of March. BNC

have a strong attachment to sb.

mít k někomu silný vztah, mít koho rád

I have been involved in many church functions over the last couple of years and found that I have a strong attachment to a priest that I am friends with. WebC

Foster parents adopt when they have a strong attachment to the child.WebC

You are kind to strangers, regardless of appearances, and you have a strong attachment
to your family and close friends. WebC

have an affair

mít poměr

She looked at him longingly, wondering if he really did want to have an affair with her. BNC

People have often said to me that Audrey should have an affair. BNC

Sometimes I think he wants me to have an affair just so he can be proved right. BNC

have an eye for girls

potrpět si na děvčata

He's always had an eye for girls very much younger than himself, so, when the bodies of two teenage girls are discovered, he becomes a likely suspect. WebC

Yeah, and don't bleach it. It is still there. My friend Cody had an eye for girls with moustaches in high school. WebC

 He had an eye for girls, but he did his real romancing with grown women. WebC

henpecked husband

komandovaný manžel/pod pantoflem

It had been a fairly commonplace murder, a henpecked husband at the end of his tether who had taken a hatchet to his virago of a wife. BNC

Passengers with them are a rich, spoiled girl, a henpecked husband and his sharp-tongued wife, and a mature, empathetic lady. WebC

Sushma, why don't you and your henpecked husband get lost? WebC

hook a husband

ulovit si manžela

How to hook a husband when time is of the essence? WebC

Her gold-digging plan was to use a pregnancy to hook a husband. WebC

Somehow I managed to hook a husband and have two kids as part of the deal. WebC

household chores

domácí práce

In the mornings, for instance, after finishing the household chores she might go shopping, and then have lunch with friends. BNC

He hated everything to do with household chores and keeping the place clean so he concentrated hard on creating as little mess as possible. BNC

Household chores will present a bit of a problem, of course, but the children matter most. BNC

husband-wife relationship

partnerský vztah

There is more stress on the companionship of the husband-wife relationship: an ethic of being on our own together. BNC

The husband's interest in his wife's business and financial affairs is a result of the intimacy of the husband-wife relationship. WebC

As such, the husband-wife relationship takes precedence over all blood-kin ties. WebC


immediate family

nejbližší rodina/příbuzenstvo

She was not going out at all and was communicating very little with her immediate family. BNC

Have you ever stopped to consider how you would cope financially if you or a member of your immediate family were seriously injured in an accident? BNC

You will need to integrate the new puppy into socializing with people outside your immediate family. BNC

impending divorce

hrozící rozvod

Because parents feel children are too young to comprehend divorce, many do not speak with their children about an impending divorce. WebC

Divorce Room - Discussion and personal stories about adjusting to an impending divorce, dealing with children's issues, and getting along with an ex-partner. WebC

It's possible the agent found out the truth about your impending divorce and felt left out of the picture. WebC

in one's teens

dospívat (být) ve věku 13 a 19 let

In her teens, she coped very well with racism. BNC

Perhaps she had been too old for parenthood, and then it was very sad for a girl to lose her father in her teens. BNC

Early in her teens she discovered drugs and solvents. BNC


keep mum

mlčet před kým o čem, o tom ani muk

So, darling, keep mum about where we are. BNC

I was told to keep mum about it. BNC

And so Ed and Kath decide to keep mum about Mr Sloane's murder of their father. BNC

keep one's promise to marry sb.

dodržet slib manželství

Jennifer's childhood sweetheart from Rock Throw, West Virginia arrives at the station, expecting her to keep her promise to marry him. WebC

After having been reported dead, Pete suddenly returns home a rich man, and Philip persuades Kate to keep her promise to marry his friend. WebC

He introduced himself to her. He wanted to know whether she would keep
her promise to marry him if she could not guess where he was hidden. WebC

keep open house

být velmi pohostinný

We keep open house here and they can come and go as they please before settling down, as many do, after a few attempts. BNC

Easy enough to keep open house when someone else pays, isn't it? BNC

They have always kept an open house. BNC

kinship by marriage

spřízněni sňatkem (ne rodem)

Although there has been no bloodline established at this point there is a kinship by marriage. WebC

Terms like father-in-law, mother-in-law, etc. had the same meaning as they do today, which is a kinship by marriage. WebC

In the case of kinship by marriage, a man may not marry his wife's female ascendants, the wives of his own ascendants, nor the wives of his children. WebC


labour pains

porodní bolesti

Their first baby, who was to cause far more than labour pains, arrived in mid-May 1939. BNC

The nurses topped it up again as soon as they realised but it took time to go through and have any effect so I had about twenty minutes of real labour pains. BNC

As luck would have it, she had no time to build up her fears again, for her labour pains started that very night. BNC

latchkey kid

My dad came home at seven in the evening and my mom only an hour earlier so I was a latchkey kid. CIDI

At what age can a child become a 'latchkey kid'? WebC

I was a pathetic latchkey kid who watched way too much MTV as a child. WebC

lawful wedlock

právoplatné manželství

By the Adoption Act 1958, property of adopter and adoptee is to devolve in all respects as if the adoptee were the child of the adopter, born in lawful wedlock. BNC

Children born in lawful wedlock, or within a competent time afterwards, are presumed to be the issue of the father, and follow his condition. WebC

The status of a person born in lawful wedlock is called legitimacy. WebC

lawfully wedded wife

právoplatná manželka

I Terry do take you Joanne to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part. WebC

Do you (Groom) take (Bride) to be your lawfully wedded wife? WebC

As the first lawfully wedded wife among the gods, Hera was placed as the proectress of the deity of wives. WebC

leave sb. holding a baby

nechat všechno na kom, hodit všechno na koho

He abandoned the project after a year because he felt that it was going to fail and I was left holding the baby. CIDI

The "big decisions" have been made largely, if not solely, by Shaw during the last five years and they are now left holding a baby which has been thrust on them at a time of crisis. WebC

