úterý, 16. července 2024, 21.54
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kitchen unit - kuchyňská linka

1. The integrated kitchen unit intended to make preparation, eating, and cleaning easier and more intuitive than the existing solution. (Google)

2. The invention relates to a kitchen unit for the handling of portions of household garbage at the source, i.e. in the individual households, said kitchen unit being in the form of a box, which fits into a kitchen table. (Google)

3. This model of an integrated dishwasher requires building into a kitchen unit and the control are hidden from view. (Google)


zobrazující život obyčejných lidí

t was to be the first of the kitchen-sink comedies, but, unfortunately, it was not released for three years, making it the last of the kitchen-sink comedies. (BNC)

Kitchen-sink drama came into fashion in the 1950s. (Google)

In his latest work, he is moving away from kitchen-sink realism towards a more experimental style of painting. (Google)


letter box

poštovní schránka

1 sprayed the letter box with insect repellent. (BNC)

Rodbourne was a beautiful hamlet with just 100 residents, a church, a phone box and letter box. (BNC)

Recorded delivery packets must not be dropped into a letter box. (BNC)

lightning conductor


Franklin had also been invited to advise Glasgow University in the matter of a lightning conductor. (BNC)

Glasgow's first lightning conductor drank the power of creation and waited for more. (BNC)

Like the lightning conductor, the University waited to channel the energy of a coming storm, the new-born power and majesty of original ideas and invention that would spread from Glasgow and across the world. (BNC)

like a house on fire - rychle, intenzivně, jako po másle

1. Bioenergy - Catching on like a house on fire or set for slow burn? (Google)

2. The new product took off like a house on fire. (Google)

3. His key message was that HIV/AIDS is like a "House on Fire" for the Black community and that we must put out the fire instead of focusing on why it happened, what caused it and who is to blame. (Google)

loft conversion

půdní vestavba, nástavba

Done in a sympathetic way, a loft conversion can blend in almost anywhere. (BNC)

Provided there is space you will be able to install a traditional-style staircase for access to your loft conversion. (BNC)

We put the tacker through its paces on a loft conversion. (BNC)

log cabin


He lived alone in a log cabin beside the lake, his only company a portable radio and television. (BNC)

She lived all by herself in a log cabin surrounded by a garden in which she grew vegetables. (BNC)

Robert is a trapper and Helen is his wife and they live in the log cabin. (BNC)

look a mess

vypadat strašně

Many of the new shops look a mess. (BNC)

I can't bear to look at myself in a mirror; I know I look a mess most of the time. (BNC)

Her swollen lips burned and she knew she must look a mess. (BNC)

lumber room - komora (na staré nepoužívané věci)

1. The key was as important as it looked; it was the instrument which kept the mysteries of the lumber-room secure from unauthorised intrusion, which opened a way only for aunts and such-like privileged persons. (Google)

2. Lumber room where the objects belonging to the tenants are stored is a model of Communal Apartment. (Google)

3. Apart from that, the lumber room is primary used as broom closet (e.g. a vacuum cleaner, brooms, a laundry racks, ... can be found here). (Google)

magazine rack

stojan na časopisy

Yeah, I never though of that and I doubt if I get it now, all I think was well I know that I got it in the magazine rack. (BNC)

If what you want is to peruse a publication like Big Women, you'll find it in a discreet magazine rack in a corner of the Smoking Room. (BNC)

A magazine rack overflowed with rolled newspapers: they had obviously arrived by post, but many were unopened, as though Reid hadn't had time to catch up with news that must have been at least a month old. (BNC)