úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.38
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

love of one's life

životní láska

She felt humiliated, sexually worthless and incapable of holding the man she still believes is 'the love of my life'. BNC

The young man then died an unheroic death, riding his motorcycle underneath a lorry in Hammersmith and Vanessa's emotions fed on the tragedy until she was convinced he had been the love of her life. BNC

A smooth, Manhattan music publicist, Ollie has just married the love of his life and has a child on the way. WebC

lover's knot

uzel lásky

I am caught I am tied with a lover's knot, like a fly, caught in your web I could break free. WebC

Just you, just me I'll tie a lover's knot Around wonderful you. WebC

We'll tie a lover's knot, Just say you love me. WebC

Lucky in cards, unlucky in love.

Štěstí ve hře, neštěstí v lásce.

And you know that saying, "Lucky in cards, unlucky in love?" well it is possible to be unlucky in both! WebC

I sat back filing my nails as she played losing my confidence here, Lucky in cards unlucky in love. WebC

"Lucky in cards, unlucky in love" was how Lord Arcenbryght, the worldly scion of the wealthy Malloren family, cynically viewed himself. WebC 


maiden name

jméno za svobodna

I enrolled under my maiden name, because I wanted other students to know me as a person first, as opposed to a professor's wife. BNC

Her maiden name was Wyatt, but now she's called Hughes. BNC

What did you say was your mother's maiden name? BNC

maintain good relations

udržovat dobré vztahy

It's sometimes essentila to maintain good relations with your neighbours. WebC

If you genuinely wish to mainatin good relations with ur Bill and Sally do not make mountain out of a molehill.

They no longer maintain good relations. WebC

man of good address

člověk dobrého vychování

Belfast Wholesale Paper Merchants require Apprentice at once - young man of good address and appearance; first-class opportunity to learn business. WebC

He is a young man of good address, sustaining the highest personal character at home & as I believe is entirely worthy of confidence. WebC

He was a well-informed man, of good address, insinuating manners, and at the time of his elopement was a deacon in the Christian Church. WebC

marital agreement

manželská dohoda

Maintenance may be waived in a valid marital agreement, but any limitation is subject to review for conscionability at the time of enforcement. WebC

A cohabitation agreement is a flexible, laissez faire document that is less subject to regulation than a marital agreement. WebC

The property division provided by a marital agreement will be binding on the divorce court except where it is inequitable. WebC

marital difficulties

problémy v manželství

Divorce is no longer so shameful and is popularly seen as a permissible solution to marital difficulties. BNC

And if all else failed it would probably be an effective, if unsubtle way of letting his wife know that something rather more serious than Marriage Guidance was required to get them out of their marital difficulties. BNC

Many problems experienced by prisoners are the same as those of other CAB clients: housing, social security, administration of justice, children and marital difficulties are the most common. BNC

marital fidelity

manželská věrnost

Beethoven, whose own opera of marital fidelity was heavily influenced by its music, regarded it as immoral -a reaction at least healthier than that of most commentators, who dismissed its plot as merely frivolous, and unworthy of Mozart. BNC

He has been similarly evasive in answering questions about his marital fidelity and marijuana use. BNC

Joined trees were objects of good omen; symbols of conjugal happiness and marital fidelity. BNC

marital portion

manželský podíl

The order provides that Karen is to receive 50% of the marital portion of Robert's
pension. WebC

With a defined benefit plan, I believe that a coverture or marital fraction should
be used to determine the marital portion of the retirement benefits. WebC

When a surviving spouse has a legal usufruct over the marital
portion unless the naked owner is not a child of the marriage. WebC

marital rights

manželská práva

He met people, made friends and absent-mindedly let them drive him home to his parents, forgetting the bride upstairs who was waiting for him to come and claim his 'marital rights'. BNC

Her husband, who had put up with a great deal, and was to put up with much more, was not yet prepared to lose his marital rights. BNC

If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marital rights. WebC

marriage announcement

svatební oznámení

For engagement or forthcoming marriage announcement, a picture of the bride-elect or of the couple may be submitted. WebC

After the declaration is made, it is usually necessary for banns, or marriage announcement, to be posted at the local comune. WebC

A bann is a type of marriage announcement that is displayed for two consecutive Sundays before your marriage takes place. WebC

marriage bed

svatební/manželské lože

Well, mother explained to me what was expected of me in the marriage bed and it sounded so terrifying. BNC

There she would stay, he told her, without food or water, until she had spun enough thread to weave new hangings for their marriage bed. BNC

With advancing years, and after the birth of his eighth child, my grandfather left the marriage bed and moved into a bedroom across the landing of the main staircase. BNC

marriage broker

zprostředkovatel sňatků/dohazovač

A marriage broker goes to see a poor man and says, "I want to arrange a marriage for your son." WebC

The marriage-broker is ever a welcome guest where there are daughters to marry, and also in houses where the sons wish to find a suitable bride. WebC

How to be your own marriage broker and get proposed to. WebC

marriage bureau

sňatková kancelář

The girl blushed slightly and then laughed, well we're a public library, not a marriage bureau. BNC

This marriage bureau is one of the worlds most experienced with members of all religions, ages and educational backgrounds throughout the world. WebC

But the registration of marriages with accompanying ceremony gives them their image as a "marriage bureau."