After a quayside mix-up with the Italian family of his fiancee, sailor Knocker White finds himself left holding a baby. WebC

like a child in a sweet shop

šťastný jako blecha, radostí bez sebe

Give him a room full of old books and he's like a child in a sweetshop. CIDI

It came through a couple of days ago and I was like a child in a sweetshop. WebC

If you are shoe fetishist, or just a lover of good design, you will feel like a child in a sweetshop. WebC

live to a ripe old age

dožít se vysokého/požehnaného věku

Both his grandparents lived to a ripe old age. CIDI

I know we have all heard of cases where someone has smoked sixty cigarettes a day and still lived to a ripe old age --; but is it really worth taking the chance? BNC

As if to make up for the early deaths of her sisters, she lived to a ripe old age, dying in the Almshouses at Dorking on 4 November 1855, aged eighty-seven. BNC

long courtship

dlouhé dvoření, námluvy

Right proposal may need long courtship. WebC

This sometimes happens when a long courtship leads to marriage. WebC

He felt that I was the answer to his prayers for a partner, and we were married after a year-long courtship. WebC

lose one's heart to sb.

zamilovat se do koho

She comes across as beautiful but bland, leaving you to wonder why Hellboy couldn't lose his heart to someone more interesting. WebC

Will the Yankee boy lose his heart to the gentle Confederate woman? WebC

From the moment the Landon begins describing Jamie....well, most readers will know
that this "bad boy" will soon lose his heart to the "good girl." WebC 

love at first sight

láska na první pohled

It was love at first sight for me and Danielle, and as the weeks went by I became more and more besotted. BNC

Favourite fairy tales are the need for spiritual growth, love at first sight, the pull of destiny or meetings in past lives, and we do not realize the primitive level of being in which the bond has its source. BNC

For Marion and Ronald it was love at first sight. BNC

love birds


In the morning room she wound the French clock, the one with love birds entwined on the top of it. BNC

You'd think that having four lovebirds would give you four times the love of just one -right? WebC

Half an hour later she left the two love birds, Maura and Carla in tow. BNC

love child

dítě lásky, nemanželské dítě

He allegedly has a love child in Australia from an affair with a much younger woman. CIDI

A runaway Irish priest and his schoolgirl sweetheart have set up home with their love child. BNC

Was William a love child, kept in the background because of the embarrassment, or were most of the records of his existence obliterated after his untimely death, to give solace to a stern and autocratic murderess? BNC

love match

sňatek z lásky

In your letter you made it quite clear it would be no love match. BNC

Everyone tried to dress it up as a love match but it wasn't. BNC

The whole matter was not so much solved as channelled in another direction by the sudden love match between Mary and her first cousin Henry, whom she described as the "properest and best proportioned long man" she had ever seen. BNC

Love me, love my dog.

Musíš mě milovat takovou, jaká jsem/takového, jaký jsem.

They're also cliquey in a "love me, love my dog" kind of way. WebC

When I met Brad, it was a clear case of love me, love my dog. WebC

"Love me, love my dog," you'll find the poem of its origin in this book. WebC

love of one's life

životní láska

She felt humiliated, sexually worthless and incapable of holding the man she still believes is 'the love of my life'. BNC

The young man then died an unheroic death, riding his motorcycle underneath a lorry in Hammersmith and Vanessa's emotions fed on the tragedy until she was convinced he had been the love of her life. BNC

A smooth, Manhattan music publicist, Ollie has just married the love of his life and has a child on the way. WebC

lover's knot

uzel lásky

I am caught I am tied with a lover's knot, like a fly, caught in your web I could break free. WebC

Just you, just me I'll tie a lover's knot Around wonderful you. WebC

We'll tie a lover's knot, Just say you love me. WebC

Lucky in cards, unlucky in love.

Štěstí ve hře, neštěstí v lásce.

And you know that saying, "Lucky in cards, unlucky in love?" well it is possible to be unlucky in both! WebC

I sat back filing my nails as she played losing my confidence here, Lucky in cards unlucky in love. WebC

"Lucky in cards, unlucky in love" was how Lord Arcenbryght, the worldly scion of the wealthy Malloren family, cynically viewed himself. WebC 


maiden name

jméno za svobodna

I enrolled under my maiden name, because I wanted other students to know me as a person first, as opposed to a professor's wife. BNC

Her maiden name was Wyatt, but now she's called Hughes. BNC

What did you say was your mother's maiden name? BNC

maintain good relations

udržovat dobré vztahy

It's sometimes essentila to maintain good relations with your neighbours. WebC

If you genuinely wish to mainatin good relations with ur Bill and Sally do not make mountain out of a molehill.

They no longer maintain good relations. WebC

man of good address

člověk dobrého vychování

Belfast Wholesale Paper Merchants require Apprentice at once - young man of good address and appearance; first-class opportunity to learn business. WebC

He is a young man of good address, sustaining the highest personal character at home & as I believe is entirely worthy of confidence. WebC

He was a well-informed man, of good address, insinuating manners, and at the time of his elopement was a deacon in the Christian Church. WebC

marital agreement

manželská dohoda

Maintenance may be waived in a valid marital agreement, but any limitation is subject to review for conscionability at the time of enforcement. WebC

A cohabitation agreement is a flexible, laissez faire document that is less subject to regulation than a marital agreement. WebC

The property division provided by a marital agreement will be binding on the divorce court except where it is inequitable. WebC

marital difficulties

problémy v manželství

Divorce is no longer so shameful and is popularly seen as a permissible solution to marital difficulties. BNC

And if all else failed it would probably be an effective, if unsubtle way of letting his wife know that something rather more serious than Marriage Guidance was required to get them out of their marital difficulties. BNC

Many problems experienced by prisoners are the same as those of other CAB clients: housing, social security, administration of justice, children and marital difficulties are the most common. BNC

marital fidelity

manželská věrnost

Beethoven, whose own opera of marital fidelity was heavily influenced by its music, regarded it as immoral -a reaction at least healthier than that of most commentators, who dismissed its plot as merely frivolous, and unworthy of Mozart. BNC

He has been similarly evasive in answering questions about his marital fidelity and marijuana use. BNC

