úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.59
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL

baggage reclaim

vyzvedávání zavazadel po přistání letadla

 The alterations in progress when we were last at Fornebu, Oslo's airport, are now completed and we follow the new sign to baggage reclaim. BNC

 There is hi-tech glass and lighting, cute little passport kiosks and a tapered rubber ramp to baggage reclaim. BNC

bald tyres

sjeté pneumatiky

And when a police officer went to examine the Nissan Cherry he discovered that it had two bald tyres. BNC

There was no evidence to show that driving with excess alcohol or with two bald tyres had caused the accident. WebC

Basically the entire primary school was in jeopardy because the school bus was running on bald tyres. WebC

be (fully) booked up

být (plně) obsazený

Both of the safari buses were booked up solid for the month after that. BNC

The shuttle flights from Edinburgh to London were booked up right through until eleven that evening.  BNC

Restaurants at the weekend appear to be fully booked up with locals and tourists alike and it can be difficult to find a decent place to eat by just taking your chances. WebC 

be in the same boat

být na jedné lodi, ve stejně obtížné situaci, mít stejné problémy

She's always complaining that she doesn't have enough money, but we're all in the same boat. CALD

We’re all in the same boat, so let’s not criticize each other. MED

It is always nice to be introduced to these meetings because although we are all in the same boat, it's still a bit daunting walking into a strangers house. BNC

be knocked down by a car

být sražen autem

Someone came to tell her that her twelve-year-old son Paul had been knocked down by a car on the way home from a friend's house and taken to the local hospital. BNC

Two traffic wardens have been knocked down by a car after questioning the driver about a photocopied tax disc. BNC

A six-year-old girl was in hospital last night after being knocked down by a car in Raby Road, Hartlepool. BNC

be on the move

být na cestách, cestovat

We're going to be on the move all next week, but we'll call you when we get to Edinburgh. CALD

As chief executive of Norton and Yeovil-based Advanced Material Systems Ltd , MacDonald is always on the move between his two offices and the country village of Irthington , Cumbria , where he lives with his wife and children. WASPS

 It 's difficult to contact him , because he 's always on the move. WASPS

be on the right track

být na dobré/správné cestě

These results suggest that we are on the right track. CALD

It is strongly advisable that, before you start to give directions, you have at least a few lessons from a trained Alexander teacher to make sure you are on the right track. BNC

 Their idea seemed to be on the right track but the quantities of helium were never going to fill an airship. BNC

be on the road

být na cestách, být na turné

Most rock groups spend two or three months a year on the road.CALD

We’ve been on the road now for five hours. MED

be on the road to stg. (f.e. success)

být na cestě k/za něčím (např. k úspěchu) 

The doctors say she's on the road to recovery. CALD

English is the key to opportunity in this country, and the first step on the road to success begins in the classroom. WebC

The series is geared towards the needs of amateur painters starting out on the road to success. BNC

be on the wrong track

být na špatné cestě k něčemu, za něčím, mýlit se

Any delay in arriving at a solution will be due not to our being on the wrong track but simply to the enormous complexity of the problem. BNC

I'm not saying Eddie's incapable of violence but in this case I think you're on the wrong track. BNC

However, a number of recent Granholm administration actions threaten
to put Michigan on the wrong track in terms of improving our economic
vitality. WebC

be refused a visa

nedostat vízum

 In December 1988 controversy ensued when Yassir Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, was refused a visa to go to America and address the United Nations in New York. BNC

Norway's ambassador to Myanma (based in Singapore) was refused a visa to visit the country to try to persuade the government to allow her to receive the prize in Oslo in December. BNC

be under way

být v pohybu, být na cestě, probíhat

An investigation is under way into an gas explosion at a block of flats in Dagenham, east London, in which a man died. BNC

A congressional study is under way to see whether any of America's antitrust laws are being breached. BNC

You will probably find that once the interview is under way you will start to relax. BNC

be walking on air

vznášet se, být v sedmém nebi

And Mr. A. P. Spencer, earnest pupil of his son, Hugh, is walking on air because his 12-year-old is the newly acclaimed "Champee" of the Noble road district. WebC

Todd is a little more apprehensive, but Blair feels as if she is walking on air. WebC

Katie is walking on air and talking about how great it it is to grab the bars. WebC

be well-travelled

být zcestovalý

They're a well-travelled couple.CALD

This recipe was given to me by a well-travelled customer on her return from the USA. BNC

William Titford's elder and younger brothers were each well-travelled in their own ways: Benjamin James had settled in Somerset soon after his brief spell in Cheltenham, and Charles Frederick was to see more of the world than almost any Titford before or since. BNC

be/feel seasick

mít mořskou nemoc

I was/felt seasick, so I went up on deck for some fresh air.CALD

The crossing took almost a week and those team members who were not seasick practised hitting shots on board, timing their swings with the roll of the ship. BNC

Mendelssohn was seasick both ways on the trip by boat from Glasgow to Staffa. BNC