úterý, 16. července 2024, 21.52
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HOME

make furniture

vyrábět nábytek

Taiwanese firms build steel mills in Nigeria and make furniture in Malaysia. (BNC)

Well we'll start off at the top of Road and on the one side there was the furniture people they used to make furniture. (BNC)

make oneself at home - cítit se jako doma

1. When we arrived at my apartment, I showed my guests the sofa and said, "Make yourself at home." Bill certainly knows how to make himself at home. (Google)

2. When you visit your in-laws one of the first things you will hear is "just make yourself at home". (Google)

3. So the simple way to recognize the anti-Christ in this life (as there are many) is to watch for those special words – ‘Make yourself at home’ when the scriptures and your discernment tell you ‘It’s time to go.’ (Google)

make the bed - ustlat postel

1. Making a bed may not seem like the most necessary chore, but a made bed helps a room seem less cluttered and more organized. (Google)

2. Charley does not like me to make the bed. He'll hop up onto the middle of it and growl to protect it. (Google)

3. This is going to sound a little nuts, but because one side of my bed is flanked by a big bookshelf/room divider, I make the bed while I'm still in it and slide out and straighten as necessary once I'm out. (Google)

make yourself at home

chovat se jako doma; udělat si pohodlí

Please make yourself at home, then. (BNC)

Make yourself at home while I fix you a coffee. (BNC)

Look around, make yourself at home. (BNC)

manor house

zámek, panský dům

Contact Mary Edwards at the Manor House, Alford, Lincs. (BNC)

Stable buildings at the rear of the Manor House have been converted for the display of reptiles, amphibians and fishes. (BNC)

The general office is situated on the ground floor of the Manor House. (BNC)

meat grinder - mlýnek na maso

1. All this talk of building a better burger encouraged me to go out and buy a kitchenaid meat grinder attachment. (Google)

2. A meat grinder allows you to buy whole meat and then grind it yourself. (Google)

3. Incomplete sanitation of a meat grinder and ingestion of raw ground beef: contributing factors to a large outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium infection. (Google)

medicine cabinet


Your house is too big and your medicine cabinet is too small. (BNC)

My daughter has a well-stocked medicine cabinet. (BNC)

These kits really are a must for any home medicine cabinet. (BNC)

Men make houses, women make homes. - Muž postaví dům, ale teprve žena v něm vytvoří domov.

1. The cleaning fluid company pressed home the message 'This friendly hearth, this
shining room remind us that while men make houses women make homes'. (Google)

2. When William moved into his own apartment, his mother insisted on choosing and arranging the furniture and decorations for him. "Men make houses, women make homes," she said, "and I want you to have a home as nice as the one you grew up in." (Google)

3. Men make houses. Women make homes. Most definitely. But is that because the sexual organs of men project out of their bodies while those of women do not? Balderdash! Since ages, women have been associated with homes, not because of their sex organs, but because of the fact that they get pregnant and bear children. (Google)

mobile home

obytný přívěs

One smoke alarm may be enough if you live in a mobile home or a small bungalow. (BNC)

Our mobile home was well equipped with two bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen. (BNC)

All in all, in 1975 it was estimated that some 145,000 persons lived in a mobile home of some type. (BNC)

money from home

lehce získané peníze

There is nothing to a simple con job like this. It´s money from home. (Google)

This job is like taking candy from a kid. It´s money from home. (Google)

The Women's Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Deborah Fowler (Thorsons, £6.99) is really helpful and includes ideas on different ways of earning money from home by jewellery-making, picture-framing, etc. (BNC)