Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 13:49
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

back street

boční, vedlejší ulice

1.  I loved this place. It is hidden away in a back street behind 2 huge double doors, which means you have no idea what to expect when walking in. WebC

2. We'd read of a restaurant called Osteria della Art, and after a few false starts, found it tucked away in a back street. WebC

3. They've taken an old public-house in a back street, and they've scooped it out until hardly anything else is left but the pillars that hold up the roof. WebC

background research

příprava, shromažďování informací

1. In creating the replica pavement, Mr Bob Woodward, a builder by trade, has undrtaken such thorough background research that he is now regarded as a leading international expert on Roman mosaics. BNCB

2. In addition to carrying out background research on the purchaser and its principal markets, preliminary consideration should be given to how to tailor MAS and KPMG services to best meet client needs. BNCB

3. Instead I have included these topics which were raised most consistently by returners as a potential source of worry or concern, culled from my own background research for learning materials aimed at returning nurses and health visitors. BNCB

backward areas

zaostalé, nerozvinuté oblasti

1. One central question is, do backward areas really need special treatment? WebC

2. For a long time since independence, our planners focused on motivating industry to locate in backward areas by granting tax concessions. WebC

3. The so-called backward areas of the world have a total population of more than one billion persons. WebC

become desensitised (by)

mít sníženou citlivost (následkem)

1. They have become desensitised to extreme violence through fictional genres and what they see on televeision. Times

2. There is also a concern about lowering the threshold above which we find that people become desensitised. Times

3. In addition to this, our obsession with cleaning has given us less opportunity to become desensitised to everyday dirt and dust. WebC

blind alley

slepá ulička

1. Without the strength of the organized labour movement our protests will soon end up in a blind alley. WebC

2. Located in a blind alley, the complex of 25 apartments escapes the public eye. WebC

3. During the first decades of this century research concerning animal behaviour was on its way to be stuck in a blind alley. WebC

bloody rivalry

krvavé soupeření

1. To cut a long legend short, it's about the bloody rivalry between two branches of a Hindu royal family - the five Pandava brothers, who all marry the same princess, and the 100 Kaurava brothers. BNCB

2. Thursday marks the official start of celebrations of the 100th anniversary for the Entente Cordiale, the agreement signed by France and Britain to end centuries of bloody rivalry. WebC

3. By now, there is no question that the FBI fueled the bloody rivalry between the Panthers and United Slaves. WebC

botanical gardens

botanická zahrada

1. As scientific research becomes more genetics-based, collections in botanical gardens can become an amazing palette of research material for scientists. WebC

2. The experts will now travel about and evaluate collections of plants in botanical gardens and nurseries in a quest to add more choice plants to the list. WebC

3. By extension, there are some plants maintained in botanical gardens that now grow nowhere else, either because of natural changes or because of human actions. WebC

bounce off

odrážet se

1. The sound waves bounce off objects in their path and are reflected back to the dolphin where they are channelled through oil-filled sinuses in the lower jaw to the inner ear. BNCB

2. Her naturally loud voice seemed to bounce off the walls. BNCB

3. We can watch the lightning bounce off the sea if we're lucky. BNCB

Bronze Age

doba bronzová

1. The discovery of quantities of Late Bronze Age metalwork enabled the excavators to place the site in its chronological context. WebC

2. In Iran, an archaeologist is racing to uncover a literate Bronze Age society he believes predates ancient Mesopotamia. WebC

3. The Bronze Age is a period between the Stone and Iron ages, characterized by the manufacture and use of bronze tools and weapons. WebC

build an organ

postavit varhany

1. The age of organ-building goes back at least to Louis the Pious, for whom a Venetian priest called George built an organ at Aachen in 826. BNCB

2. Very musical and with fine voice, in his youth he had built an organ in an outhouse of his father's premises. BNCB

3. When he was 13 he began to build an organ on his own initiative, and
the family soon realized that the boy had to enter the trade. WebC

building of historical significance

historicky významná stavba

1. The final building of historical significance on site is a one-room schoolhouse built in the 1870s. WebC

2.  Because Hightower is over 50 years old, it classifies as a building of historical significance. WebC

3. Just recently a building of historical significance built by black people, was torn down to make room for the Clinton Presidential Library. WebC

built-up area

zastavěný prostor

1. More than half of the City's built-up area was developed before World War II, nearly a quarter before the First World War. WebC

2. From there the boundary proceeds southwards leaving the built up area of Saliha in the Arab State, to join the southernmost point of this village. WebC

3. The sports hall will have a built-up area of about 110.000 m2 and include a central basement, three floors and a steel roof. WebC

burgher's house

měšťanský dům

1. It is what used to be a burgher's house, the origin of this house dates back to the 15th century. WebC

2. The homey setting of a Flemish burgher's house emphasises the rising influence of the mercantile class while the extensive use of symbolism indicates that the Master of Flémalle was either himself a man of extensive learning or had contact with scholars and theologians.  WebC

3. This small, family run hotel with supremely friendly staff is located in a former burgher's house in Malá Strana, a convenient spot for sightseeing. WebC