úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.33
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

mother country

rodná vlast/země

They can be sure they will hear news and debates on issues that affect them and their families in Britain and back in their mother country. BNC

She saw at first hand the imperialist arrogance of the British in her mother country, aptly illustrated by the signs in the parks which baldly stated "no dogs or Chinese allowed". BNC

The S. African British are entirely relieved from any obligations to the mother country. BNC 

mother of all sth.

mimořádný, jako řemen

Mike's suffering from the mother of all hangovers after the party last night. CIDI

Dropped by helicopter at Fifth Reef Pipeline, he saw the mother of all waves rear up out of the water. BNC

First I get stuck in the mother of all traffic jams, and then I'm confronted by a woman who blocks her ears to reason and is a complete and utter pain in the ass. BNC

mother tongue

mateřský jazyk

Candidates whose mother tongue is not English will be required to pass an Oral Test before they can be awarded a certificate. WebC

To compare the phoneme charts of the mother tongue and the target, language gives a general idea of where the main pronunciation problems may arise. WebC

In obvious ways a native-speaker setting out to become a teacher of her/his mother tongue has a clear head start. BNC

mother wit

selský/zdravý rozum

Ryan's memoir reveals as much about American consumers' relationship with postwar
marketing as it does about her mother's wit and resourcefulness. WebC

She carried a lot of wisdom, mother wit and experience, and God passed that on down to me. WebC

She's making her mark with mother wit in Brainerd. WebC



As a child I had a Japanese black-lacquered box, inlaid with a moon in mother-of-pearl, shimmering above dark islands. BNC

Nigel went along on his own with a nice little pair of mother-of-pearl binoculars that had been in the family for generations. BNC

When the little maid came in to do her hair, she had chosen as her only ornament a simple mother-of-pearl choker. BNC


budoucí matka

Often so much fuss is made of the mother-to-be that the father-to-be feels left out. BNC

One of the referenda urges that abortion should be permitted in cases where the life of a mother-to-be is considered at risk. BNC

When the next deaf mother-to-be booked, she was met by a team of three midwives who felt better equipped to help her. BNC

mother's milk

mateřské mléko

Every day, a new benefit of mother's milk to the baby is discovered. WebC

Mother's milk is so precise and complex that scientists have yet to duplicate it. WebC

Why did Upali not want to drink any mother's milk? WebC

move house

přestěhovat se

These days many people move house frequently, and inevitably this means leaving behind the graves of much loved pets. BNC

For example, what happens when you go on holiday for a few weeks, or you are bedridden with influenza, or you change job or move house? BNC

What's more, when you move house, your bedroom furniture can go along with you. BNC

multiple birth

mnohočetný porod

Ideas of the parallel between normal multiple birth in animals and abnormal multiple birth in humans are widely distributed, and contribute to the significance of twins in many cultures. BNC

Your article, "Antenatal Tests", did not mention that mothers expecting a multiple birth are usually advised against having amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. BNC

Two employees are multiple birth dads. BNC 

Mum's the word.

nikomu ani muk

I think I'm pregnant, but mum's the word until I know for sure. CIDI

She told us the secret. Then she whispered, "Mum's the word." WMEI

Mum's the word on Warne's failed test. WebC


Necessity is the mother of invention.

Nouze naučila Dalibora housti.

If necessity is the mother of invention, originality is its father. A great invention will do something that could be not be achieved without it. WebC

Necessity is the Mother of Invention. Advances in technology and clever inventions have changed the face of office work. WebC

Necessity is the mother of Invention, and, as everybody knows, a skinny woman named Poverty is the mother of Necessity. WebC

new kid on the block

nováček (nově příchozí), bažant

Realizing I was the new kid on the block in this job, I was determined to prove myself. CIDI

Foo was perceived as the new kid on the block, the angry young gunslinger who had ridden into town to test his draw against the ageing marshal. BNC

With the Santa Cruz Operation's new president Lars Turndal being the new kid on the block and a stranger to most of the people who'll have to deal with him, we thought we'd give a little of his background. BNC

New Man

muž zastávající názor feministek, že muž se má starat o domácnost a dítě stejně jako žena 

I bet you Chris does at least half of the cooking and the housework. He's very much a New Man. CIDI

He is also the epitome of the New Man, and has been known to leave his office to arrive home in time to bath his daughter, Mary-Claire, and read her a story before bed. BNC

To feminists he is a New Man, pro-choice on the abortion issue and married to a strong, career-minded woman whom he freely acknowledges as the driving force behind his win. BNC



Freda, the newly-wed, was pregnant, and this was messing up all our duty rosters. BNC

One morning a husband said to his newly-wed wife, "Goodbye, darling". BNC

A newly-wed husband legally acquired all his wife's real and personal property, and he could dispose of it exactly as he thought fit. BNC

next of kin

nejbližší příbuzní

You can have my mother's address for next of kin. BNC

If your brother becomes poor, and sells part of his property, then his next of kin shall come and redeem what his brother has sold. BNC

She said that was no excuse for not informing the next of kin of the three crew members of the Delos who had died. BNC