utorok, 16 júla 2024, 16:10
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

back away

vycouvat, odstoupit

They were interested in buying a stake in the company but when they heard the police were investigating financial irregularities they decided to back away from the deal.

back sb/sth up

podpořit koho/co, stát za kým/čím, podržet koho
  • If you can back up your argument with facts, then the committee may agree with your proposal.
  • back up the staff

balance sheet

An itemized statement that lists the total assets and total liabilities of a given business to portray its net worth at a given moment in time.

účetní bilance, rozvaha

Under Article 48(5) of Act No. 6/1993 Coll. on the CNB, the Czech National Bank: "shall produce and publish every ten days a report on its financial position". This obligation is met by publishing a ten-day balance sheet on the CNB website and by providing it to all significant press agencies.

balance sth against sth

srovnávat, porovnávat co s čím
  • To get a true picture of the company´s position, all its income and capital must be balanced against its expeditures.

ballpark figure (rough)

přibližný odhad/údaje

Can anyone give just ballpark figures as I really have no clue at all.

bank charges

- money paid to a bank for the bank’s services etc

You'll pay some hefty bank charges if you go overdrawn without permission.

bank on sb/sth

počítat s kým/čím, stavět na kom
  • The company is banking on you to achieve a successful outcome to next week´s negotiations.



to declare bankruptcy


výhodná koupě, levný nákup

Get your dream house at a real bargain.

batch number

číslo série

Each batch of a material is identified by a unique batch number, under which it is managed.

be a hard act to follow

nasadiť latku vysoko

1.The new Chairman knows his predeccessor is a hard act to follow. CIDoI

2. Robert, reserves boss at the Oval for the previous six years, will be a hard act to follow, winning the league four times, including last season. BNC

3. His successor, Per Nielsen, comes with impressive credentials but as he will be well aware, he has a hard act to follow. BNC

be a license to to print money

byť zlatou baňou, ľahký spôsob ako prísť k peniazom

1. A patent is, after all, a licence to print money for fourteen years ; if your invention is a good one, that is. BNC

2. Franchising isn't a licence to print money. BNC

3. People see music publishing as a licence to print money, which, to an extent, it is. BNC

be ahead of the pack

mať nad niekým navrch

1. He likes to be one step ahead of the pack, getting there before others do. BNC

2. But even if the results are modest, the successful innovation aims from the beginning to become the standard setter, to determine the direction of a new technology or a new industry, to create the business that is; and remains; ahead of the pack. BNC

3. The fact we are not ahead of the pack at the moment is a help because everyone is not talking about us winning it. BNC

be all mouth (and no trousers)

mať veľa rečí a žiadne skutky

1. He knew his son was all mouth and trousers. BNC

2. She says she`ll complain to the manager but I think she`s all mouth. CIDoI

3. You`re all mouth and no trousers. Why don`t you just go over there and ask her out? CIDoI

be at a loose end

nemať nič na práci, nemať čo robiť

1. The reason we drink is we're at a loose end. BNC

2. From the novelist's journalism and notebooks and letters we glean the almost comically unresonant information that being at a loose end leads men to drunkenness and murder. BNC

3. She was between jobs, at a loose end, Camb had gathered, otherwise nothing would have induced her to accompany her parents. BNC

be big on something

o niečo sa veľmi zaujímať

1. Carol with proud dad John John is big on family. BNC

2. The magazine is big on research into what their readers want. CIDoI

3. He´s not big on self-anlysis - it´s no good asking him why he left her. CIDoI

be bored to death

nudiť sa na smrť

1. And I was sponsored to be bored to death by a friend, who talked to me non-stop for three hours. BNC

2. John Major must secretly have been pleased at the way last week's royal shocker deflected attention from the summit, the rest of us were just pleased to avoid being bored to death by this most tedious of Edinburgh festivals. BNC

3. He came out from refreshments, and we were all bored to death, waiting to go round again, flings his cape round his shoulder, took his helmet off, and started dancing down the road, throwing flower petals about. BNC

be bored to tears

nudiť sa na smrť

1. Oh I was bored to tears and I was eating whole time. BNC

2. Dana had embraced the dancing and singing lessons with fervour, but Claudia, trailing behind her sister, had been bored to tears by them, and after a time her father had put an end to what he'd seen as a waste of his money and Claudia's time. BNC