Joined trees were objects of good omen; symbols of conjugal happiness and marital fidelity. BNC

marital portion

manželský podíl

The order provides that Karen is to receive 50% of the marital portion of Robert's
pension. WebC

With a defined benefit plan, I believe that a coverture or marital fraction should
be used to determine the marital portion of the retirement benefits. WebC

When a surviving spouse has a legal usufruct over the marital
portion unless the naked owner is not a child of the marriage. WebC

marital rights

manželská práva

He met people, made friends and absent-mindedly let them drive him home to his parents, forgetting the bride upstairs who was waiting for him to come and claim his 'marital rights'. BNC

Her husband, who had put up with a great deal, and was to put up with much more, was not yet prepared to lose his marital rights. BNC

If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marital rights. WebC

marriage announcement

svatební oznámení

For engagement or forthcoming marriage announcement, a picture of the bride-elect or of the couple may be submitted. WebC

After the declaration is made, it is usually necessary for banns, or marriage announcement, to be posted at the local comune. WebC

A bann is a type of marriage announcement that is displayed for two consecutive Sundays before your marriage takes place. WebC

marriage bed

svatební/manželské lože

Well, mother explained to me what was expected of me in the marriage bed and it sounded so terrifying. BNC

There she would stay, he told her, without food or water, until she had spun enough thread to weave new hangings for their marriage bed. BNC

With advancing years, and after the birth of his eighth child, my grandfather left the marriage bed and moved into a bedroom across the landing of the main staircase. BNC

marriage broker

zprostředkovatel sňatků/dohazovač

A marriage broker goes to see a poor man and says, "I want to arrange a marriage for your son." WebC

The marriage-broker is ever a welcome guest where there are daughters to marry, and also in houses where the sons wish to find a suitable bride. WebC

How to be your own marriage broker and get proposed to. WebC

marriage bureau

sňatková kancelář

The girl blushed slightly and then laughed, well we're a public library, not a marriage bureau. BNC

This marriage bureau is one of the worlds most experienced with members of all religions, ages and educational backgrounds throughout the world. WebC

But the registration of marriages with accompanying ceremony gives them their image as a "marriage bureau."

marriage certificate

oddací list

Spouses or newly-weds should carry a copy of their marriage certificate where passports and tickets are in different names. BNC

Filling in the details on the marriage certificate may have proved a problem for Benjamin. BNC

The Law Society will require evidence such as a marriage certificate, deed poll or statutory declaration. BNC

marriage contract

předmanželská smlouva

 It was the bond which united people in mutual obligations, whether through a marriage contract, a commercial enterprise or a verbal undertaking. BNC

By the marriage contract a wife no doubt confers upon her husband an irrevocable privilege to have sexual intercourse…. BNC

The marriage contract still has different meanings for men and women and, although unwritten in Britain, it cannot be altered. BNC

marriage counselling service

manželská poradna

He's like a man who goes to a marriage counselling service, complains to the therapist that his wife doesn't know her rightful place and feels upset. WebC

She is at the same time an emploee of Marriage Counselling Service and so much troubles can be solve up there, too. WebC

He and his wife, Hazel, provide a pre- and in-marriage counselling service. WebC

marriage counselling/guidance

manželské poradenství

In our marriage counselling we have met many who have a good understanding of how they should be treating their partner, but they lack the proper motivation. BNC

Marital pathology is fully recognised by those who give support through marriage counselling. BNC

I agreed to marriage counselling but only if I could go alone, although I knew that going alone was a bit like filing fiddled expenses. BNC

marriage portion


Parents tried to help their children set up home with the aid of a marriage portion but most couples had to rely mainly on their own savings. BNC

This was in the event of land being given as a marriage portion. WebC

A written marriage contract shall be based upon a written agreement providing the wife's marriage portion. WebC

marriage proposal

nabídka k sňatku

Since it was swiftly followed by a marriage proposal it must have gone down fairly well. BNC

The refusal to accept a marriage proposal was often interpreted as a statement of superiority. WebC

Despite becoming constant companions, she says his marriage proposal still came as a shock. BNC

marriage rate


This trend reflects a steady decline in the teenage marriage rate since 1970. BNC

In January there had been twenty-six fresh applications; the marriage rate in Derry was 420 per year and there were at least one thousand applicants on the waiting list. BNC

UK has the highest marriage rate in Europe and a divorce rate of twice the european average. BNC

marriage without parental consent

sňatek bez souhlasu rodičů

The legal age for marriage without parental consent is 18 for both male and female. WebC

Carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of marriage without parental consent before coming to a final decision. WebC

An edict of 1556 outlawed "clandestine" marriage, meaning marriage without parental consent. WebC

married life

manželský život

This does not, like a divorce, enable the parties to marry again, but it releases them in other respects from the duties of married life.

"While I was with her", I said, "she told me what a wonderful husband you had always been to her - always, in every way, all your married life." BNC 

On a nest of cotton wool, in a little box, my grandmother kept the two wedding rings which had worn thin, then broken, during her married life, because of her handling of corn. BNC

married state

stav manželský

There is a growing number of people who see cohabitation as a complete alternative to the married state. BNC 

A marriage contracted by a person so insane at the time as not to appreciate the nature of the obligations of the married state may be set aside at the suit of either party. BNC

Alida had been conscious of Dorothea's married state, hating her for it, burning with scorn at the preoccupations and trivialities of a marriage. BNC

marry off

provdat, vdát (dceru), oženit (syna)

And it is not over yet - you know we have Mary to marry off to Alex McLaggan this Friday coming. BNC

Any girls born that year would, by tradition, have been fated to make men unhappy, and would thus have been hard to marry off. BNC

"Besides, I've got two more sons to marry off yet!" BNC

maternity benefits

mateřské dávky

The European Commission has agreed the directive on maternity benefits. BNC

Maternity benefits and an increase in maternity leave are also being offered by some companies. BNC

The new system should, it was argued, include family allowances, maternity benefits and provision for widows. BNC

maternity dress

mateřské šaty

Four weeks pregnant, she was standing in line waiting to pay for her first maternity dress when things began to go wrong. BNC

