Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 5:34 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: FOOD

bits and bobs/pieces

různé drobnosti, zbytky

The box contained needles and thread and various bits and bobs for sewing. (Oxford Idioms)

bitter end

hořký konec

Now that we have begun this project, we must see through to the bitter end. (Oxford Idioms)

bitter pill (for sb) (to swallow)

spolknout hořkou pilulku

He was a proud man, so having to ask for money must have been a bitter pill to swallow. (Oxford Idioms) 

blanched almonds

loupané mandle

blind drunk

opilý do němoty, opilý na mol

I'm not surprised he can't remember what happened--he was blind drunk! (Oxford Idioms)

blood is thicker than water

krev není voda

Tony was angry with his brother for a while, but blood is thicker than water, and in the end he forgave him. (Oxford Idioms)

blow hot and cold

být kam vítr tam plášť

She keeps blowing hot and cold about the job: one day she says it's marvelous, the next she hates it. (Oxford Idioms)

blue cheese

plísňový sýr

COOK'S NOTE: The easiest way to crumble any blue cheese is to stroke it with a fork until crumbled. BNC

Add the crumbled Shropshire blue cheese to the dip, then season to taste with salt and pepper. BNC

Blue cheese lovers will welcome a new French blue cheese from the Pays de Bresse in eastern France. BNC

blue plate dinner

oběd s více chody na jedné míse

boil away

vyvařit (se)

I boiled the cauldron till the water boiled away. (English Idioms and how to use them)

boil down to

scvrknout se (na pouhý)

Their evidence boiled down to this... (English Idioms and how to use them)

boil over

překypět, utéct (při vaření)

If you put on more fire the pot will boil over. (English Idioms and how to use them)

boil up

navařovati se, vzkypět

"But in the last couple of months we've seen things suddenly boil up --violent attacks, cars damaged, that sort of thing, along with loads of abuse." BNC

What I think was true was that the Falklands was not regarded as a front-line issue for some period of time, and indeed the forecast was that it wouldn't really boil up again until August or thereabouts in 1982. BNC

Then you can boil up the carcass for a turkey soup or stock. BNC

Brazil nut


Sweetcorn, chickpeas or maples may well be the going bait and it could then be an advantage to fish a couple of very large jumbo tiger nuts of half a brazil nut over the top of the baited area. BNC

Another help is selenium, a vital trace element: one brazil nut will provide your daily needs. BNC

But the Brazil nut is a seed with a thick wall, the walnut a drupe, a stony-seeded fruit. BNC

bread and butter


He's written one or two novels but journalism is his bread and butter. (Oxford Idioms)