3. John was found a post as a shipping clerk in the Lace Market, but was soon bored to tears with this work. BNC 

be hard up

byť na mizine

1. As a result they may always be hard up without needing to be. BNC

2. Our Joe can't be hard up he does a job and it brings him thirty grand in. BNC

3. We`re a bit hard up at the moment so I can`t really afford a new coat. CIDoI

be home and dry

niečo je v suchu

1. Barcelona looked home and dry when going 2-0 up after 31 minutes but the Russians refused to surrender and scored three goals in 16 minutes either side of half-time. BNC

2. If you have any built-in cupboards or closets you are home and dry; literally; as far as storage is concerned. BNC

3. I`ve just got one more report to write and I`ll be home and dry. CIDoI

be in the land of nod


1. But if you quite like sleeping with the offending partner for other reasons, you'll need earplugs, a light where it disturbs nobody and a good book till the warm drink you've made for consolation lulls you back to the Land of Nod . BNC

2. Rex and Harpo/Chico were all nuzzled up in the land of nod, so I took myself over to the window to watch the sun rise over Presley City. BNC

3. Joe`s in the land of nod at last. CIDoI

be in the red

byť na to finančne zle

1. Many of the students were in the red at the end of their first year. CIDoI

2. On a weekend when the Rugby Union cleared more than £1 million from their international against South Africa at Twickenham, the players who attracted another full house are in the red. BNC


be in work

byť zamestnaný, mať prácu

1. It seems that if they're lucky enough to be in work, they can still command good salaries. BNC

2. As many people as feasible should be in work, but we should have an unemployment reserve in the economic battle when the economy expands. BNC

3. This module enables the student who is in work, or about to enter work, to acquire an understanding of his/her legal rights and obligation under a contract of employment. BNC

be left holding the baby

byť prinútený riešiť problém (aj za iných)

1. Seymour Cray has been left holding the baby at his struggling Colorado Springs-based Cray Computer Corp: Neil Davenport has resigned as president and chief executive, saying that Cray Computer had reached the point where it has appropriate resources to complete the Cray-3 so he is free to seek other opportunities --; but the company is still seeking its first firm customer for the supercomputer. BNC

2. Shearson was left holding the baby when the music stopped after the buyout: J H Whitney Co, leading the buyout, had persuaded Shearson to put up a bridging loan, and that it would easily be able to sell much of it on; in the event, the junk bond market collapsed and no-one wanted it. BNC

3. He abandoned the project after a year because he felt that it was going to fail and I was holding the baby. CIDoI

be no match for

nevyrovnať sa, mať menší vplyv

1. But without the answers to such questions faith may be no match for doubt. BNC

2. Health warnings are no match for the addictive power of cigarettes. CIDoI

3. Even the bravest of lambs is no match for a lion! BNC

be on a roll

mať úspešné obdobie

1. I'm on a roll at the moment I feel nice and good, well balanced and I'm stinging. BNC

2. United are on a roll right now. They`ve won thirteen games in a row. CIDoI

3. I think if you're on a roll you better go with the flow. BNC

be on the blink

byť pokazený

1. The fuel gauge had gone on the blink shortly after the start, but pulling in for a pit-stop would cost him precious seconds. BNC

2. And unfortunately, since she could actually hear the machine from the bedroom, it meant that the air-conditioning was on the blink once more! BNC

3. Suppose your new washing machine is on the blink; or your neighbour puts up a fence inside your boundary; or you trip over a paving stone and break your leg. BNC

be on the up

byť na vzostupe

1. It`s been a difficult year for our family, but things are on the up again now. CIDoI

2. Local initiative schemes have been set up and traders believe business confidence is on the up…BNC

3. Ten thousand people left the city last year and emigration is on the up. BNC

be on the up and up

byť na vzostupe

1. A gliding club which lost its home to a new car plant says business is on the up and up. BNC

2. Since the recession ended, our business has been on the up and up. CIDoI

3. Each article or book chapter counts for one point; each book counts for ten; and the productivity trend, needless to say, is on the up and up. BNC

be one step ahead

byť o krok vpred

1. His working methods were very different from those of Graham Rowell and she found she was constantly on her toes to try and keep one step ahead of him in anticipating what he would want next. BNC

2. I try to keep one step ahead of the rest of the staff, making sure that there's a continuity of work for them, and I like to try to mix their work as much as possible. BNC

3. Foxes have the intelligence to remain one step ahead of trouble. BNC

be one up on

byť vo výhode

1. We're one up on the men's team. BNC

2. The thought that she was the one with a boyfriend with a car made her feel very important, she was one up on Paula for a change! BNC