It was hardly a secret by this time; even her loose maternity dress could not disguise the fact that she was expecting a baby in six weeks' time. BNC

They let me wear a maternity dress then, because I hadn't worn one up till then. BNC

maternity hospital


Both were born on Tuesday, November 24, at the Princess Anne Maternity hospital in Southampton. BNC

All the local maternity hospital could do was suggest that Allison should wait another three months before trying again. BNC

A trained nurse, now forced into exile in Mexico City, had worked in the Maternity Hospital of San Salvador until 1981 and described conditions there. BNC

maternity leave.

mateřská dovolená

Maternity leave does not break one's period of continuous employment and indeed it counts as part of that period. BNC

The only returners that some companies regard as worth training are young high-flyers coming back from maternity leave; it won't hurt to shake them up a little. BNC

Britain also objected to the new directive on maternity leave. BNC

mother country

rodná vlast/země

They can be sure they will hear news and debates on issues that affect them and their families in Britain and back in their mother country. BNC

She saw at first hand the imperialist arrogance of the British in her mother country, aptly illustrated by the signs in the parks which baldly stated "no dogs or Chinese allowed". BNC

The S. African British are entirely relieved from any obligations to the mother country. BNC 

mother of all sth.

mimořádný, jako řemen

Mike's suffering from the mother of all hangovers after the party last night. CIDI

Dropped by helicopter at Fifth Reef Pipeline, he saw the mother of all waves rear up out of the water. BNC

First I get stuck in the mother of all traffic jams, and then I'm confronted by a woman who blocks her ears to reason and is a complete and utter pain in the ass. BNC

mother tongue

mateřský jazyk

Candidates whose mother tongue is not English will be required to pass an Oral Test before they can be awarded a certificate. WebC

To compare the phoneme charts of the mother tongue and the target, language gives a general idea of where the main pronunciation problems may arise. WebC

In obvious ways a native-speaker setting out to become a teacher of her/his mother tongue has a clear head start. BNC

mother wit

selský/zdravý rozum

Ryan's memoir reveals as much about American consumers' relationship with postwar
marketing as it does about her mother's wit and resourcefulness. WebC

She carried a lot of wisdom, mother wit and experience, and God passed that on down to me. WebC

She's making her mark with mother wit in Brainerd. WebC



As a child I had a Japanese black-lacquered box, inlaid with a moon in mother-of-pearl, shimmering above dark islands. BNC

Nigel went along on his own with a nice little pair of mother-of-pearl binoculars that had been in the family for generations. BNC

When the little maid came in to do her hair, she had chosen as her only ornament a simple mother-of-pearl choker. BNC


budoucí matka

Often so much fuss is made of the mother-to-be that the father-to-be feels left out. BNC

One of the referenda urges that abortion should be permitted in cases where the life of a mother-to-be is considered at risk. BNC

When the next deaf mother-to-be booked, she was met by a team of three midwives who felt better equipped to help her. BNC

mother's milk

mateřské mléko

Every day, a new benefit of mother's milk to the baby is discovered. WebC

Mother's milk is so precise and complex that scientists have yet to duplicate it. WebC

Why did Upali not want to drink any mother's milk? WebC

move house

přestěhovat se

These days many people move house frequently, and inevitably this means leaving behind the graves of much loved pets. BNC

For example, what happens when you go on holiday for a few weeks, or you are bedridden with influenza, or you change job or move house? BNC

What's more, when you move house, your bedroom furniture can go along with you. BNC

multiple birth

mnohočetný porod

Ideas of the parallel between normal multiple birth in animals and abnormal multiple birth in humans are widely distributed, and contribute to the significance of twins in many cultures. BNC

Your article, "Antenatal Tests", did not mention that mothers expecting a multiple birth are usually advised against having amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. BNC

Two employees are multiple birth dads. BNC 

Mum's the word.

nikomu ani muk

I think I'm pregnant, but mum's the word until I know for sure. CIDI

She told us the secret. Then she whispered, "Mum's the word." WMEI

Mum's the word on Warne's failed test. WebC


Necessity is the mother of invention.

Nouze naučila Dalibora housti.

If necessity is the mother of invention, originality is its father. A great invention will do something that could be not be achieved without it. WebC

Necessity is the Mother of Invention. Advances in technology and clever inventions have changed the face of office work. WebC

Necessity is the mother of Invention, and, as everybody knows, a skinny woman named Poverty is the mother of Necessity. WebC

new kid on the block

nováček (nově příchozí), bažant

Realizing I was the new kid on the block in this job, I was determined to prove myself. CIDI

Foo was perceived as the new kid on the block, the angry young gunslinger who had ridden into town to test his draw against the ageing marshal. BNC

With the Santa Cruz Operation's new president Lars Turndal being the new kid on the block and a stranger to most of the people who'll have to deal with him, we thought we'd give a little of his background. BNC

New Man

muž zastávající názor feministek, že muž se má starat o domácnost a dítě stejně jako žena 

I bet you Chris does at least half of the cooking and the housework. He's very much a New Man. CIDI

He is also the epitome of the New Man, and has been known to leave his office to arrive home in time to bath his daughter, Mary-Claire, and read her a story before bed. BNC

To feminists he is a New Man, pro-choice on the abortion issue and married to a strong, career-minded woman whom he freely acknowledges as the driving force behind his win. BNC



Freda, the newly-wed, was pregnant, and this was messing up all our duty rosters. BNC

One morning a husband said to his newly-wed wife, "Goodbye, darling". BNC

A newly-wed husband legally acquired all his wife's real and personal property, and he could dispose of it exactly as he thought fit. BNC

next of kin

nejbližší příbuzní

You can have my mother's address for next of kin. BNC

If your brother becomes poor, and sells part of his property, then his next of kin shall come and redeem what his brother has sold. BNC

She said that was no excuse for not informing the next of kin of the three crew members of the Delos who had died. BNC

not to be on speaking terms with sb

nemluvit s kým

I am currently not on speaking terms with my mother, but I do not wish to physically harm her.WebC

