вторник, 16 июля 2024, 16:09
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Глоссарий: TRAVEL

bumpy road

nerovná vozovka, kodrcavá cesta

We drove along a narrow, bumpy road. CALD

She felt quite sick and dizzy from the long drive over the bumpy road.  BNC

But as you leave the resort metropolis - once a tiny fishing village - and take the bumpy roads through the sub-tropical jungle , American standards are left far behind and real Mexico tilts a lazy sombrero in your direction . WASPS

burn one´s boats

spálit za sebou mosty

He has decided to burn his boats, cancel the contract and to move back home. WebC

It is said of William the Conqueror that one of the first things he did on landing in Britain was to burn his boats. WebC 

She was acutely aware that she had burnt her boats. BNC

bus/coach station

autobusové nádraží

She got to the bus station, stood up straight and went out to the ticket counter. BNC

The night I went up the bus wasn't due to leave until 11 PM, so I left my luggage with the bus station and went for a meal. BNC

 If a new bus station is built next to Waverley Station to replace St Andrews Sq (which seems a good idea), coaches could then use South Bridge as the main route out to the south BNC

business class

první třída v letadle

Do you usually travel business class? CALD

The difference in fares relates to restrictions on booking and travel times, but all business class travellers will receive the same standard of service whatever price ticket they buy. BNC

The premium for business class is almost exclusively in return for more comfort, not for a faster flight. WebC

business trip

obchodní cesta

Although this incredible business trip made the young Venetian merchant the most famous of all business travellers he was not the first to trade with China. BNC

We provide every member of Business Direct with a travel assistance package that you can use any time you are travelling on a business trip arranged through the scheme. BNC

For example, a salesman on a business trip may carry some extra cash with him, not for expected transactions, but to guard against any unforeseen contingencies, such as his car breaking down, or the possibility of his coming across a cash bargain. BNC