3. We`re one up on the other bars in the area because we`ve got live music. CIDoI

be out of pocket

byť bez peňazí

1. Many voluntary organisations are providing care but leaving themselves out of pocket. BNC

2. In most cases, you will be entitled to some financial assistance if you will be out of pocket. BNC

3. The charge generally ensures that the Legal Aid Board is not out of pocket. BNC

be out of work

byť nezamestnaný

1. Workers at a Merseyide firm were today coming to terms with the news that they will be out of work in the New Year. BNC

2. But even by Stella's reckoning there are a lot of people who know exactly what it is like to be out of work and with little hope of finding a job. BNC

3.  I went home and reported this to mum who explained to me that the fire meant that a lot of people would now be out of work until the Laundry was rebuilt. BNC

be raring to do something

byť nedočkavý, dychtivý niečo urobiť

1. At three in the morning he was still wide awake and raring to go. CIDoI

2. Gazza will make his debut in Italian soccer for his new team Lazio within the next eight days, and is raring to go for club and country. BNC

3. But what is certain is that when the new campaign kicks-off on August 14, Rushie will be raring to go. BNC

be riding high

byť veľmi úspešný

1. If the fashion pundits are to be believed, this Wild West look will be riding high on the beach next summer. BNC

2. America is riding high on a wave of post-Gulf confidence, but one part of the country is still missing out: the poverty-ridden ghettos where millions of black Americans live. BNC

3. When most people of her age are just setting their first tentative steps on the bottom rung of life's ladder, Radio One's most successful, and, it must be said, best-looking; female disc jockey is riding high. BNC

be snowed under

byť zavalený (prácou)

1. I found myself snowed under from the start. BNC

2. She wants me to take some time off but I`m snowed under with work at the moment. CIDoI

3. I'm snowed under with work and I've taken too much time off to be with you. BNC

be streets ahead

mať navrch, byť lepší

1. As pure driving machines, there is no real comparison; the Mercedes is streets ahead. BNC

2. It's also an opportunity to say that the US supermarket papers are streets ahead when it comes to headline writing. BNC

3. Its disciplined four-year plans, they say, are streets ahead of the budgeting in most other government bodies. BNC

be stuck in a rut

upadnúť do rutiny

1. He was concerned that they were getting stuck in a rut and that he was not getting much creative thinking, though his company needed innovation for survival. BNC

2. A view emerged that the EC was stuck in a rut, and was losing its vision and direction. BNC

3. It`s clear the economy is still stuck in a rut. CIDoI

be the brains behind

stáť za niečím, byť v pozadí (organizátor)

1. There could be one or more brains behind the killing but whoever struck the blow, albeit a henchman, was Kingsmarkham born and bred. BNC

2. While such graphic interpretations of how Hendrix and his music influenced artists of the '60s were important, the brains behind the exhibition felt that the man was too big an icon to remain stuck in the past. BNC

3. Peter Rogers and Gerald Thomas, the brains behind all 30 of the Carry On films, remember Carry On Camping as one of their funniest and most successful pictures. BNC

be well up on

vyznať sa v niečom

1. I'm not very well up on dinosaurs. BNC

2. Not only are they one of the best campaigning organisations around, keeping the welfare of British birds well up on the conservation agenda, their quarterly magazine is full of interesting information on different species as well as tips on the best places to go. BNC

3. I`m not very well up on Ancient Greek history. CIDoI

bide one's time

využiť čas

1. Bide your time, be patient and take the opportunity to think through an ambitious aim. BNC

2. Unfortunately you now appear to be experiencing a rather peculiar phase in which nothing seems to go according to plan and all you can do is bide your time and wait for others to come to their senses. BNC

3. Be patient, tolerant and bide your time. BNC



"...a binding decission..."

bite off more than you can chew

naložiť si viacej práce, než sa dá zvládnuť

1. I thought I could finish this report within a month, but I bit off more than I could chew. Google

2. I went skiing last weekend and I went down the most difficult hill first. I bit off more than I could chew. Google

3. I want you to think carefully about how many people you need for this project. Be sure not to bite off more than you can chew. Google

black economy

práce placená v hotovosti na ruku ("nepřiznané peníze")

business activity and income which people do not record in order to avoid paying tax on it

The recent cocklers’ tragedy at Morecambe Bay is just the tip of the iceberg of a black economy that goes far beyond illegal immigrants.

blind date

rande na slepo

1. Once seated , Denice tells us she 's only been on a blind date once before , and that was years ago. WASPS

2. Elham , whom he met on a Beirut blind date, and for whom he converted to Islam, is more blunt. WASPS

3. I agreed to go on a blind dat with one of Savita`s ex-boyfriends. CIDoI

blue collar job

Manual job, requiring physical strenth and stamina rather than intellect


robotník, robotnícky

1. Unions have accepted automation since there has been a shortage of blue-collar labour and, in any case, large firms guarantee most jobs (for men) until retiring age. BNC

2. The numbers of blue-collar foreigners are estimated to have increased five-fold last year and Justice Ministry officials say, privately, that there are close to half a million "illegals" in a nation of 120 million people. BNC

3. The largest section of blue-collar workers, those on grade three, are presently paid £215.31 basic plus an attendance supplement of £8.49. BNC


bogus (faked) - padělaný, nekrytý podvod

He gave us a bogus check, we have been deceived!