If you're not on speaking terms with certain family members, this is a good time to smooth any differences between you. WebC

The story goes that in the end nobody knew the reason why they were not on speaking terms with each other. WebC

nursing mother

kojící matka

A nursing mother sees her reflection in the eyes of the infant in her arms. BNC

And then there are special times; when planning a family: as an expectant or nursing mother; when it's that time of the month; or simply when you run out of time to eat properly. BNC

Disabled persons and nursing mothers are provided with special facilities, including a lift, and there are pay phones, public toilets and a baggage handling hall. . WebC


of ones birth


On the centenary of his birth, Charleroi, the town of his birth, renamed the main avenue leading to the airport after him. WebC

I honestly don't think they would object to my marrying Madeleine on the grounds of my birth. BNC

I took the afternoon off to see Ireland (land of my birth) illustrate just why Man City are a pile of shite, and then the agony of the evening. BNC

old age


It is the loss of strength associated with old age that has permitted and continues to permit the abuse of older people. BNC

From birth onwards we are all presented with unflattering images of old age. BNC

How is it that the sociologists and oral historians who interview and record the elderly have not already countered the derogatory myth of old age as helpless degeneration? BNC

old before one's age

předčasně zestárlý

When Jacobus Gallus wrote these lines, in 1589, he was a man worn out, old before his age, undermined by vigils, insomnia and work. WebC

The occasional Feltwebel standing guard or delivering messages would occasionally encounter a shabby, old-before-his-age, trembling, introvert man shuffling through the narrow hallways at great effort. WebC

 So speaks Diworwine, once proud Rider of the Mark, now a bitter man, old before his age. WebC

old flame

stará láska

I bumped into an old flame of yours in Oxford on Saturday. CIDI

Without giving away too much of the plot, she's an old flame of Morse's and he's brought in when her husband is found shot. BNC

And his self-despite was so strong that he knew reviving an old flame or chasing some young actress would only aggravate it. BNC

old lady

matka, stará (manželka)

My old lady's nearly ninety, and stone-deaf, and her mind wanders now and then…BNC

'I told my old lady I'd be home,' McQuaid lied as he rose. BNC

We stopped in the mountains and everybody brought out their bread and wine and cheese, and my old lady had olives. BNC

old love never dies

stará láska nerezaví

Old love never dies, I heard my mother often say. WebC

There still is a place in my heart for him - old love never dies, it merely changes form. I don't worry about him taking his own life - it's just not his way. WebC

When he saw her getting off the bus It seemed to wipe away the years. Ahh, old love never dies. WebC

old maid

stará panna

She'd give that up when she pleased or die an old maid. BNC

She didn't want false teeth; they would make her look like an old maid. BNC

I'm destined to die an old maid, so I am. BNC

old wife's tale


I know it sounds like an old wife's tale but it really does work. WebC

Still, I have to wonder if this isn'ta lapidary "old wife's tale" because most people I know need to turn inventory back into revenue as quickly as possible. WebC

Let us suppose that instead there had been a rumor - an old wife's tale - that there existed a miraculous unknown element which could be used in the transmutation of elements, and which had miraculous healing powers and other exotic properties. WebC

old wives' tale

babské tlachy, povídačky

It's an old wives' tale that drinking alcohol before you go to bed helps you sleep. CIDI

Is this true, an old wives' tale or what does this mean? BNC

Is there any scientific evidence that supports the old wives tale "if you pull out a gray (actually white) hair, that more (white hairs) will grow back"? WebC

only child


As I was the only child, the animals were my playmates. BNC

It must be terrible to lose an only child; to lose any child. BNC

Sometimes I think I was intended to be an only child, and got born into a large family by a mistake. BNC

open marriage

manželství partnerů, kteří po dohodě žijí mimomanželským životem

Even when the idea of 'open marriage' enjoyed a degree of popularity about a decade ago, only a handful of married couples actually took on lovers with mutual consent. WebC

A belief in the necessity for an open marriage is not popular. WebC

Frances says it's not a big deal, she and Tim have an open relationship and plan on having an open marriage. WebC


parent rock

matečná hornina

A similar problem exists with the interpretation of Neolithic axes; while there cannot be any doubt that glacial drift has resulted in the deposition of rocks at a considerable distance from the parent rock, it is difficult to determine the actual source of the stone in either period. BNC

Gold appears either in its parent rock or in placer deposits in which the products of long periods of erosion are concentrated in the alluvium of existing river systems or buried under later sedimentary or igneous rocks. BNC

Neither is to be found in alluvial sands or gravels and both have to be mined from the parent rock. BNC

passing fancy

přechodná náklonnost

However much she'd fallen in love with Rohan, to him she was no more than a passing fancy, to be enjoyed then discarded. BNC

She had dismissed him quite brutally, relegating him to the status of a passing fancy, or less. BNC

He realized in that instant that his entire life would be changed utterly; that this was no sentimental longing, no passing fancy or phase, this was a feeling he would live by, whatever the costs. BNC

patch up one's marriage

dát své manželství zase dohromady

Edith and Richard tried to patch up their marriage and by 1963, they had moved back together and were living in Ottawa. WebC

The couple try to patch up their marriage with a country idyll, only to come a cropper over the forces of nature. WebC

The article also revealed that the trend among dissatisfied spouses is increasingly to leap into legal action rather than trying to patch up their marriage. WebC

pay one's addresses to sb

ucházet se o čí ruku

Glum paid his addresses to her, stating that he did not want the help of kinsmen to explain what his family or his property and personal merits were. WebC

Price now paid his addresses to other women. WebC

He returned his income at a very large figure, and soon after paid his addresses to the daughter of the surveyor of taxes. WebC

pinchand scrape

utrhovat si od úst

Don't you remember how we had to pinch and scrape to pay the butcher's bill in Puddleby? WebC

The fool who will pinch and scrape every dime, nickel and penny together to make this Christmas as good as last years.WebC

