úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.30
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: Communication

baby talk

řeč dětí, když se učí mluvit; nebo dospělých k nim

What are some common baby talk terms in your language? I'm interested in the ways the words are modified to make them into diminutives. (Google)

Parents can decipher the baby talk well. They know their baby well, and understand what the baby communicates. (Google)

Some parents are especially good at baby talk. Are their babies better off? (Google)

bark up the wrong tree

plakat na nesprávném hrobě

Nudists barking up the wrong tree: The right to bare all at Little Congwong continues to generate debate as naturists seek support from a higher power.(Google)

(A newspaper headline) Bush barking up the wrong tree over oil. (Google)

To call on all Filipinos to be united is to bark up the wrong tree. It is clearly the wrong call on the wrong sector of Philippine society. (Google)

be all mouth

vést plané řeči

Good public relations operators are not all mouth; they are also very good ears. (NBC)

Obama is all mouth. I think he is more interested in hearing himself talk, Hillary Clinton can and will do much more than his words could ever say. (Google)

For me, he is all mouth. He looks aggressive, but he is as scary as a kitten. (Google)

be at a loss for words

nevědět, co říct

Have you ever seen a piece of art, and found yourself at a loss for words as to how to comment on it? (Google)

After all, with a full repertoire of cliches at their fingertips, rhetoricians will never be at a loss for words. (Google)

Lazy, busy, or just at a loss for words? Oh, I don't even know. I want to say more but life is so overwhelming lately. I hardly know where to start! (Google)

be called/brought to account

ísť na koberec

What concerns us most is that the people responsible for the violence should be brought to account.(Google)

The market should expect open and honest reporting as a matter of right and those who fall below the required standard should be brought to account, said the Governor. (BNC)

But I have a little plan as to how he may be brought to account. (BNC)

be on about

rozprávať o, dlho vykladať o

Taff kept on talking, but I did not hear what he was on about. (BNC)

She's been on about the Brownies ever since she was seven, the age at which Granny says girls can join. (BNC)

Although remembered, at the time, I had no idea what Uncle Fred was on about. (BNC)

be talking at cross purposes

mluvit každý o něčem jiném, jeden mluví o voze a druhý o koze

One way out of such unhelpful cross-purpose communications is for workplace counsellors to make clear what aspect they are going to start talking about and how other aspects of the topic will be addressed. (Googlebooks)

Otherwise, information in the medical dialogue can be reduced to "two parallel monologues" in which patient and physician are both talking at cross-purposes and in two different languages. (Googlebooks)

I'm not sure that I'm answering your question, or just talking at cross-purposes. (Google)

before one can say Jack Robinson

než bys řekl švec

After a while, we switched to stronger drugs. Our thinking, our principles, and our goals have changed...
Before one can say 'Jack Robinson,' I became a goner. (google)

This product has all of the positive attributes of single-ended gear with the added bonus of a low end that does not roll-off before one can say "Jack Robinson". (Google)

Before one can say Jack Robinson the steward has the ordered dish on the wooden table. (Google)

beside the point


Accordingly I ought to be able to say that at this stage his comments seem to me beside the point, or more exactly in excess of it. (BNC)

That I myself was hardly any more mature than he, was beside the point. (BNC)

She's just part of your job, and whatever she might feel for anyone else is beside the point. (BNC)

bitch about

sťažovať sa, nadávať na

She's such a miserable type and always bitching about her friends. I know, she hasn't got a good word to say about anybody. (Google)

You can rely on her to bitch about her boss at every available opportunity. (Google)

Catch a man bitching about healthhazards and conditions and going out on strike over no papertowels in the toilet or nagging over the lack of day nursery facilities. (BNC)