úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.54
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

sell like hotcakes

jít na dračku, rychle rozprodat    smile

New lottery tickets sell like hotcakes. WebC

Hot dogs sell like hotcakes at lunch, especially the sauerkraut-topped and extra-spicy varieties. WebC

This stuff will probably sell like hotcakes, to people who don't know what real beer tastes like (or are too drunk to care!). WebC

sell oneself short

podceňovat svůj talent, schopnosti   shy

To sell oneself short is to be a slave to someone's dangerous prejudice. WebC

Susan is always selling herself short. She has missed two good job offers as a result. PDEI

He is selling himself short when he thinks that he can't do any other job. WPEI

sell out

vyprodat       cool

He can sell out his holding at a profit to new investors or he can sit back and await the dividends on the investment.  BNC

You'd better sell out of your holdings now while you still can without too much of a loss. BNC

Don't imagine I'm going to let you sell out of your holdings. BNC

sell sth to the public

získat si přízeň a souhlas veřejnosti     big grin

At least that's the way the liberals have sold it to the public for nearly 70 years. WebC

That Canadian Idol stuff has really brought the quality of music down and sold it to the public as the standard. WebC

You have to sell it to the public and part of the way you do that is by giving such military operations a catchy name. WebC

sell-by date

datum, do kterého by zboží mělo zmizet z regálů   thoughtful

For example, milk often has a sell-by date, but the milk will usually still be good for at least a week beyond that date if properly refrigerated. WebC

The sell by date is more for quality, it is the use by date that is more important as it refers to the safety of the food. WebC

How long after the "sell by" date is the yogurt good? WebC

sell/buy under the counter

prodávat/nakupovat podpultové zboží    surprise

The back door opened and in came my father (who had been out trying to buy "under the counter" cigarettes).  WebC

Perhaps it’s something you have to buy under the counter and perhaps forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. WebC

Some stores will sell under the counter but they aren't supposed to. WebC

set one`s heart on

po něčem velice toužit   shy

I set my heart on a nice holiday this winter but I won`t be able to go because I have no money. WebC

It is foolish to set ones heart on perishable earthly treasure, however desirable it may be for present use. WebC

Many others have agreed that to set ones heart on wealth, sexual fulfillment, and professional success is a mistake. WebC

set the tone in fashion

udávat tón v módě    evil

At that time France took over the lead in the silk industry from Italy, and it began to set the tone in fashion. WebC

As the icon of Girl Power, Britney sets the tone in fashion. WebC

Why do you believe that this cold, impenetrable surface, which sets the tone in fashion advertising - and which is criticized for being just this - lives on?  WebC

set up shop

založit, zařídit obchod 

At the age of 22 he set up shop in Sweeting's Alley, which was near the Royal Exchange. BNC

Some claim that Disney should have set up shop in sunny Spain rather than chilly Paris. BNC

Wade Smith was given salesman of the year in January and promptly left to set up shop on his own. BNC

shoe shop

prodejna obuvi   cool

The other assistants in the shoe shop seemed to manage on their wages. WebC

I was out with my children when we passed a shoe shop with some wellington boots outside.  WebC

Their father had a large shoe shop in the town. WebC

shop around

chodit po obchodech za účelem nakoupit co nejvýhodněji   kiss

In brief: take time and shop around for clothes that are adventurous but classic. BNC

It really is important to shop around and read the fine print to find the best deal. BNC

This is one area where it really pays to shop around. BNC

shop assistant

prodavač/ka   smile

The Shop Assistant selects the products and services that best suit your needs, based on your answers to its questions. WebC

The shop assistant will be responsible for maintaining shop operations under the direction of the Shop Manager.  WebC

When I was sixteen I worked as a shop assistant for the Hadrian grocery shops.  WebC

shop keeper

majitel obchodu   cool

The young man had stood outside the window of Pet Shop Exotica for nearly forty five minutes: the shop keeper had been watching him. WebC

What were the words the shop-keeper greeted the customers?  WebC

Students will role-play a customer and a shop keeper. WebC

shop lifter

zloděj v obchodě   black eye

Often the young shop-lifter will also be involved in other anti-social behaviour... WebC

The shop owner who spots a potential shop lifter will immediately ring two colleagues
and give a description of the person. WebC

As far as I can tell, shop keepers have never regarded me as a potential shop-lifter. WebC

shop sb (slang)

prásknout někoho, udat   angry

I don't want to shop you, but I'll have to if I catch you stealing the men's food again. PDEI

Store security has got a lot better than it was when I was shoplifting, but it is not going to shop someone who is determined to shoplift. WebC

It must be agonisingly hard to shop someone whom one loves, but we must create a climate of opinion in which that can and will be done. WebC