I want to do this so bad that I am willing to pinch and scrape money for a few months. WebC

plural marriage

mnohoženství, polygamie

In 1862 the United States Congress passed the Morrill Act, which prohibited plural marriage in the territories, disincorporated the Mormon Church, and restricted the church's ownership of property. WebC

We're disappointed with the bigamy convictions. It sets a precedent," said Mary Batchelor, who said she had lived three years in a plural marriage. WebC

The Saints were being prosecuted severely because of Plural Marriage. WebC

possessive woman

panovačná žena

She was a jealous and overly possessive woman who would have loathed anyone her brother had married. BNC

That film had an over-possessive woman acting as a wall between her step-sister and her eccentric lover. WebC

Ana is Alfonso's mother, she is a tyrant and possessive woman, she hates Silvia and she wants to separate her from Alfonso. WebC

pre-marital agreement

předmanželská dohoda

I estimate one hour of my time to prepare a standard pre-marital agreement, assuming all the terms are agreed to by the parties in advance. WebC

A pre-marital agreement is a written contract signed by both parties to a forthcoming marriage, which specifies what financial arrangements will be made between them should they divorce or separate. WebC

No one should enter a pre-marital agreement without the advice of lawyers for both parties. WebC

proxy marriage

svatba v zastoupení

I had a proxy marriage on the telephone. BNC

 For example, the reason for the proxy marriage is very vague. WebC

There is also a practice of proxy marriage of the dead.  WebC

puppy love

pubertální zamilovanost

She is the first to admit that she was bitten by the Puppy Love bug from quite an early age - which stood her in good stead when it came to dealing with the opposite sex in later years. BNC

It's very possible they'll end up together. It was a puppy-love kind of thing and it never really did go back to normal friendship. WebC

Back in 1952 when I was a puppy-love sick boy of 12 and felt I needed to talk to a priest because the girl I liked gave me the gate. WebC

put in the family way

přivést do jiného stavu

She was put "in the family way" by a man in Chicago and had to be taken to a doctor
for an abortion. WebC

One other girl who was earmarked for him, was put in the family way by another man,
while Agori was still in training. WebC

The senior sister applied the same method and was also put in the family way by the father. WebC


quick child

inteligentní/chápavé dítě, nenarozené dítě-plod

Hence the quick child is not held back, nor the child who takes longer to absorb information obliged to flounder along without true understanding. WebC

My oldest is 5 and she is a very smart quick child, who loves to learn, and has a very strong will, and a quick temper. WebC

Hence the quick child is not held back by the slower child, nor is the latter, in trying to keep up with the former, obliged to flounder along hopelessly out of his depth. WebC


ring up the Samaritans

zavolat na linku důvěry

Please do not think that only suicidal people ring up the Samaritans. WebC

How so many professionals believed a four year old could ring up the Samaritans is a mystery. WebC

If he were to ring up the Samaritans they’d end up topping themselves. WebC

rob the cradle

chodit s mnohem mladším partnerem

And in my opinion, that precludes the urge to rob the cradle, like this guy, who at age 45 is looking to date women aged 21-35. WebC

I would never "rob the cradle" or let some older woman "rob the cradle" on me, so to speak. WebC

Why are women allowed to rob the cradle and it's fun and games, but if men do it...it's disgusting, sick, and deserves the gauntlet? WebC

royal family

královská rodina

The Danish royal family had attended every night of the festival. BNC

The Royal Family is showing itself to be just as vulnerable to social change as the rest of us. BNC

If anyone had told her then that one day she would join the royal family she would have run a mile. BNC

run in the family

být v rodině, dědit se (určitý rys)

Diabetes 'may run in the family'. WebC

Sometimes, an infection or a metabolic disorder can cause fits, and sometimes it can be something that just runs in the family. BNC

Jimmy Souness, who was a school cleaner, had a history of heart disease which runs in the family. BNC


scare baby


Come on ... don't be such a scare-baby! WebC

I can see he's a real scarebaby. WebC

Look at you! You're such a scare baby, Debbie! WebC

set up home

založit si rodinu

He hit the roof when the pair left to set up home in a bedsit.  BNC

These nests will shortly be visited by the female in whose larger territory the various males have set up home. BNC

He set up home with his wife Kerry at RAF Lyneham and they would have celebrated their second wedding anniversary later this month. BNC

set up house

založit si domácnost

You did not go off and set up house with the man in your life and perhaps think about marriage if it seemed like a good idea, after a year or two. BNC

Though she set up house with him, she still went home to Eccles every Sunday for a traditional roast lunch with the family. BNC

 I suppose we'll probably set up house together. BNC

sham marriage

sňatek naoko (např. pro získání občanství, majetku, společenského postavení atd.)

My proposals will make it more difficult for those who come into this country and enter into a sham marriage. WebC

A marriage of convenience, or "sham marriage" can have serious consequences for both the petitioner and beneficiary if detected. WebC

A sham marriage is unfair to the spouse, and too often results in failure, divorce, and guilt. WebC

shotgun marriage

násilný sňatek

I remind the House that couples in the intimate atmosphere of engagement sometimes find that pregnancy arises and the shotgun marriage follows. BNC

Some of these electronics companies still had a family firm element, or had a shotgun marriage background, or were in some other way eccentric enterprises. BNC

This shotgun marriage between the NRA and political correctness suggests that some of its more far-sighted members are getting a little nervous. BNC

sign the marriage register

zapsat se do matriky

Yet both were the first in either family to sign the marriage register with more than a cross. BNC

After solemnisation of the marriage, both parties to the marriage, the two witnesses and the marriage officer must sign the marriage register. WebC

On the day of the wedding you will need to bring with you at least 2 other people who are prepared to witness the marriage and sign the marriage register. WebC

silver wedding(anniversary)

stříbrná svatba

For a silver wedding picture, it seemed appropriate to use a silver theme, so the oval frame shown in the facing photograph was an obvious but perfect choice. BNC

Since our silver wedding anniversary was the following day it seemed an ideal way to celebrate, so my wife and I decided to go. BNC

Yeah, well that was their silver wedding anniversary wasn't it? BNC

Spare the rod and spoil the child.

