středa, 17. července 2024, 00.58
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

one man's meat is another man's poison

co jednomu prospívá, jinému škodí

Some people love his music; others hate it. One man's meat is another man's poison.

one/you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs

bez práce nejsou koláče


At dinner that night we were discussing the whole affair and I said:" Oh well, you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs," which led to the classic retort from Ed Prior, my engineer:" Yes, but you didn't have to break the whisk!" BNC

But before you can make an omelette you gotta break a few eggs, ain't that so? BNC

I think the old point is anyway you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. BNC

out of the frying pan (and) into the fire

z bláta do louže

He left one job because of the low pay , but in his new one he has to work with unpleasant people—out of the frying pan into the fire! (Longman)

out to lunch

bláznivý, potrhlý, nechápavý; společensky nepřijatelný


palačinka, omeleta




paci  paci pacičky (dětská hra)

And when assembly lasts too long they start getting bored and roll on the floor or play Pat-a-cake.BNC

Play finger rhymes like Round and Round the Garden, Pat-a-cake, Row Your Boat, and This Little Piggy. BNC

She took a playful swipe at his face, but Harvey caught it on the flat of his hand, then she struck at him with the palm of the other hand and they did a pat-a-cake routine. BNC


1) /uncountable/ pepř

2) /countable/ paprika

pie in the sky

rajské slasti, vzdušné zámky

At first his theories were dismissed as pie in the sky. Macmillan Dictionary

piece of cake

je to hračka

After climbing mountains in the Swiss Alps, going up English hills is a piece of cake. (Oxford Idioms)

piece/share/slice of the pie

podíl na zisku nebo výhodách

pinch of salt

špetka soli

plate lunch

jídlo z jednoho talíře

plate warmer

ohřívač talířů

The Eclipse is exceptionally easy to control, with mains electric ignition, a slow cooking facility, a plate warmer (in the grill area) and an oven timer which you can pre-set to switch the oven on and off at times convenient to you (perhaps while you're busy entertaining guests before the meal). BNC

plates of meat

jedenáctky nohy