úterý, 16. července 2024, 21.21
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

full as an egg is of meat

úplně plný, plný až po okraj

full of beans

v nejlepší náladě, bujný

Ray is cetainly full of beans again after his illness. (Oxford Idioms)


garlic clove

stroužek česneku



get/have butterflies (in your stomach)

mít trému, nervózní chvění

I always get butterflies (in my stomach) before an interview. (Oxford Idioms)

get/take the bit between your teeth

vzít do vlastních rukou

Once he gets the bit between his teeth in an argument, no one can stop him. (Oxford Idioms)

go bananas

zbláznit se, zcvoknout

If I'm late again my Dad'll go bananas. (Oxford Idioms)

granulated sugar

kryštálový cukor

green cheese

nezralý sýr


griddle cake

lívanec, vdolek


half a loaf is better than none/no bread

lepší něco než nic

They're only going to agree to some of this, but half a loaf is better than none, I suppose. (Oxford Idioms)

hard cheese

smůla, pech

I've made my decision--I'm going to the sell the car, and if he doesn't agree with that then it's hard cheese. (Oxford Idioms)

hard/tough nut

tvrdý oříšek

Manchester United will be a tough nut to crack. Macmillan Dictionary

have (got) a bun in the oven

mít zaděláno=být těhotná

When baking a cake, manufacturers of cake-mixes were told, women were acting out symbolically the birth of a child (not for nothing was the vulgar phrase for pregnancy a "bun in the oven").  BNC

"And as my disgusting stepfather walked out two and a half years ago," pointed out Perdita, "the Committee are going to think it pretty odd that Mum's got a bun in the oven." BNC

Called me frigid and said all the other chaps' girls were willing enough, and would it matter all that much if he put a bun in the oven for me? BNC 

have (got) enough, a lot, etc. on your plate

nabrat si toho moc, mít plné ruce práce

I can't help you next week, I've got too much on my plate. (Oxford Idioms)