This year business is booming, so we can increase our investments.

bore the pants off

unudiť k smrti

1. Now, and while anxious not to bore the pants off either of my faithful readers, I feel bound to return to and to expand upon the theme as a result of what I consider to be a truly appalling piece of recent news. BNC

2. That movie will bore the pants off you. It lasts for five hours and
nothing happens - people talk about love and death and flowers. That's it! Google

3. I hate sunbathing It bores the pants off me. CIDoI


branch - odvětví

There are many other branches under the heading of the term industry.



breach of a contract, law...

break even

krýt režijní náklady

The company didn't make money nor lose money during the last month. They just broke even.


If you plan to give a gift, always give it to the company. A gift to one person is considered a bribe. (Singapore)

bring home the bacon

zarábať na živobytie

1.  I felt a responsibility to take care of my child . That was the motivation to bring home the bacon. WASPS

2. You don't have to be high tech, even in a high tech industry, to bring home the bacon. BNC

3. Get up a bit earlier and try a bit harder To bring home the bacon for the larder. WASPS

bring out the best in

z niekoho dostať to najlepšie

1. Giles had a remarkable ability to bring out the best in his students and juniors, and by conveying his faith in them he gave them faith in themselves. BNC

2. This approach places a great burden on parents, since it requires tolerance and endless patience; but it can bring out the best in the child. BNC

3. Crises are supposed to bring out the best in people. BNC

bring sth up

upozornit na co, začít hovořit o čem, nadhodit co

I remember that during our last meeting you brought up your plan for a new marketing strategy - would you mind giving me a little more detail, please?

bring the house down

zabaviť obecenstvo

1. Plant says the act'll bring the house down. BNC

2. McCoist, meanwhile, will attempt to reach the milestone of his 50th goal of the season with a plea to the Rangers fans to bring the house down. BNC

3. The clown sang a duet with the talking horse, which brought the house down every night. CIDoI



We need to increase our budget for the new product.

burn the candle at both ends


1. She`d been burning the candle at both ends studying for her exams and made herself ill. CIDoI

2. But as you are determined to live it up and have a good time, you must watch your health and try not to burn the candle at both ends. BNC

3. So get back to work, stream down those torch beams, work overtime, burn the candle at both ends, slog on when I'm asleep, and remember, I'm supporting you. BNC

burn the midnight oil

pracovať dlho do noci

1. You'll burn the midnight oil just to earn a crust. BNC

2. To become a doctor, you have to burn the midnight oil. Google

3. I`ve got to get this report finished by tomorrow so I guess I`ll be burning the midnight oil tonight. CIDoI

business as usual

všetko po starom

1. Despite the political reforms, many members of the security forces are carrying on business as usual. BNC

2. But the appearance of stately progress masks frenetic activity below the surface as officials try to ensure business as usual once the votes are counted. BNC

3. Therefore it seems clear that the real issue is neither closure nor business as usual. BNC

business card


Morrison says she has seen American executives look at business cards from Latin American clients and not realize that a Hispanic father's surname is listed first, followed by the mother's.

business is business

práca je práca, práca nepočká

1. However, business is business and pleasure is pleasure. BNC

2. But business is business wherever you are. BNC

3. But she has this threatening jacket, a dark linen one which she can pop on over the Lycra, and it has big shoulders and big assertive buttons and nips in at the waist, and this means, "Fun I may be, but business is business and I will rip your arms and legs off in the boardroom if you let me." BNC

business partner

obchodní partner

We work for lasting relationships with our business partners.

bussiness conditions (trade terms)

obchodní podmínky

Before you sign the contract, make sure you go through the trade terms carefully.

bust a gut

veľmi sa snažiť

1.  I don't know if you know what it is to work every day as if your life depended on it, to work until you feel you are going to bust a gut, until you want to cry or howl at yourself because your own body is so stubborn. BNC

2. We did bust a gut on the report and we naively hoped it would be decided upon sooner. BNC

3. I really bust a gut to get that report finished on time. CIDoI


kupec, nákupčí

She works as a buyer for Marks & Spencer.