úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.22
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

fuddy daddy

starý patron, páprda

That probably means I'm such a fuddy-daddy even the sharks would think I'm boring. WebC

From fuddy daddy baronic politics to Congress socialism and finally to Communism was a long stride - it marked his challenges, struggles and endeavours. WebC

I still don't know if it's my grey hair that makes them call me honey, or do i just simply look like the old fuddy-daddy? WebC 



generation gap

mezigenerační rodíl, propast mezi generacemi

The changes stemmed largely from the generation gap. BNC

Focus on the personalities involved, albeit with the addition of one important shared characteristic, also offers a better explanation of the supposed generation gap. BNC

This versatile book combines communicative activities with information on topics as varied as national customs, food, and the generation gap. BNC

get custody of children

svěřit dítě do čí péče

Divorce study finds more women are doing the dumping. Key factor is their belief that they'll get custody of children, researcher says. WebC

It also measn that women get custody of children even if they are not good mothers and men feel marginalised in the lives of their children. WebC

Women could apply for divorces and get custody of children. WebC

get pregnant


Left school at 17 when she got pregnant, married, now separated, with two kids. BNC

Five out of seven girls in my street got pregnant without being married. BNC

When Michelle got pregnant at sixteen in the television series Eastenders, she brought the situation of teenage mothers to the attention of the nation. BNC

get sb pregnant

přivést do jiného stavu

In his twenties he had taken up with a girl called Freda and got her pregnant. BNC

The only reason Sonny ever got with her is because he got her pregnant after a one
night stand. WebC

Matt and Tom helped Lisa overcome her agoraphobia and, when Briony started being sick, he thought he'd got her pregnant. WebC

get wed

vzít se

Jones still remembered young Carol who had gone off to Australia as a child and was now all grown up and about to get wed. BNC

Marriage has certainly been on the agenda but as neither of us feel compelled to get wed on either moral or religious grounds, we simply haven't got round to it. BNC

Tom and Jo get wed On 19 March 2003, quietly at Finsbury Registry. WebC

give birth (to a child)


Well, suppose that a young woman is unfortunate enough to give birth to a child outside marriage. BNC

Females that have struggled to obtain enough food throughout the winter and emerge in spring in poor condition, may fail to conceive, or may give birth to a weak and sickly kid. BNC

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel (Mark 1:23). BNC

give birth to sth.

vést ke vzniku čeho, dát čemu vznik

This will give birth to humility in us, and humility will help us resist the temptation to play God to people. BNC

Now if the protracted labour and gestation period ever does give birth to a new set of regulations governing player registration in England, the likes of Shelford will not be able to play in the rugby competitions in this country. BNC

Berg was also an agent of the Office of Strategic Services, which was later to give birth to the CIA. BNC

give one's blessing

dát požehnání

Ben said that if the marriage was genuine, he would give them his blessing. WebC

He refused to give them his blessing, but only warned Erica that getting together with Jack would be the biggest mistake of her life. WebC

Maybe he had a chance there yet. If not, he'd give away the bride, so to speak, and give them his blessing. WebC

go into labour

dostat porodní bolesti

They were at DisneyWorld, on the last day of their American trip when Alison, 30, went into labour. WebC

When I went into labour I was told there was no heartbeat and that even if she was born alive, which was unlikely, she was too early and small to survive. BNC

Later that evening she went into labour and was transferred to the maternity unit. BNC

go out with sb.

chodit s kým

Joe's absence almost certainly meant that he had succeeded in persuading a girl called Jill into going out with him. BNC

Going out with a man who, according to Dawn, was using her in order to achieve his own ends. BNC

His case, involving an allegation that he raped another student after going out with her, has attracted wide media attention. BNC

gold wedding(anniversary)

zlatá svatba (výročí)

In December, 1952, she and her husband were privileged to celebrate their gold wedding anniversary. WebC

Cake decorators useit on silver and gold wedding anniversary cakes. WebC

In addition, a bouquet was also presented to Mr. Sadami Kawamura and his wife Sumie, who celebrate their gold wedding anniversary this year. WebC

grass widower

slaměný vdovec

Some soup or little homemade cakes, convinced that as a grass widower he couldn't cope. BNC

However, I still found it useful to be a grass-widower for a limited period in order to devote myself more completely to writing up my researches. WebC

A grass widower is one who is estranged from his wife. WebC


have a bun in the oven

být v tom

Benjamin Bratt's wife, former Bond girl Talisa Soto, has a bun in the oven -- and her husband's letting the cat out of the bag. WebC

Anchor/health reporter Anita Brikman is already out on maternity leave, and now weekend weathergal Sally Ann Mosey also has a bun in the oven. WebC

Yes, the woman who swore she'd have children in some nebulous future has a bun in the oven. WebC

have a church wedding

mít svatbu v kostele

If we'd had a church wedding, she'd have done the white-lace-and-trimmings bit, the full veil-and-trail number. BNC

With the help of this book, I managed to have a church wedding and dinner reception for 150 people, for just over $2500! WebC

If you have chosen to have a church wedding then I imagine it has special significance to you, ie: religious, historic, sentimental, etc. WebC