úterý, 16. července 2024, 21.44
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

have had a bellyful of sb/sth

mít něčeho nebo někoho plné zuby

I've had a bellyful of his complaints. If he doesn't stop, I'm leaving. (Oxford Idioms)

have/eat sb for breakfast

podat si někoho

The union leader eats managers for breakfast. (Oxford Idioms)

have/take a butcher's

mrknout se na

Come over here and have a butcher's at this! (Oxford Idioms)

heavy/big/hearty eater

velký jedlík

I'm still a big eater but now I choose all the healthy options, says Odette. BNC

The food was excellent and I was not charged much because the cooking was done on quite a large scale--I was not a big eater so my lunch did not make much difference to the running of the place. BNC

hill of beans

nestát za nic, nestát za zlámanou grešli, nestát za nic

He is so rich that as far as he's concerned, the money he lost doesn't amount to a hill of beans. (Oxford Idioms) 

honey tongue, heart of gall

na rtech med, v srdci led


I am not made of salt

nejsem z cukru

I, he, she, etc.won't bite you

on(a) tě neukousne

You should tell your teacher that you don't understand--she won't bite you. (Oxford Idioms)

icing on the cake

třešnička na dortu

The meal was perfect, the wonderful view from the restaurant the icing on the cake. (Oxford Idioms)

it's no good/use crying over spilt milk

nemá smysl plakat nad rozlitým mlékem

His decision to resign was disappointing, but it's no use crying over spilt milk. We need to concentrate on finding someone to replace him. (Oxford Idioms)


jam on the break(s); jam the break(s) on

dupnout na brzdy

The car skidded as he jamed on the breakes. (Oxford Idioms)


keep the pot/kettle boiling

ujistit se, že započaté dílo pokračuje jak má a podpořit ho

The company had started the work with the money they had obtained privately but the government lent them some more to keep the pot boiling . (Longman)

I mean, what we're trying to do in the visual arts is to spend what limited money we have to produce a better situation for the visual artist and for the public who gets pleasure and enlightenment from visual arts than exists at the moment, so rather than just prop up the status quo, which is what is would be very easy to do if one just kept the pot boiling so to speak by giving a few grants to artists here and sitting at the centre of a spider's web in Tunbridge Wells waiting for applications to come in to us and then responding. BNC

After all, any launch of any new car is always kept hush hush to keep the kettle boiling and maintain peoples interest. WebCorp


látková chňapka k uchopení horké konvice

know which side your bread is buttered

vyznat se v tlačenici, vědět jak na to

I'm sure Ray will make a special effort to please the new supervisor--after all, he knows which side his bread is buttered. (Oxford Idioms) 


land flowing with milk and honey

země oplývající mlékem a strdím

She had always longed to travel to the United States and to see what she imagined as the land of milk and honey. (Oxford Idioms)