středa, 17. července 2024, 00.20
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

minced meat

mleté maso

Stir some into the stuffing for turkey or game birds, or mix with minced meat when making pâté. BNC

The block is a machined die, electrically heated to 150 degrees centigrade, so that, by the time the glass fibre emerges rather like minced meat from the kitchen grinder, it has already adopted the appearance of the final product. BNC

Before the late 1600s, the Christmas pudding was a thick plum soup served at the beginning of the meal, filled with minced meat and dried fruit. BNC


neither fish, flesh, fowl, nor good herring

ani takový ani takový, ani jedno ani druhé

…as the years go by immigrants…will become more used to British dress and less familiar with their own fashions, which will be a sad thing, for it could result in a sort of anglicised form of ethnic dress which is neither fish nor fowl . The Guardian

The hovercraft has always suffered from the fact that it is neither fish nor fowl. BNC

He'll fit in nowhere-he'll be neither fish nor fowl… BNC

no amount of sth

nic by to nezměnilo

No amount of encouragement would make him jump into the pool. (Oxford Idioms) 

not (have) a bean

(ne)mít ani vindru

How much have you saved? Not a bean. (Oxford Idioms)

not be sb's cup of tea

nic pro mne, to mi nesedí, to nemám ráda

He invited me to the opera but it's not really my cup of tea. (Oxford Idioms)

not count your chickens (before they're hatched)

neříkej hop, dokud jsi nepřeskočil

She said she was certain to be offered a part in the play, but I told her not to count her chickens, as a lot of other people wanted the same part. (Oxford Idioms)

not for nuts

ani za nic

nutty as a fruit-cake

potrhlý, zcvoknutý

He's as nutty as a fruitcake. Do you know what he did yesterday? He had lunch out in the garden in the pouring rain. (Oxford Idioms)


off one's nut

cvok, blázen

See, my old man, he was going off his nut, right. BNC

off the boil

přestat vřít, ochladnout

The team were playing brilliantly at the start of the season but seem to have gone off the boil now. (Oxford Idioms)

old chestnut

vousatý vtip, stará anekdota, vyčichlá anekdota, obehraná písnička

"He told us about police arresting him for climbing into his own house." "Oh, no, not that old chestnut again." (Oxfrord Idioms)

old salt

starý ostřílený námořník

Old salt Sydney Barnes, 83, turned up for a naval reunion and found he was the only one there. BNC

Combining these two traits, Verity Lambert felt, would give the Doctor the essential dichotomy between the imperious master of his ship, which the Doctor thought he was, and the quirky, unpredictable old salt, which he truly was. BNC

I have visions of bosses all over the land going hot under the collar as they see yet more of their staff enjoying the antics of this old salt -- it could take over where Leisure Suit Larry left off. BNC

on the boil

ve varu

Fresh discoveries kept their enthusiasm on the boil. (Oxford Idioms)

on the bottle

pít, chlastat

I see he's back on the bottle again. (Oxford Idioms)

on the breadline

brát chudinskou podporu, podporu v nezaměstnanosti

Most of the unemployed in this area are on the breadline. (Oxford Idioms)