úterý, 16. července 2024, 18.29
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

upon death

v případě smrti

The tax consequences upon death can be very substantial if certain kinds of assets were held by the deceased at death. WebC

Each week 800 council employees voluntarily contributed 50p from their wages of which 31p was paid to an insurance company which paid out £2,750 upon death. BNC

Under this policy, claims are paid upon death or serious disability of the insured.WebC

uranium family

uranová řada

If the radioactive uranium family had not included a gas (radon), natural radioactivity would pose no health problem. WebC

Uranium 238 is the founder of the natural uranium family, while Uranium 235 is the founder of the Actinium-Uranium natural family. WebC

But there may be other isotopes that are naturally radioactive, especially in the uranium family. WebC


wedded bliss

manželské štěstí

Women like Sarah, on the other hand, who do have high expectations of marriage, are likely to be sufficiently disillusioned by the reality of wedded bliss not to want to repeat the experience. BNC

The most cheerful symbol for the joys of summer and wedded bliss is provided by an elephant on which Job and his wife embrace, shortly before the wheel of fortune turns. BNC

From starting a new loving liaison to celebrating the joys of wedded bliss this is your chance to show your other half just how much you love and adore them. BNC

wedded state


The wedded state was to ancient Egyptian minds the ideal part of the divine order. WebC

They have been leery of the wedded state for a long time. WebC

January calls in all of his friends and brothers and lectures them all on the bliss of the wedded state. WebC

wedding anniversary

výročí svatby

The photograph was probably taken around their 65th wedding aniversary, ca1917. WebC

Forgotten that wedding anniversary again? BNC

By the third wedding anniversary, 69 per cent of wives had concluded that there were problems, compared with 46 per cent of husbands. BNC

wedding breakfast

svatební hostina

"This sure beats the boring old wedding breakfast," she said. BNC

We'll have the wedding breakfast in the Royal. BNC

They will quite happily arrange anything you want, but advise that 30-40 people is about the maximum for a seated wedding breakfast. BNC

wedding march

svatební pochod

For church weddings, some brides even choose to have the harpist play the wedding party processional and have the organist play the wedding march. WebC

When the Bride and Groom are introduced, the Polish Wedding March should be played by the band. WebC

Bubbles fill the room when the wedding march begins. WebC

wedding present

svatební dar

There's not many men who aren't even relations that'd give someone a record player for a wedding present. BNC

The man had colour television, false teeth worth two hundred pounds; he gave his friend a record player for a wedding present. BNC

And when they married, he gave each grandchild a wedding present from his own handiwork. BNC

wedding reception

svatební hostina

My fiancé and I want to do something a little different for our wedding reception next summer. BNC

This is the ideal hotel if you are planning a small wedding reception. BNC

When visiting the house agent, bank, garage or pet shop or making plans for the wedding reception and so on, go through the events mentally first. BNC

wedding ring

snubní prsten

Gina had once owned a wedding ring, but had chucked it at him in an early quarrel before disappearing for days. BNC

Eternity, union, love, the gold wedding ring has come to symbolise the devotion of a groom to his bride, a bride to her groom and reflects perfectly the harmony between the couple. BNC

She had, after all, a wedding ring on her finger, so there must have been a Mr Salt. BNC


zázračné dítě, malý génius

They've taken on some financial whizz-kid who's going to sort all their problems out. CIDI

Safely married at nineteen to a whizz-kid of the insurance world --; if that's not a contradiction in terms. BNC

Rourke's replacement was the young Craig Gannon, a whizz-kid guitarist of hedonistic bent and formerly with Aztec Camera. BNC

widow's pension

vdovský důchod

A widow/widower, who is under retiring age, may be eligible to Widow's Pension, if the following criteria are fulfilled. WebC

The following income shall be included in the determination of income of a person to establish eligibility of that person for a widow's pension. WebC

The widow's pension currently is calculated at 25% of the deceased member's average final compensation plus 10% for each eligible dependent child.WebC

within the family(circle)

v rodinném kruhu

Before the industrial revolution most economic activity was centered within the family circle, either through work on farms or in cottage industries. WebC

The family system is usually dealt with in terms of behaviors within the family circle. WebC

It is very tempting for parents to attribute their child's awful behaviour to some simple external cause when the real problem lies within the family. BNC

wonder child

zázračné dítě/fenomén

The author more or less accuses her of driving her son to an early grave because her fictional portraits of him as the wonder child put so much pressure on him. WebC

Then we are usually able to experience the playful and creative 'wonder child' who emerges as healing is accomplished. WebC

But this did not matter to his happy parents. In their eyes he was a wonder child. WebC



yoke of marriage

manželský chomout

Unless adultery has broken the yoke of marriage, a divorce would not be proper or would not really take effect before God. WebC

Neither law nor the world's opinion compelled her to do this--only her husband's nature and her own compassion, only the ideal and not the real yoke of marriage. WebC

If this is enough to break the bonds of matrimony, how little weight is there on the yoke of marriage. WebC