úterý, 16. července 2024, 21.54
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

fine/kind/soft words butter no parsnips

to jsou jen plané řeči, pěkná slova nic nespraví

finish one's dinner

dojíst oběd

Having finished his dinner the candidate retired to the spick and span little room no bigger than a cubbyhole they had placed at his disposal and, when he had put his thoughts and his speeches in good order, stepped out for a breath of air, a short stroll which led him -- as he had known it would -- to the newly painted door of Odette Adeane. BNC

fish of the sea

veškeré ryby

collective phrase

The declared results remind us more readily of the spoiled world of Genesis 3 than those of Genesis 1 or 2: "The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every bird of the air, upon everything that creeps on the ground, and all fish of the sea" (9.2). BNC

This would be mildly surprising given that the primary emphasis of both the Old and New Testaments is of man's "dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth" ( Gen. 1 v. 26). BNC

At last he said to himself, "Even the birds of the air and the fish of the sea have a better life than I, for at least they have companions." BNC 

fish or cut bait

dát se do toho, jak se patří, anebo toho nechat

There's been enough discussion. It's time for the government to fish or cut bait. (Oxford Dictionary)

fish out of water

ryba na suchu

He waited to be instructed what else a Rifleman could do to be less like a fish out of water in a battalion of Grenadiers. BNC

The soft sound of voiding filled the air as he rolled over in agony like a fish out of water. BNC

Alyssia watched from the sidelines, feeling like a fish out of water, watching Piers from under her lashes. BNC

flat plate

mělký talíř

Prevent this by storing raw meat on the bottom shelf of the fridge in a dish with a rim rather than on a flat plate. BNC

It's positioned under the usual plates, (with flat plate uppermost) and the outflow from the tank hits the rotating bar, sending a spray of oxygenated water all over the media. BNC

Something like a flat plate with a spoon on the front sculled slowly past. BNC

Fondue pot

nádoba/kotlík na fondue

(kotlík se speciálním podstavcem, kde hoří ohýnek udržující olej/sýr/čokoládu teplou)


potravinový lístek

forbidden fruit

zakázané ovoce

Adam lost his spiritual purity through eating the forbidden fruit, so God gave him the opportunity to reinstate himself partially through immersion in the original water which came from Eden. BNC

Mick stared hungrily at her breasts: small, pale, and tight, like under-ripe fruit… he thought of Amanda… forbidden fruit. BNC

Thus they assumed all the glamour and promise that forbidden fruit always holds. BNC

free-range eggs

vajíčka od slepic z volného výběhu

A perfect way to serve them is in a tart of shortcrust pastry, mixed with three or four free-range eggs and plenty of sugar, and baked for half an hour or so in a medium-hot oven. BNC

The whole notion of quality food production is an interesting one; most British food, however it is produced, is of good quality, but the discussion was really about supplying minority, specialist middle-class markets with farm-smoked ham, semi-organic milling wheat, free-range eggs, and so on. BNC

There is a growing premium market for free-range eggs and table birds which can provide a profitable enterprise for an expert small-scale poultry man. BNC

fruit body


fruit butter

ovocný protlak

fruit drier

sušárna na ovoce


biskupský chlebíček,ovocný koláč 

My list may include a tomato, a buttered roll, a chunk of moist cheese, a slice of fruit cake, and an orange. BNC

A lunch break would give him his chance, forcing him to make a decision whether or not to delay his own sustenance in order to overtake us as we crammed fruit cake into our faces. BNC

I enjoyed bread and butter, little flat pancakes and a nice light fruit cake. BNC

fruit(s) of sth

plod (např. páce)

It is at the conferences of Labour, the party that killed the grammar schools, that you see one fruit of that enlightened policy, which is that many of the younger delegates are incoherently illiterate. BNC

Whether or not the biographer was right, it is true that once you can exclaim "Abba, Father!" joy is the accompanying fruit of the Spirit and it sheds its radiance over life and death. BNC

He gives them now the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. BNC