úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.36
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HOME

bring home the bacon - uživit rodinu/vydělávat slušné peníze

1. Can poker bring home the bacon? (Google)

2. The article ISN’T about women whining about having to bring home the bacon and provide when their men are unemployed, they’re commenting on how the power dynamic changes and thus affects the relationship. (Google)

3. We spoke to three women who bring home the bacon -- and to their partners -- to find out how their relationship has been affected. (Google)

bring home to sb. - objasnit/ujasnit (komu)

1. Incidents like this, and we've had more than our fair share since Christmas, bring home to me the utter futility of planning ahead, of wasting today because tomorrow will surely be so much better. (Google)

2. They tried hard to bring home to me, and make me accept, the message of Jesus, and I was a humble and respectful listener with an open mind. (Google)

3. The walk out of Congleton to reach another part of the Gritstone Trail, a section shared with the Biddulph Valley Way, certainly took long enough to bring home to me the size of the town and how far its train station is from the town centre. (Google)

broken home - rozvrácená rodina (po rozvodu nežijící dohromady))

1. I come from a broken home. I don't blame my father for leaving because I'm gonna move out soon myself. (Google)

2. Since my husband left me in March, I have been thinking about whether there is any corelation between a broken home as a child and divorce. (Google)

3. This article discusses the effects of a broken home on teenagers. First hand account of a teen who suffered from living in a broken home and the permanent effects on one's life after living in a broken family. (Google)

build castles in the air

mít nereálné sny

She has this unrealistic idea of sailing around the world. She's building castles in the air again. (Google)

Why don't you pay attention to what you need to do and not build castles in the air. (Google)

I really like to sit on the porch in the evening, just building castles in the air. (Google)

bunk bed - patrová postel

1. This bunk bed is specifically designed to accommodate any of the various sizes of bed frames found at your college or university. (Google)

2. A compact living solutions, Doc a sofa with lose covers that converts into a bunk bed with integrated ladder and safty bars. (Google)

3. A new mandatory standard for bunk beds is expected to improve safety for the hundreds of thousands of children who use them. (Google)

burst pipe

prasklé potrubí

What is an easy way to fix a burst pipe? (BNC)

If disaster strikes, such as a flood or a burst pipe, you can guarantee it will be at the most inconvenient time. (BNC)

She looked up at the bedroom ceiling, where a pale stain recalled a burst pipe nearly fifteen months ago. (BNC)


call it a night

jít domů a jít do postele

It took 30 minutes of argument, a great deal of soothing of apparently hurt professional pride, and not a little money to persuade Chela that it was time to call it a night, alone. (BNC)

"Do you want to call it a night?" asked Surkov, perhaps hopefully. (BNC)

We agreed to call it a night. (BNC)

central heating - ústřední topení

1. A central heating system provides warmth to the whole interior of a building from one point to multiple rooms. (Google)

2. Is it more efficient to keep the central heating on 24 hours a day? (Google)

3. By about 400AD the Romans had perfected a form of central heating. (Google)

charity begins at home - bližší košile nežli kabát

1. Economy Bureau Posted: 'Charity begins at home', the right mantra for companies. (Google)

2. Charity begins at home, not through government funding. (Google)

3. And because HR Council head Ms. Cedie Lopez Vargas firmly believes that “charity begins at home”, she sent out letters to the HR heads, requesting for assistance from fellow Lopez group employees. (Google)

chest of drawers - prádelník

1. Building a chest of drawers is a surprisingly easy project and is well worth the effort as it means that you can build a chest that is large enough to fit all of your particulars in it. (Google)

2. Chest of drawers have these three main principles. First, we need our chest of drawers to be practical and provide quality bedroom storage. (Google)

3. A chest of drawers, large or small, can serve many purposes in almost any room in the house. (Google)