Škoda každé rány, která padne vedle. (Doslova: Šetři metlu, zkazíš dítě)

But the dictum, spare the rod and spoil the child, has many takers. WebC

Spare the rod and spoil the child" was my father's favorite. WebC

Parents receive lots of child-rearing advice, including, "spare the rod and spoil the child".  WebC

split up with sb.

rozejít se s kým

He split up with the mother of his 8-year-old daughter and his parents divorced when he was seven months old. WebC

So we split up towards the end of the season and I then went over to the States. BNC

The first time I was too young to know what I was doing and we split up after only seven months. BNC

start a baby


Everyone planning to start a baby should check with their doctor that they are still protected against German Measles. BNC

If I start a baby, will you marry me? BNC

She was only fourteen and she started a baby! WebC

still birth

narození mrtvého dítěte/potrat

Still birth ratios also increase with birth order in each birth interval category. BNC

Still birth is defined as synonymous with late fetal death, that is, one of 28 completed weeks or more of gestation. BNC

Examination of factors that are associated with still birth or late fetal mortality is particularly relevant from the viewpoint of optimum conditions of childbearing. BNC

suckling baby


A small, weak or poorly suckling baby may under-stimulate the milk supply. WebC

It has definite psychological benefits, both to the nursing mother and suckling baby. WebC

No matter how many different regular pillows a new mother uses to try to position her suckling baby, nothing will feel as snug and natural as the Boppy Pillow. WebC

suffer from jealousy

trpět žárlivostí

People who suffer from jealousy are often very insecure, and their worst fear is that their partner will leave them. WebC

Conversely, you are highly competitive and can suffer from jealousy when it comes to the success of others, especially colleagues or friends. WebC

We can suffer from jealousy without even being aware of it. WebC

support a family

živit rodinu

take sb out

vzít koho na rande, vyjít si s kým (do kina...)

On a first date you might want to take sombody out to dinner. WebC

Why don't you take him out for a meal or something? WebC

Sweet Molly, who he was about to take out for the day and seduce if he got the chance. BNC

take sb's feelings seriously

brát něčí city vážně

It did his ego good to realise that another Buffy in another reality obviously took his feelings seriously enough to reciprocate them. WebC

Be direct, show him that you take his feelings seriously. WebC

One thing she was struggling with was the fact that he did not seem to take her feelings seriously. WebC

take to sb.

pojmout náklonnost ke komu

She gradually came out and met Oscar, he took to her quite well. WebC

He took to her like an older brother from the start. WebC

His foster mom said he took to her as soon as she walked in the door and she spent 2 hours with him before taking him home.WebC

test-tube baby

dítě ze zkumavky

She had asked for a test-tube baby because her fallopian tubes were irreversibly blocked. BNC

The birth of the world's first "test-tube baby" was a major breakthrough in medicine. WebC

Louise Brown, the world's first test-tube baby, turns 25 today, and it certainly seems like a reason to celebrate. WebC

the head of the family

hlava rodiny

Still, Pope Pius concludes by saying that the man is the head of the family and the woman the heart of it. WebC

The discussions around polygamy, the age of marriage for girls and who should be the head of the family generated the most controversy. WebC

The head of the family frequently had under his control a large number of people, both relatives and servants, and considerable resources. BNC

There's life in the old dog yet.

je čilý jako rybička

I may be 90 but there's life in the old dog yet. CIDI

His apparent urbanity is surprising, and yet the twinkle in his eyes seems to hint that there's life in the old dog yet. WebC

The graphics are some of the best to ever grace the ageing Playstation, proving there's life in the old dog yet. WebC

there's little love lost between them

nemají se zrovna v lásce

There's no doubt that there's little love lost between them. WebC

There's little love lost between them or any of their servants. WebC

I can now clearly see that there is little love between the.

they parted good friends

rozešli se jako dobří přátelé

The Major seemed crestfallen; nevertheless, they parted good friends. WebC

They parted good friends, and as Jimmy prepared to drive off Henry waved him goodbye with a chuckle, for no apparent reason. WebC

They parted good friends; and he slapped their backs heartily. WebC

think the world of sb.

být do koho velmi zamilován

He is sitting in a county prision and I think the world of him, so I try to do what I can. WebC

She loves the Jewish people and she’s the greatest person and I think the world of her. WebC

I think the world of her and her adorable little boy Michael, who looks exactly like her. WebC

tie the knot

praštit do toho (vzít se)

We're glad she did tie the knot, as on the day before her wedding, she received her pay cheque in her married name! BNC

Love blossomed on a summer holiday in Morecambe and they decided to tie the knot. BNC

The wedding industry has to get as much cash as possible out of the remaining couples who choose to tie the knot with the blessing of God and every florist in Britain. BNC

toy boy

chlapeček (výrazně mladší partner ženy)

Sheila's gone out rowing with Dieter, her new toy boy. CIDI

These movie stars seem to have a new boy toy every week. CIDI

Eyebrows are raised considerably higher by the idea of an older woman with her `;toy boy'; than an older man with a much younger girlfriend. BNC

try to run sb's life for sb

snažit se řídit čí život

An Aquarian thinks it is your problem and your responsibility, and in return would not want anyone to try to run their life for them. WebC

When his girlfriend gets too typical and easy to read, itz easy to push her buttons, annoy her on purpose, and try to run her life for her like a tyrant. WebC

We had this long running joke that she was not to try to mother me or to act like my wife just as I would not try to run her life for her. WebC

twist sb round one's little finger

otočit si koho kolem prstu

She had always known that Liza could twist him round her little finger. BNC

Poor Tommy. She twisted him round her little finger. WebC

She has a soft spot for Basil and can twist him round her little finger, something Basil, despite his own debonair charm, seems powerless to either recognize or resist. WebC


umbillical cord

pupeční šňůra (také přeneseně)

My wife went in for her 20 wk sonogram and the doctor said that the umbillical cord only had one vein and one artery. WebC

It is to the mother that a developing unborn child is literally bonded or connected by an umbillical cord, creating a degree of intimacy. WebC

