úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.37
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: MONEY

be back to square one

být zase na začátku

'It is shocking .We are back to square one , ' said a senior official at Jordan 's Foreign Ministry. BNCB

I was absolutely devastated. It was back to square one : telly 24 hours a day. BNCB

Rejected at that level, he was back to square one , at a disadvantage. BNCB

bet one's bottom dollar

vsadit poslední peníz

I can tell you I've no intention of letting her slip away from me, and I'll bet my bottom dollar she's not going, either. (BNCB)

You can bet your sweet bottom dollar that more prominent businesses receive even more spam than I do. (Google)

I'm getting my pictures developed tomorrow, but you can bet your goddamn bottom dollar I'm not putting them on a disc. (Google)

bone of contention

jablko sváru

This was another bone of contention with Adeane . BNCB

The real bone of contention -- as if you didn't know -- is money. BNCB

Mr Zhao 's fate, and by association his legacy, have become a big bone of contention in the leadership. BNCB

bring home the bacon

(u)živit rodinu

1. I can't sit around all day - someone's got to bring home the bacon.(Cambridge)

2. FC Copenhagen will have identical twins hoping to bring home the bacon when the Danes

come to town for Thursday's European Cup encounter. (JustTheWord)

3. Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon.(Google)

buy something for a song

koupit něco za babku

You can buy them for a song (as it were), slip them into your computer’s CD writer, and burn your own music mixes in a matter of minutes. (Google)
Along with former city planner Edmund Bacon, Mr. Peterson attracted well-heeled friends to buy property for a song in the area. (Google)
Dick introduced us all to the Black Elks Club, a place where you could buy hot jewelry for a song. (Google)