úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.29
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

pet shop

prodejna s domácími mazlíčky   approve

Many customers look for a pet in a pet shop because "I'm looking for a family pet, not a show dog." WebC

If you can find a pet shop that has the qualities of a responsible breeder then by all means go right ahead and buy. WebC

Thieves have stolen 25 puppies worth $5500 from a pet shop in east Melbourne only days after a similar puppy raid in Brisbane. WebC

petty cash voucher

pokladní doklad   shy

Individuals seeking reimbursement must explain the purpose of the expenditure and
provide a receipt showing proof of payment and sign a petty cash voucher.  WebC

All expenditures must have a properly filled out petty cash voucher. WebC

A petty cash voucher also provides for the signature of the person to whom cash
is paid. WebC

piggy bank


Got some at home apparently tucked away in a piggy bank or something.

Put that in your piggy bank.

Parents know what their children are longing for and will give them what they want, even if every piggy bank in the house has to be broken open.


pin money

kapesné, peníze na nákup každodenních menších potřeb 

Janet used to earn pin money by painting signs. WMDI

This enabled the upper and lower-classes to save and have enough pin money at market time. WebC

Elizabeth works two days a week in a friend's boutique which she enjoys, as it gives her a little pin money and some independent social contact. BNC

play ducks and drakes with one's money

vyhazovat něčí peníze    thoughtful

Someone on television said recently that our local state senator had been "playing ducks and drakes" with the taxpayers' money. WebC

But it unmistakably signifies that the icons of soccer fans nationwide are wallowing in such prodigious wealth that they can play ducks and drakes with money. WebC

You have no right to play ducks and drakes with your ex-girl friend's money. WebC

plug a product

propagovat výrobek

Don't waste months on product development - Spend your time developing a winning sales process that you can plug a product into. (Google)

Now, a package can plug a product without being plugged in. (Google)

Is there a way to dabble in double dactyls and plug a product without selling out? (Google)

potential customer

potenciální zákazník  smile

If you are a potential customer do not hesitate even once to shop at DJ Depot.  WebC

Is your advertising targeting your best potential customer? WebC

Everyone is your potential customer - even salespeople. WebC

price cutting

snižování cen    wink

Another alternative to the price-cutting process would be to include a premium item.  WebC

There is intense price-cutting and many more products are withdrawn from the market. WebC

Microsoft worries about price-cutting by firms that might enter the market if the price of Windows gets too high. WebC

price hike

zvýšení ceny    mixed

Fuel price hike could cut pollution. WebC

Oil price hike worsens energy problems.  WebC

It is reported that some air carriers will initiate a price hike on popular routes by 10 to 25 per cent from April 20. WebC

price list

ceník, sazebník   approve

Thank you for choosing one of the available options below to receive a price list. WebC

Our UK price list contains prices inclusive of flights from the UK. WebC

This is the price list for Shelter Systems'  domes, tents, other shelters, and accessories.  WebC

price tag

visačka s cenou    mixed

But I saw that the price tag said $100, so I asked her how she managed to pay more than retail. WebC

The price tag said Retail price $10,000 (ha!), Our price: $4959.  WebC

I recieved this joystick as a gift, but the price tag said it was around 37 dollars. WebC

price worth paying

cena, která se vyplatí    approve

Whether you think it a price worth paying is a matter for your conscience. WebC

Is the suffering of the Iraqi people a price worth paying?  WebC

The Tories believe mass unemployment is a price worth paying.  WebC

push a trolley

tlačit nákupní vozík    cool

Despite extensive investment in EAS systems, thieves can still push a trolley full of goods straight out of the entrance - and do! WebC

All the customer will need is the strength to push a trolley, and a credit card with the strength to survive the swiping. WebC

It will be much easier for customers to push a trolley full of shopping.  WebC

put all your eggs in one basket

riskovat všechno investováním do jedné věci či osoby    shy

Balance your investments. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. WMDI

City wisdom suggests that you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket, so for most people it is best to consider a single company PEP only after you've taken out a £6,000 general plan. BNC

The best way to gamble is to only bet small amounts of money and never put all your eggs in one basket. WebC

put in one's two cents

přispět svojí troškou do mlýna    wink

I guess I don't really have a right to put in my two cents in a conversation like this, but something seems wrong here. WebC

I come in every Tuesday and just help and put in my two cents. WebC

I thought I'd put in my two cents about southern Italian dialects. WebC