úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.53
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

take to sb.

pojmout náklonnost ke komu

She gradually came out and met Oscar, he took to her quite well. WebC

He took to her like an older brother from the start. WebC

His foster mom said he took to her as soon as she walked in the door and she spent 2 hours with him before taking him home.WebC

test-tube baby

dítě ze zkumavky

She had asked for a test-tube baby because her fallopian tubes were irreversibly blocked. BNC

The birth of the world's first "test-tube baby" was a major breakthrough in medicine. WebC

Louise Brown, the world's first test-tube baby, turns 25 today, and it certainly seems like a reason to celebrate. WebC

the head of the family

hlava rodiny

Still, Pope Pius concludes by saying that the man is the head of the family and the woman the heart of it. WebC

The discussions around polygamy, the age of marriage for girls and who should be the head of the family generated the most controversy. WebC

The head of the family frequently had under his control a large number of people, both relatives and servants, and considerable resources. BNC

There's life in the old dog yet.

je čilý jako rybička

I may be 90 but there's life in the old dog yet. CIDI

His apparent urbanity is surprising, and yet the twinkle in his eyes seems to hint that there's life in the old dog yet. WebC

The graphics are some of the best to ever grace the ageing Playstation, proving there's life in the old dog yet. WebC

there's little love lost between them

nemají se zrovna v lásce

There's no doubt that there's little love lost between them. WebC

There's little love lost between them or any of their servants. WebC

I can now clearly see that there is little love between the.

they parted good friends

rozešli se jako dobří přátelé

The Major seemed crestfallen; nevertheless, they parted good friends. WebC

They parted good friends, and as Jimmy prepared to drive off Henry waved him goodbye with a chuckle, for no apparent reason. WebC

They parted good friends; and he slapped their backs heartily. WebC

think the world of sb.

být do koho velmi zamilován

He is sitting in a county prision and I think the world of him, so I try to do what I can. WebC

She loves the Jewish people and she’s the greatest person and I think the world of her. WebC

I think the world of her and her adorable little boy Michael, who looks exactly like her. WebC

tie the knot

praštit do toho (vzít se)

We're glad she did tie the knot, as on the day before her wedding, she received her pay cheque in her married name! BNC

Love blossomed on a summer holiday in Morecambe and they decided to tie the knot. BNC

The wedding industry has to get as much cash as possible out of the remaining couples who choose to tie the knot with the blessing of God and every florist in Britain. BNC

toy boy

chlapeček (výrazně mladší partner ženy)

Sheila's gone out rowing with Dieter, her new toy boy. CIDI

These movie stars seem to have a new boy toy every week. CIDI

Eyebrows are raised considerably higher by the idea of an older woman with her `;toy boy'; than an older man with a much younger girlfriend. BNC

try to run sb's life for sb

snažit se řídit čí život

An Aquarian thinks it is your problem and your responsibility, and in return would not want anyone to try to run their life for them. WebC

When his girlfriend gets too typical and easy to read, itz easy to push her buttons, annoy her on purpose, and try to run her life for her like a tyrant. WebC

We had this long running joke that she was not to try to mother me or to act like my wife just as I would not try to run her life for her. WebC

twist sb round one's little finger

otočit si koho kolem prstu

She had always known that Liza could twist him round her little finger. BNC

Poor Tommy. She twisted him round her little finger. WebC

She has a soft spot for Basil and can twist him round her little finger, something Basil, despite his own debonair charm, seems powerless to either recognize or resist. WebC


umbillical cord

pupeční šňůra (také přeneseně)

My wife went in for her 20 wk sonogram and the doctor said that the umbillical cord only had one vein and one artery. WebC

It is to the mother that a developing unborn child is literally bonded or connected by an umbillical cord, creating a degree of intimacy. WebC

Something that really helped us was what I like to call the umbillical cord method. WebC

unborn child

nenarozené dítě, plod

German Measles can damage your unborn child. BNC

Every member of the family looks after her safety as she carries the much welcome unborn child. BNC

So, we could be sure the unborn child was given a full and more than adequate food and oxygen supply throughout. BNC

under one's thumb

být pod pantoflem

Auntie Julie was a bossy wee body with a pug nose and a big bust, and she had Uncle Geordie completely under her thumb. BNC

His wife, who isn't interested in history at all, is a real dragon, and he spends most of his life completely under her thumb. BNC

As I follow her into the front room someone whispers to Rufus: `She got him under her thumb, I think.' BNC

unrequited love

nešťastná/ neopětovanaá láska

Complaints following a loss, a grief, a rejection, unrequited love or a reprimand. BNC

First love, unrequited love, chivalrous daring-do and spine tingling escapes, wrapped up in one of the theatre's great set pieces, The Tower of London, and some of Sullivan's loveliest music... BNC

The fact that her stomach no longer turned over when he looked at her came as a surprise and disappointment --; even unrequited love was better than no love at all. BNC