tirsdag, 16. juli 2024, 15:28
Portal: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

be big on something

o niečo sa veľmi zaujímať

1. Carol with proud dad John John is big on family. BNC

2. The magazine is big on research into what their readers want. CIDoI

3. He´s not big on self-anlysis - it´s no good asking him why he left her. CIDoI

be bored to death

nudiť sa na smrť

1. And I was sponsored to be bored to death by a friend, who talked to me non-stop for three hours. BNC

2. John Major must secretly have been pleased at the way last week's royal shocker deflected attention from the summit, the rest of us were just pleased to avoid being bored to death by this most tedious of Edinburgh festivals. BNC

3. He came out from refreshments, and we were all bored to death, waiting to go round again, flings his cape round his shoulder, took his helmet off, and started dancing down the road, throwing flower petals about. BNC

be bored to tears

nudiť sa na smrť

1. Oh I was bored to tears and I was eating whole time. BNC

2. Dana had embraced the dancing and singing lessons with fervour, but Claudia, trailing behind her sister, had been bored to tears by them, and after a time her father had put an end to what he'd seen as a waste of his money and Claudia's time. BNC

3. John was found a post as a shipping clerk in the Lace Market, but was soon bored to tears with this work. BNC 

be hard up

byť na mizine

1. As a result they may always be hard up without needing to be. BNC

2. Our Joe can't be hard up he does a job and it brings him thirty grand in. BNC

3. We`re a bit hard up at the moment so I can`t really afford a new coat. CIDoI

be home and dry

niečo je v suchu

1. Barcelona looked home and dry when going 2-0 up after 31 minutes but the Russians refused to surrender and scored three goals in 16 minutes either side of half-time. BNC

2. If you have any built-in cupboards or closets you are home and dry; literally; as far as storage is concerned. BNC

3. I`ve just got one more report to write and I`ll be home and dry. CIDoI

be in the land of nod


1. But if you quite like sleeping with the offending partner for other reasons, you'll need earplugs, a light where it disturbs nobody and a good book till the warm drink you've made for consolation lulls you back to the Land of Nod . BNC

2. Rex and Harpo/Chico were all nuzzled up in the land of nod, so I took myself over to the window to watch the sun rise over Presley City. BNC

3. Joe`s in the land of nod at last. CIDoI

be in the red

byť na to finančne zle

1. Many of the students were in the red at the end of their first year. CIDoI

2. On a weekend when the Rugby Union cleared more than £1 million from their international against South Africa at Twickenham, the players who attracted another full house are in the red. BNC


be in work

byť zamestnaný, mať prácu

1. It seems that if they're lucky enough to be in work, they can still command good salaries. BNC

2. As many people as feasible should be in work, but we should have an unemployment reserve in the economic battle when the economy expands. BNC

3. This module enables the student who is in work, or about to enter work, to acquire an understanding of his/her legal rights and obligation under a contract of employment. BNC

be left holding the baby

byť prinútený riešiť problém (aj za iných)

1. Seymour Cray has been left holding the baby at his struggling Colorado Springs-based Cray Computer Corp: Neil Davenport has resigned as president and chief executive, saying that Cray Computer had reached the point where it has appropriate resources to complete the Cray-3 so he is free to seek other opportunities --; but the company is still seeking its first firm customer for the supercomputer. BNC

2. Shearson was left holding the baby when the music stopped after the buyout: J H Whitney Co, leading the buyout, had persuaded Shearson to put up a bridging loan, and that it would easily be able to sell much of it on; in the event, the junk bond market collapsed and no-one wanted it. BNC

3. He abandoned the project after a year because he felt that it was going to fail and I was holding the baby. CIDoI

be no match for

nevyrovnať sa, mať menší vplyv

1. But without the answers to such questions faith may be no match for doubt. BNC

2. Health warnings are no match for the addictive power of cigarettes. CIDoI

3. Even the bravest of lambs is no match for a lion! BNC

be on a roll

mať úspešné obdobie

1. I'm on a roll at the moment I feel nice and good, well balanced and I'm stinging. BNC

2. United are on a roll right now. They`ve won thirteen games in a row. CIDoI

3. I think if you're on a roll you better go with the flow. BNC

be on the blink

byť pokazený

1. The fuel gauge had gone on the blink shortly after the start, but pulling in for a pit-stop would cost him precious seconds. BNC

2. And unfortunately, since she could actually hear the machine from the bedroom, it meant that the air-conditioning was on the blink once more! BNC

3. Suppose your new washing machine is on the blink; or your neighbour puts up a fence inside your boundary; or you trip over a paving stone and break your leg. BNC

be on the up

byť na vzostupe

1. It`s been a difficult year for our family, but things are on the up again now. CIDoI

2. Local initiative schemes have been set up and traders believe business confidence is on the up…BNC

3. Ten thousand people left the city last year and emigration is on the up. BNC

be on the up and up

byť na vzostupe

1. A gliding club which lost its home to a new car plant says business is on the up and up. BNC

2. Since the recession ended, our business has been on the up and up. CIDoI

3. Each article or book chapter counts for one point; each book counts for ten; and the productivity trend, needless to say, is on the up and up. BNC

be one step ahead

byť o krok vpred

1. His working methods were very different from those of Graham Rowell and she found she was constantly on her toes to try and keep one step ahead of him in anticipating what he would want next. BNC

2. I try to keep one step ahead of the rest of the staff, making sure that there's a continuity of work for them, and I like to try to mix their work as much as possible. BNC

3. Foxes have the intelligence to remain one step ahead of trouble. BNC