středa, 17. července 2024, 00.19
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

spend money like water

rozhazovat peníze   mixed

Most young people now have money to burn and Valentine's gives them the perfect excuse to spend money like water. WebC

Most of us have phases where we spend money like water. WebC

I used to spend money like water, never paying much attention to where it went each month. WebC

split the difference

rozdělit si mezi sebe sporný rozdíl v ceně; udělat kompromis   black eye

We had to pay extra money for the car so we decided to split the difference. WebC

You offer $165,000, they counter at $175,000 and you say, "Let's split the difference," and you agree to pay $170,000. WebC

Just to be fair, let's split the difference and call it $6 per night.  WebC

splurge on something

utratit za něco spoustu peněz   thoughtful

I splurged on this mixer, but I think it was worth it.  WebC

I splurged on the sea sponge since this was my first try and it was not that expensive. WebC

Though he's been careful with his money, he splurged on travel. WebC

stand in a queue

stát ve frontě   mixed

People should stand in a queue when boarding a bus , ascending a crematorium , pouring lustral water on a bridal couple or awaiting their turn at a buffet. WebC

The British always stand in a queue when waiting for a bus/taxi or at a bank.  WebC

Once, while in a bank, I saw only one person at the counter and immediately took a place behind him, being happy not to stand in a queue. WebC

stand in line

stát ve frontě    mixed

Next you would stand in line to take a shower. After that you would stand in line to brush your teeth and shave. Then you would stand in line to eat.  WebC

You're free to stand in line less than hour and a half and receive something a bit tastier than bread and vodka. WebC

These people have nothing better to do with their time than to stand in line at the local shrine in hopes of acquiring a sacred t-shirt.  WebC

steal one`s thunder

říct nebo udělat něco, co měl v úmyslu říct/udělat někdo jiný   blush

He stole my thunder when he announced that he was leaving the company before me. WebC

Paul McCartney has revealed that Robbie Williams stole his thunder with his collection of swing classics. WebC

Kelly must be a little relieved that, since Michael stole his thunder, he's no longer at the top of the most-wanted-artist list. WebC

steal the show

vypálit rybník, sklidit úspěch, strhnout veškerou pozornost na sebe   surprise

Beyonce is set to steal the show at this year's Brit Awards in a duet with US hip-hoppers Outkast. WebC

When she was on the stage, she could steal the show. WebC

Carmen Electra tried her best to steal the show. WebC

stony broke

na mizině    sad

I'm hungry, stony broke, I have to deal with French bankers and now I have to replace the bloody windscreen on my car. WebC

He's in trouble because he's stony broke and has lost his spell book. WebC

If you are stony broke and need to earn some cash then taking a year out could be the perfect solution. WebC 

sweet shop

cukrárna   kiss

A beautiful girl went into a sweet shop and asked for a box of chocolates. BNC

Mother kept a shop, a sweet shop, on  Eastwood, opposite where they eventually built the Eastwood Empire. WebC

His wife still runs a sweet shop in Buckinghamshire. WebC  


take a bath

být finančně zruinován   sad

Did he see a report that NZ Post’s super fund took a bath, and lost 15%, and that the medium performance for many other super funds was close to 0% gains.  WebC

Last years tour didn't sell well, took a bath and lost $$.  WebC

So 10% will get their money out and the other 90% will take a bath and lose 50% of their money or more. WebC

take a beating

přijít o peníze   sad

In the recent market fall, share price of Alstom took a beating and lost 19% from its 12m high of Rs 44.20. WebC

Finansbank shares took a beating and lost more than 13 percent in early morning trade. WebC

Going into October, the share price took a beating and lost almost 50% of its value. WebC

take someone to the cleaners

obrat někoho o všechny peníze, ošidit někoho    evil

He was taken to the cleaners when he decided to buy the series of books from the salesman. WebC

Twelve years ago I was severally wounded in a relationship which took me to the cleaners both emotionally and financially. WebC

My last wife took me to the cleaners when we got divorced.  WebC

take stock

dělat inventuru; bilancovat, zvážit situaci a možnosti

Take stock of your financial position, in particular reviewing your pension plans.

The main aim of the seminar was to take stock of the situation as regards equality at school and the changes in the overall context it belongs to.

Now's a great time to take stock and plan.

talk shop

hovořit  stále o svém zaměstnání (většinou nežádoucně) 

From time to time, taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other's work and publications. BNC

I don't like to talk shop when we have visitors. It's too boring. WMDI

Industry folk talk shop over spring rolls and eightballs at this high-end billiards club. WebC

the customer is always right

zákazník má vždy pravdu    big grin

The Customer Is Always Right - an attitude that can lead to failure in a business, but what is the alternative?  WebC

The Customer is Always Right - But are They Always Worth it?  WebC

It's a retail adage that the customer is always right, but consultants know that customers requiring IT services may not always be right.  WebC