Something that really helped us was what I like to call the umbillical cord method. WebC

unborn child

nenarozené dítě, plod

German Measles can damage your unborn child. BNC

Every member of the family looks after her safety as she carries the much welcome unborn child. BNC

So, we could be sure the unborn child was given a full and more than adequate food and oxygen supply throughout. BNC

under one's thumb

být pod pantoflem

Auntie Julie was a bossy wee body with a pug nose and a big bust, and she had Uncle Geordie completely under her thumb. BNC

His wife, who isn't interested in history at all, is a real dragon, and he spends most of his life completely under her thumb. BNC

As I follow her into the front room someone whispers to Rufus: `She got him under her thumb, I think.' BNC

unrequited love

nešťastná/ neopětovanaá láska

Complaints following a loss, a grief, a rejection, unrequited love or a reprimand. BNC

First love, unrequited love, chivalrous daring-do and spine tingling escapes, wrapped up in one of the theatre's great set pieces, The Tower of London, and some of Sullivan's loveliest music... BNC

The fact that her stomach no longer turned over when he looked at her came as a surprise and disappointment --; even unrequited love was better than no love at all. BNC

upon death

v případě smrti

The tax consequences upon death can be very substantial if certain kinds of assets were held by the deceased at death. WebC

Each week 800 council employees voluntarily contributed 50p from their wages of which 31p was paid to an insurance company which paid out £2,750 upon death. BNC

Under this policy, claims are paid upon death or serious disability of the insured.WebC

uranium family

uranová řada

If the radioactive uranium family had not included a gas (radon), natural radioactivity would pose no health problem. WebC

Uranium 238 is the founder of the natural uranium family, while Uranium 235 is the founder of the Actinium-Uranium natural family. WebC

But there may be other isotopes that are naturally radioactive, especially in the uranium family. WebC


wedded bliss

manželské štěstí

Women like Sarah, on the other hand, who do have high expectations of marriage, are likely to be sufficiently disillusioned by the reality of wedded bliss not to want to repeat the experience. BNC

The most cheerful symbol for the joys of summer and wedded bliss is provided by an elephant on which Job and his wife embrace, shortly before the wheel of fortune turns. BNC

From starting a new loving liaison to celebrating the joys of wedded bliss this is your chance to show your other half just how much you love and adore them. BNC

wedded state


The wedded state was to ancient Egyptian minds the ideal part of the divine order. WebC

They have been leery of the wedded state for a long time. WebC

January calls in all of his friends and brothers and lectures them all on the bliss of the wedded state. WebC

wedding anniversary

výročí svatby

The photograph was probably taken around their 65th wedding aniversary, ca1917. WebC

Forgotten that wedding anniversary again? BNC

By the third wedding anniversary, 69 per cent of wives had concluded that there were problems, compared with 46 per cent of husbands. BNC

wedding breakfast

svatební hostina

"This sure beats the boring old wedding breakfast," she said. BNC

We'll have the wedding breakfast in the Royal. BNC

They will quite happily arrange anything you want, but advise that 30-40 people is about the maximum for a seated wedding breakfast. BNC

wedding march

svatební pochod

For church weddings, some brides even choose to have the harpist play the wedding party processional and have the organist play the wedding march. WebC

When the Bride and Groom are introduced, the Polish Wedding March should be played by the band. WebC

Bubbles fill the room when the wedding march begins. WebC

wedding present

svatební dar

There's not many men who aren't even relations that'd give someone a record player for a wedding present. BNC

The man had colour television, false teeth worth two hundred pounds; he gave his friend a record player for a wedding present. BNC

And when they married, he gave each grandchild a wedding present from his own handiwork. BNC

wedding reception

svatební hostina

My fiancé and I want to do something a little different for our wedding reception next summer. BNC

This is the ideal hotel if you are planning a small wedding reception. BNC

When visiting the house agent, bank, garage or pet shop or making plans for the wedding reception and so on, go through the events mentally first. BNC

wedding ring

snubní prsten

Gina had once owned a wedding ring, but had chucked it at him in an early quarrel before disappearing for days. BNC

Eternity, union, love, the gold wedding ring has come to symbolise the devotion of a groom to his bride, a bride to her groom and reflects perfectly the harmony between the couple. BNC

She had, after all, a wedding ring on her finger, so there must have been a Mr Salt. BNC


zázračné dítě, malý génius

They've taken on some financial whizz-kid who's going to sort all their problems out. CIDI

Safely married at nineteen to a whizz-kid of the insurance world --; if that's not a contradiction in terms. BNC

Rourke's replacement was the young Craig Gannon, a whizz-kid guitarist of hedonistic bent and formerly with Aztec Camera. BNC

widow's pension

vdovský důchod

A widow/widower, who is under retiring age, may be eligible to Widow's Pension, if the following criteria are fulfilled. WebC

The following income shall be included in the determination of income of a person to establish eligibility of that person for a widow's pension. WebC

The widow's pension currently is calculated at 25% of the deceased member's average final compensation plus 10% for each eligible dependent child.WebC

within the family(circle)

v rodinném kruhu

Before the industrial revolution most economic activity was centered within the family circle, either through work on farms or in cottage industries. WebC

The family system is usually dealt with in terms of behaviors within the family circle. WebC

It is very tempting for parents to attribute their child's awful behaviour to some simple external cause when the real problem lies within the family. BNC

wonder child

zázračné dítě/fenomén

The author more or less accuses her of driving her son to an early grave because her fictional portraits of him as the wonder child put so much pressure on him. WebC

Then we are usually able to experience the playful and creative 'wonder child' who emerges as healing is accomplished. WebC

But this did not matter to his happy parents. In their eyes he was a wonder child. WebC



yoke of marriage

manželský chomout

Unless adultery has broken the yoke of marriage, a divorce would not be proper or would not really take effect before God. WebC

Neither law nor the world's opinion compelled her to do this--only her husband's nature and her own compassion, only the ideal and not the real yoke of marriage. WebC

If this is enough to break the bonds of matrimony, how little weight is there on the yoke of marriage. WebC