úterý, 16. července 2024, 21.59
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

not to be on speaking terms with sb

nemluvit s kým

I am currently not on speaking terms with my mother, but I do not wish to physically harm her.WebC

If you're not on speaking terms with certain family members, this is a good time to smooth any differences between you. WebC

The story goes that in the end nobody knew the reason why they were not on speaking terms with each other. WebC

nursing mother

kojící matka

A nursing mother sees her reflection in the eyes of the infant in her arms. BNC

And then there are special times; when planning a family: as an expectant or nursing mother; when it's that time of the month; or simply when you run out of time to eat properly. BNC

Disabled persons and nursing mothers are provided with special facilities, including a lift, and there are pay phones, public toilets and a baggage handling hall. . WebC


of ones birth


On the centenary of his birth, Charleroi, the town of his birth, renamed the main avenue leading to the airport after him. WebC

I honestly don't think they would object to my marrying Madeleine on the grounds of my birth. BNC

I took the afternoon off to see Ireland (land of my birth) illustrate just why Man City are a pile of shite, and then the agony of the evening. BNC

old age


It is the loss of strength associated with old age that has permitted and continues to permit the abuse of older people. BNC

From birth onwards we are all presented with unflattering images of old age. BNC

How is it that the sociologists and oral historians who interview and record the elderly have not already countered the derogatory myth of old age as helpless degeneration? BNC

old before one's age

předčasně zestárlý

When Jacobus Gallus wrote these lines, in 1589, he was a man worn out, old before his age, undermined by vigils, insomnia and work. WebC

The occasional Feltwebel standing guard or delivering messages would occasionally encounter a shabby, old-before-his-age, trembling, introvert man shuffling through the narrow hallways at great effort. WebC

 So speaks Diworwine, once proud Rider of the Mark, now a bitter man, old before his age. WebC

old flame

stará láska

I bumped into an old flame of yours in Oxford on Saturday. CIDI

Without giving away too much of the plot, she's an old flame of Morse's and he's brought in when her husband is found shot. BNC

And his self-despite was so strong that he knew reviving an old flame or chasing some young actress would only aggravate it. BNC

old lady

matka, stará (manželka)

My old lady's nearly ninety, and stone-deaf, and her mind wanders now and then…BNC

'I told my old lady I'd be home,' McQuaid lied as he rose. BNC

We stopped in the mountains and everybody brought out their bread and wine and cheese, and my old lady had olives. BNC

old love never dies

stará láska nerezaví

Old love never dies, I heard my mother often say. WebC

There still is a place in my heart for him - old love never dies, it merely changes form. I don't worry about him taking his own life - it's just not his way. WebC

When he saw her getting off the bus It seemed to wipe away the years. Ahh, old love never dies. WebC

old maid

stará panna

She'd give that up when she pleased or die an old maid. BNC

She didn't want false teeth; they would make her look like an old maid. BNC

I'm destined to die an old maid, so I am. BNC

old wife's tale


I know it sounds like an old wife's tale but it really does work. WebC

Still, I have to wonder if this isn'ta lapidary "old wife's tale" because most people I know need to turn inventory back into revenue as quickly as possible. WebC

Let us suppose that instead there had been a rumor - an old wife's tale - that there existed a miraculous unknown element which could be used in the transmutation of elements, and which had miraculous healing powers and other exotic properties. WebC

old wives' tale

babské tlachy, povídačky

It's an old wives' tale that drinking alcohol before you go to bed helps you sleep. CIDI

Is this true, an old wives' tale or what does this mean? BNC

Is there any scientific evidence that supports the old wives tale "if you pull out a gray (actually white) hair, that more (white hairs) will grow back"? WebC

only child


As I was the only child, the animals were my playmates. BNC

It must be terrible to lose an only child; to lose any child. BNC

Sometimes I think I was intended to be an only child, and got born into a large family by a mistake. BNC

open marriage

manželství partnerů, kteří po dohodě žijí mimomanželským životem

Even when the idea of 'open marriage' enjoyed a degree of popularity about a decade ago, only a handful of married couples actually took on lovers with mutual consent. WebC

A belief in the necessity for an open marriage is not popular. WebC

Frances says it's not a big deal, she and Tim have an open relationship and plan on having an open marriage. WebC


parent rock

matečná hornina

A similar problem exists with the interpretation of Neolithic axes; while there cannot be any doubt that glacial drift has resulted in the deposition of rocks at a considerable distance from the parent rock, it is difficult to determine the actual source of the stone in either period. BNC

Gold appears either in its parent rock or in placer deposits in which the products of long periods of erosion are concentrated in the alluvium of existing river systems or buried under later sedimentary or igneous rocks. BNC

Neither is to be found in alluvial sands or gravels and both have to be mined from the parent rock. BNC

passing fancy

přechodná náklonnost

However much she'd fallen in love with Rohan, to him she was no more than a passing fancy, to be enjoyed then discarded. BNC

She had dismissed him quite brutally, relegating him to the status of a passing fancy, or less. BNC

He realized in that instant that his entire life would be changed utterly; that this was no sentimental longing, no passing fancy or phase, this was a feeling he would live by, whatever the costs. BNC