terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024 às 15:48
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossário: WORK & LEISURE

burn the midnight oil

pracovať dlho do noci

1. You'll burn the midnight oil just to earn a crust. BNC

2. To become a doctor, you have to burn the midnight oil. Google

3. I`ve got to get this report finished by tomorrow so I guess I`ll be burning the midnight oil tonight. CIDoI

business as usual

všetko po starom

1. Despite the political reforms, many members of the security forces are carrying on business as usual. BNC

2. But the appearance of stately progress masks frenetic activity below the surface as officials try to ensure business as usual once the votes are counted. BNC

3. Therefore it seems clear that the real issue is neither closure nor business as usual. BNC

business card


Morrison says she has seen American executives look at business cards from Latin American clients and not realize that a Hispanic father's surname is listed first, followed by the mother's.

business is business

práca je práca, práca nepočká

1. However, business is business and pleasure is pleasure. BNC

2. But business is business wherever you are. BNC

3. But she has this threatening jacket, a dark linen one which she can pop on over the Lycra, and it has big shoulders and big assertive buttons and nips in at the waist, and this means, "Fun I may be, but business is business and I will rip your arms and legs off in the boardroom if you let me." BNC

business partner

obchodní partner

We work for lasting relationships with our business partners.

bussiness conditions (trade terms)

obchodní podmínky

Before you sign the contract, make sure you go through the trade terms carefully.

bust a gut

veľmi sa snažiť

1.  I don't know if you know what it is to work every day as if your life depended on it, to work until you feel you are going to bust a gut, until you want to cry or howl at yourself because your own body is so stubborn. BNC

2. We did bust a gut on the report and we naively hoped it would be decided upon sooner. BNC

3. I really bust a gut to get that report finished on time. CIDoI


kupec, nákupčí

She works as a buyer for Marks & Spencer.