úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.09
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

patch up one's marriage

dát své manželství zase dohromady

Edith and Richard tried to patch up their marriage and by 1963, they had moved back together and were living in Ottawa. WebC

The couple try to patch up their marriage with a country idyll, only to come a cropper over the forces of nature. WebC

The article also revealed that the trend among dissatisfied spouses is increasingly to leap into legal action rather than trying to patch up their marriage. WebC

pay one's addresses to sb

ucházet se o čí ruku

Glum paid his addresses to her, stating that he did not want the help of kinsmen to explain what his family or his property and personal merits were. WebC

Price now paid his addresses to other women. WebC

He returned his income at a very large figure, and soon after paid his addresses to the daughter of the surveyor of taxes. WebC

pinchand scrape

utrhovat si od úst

Don't you remember how we had to pinch and scrape to pay the butcher's bill in Puddleby? WebC

The fool who will pinch and scrape every dime, nickel and penny together to make this Christmas as good as last years.WebC

I want to do this so bad that I am willing to pinch and scrape money for a few months. WebC

plural marriage

mnohoženství, polygamie

In 1862 the United States Congress passed the Morrill Act, which prohibited plural marriage in the territories, disincorporated the Mormon Church, and restricted the church's ownership of property. WebC

We're disappointed with the bigamy convictions. It sets a precedent," said Mary Batchelor, who said she had lived three years in a plural marriage. WebC

The Saints were being prosecuted severely because of Plural Marriage. WebC

possessive woman

panovačná žena

She was a jealous and overly possessive woman who would have loathed anyone her brother had married. BNC

That film had an over-possessive woman acting as a wall between her step-sister and her eccentric lover. WebC

Ana is Alfonso's mother, she is a tyrant and possessive woman, she hates Silvia and she wants to separate her from Alfonso. WebC

pre-marital agreement

předmanželská dohoda

I estimate one hour of my time to prepare a standard pre-marital agreement, assuming all the terms are agreed to by the parties in advance. WebC

A pre-marital agreement is a written contract signed by both parties to a forthcoming marriage, which specifies what financial arrangements will be made between them should they divorce or separate. WebC

No one should enter a pre-marital agreement without the advice of lawyers for both parties. WebC

proxy marriage

svatba v zastoupení

I had a proxy marriage on the telephone. BNC

 For example, the reason for the proxy marriage is very vague. WebC

There is also a practice of proxy marriage of the dead.  WebC

puppy love

pubertální zamilovanost

She is the first to admit that she was bitten by the Puppy Love bug from quite an early age - which stood her in good stead when it came to dealing with the opposite sex in later years. BNC

It's very possible they'll end up together. It was a puppy-love kind of thing and it never really did go back to normal friendship. WebC

Back in 1952 when I was a puppy-love sick boy of 12 and felt I needed to talk to a priest because the girl I liked gave me the gate. WebC

put in the family way

přivést do jiného stavu

She was put "in the family way" by a man in Chicago and had to be taken to a doctor
for an abortion. WebC

One other girl who was earmarked for him, was put in the family way by another man,
while Agori was still in training. WebC

The senior sister applied the same method and was also put in the family way by the father. WebC


quick child

inteligentní/chápavé dítě, nenarozené dítě-plod

Hence the quick child is not held back, nor the child who takes longer to absorb information obliged to flounder along without true understanding. WebC

My oldest is 5 and she is a very smart quick child, who loves to learn, and has a very strong will, and a quick temper. WebC

Hence the quick child is not held back by the slower child, nor is the latter, in trying to keep up with the former, obliged to flounder along hopelessly out of his depth. WebC


ring up the Samaritans

zavolat na linku důvěry

Please do not think that only suicidal people ring up the Samaritans. WebC

How so many professionals believed a four year old could ring up the Samaritans is a mystery. WebC

If he were to ring up the Samaritans they’d end up topping themselves. WebC

rob the cradle

chodit s mnohem mladším partnerem

And in my opinion, that precludes the urge to rob the cradle, like this guy, who at age 45 is looking to date women aged 21-35. WebC

I would never "rob the cradle" or let some older woman "rob the cradle" on me, so to speak. WebC

Why are women allowed to rob the cradle and it's fun and games, but if men do it...it's disgusting, sick, and deserves the gauntlet? WebC

royal family

královská rodina

The Danish royal family had attended every night of the festival. BNC

The Royal Family is showing itself to be just as vulnerable to social change as the rest of us. BNC

If anyone had told her then that one day she would join the royal family she would have run a mile. BNC

run in the family

být v rodině, dědit se (určitý rys)

Diabetes 'may run in the family'. WebC

Sometimes, an infection or a metabolic disorder can cause fits, and sometimes it can be something that just runs in the family. BNC

Jimmy Souness, who was a school cleaner, had a history of heart disease which runs in the family. BNC


scare baby


Come on ... don't be such a scare-baby! WebC

I can see he's a real scarebaby. WebC

Look at you! You're such a scare baby, Debbie! WebC