úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.33
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

drink sb under the table

opít někoho do němoty

When you've drunk the crew of a Grinch pirate skiff under the table, there's precious little you can't do. BNC

drink the waters

pít léčivou vodu, léčit se v lázních

The fashion for spas has died out in Britain, but in Germany and Italy there are still spas where people gather to drink the waters and undergo hydrotherapies. BNC

To drink the waters of Undry would heal any hurt, still any grief, and bring understanding of every mystery that weighs on humankind. BNC

drink to sb's health

připít na zdraví

Let's drink to his health and finish the bowl. BNC 

drinking water

pitná voda

These people get their bath water from the river and their drinking water from a large well outside the town. (English Idioms and how to use them)

drive a person to drink

dohnat někoho k pití alkoholu

While making Mutiny on the Bounty in Tahiti, the megrims of working with Marlon Brando drove him to drink more than usual. BNC

drop (a pinch of) salt on the tail of a bird

nasypat vrabci sůl na ocásek

drop a t. like a hot potato

utéci od čeho, pustit co jako by to pálilo

In these conditions, the type of homosexuality that is mediated through pop music can only go just so far: in a perfect paradigm, Frankie Goes to Hollywood exploited the gay image of lead singers Paul Rutherford and Holly Johnson -- for "Relax" -- and then dropped it like a hot potato as soon as another marketing device -- this time, nuclear war became available for "Two Tribes". BNC

Charging pensioners and children for medical prescriptions picked that one up and dropped it like a hot potato and charging for hospital treatment and why so why not do a U-turn on on this one? BNC

drunk as a lord

opilý namol

I couldn’t understand what the man was saying; he was as drunk as a lord . Longman

And Finnegan spendin' what little money he has on drink, rollin' home at all hours of the night from the pubs in the village, drunk as a lord. BNC

When I came round they gave me a large tot of whisky, another injection of morphia and sent me off to Imtarfa, as drunk as a lord. BNC

drunk or sober

opilý nebo střízlivý

adjectives in idiomatic order

But drunk or sober, he was always careful. BNC

Most people didn't try wit or persuasion on her, drunk or sober. BNC

drunken quarrel/brawl

opilecká hádka, rvačka

The last Advice I shall give you, relates to your Behaviour when you are going to be hanged; which, either for robbing your Master, for House-breaking, or going upon the High-way, or in a drunken Quarrel, by killing the first Man you meet, may very probably be your Lot… BNC


eat a p. out of house and home

vyjíst někoho, přivést na mizinu, zruinovat

In those times, a poet could descend on you with all his retinue and eat you out of house and home. BNC

Then in a matter of days, or even one day, are they not up and about again eating us out of house and home? BNC

"You must eat your wife out of house and home," commented Duncan. BNC

eat a p.'s salt

jíst čí chléb, být koho hostem

eat crow

musit spolknout hořkou pilulku

eat dirt

plazit se v prachu, ponížit se, pokořit se

eat humble pie

kát se, lézt ke křížku, omluvit se (pokorně), podrobit se (pokorně), pokořit se, uznat chybu (pokorně)

Come and take potluck eat humble pie whatever. BNC

Of course John, her husband, told Elizabeth that Ivy had been right about the fuse-boxes: they just hadn't come to her notice, so she had to eat humble pie. BNC

Eat humble pie and get used to it mate. BNC