úterý, 16. července 2024, 21.00
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

set up home

založit si rodinu

He hit the roof when the pair left to set up home in a bedsit.  BNC

These nests will shortly be visited by the female in whose larger territory the various males have set up home. BNC

He set up home with his wife Kerry at RAF Lyneham and they would have celebrated their second wedding anniversary later this month. BNC

set up house

založit si domácnost

You did not go off and set up house with the man in your life and perhaps think about marriage if it seemed like a good idea, after a year or two. BNC

Though she set up house with him, she still went home to Eccles every Sunday for a traditional roast lunch with the family. BNC

 I suppose we'll probably set up house together. BNC

sham marriage

sňatek naoko (např. pro získání občanství, majetku, společenského postavení atd.)

My proposals will make it more difficult for those who come into this country and enter into a sham marriage. WebC

A marriage of convenience, or "sham marriage" can have serious consequences for both the petitioner and beneficiary if detected. WebC

A sham marriage is unfair to the spouse, and too often results in failure, divorce, and guilt. WebC

shotgun marriage

násilný sňatek

I remind the House that couples in the intimate atmosphere of engagement sometimes find that pregnancy arises and the shotgun marriage follows. BNC

Some of these electronics companies still had a family firm element, or had a shotgun marriage background, or were in some other way eccentric enterprises. BNC

This shotgun marriage between the NRA and political correctness suggests that some of its more far-sighted members are getting a little nervous. BNC

sign the marriage register

zapsat se do matriky

Yet both were the first in either family to sign the marriage register with more than a cross. BNC

After solemnisation of the marriage, both parties to the marriage, the two witnesses and the marriage officer must sign the marriage register. WebC

On the day of the wedding you will need to bring with you at least 2 other people who are prepared to witness the marriage and sign the marriage register. WebC

silver wedding(anniversary)

stříbrná svatba

For a silver wedding picture, it seemed appropriate to use a silver theme, so the oval frame shown in the facing photograph was an obvious but perfect choice. BNC

Since our silver wedding anniversary was the following day it seemed an ideal way to celebrate, so my wife and I decided to go. BNC

Yeah, well that was their silver wedding anniversary wasn't it? BNC

Spare the rod and spoil the child.

Škoda každé rány, která padne vedle. (Doslova: Šetři metlu, zkazíš dítě)

But the dictum, spare the rod and spoil the child, has many takers. WebC

Spare the rod and spoil the child" was my father's favorite. WebC

Parents receive lots of child-rearing advice, including, "spare the rod and spoil the child".  WebC

split up with sb.

rozejít se s kým

He split up with the mother of his 8-year-old daughter and his parents divorced when he was seven months old. WebC

So we split up towards the end of the season and I then went over to the States. BNC

The first time I was too young to know what I was doing and we split up after only seven months. BNC

start a baby


Everyone planning to start a baby should check with their doctor that they are still protected against German Measles. BNC

If I start a baby, will you marry me? BNC

She was only fourteen and she started a baby! WebC

still birth

narození mrtvého dítěte/potrat

Still birth ratios also increase with birth order in each birth interval category. BNC

Still birth is defined as synonymous with late fetal death, that is, one of 28 completed weeks or more of gestation. BNC

Examination of factors that are associated with still birth or late fetal mortality is particularly relevant from the viewpoint of optimum conditions of childbearing. BNC

suckling baby


A small, weak or poorly suckling baby may under-stimulate the milk supply. WebC

It has definite psychological benefits, both to the nursing mother and suckling baby. WebC

No matter how many different regular pillows a new mother uses to try to position her suckling baby, nothing will feel as snug and natural as the Boppy Pillow. WebC

suffer from jealousy

trpět žárlivostí

People who suffer from jealousy are often very insecure, and their worst fear is that their partner will leave them. WebC

Conversely, you are highly competitive and can suffer from jealousy when it comes to the success of others, especially colleagues or friends. WebC

We can suffer from jealousy without even being aware of it. WebC

support a family

živit rodinu

take sb out

vzít koho na rande, vyjít si s kým (do kina...)

On a first date you might want to take sombody out to dinner. WebC

Why don't you take him out for a meal or something? WebC

Sweet Molly, who he was about to take out for the day and seduce if he got the chance. BNC

take sb's feelings seriously

brát něčí city vážně

It did his ego good to realise that another Buffy in another reality obviously took his feelings seriously enough to reciprocate them. WebC

Be direct, show him that you take his feelings seriously. WebC

One thing she was struggling with was the fact that he did not seem to take her feelings seriously. WebC