úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.22
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

house-to-house sale

podomní obchod    thoughtful

The direct sale of books was relatively extensive, but limited mainly to the house-to-house sale of larger works. WebC

During the 50 years the means of sale changed from house to house sale to capitalistic based on the marked custom of the Bavarian business chamber. WebC

They gave lot of encouragement and support, when we used to go on a house-to-house sale of the magazine. WebC


in for a penny, in for a pound

když se s něčím začne, musí se to i dokončit;nejdřív prst, potom celou ruku    cool

The old "In for a penny, In for a pound" (as my dieting Granny used to say on her third doughnut).

But, in for a penny, in for a pound, and the primates developed even bigger brains. WebC

As the British say, members are ''in for a penny, in for a pound,'' or in this case, in for a cent, in for a euro. WebC

in stock

na skladě, v zásobě, k dispozici    tongueout

Welcome to our inventory list of guitars & basses that we currently have in stock. WebC

All titles are uncensored and in stock! WebC

The item is currently in stock and ready to dispatch. WebC

into the bargain

navíc, k tomu    tongueout

No longer need the beginner learn the hard way - now they can benefit from a wide range of experienced and trained instructors, and have fun into the bargain. WebC

Having returned to faith by this route, and being a teacher into the bargain, he naturally became a passionate philosophical apologist. WebC

Now your best friend can keep up in the fashion stakes and be kept clean into the bargain! WebC

It's money down the drain!

To jsou vyhozené peníze!    angry

I paid $100 for our required textbook and it's money down the drain. WebC

I have spent fortunes on food to try and find things that he'll like but it's money down the drain. WebC

It's money down the drain if you don't use them correctly.  WebC


jack up prices

zvýšit ceny   V-.

Disney theme parks in California and Florida jack up prices. WebC

Some retailers have good all around prices, some just have good prices on competitive products and jack up prices on everything else. WebC

The hotels in the surrounding area seem to jack up prices as the years go by. WebC


keep body and soul together

snažit se vyjít s malým příjmem, z ruky do úst   sad

 We do what it takes to keep Body and Soul together. WebC

I was earning barely enough money to keep body and soul together. WebC

After all we do need to have shelter, food and enough money to keep body and soul together. WebC

keep up with the Joneses

držet se poslední módy; co mají ostatní, musím mít i já   tongueout

I can't afford to keep up with the Joneses. I'm not rich! BNC

Britons love to keep up with the Joneses. WebC

It's bad enough when adults feel the need to keep up with the Joneses. WebC

knock some money off

nabídnout snížení ceny   wink

If you were buying a coat in 'Marks and Spencers' would you ask them to knock some money off because you can buy a similar coat in 'Next' for less? WebC

My husband and I always knock some money off the rent at Christmas to keep the tenants happy so they treat you better in return. WebC

You should demand that they knock some money off of your bill. WebC


like a bull in a china shop

jako slon v porcelánu  

You're not going to go storming in there like a bull in a china shop again? BNC

He's like a bull in a china shop, rushing everywhere, wanting to do everything, etc. WebC

Coming on like a bull in a china shop will not win friends - respecting the ongoing flow of conversation will. WebC

live high off the hog

žít si na vysoké noze    cool

That had been a good year, a year of living high off the hog. WebC

Depending on personal circumstances, $3,500 a month may or may not be living high off the hog, but it's always worth knowing where those dollars go. WebC

My parents always lived high off the hog and as a result may never be able to retire. WebC

local shop

místní obchod   clown

If you can't get the magazine at your local shop, either ask the dealer to stock it, or you can receive a year's subscription for only $30. WebC

Please contact your local shop to check their opening hours before you set out. WebC

The shops are closed at Christmas and New Year and during some local holidays, please check with your local shop for details. WebC

low in pocket

mít hluboko do kapsy    mixed

What I hear is that Ansel and Sly went broke, they were low in pocket so they needed some bread... WebC

Never in my experience have I seen the people of that county so low in despair, so low in pocket, and so impoverished-looking.  WebC

In 1912 there was an attempt made to sell the Church Room, the church being, as it was frequently in years past, very low in pocket. WebC


make both ends meet

vystačit s penězi    cool

To make (both) ends meet is to live within one's means, but what are the ends in this instance? WebC

Just about the time you think you can make both ends meet, somebody moves the ends. WebC

It is difficult to make both ends meet these days, the taxes being so high.  WebC

make money fly

rozházet peníze do větru    shy

Somehow the girls make money fly out of peoples wallet. WebC

Certainly business sometimes make money fly emerging well-off liked super credit card afterwards. WebC

From my studies doing so will make money fly far, far away. WebC